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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 35

by LJ Andrews

  “Hey,” she said, the surprise evident in her voice. “What’s wrong?” He didn’t reply he just stalked away and signaled the elevator. “Killian?” He heard her final attempt to reach him as the steel doors closed on him.

  Killian burst through his bedroom door an hour later. He’d wandered the halls of the Praetorium, reciting in his mind why he had a right to be angry. He climbed several of the terrain shifting walls in the athletic field before working up such a sweat he knew he needed to clean himself up.

  He kicked his steel wastebasket and it clanged loudly against his large wooden dresser. The noise rattled his senses and he felt a little embarrassed at his outburst. Quickly, he pulled off his sweaty uniform and engulfed himself in the impressive shower. The water poured from all sides of the tile box, even over the top of his feet from lower waterfalls. It relaxed him, and the scent of jasmine flower filled the bathroom. Each day a scent was placed in the water, and it was always invigorating.

  After another hour in the never cooling water he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his bedroom. The cinnamon-haired woman sitting on his bed caused him to grip the post of the bathroom doorframe and hold his breath in surprise.

  “Hello Killian, my how you’ve grown.”

  He didn’t have to ask who she was, he knew. Her brilliant hair and cheerful eyes gave her away. Rhetta, the grandmother who’d run with him when he was a child was now sitting in his room.

  “What…what are you doing here?” he stammered, suddenly embarrassed he was naked. He grabbed a pair of sweats on top of his bed and rushed back into the bathroom afraid she would disappear if he was gone too long. When he walked back out Rhetta was still there.

  “I don’t have much time,” Rhetta said walking toward him.

  “I’ve seen you before,” he blurted out.

  She nodded. “I’ve tried to stay as close as I can. Killian I can’t say much, but I must tell you a storm is coming.”

  “Do you know who is behind everything? Please tell me.”

  Rhetta shook her head, but didn’t answer his question. “When you go to Glaciem, I know they’re sending you, fulfill your task but you must come back when you hear the five tolls of the gong in the high tower of the palace. If you tarry long after it may be too late.”

  “What? If you know something is going to happen tell me and we will stop it!” he cried. His stomach dropped as Rhetta pulled a deep blue cloak over her shoulders and hooded her face. “Wait, where are you going?”

  “I can’t stay, it would turn to disaster if I did and unhinge years of planning.”

  “Planning for what?” he pleaded, though as he glanced over her thick cloak a memory flooded his mind. “Wait, you’ve been in my room before…before Peridus that was you who left the note!”

  Rhetta removed her hood and nodded. “You have many who love you and are still looking out for you. Be prepared Killian the battle is closer than you think. Be wise, we will be ready to be here for you.”

  “We? Wait, Rhetta don’t leave.” His pleas were vain. Rhetta gave him a soft, sad smile before returning her hood over her face and disappearing out the window leaving him alone, with more questions than he’d ever had.

  Chapter 7

  Blake’s Tale

  The point of the sleek, steel spear ripped through the material coating a shapeless target. Killian had entered the athletic field early that morning, the fact was he’d never gone to sleep. Thoughts and questions of Rhetta’s visit bobbed around his mind, and he needed to release his building anxiety.

  He summoned the spear mentally, he’d mastered the technique several weeks earlier. Killian wasn’t sure if it was Infinium that summoned the weapon or if he’d formed a deep enough connection with his spear it simply obeyed him as a servant would its master. Dax could recall his arrows from his bow the connection went so deep. Lately, Killian felt a stronger pull from his spear that it wanted to achieve for him.

  Hurling the rod once again it hit the target with such force the stand toppled and the material covering the metal ripped in two. Killian cursed in his mind, though he didn’t know why. Usually such a throw would have pleased him, but with everything that seemed to happen the weight bore on his shoulder and cursing helped alleviate the pressure.

  “Someone’s edgy today,” Blake chaffed, stepping next to his side.

  “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I was going to ask you the same question. As for me, I’m always here this early. Some of us have to keep up with all you guys with fancy talents.” Blake shoved Killian’s shoulder playfully. As much as he wanted to act normal and laugh with his friend, Killian’s face remained stoic and distant. “What’s up with you?”

  Killian shifted his gaze to the ground. He wondered if it would help to tell Blake what had happened, but what would he be able to do?

  “Is this about Mercedes?” Blake finally asked after Killian’s silence. “If it is I agree the wolf thing was kind of low cause of your history, but remember it was a competition. She knew it would throw you off. Kill, you've got to get over it.” Blake raised his bow and shot in perfect grouping a moving target suspended in the air by magnetic force.

  Killian scoffed. He’d almost forgotten he was supposed to be angry with Mercedes. Rhetta’s visit had distracted his memories from the events from earlier the day before.

  “That wasn't what I was thinking about,” Killian flushed, “but now that you mention it I’m still a little peeved and why are you siding with her?”

  "I'm not siding with her," Blake said exasperated. "I just think if I had a girl like Mercedes I wouldn't be so quick to throw it away."

  Killian's face was hot. "You've had your share of girls like Mercedes, Blake. Are you going to lecture me about relationships?"

  Blake's eyes took on a fierce look as he forcefully shot two more arrows at the target. "I think you are blind to who Mercedes is. I've had my share of women, but never one like Mercedes." Blake took a deep breath to calm his frustration. "Look Kill, in times like these, it isn't good to push away people you can trust. That's all."

  Killian paused and considered what Blake had said but didn't respond. Blake seemed to have forgotten the terse conversation when he continued questioning Killian nonchalantly.

  “So you never told me why you were down here?”

  Killian shifted his eyes around the field, making sure no one was nearby to overhear their conversation. Slowly, he told Blake everything that had happened during the mysterious visit from his exiled grandmother.

  Blake’s eyes widened, then darkened. “Have you told anyone else? Miller?”

  Killian shook his head. “I haven’t seen anyone else. I couldn’t sleep so I came straight here.”

  “Kill, I don’t know if you can trust her.” Killian whipped his head around on his friend, surprised by the statement.

  “Why would you say that? She was the one who warned me about enemies during Peridus, look what happened. She said something was going to happen, and soon.”

  Blake looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. I guess you could be right. It just seems strange, she shows up and says something is going to happen, but doesn’t tell you anything else. Maybe she’s trying to distract you, you know, keep you focused somewhere else then make a move or something. After what happened with the empress I’m suspicious of everyone…and you should be too.”

  Killian rolled his eyes. “Your theory about Rhetta would be solid Blake, but you’re forgetting one detail,” Killian said, a slight edge in his voice. “If my grandmother wanted me gone and out of the picture, why would she run with me as a kid and hide me for three years? She could have just killed me right away.”

  Blake shrugged, but didn’t press the issue further. After a short silence the large doors at the entrance of the training center creaked open. To their surprise Maurelle sauntered in accompanied by Egan, and Mercedes.

  Blake bowed low at the waist when Maurelle made her way over to them. She had forgo
ne the billowing gowns she normally wore, and was once again in a tight, black pantsuit, that hugged her form perfectly. Killian could make out the slightest shimmer of healing skin on her flawless cheek and neck from the icy dagger of Gwyniera. “Your Majesty,” Blake said in reverence as he slowly came up from his bow.

  Killian glanced at Mercedes, but said nothing. She looked ragged at the sight of him, and he knew it was torturing her he was keeping silent, but his pride wouldn’t allow him to yield just yet.

  “How are both of you today?” Maurelle sang.

  “Fine, thanks,” Killian answered before an awe-struck Blake could say something foolish. The queen was beautiful, stunning even, and was the first woman Killian had ever seen cause Blake to lose his wit.

  “Wonderful to hear.” Maurelle shifted her silver gaze toward Mercedes. “I’m just working with Egan and the new empress on some fighting exercises. As rulers we must be fresh and on guard at all times. The Trinity will surely seek to cripple us first.”

  “Mercedes will be crossing over into Glaciem in a few days. Are you prepared to defend her Thomas?” Egan barked slowly, changing subjects from Maurelle’s explanation.

  “I’ll do everything in my power,” he answered steelier than he’d anticipated. “But remember, I am also searching for the relic.”

  “I will be too,” Mercedes jumped in. Killian met her eye once more, but said nothing.

  “That may not be wise, Mercedes. The Trinity will want you out of the picture as a guardian and ruler,” Egan said.

  “I’m a ruler in this Hemisphere, and I will do everything I can do to protect it. And the way I see it, finding a powerful relic that could destroy a realm is one of those things I must do to protect the Hemisphere.”

  Killian tried not to, but he couldn’t help the tugs of his lips as they pulled into a soft smile. Her strength was something he’d always admired, and her regal attitude slowly was breaking down the angry wall he’d built between them.

  “Well, we can talk about all this later,” Maurelle said. “Come now, let’s get started. Would you two care to be our judges?” Blake nodded enthusiastically and moved aside so the three rulers could take the field.

  Out of earshot, Killian leaned into Blake and whispered, “Strange they don’t want us to participate don’t you think?”

  “Nah, sometimes the rulers just need to do things with other rulers. This’ll be fun Kill. I think you’ll be interested to see royalty fight.”

  “I’ve seen Mercedes fight loads of times.”

  “Yeah, but let’s see her mixed in with the other two.”

  Mercedes pulled her hair up high in a tight bun before summoning her daggers from the bands on her wrists. The steel knives shot forward into her tight grip and she squatted lower preparing to battle.

  Maurelle waved her hands in the air and billowing gold matter formed. In the center a sparkle shimmered until Maurelle plucked from the mysterious gold dust a large, rough cut diamond. It was brilliant as it caught the light from the ceiling.

  “I’m sure none of you will tell on me that I used magic?” She made a false pouting face that made everyone laugh. “Killian, would you mind keeping an eye on our prize? Whoever wins the exercise will take home the diamond, just to liven things up a bit.”

  “I think it unwise to challenge an Ignisian, Queen,” Egan growled, though his white smile was playful.

  “Ah, but remember great chief, this is an exercise for your daughter to better learn the strength of the realms. I will stay true to my realm.” With that Maurelle burst forth a brilliant white light from her palms that instantly knocked Egan and Mercedes over onto the grass. From the air she formed a long, beautiful black diamond-hilted sword and held it over her shoulder triumphantly.

  “I see,” Egan choked as he stood from the ground. “That’s how you wish to play.” Maurelle winked at the Chief then ran toward him. Egan pounced and Mercedes followed close behind. Maurelle sent forth another stream of white power, but this time Egan was ready; he lunged onto his stomach out of the magic stream, but Mercedes was hit square in the chest. She coughed as she landed on her back.

  Her face was furrowed as she stood again, Killian was impressed with her stamina, but soon his attention was drawn to the magnificent sword fight Egan and Maurelle had engaged in. Egan had unsheathed his gilded blade with a ruby hilt and swung it hard at the queen. Maurelle’s sword met Egan’s blade with a spark of red and ebony as the two realms collided. Almost undetectable Maurelle ducked around the chief and sent a spray of black burst of Cimmerian dust at Mercedes, blocking her from coming closer. Mercedes frowned and a great sense of frustration filled Killian’s mind. He could tell she was trying to work through Maurelle’s obstacles, but was falling short. The wall of dust formed a solid wall preventing her from moving in any direction.

  The shroud was slowly encircling her, and if she didn’t act fast she would be trapped in the magical swirling dust.

  Killian knew what she could do, for he had done it also. Infinium was a combination of each realm, after all, and he knew what Maurelle was trying to teach her.

  “Mercedes,” he said softly, drawing her attention away from the cloud of dust. “Glaciens work with the earth. You are half Glacien.” That was all he would say. He didn’t want to cheat for her, and he was still angry. But he didn’t want her to fail, that would lower her confidence as a ruler. At least that was the excuse he told himself.

  Mercedes looked at him confused, but after he returned to his stoic spectator stance she again tried to pummel through the cloud of black dust. The barricade withheld her from joining the fight. Killian heard the great blades clang, and crash against one another. He saw Egan take the thin queen to the ground, then raise his magnificent weapon above his head to defeat her. Maurelle was so swift, bending up from the ground, she curved her back into an impressive backbend before kicking her legs over in an impressive acrobatic move and landing once again on her feet.

  The Queen sheathed her sword and ran straight at Egan. She clamored up his muscular body until she was entangled around his back, with one arm wrapped tightly around his neck. The chief struggled and fought against her impressively tight grip. Finally, Egan caught enough of her arm to pull her off of him. Maurelle landed on her back once again as the chief threw her to the ground, but hovered her hands over the artificial grass. Slowly, Killian saw tendrils of thin rubber ropes made up from the grass, wrap around Egan’s ankles. The chief saw what was happening and tried to dive out of the way, but it was too late. The ropes were thickening and reaching up toward his elbows, shoulders and waist. Egan was trapped in place. Maurelle sauntered over to her long sword and held it close against Egan’s midsection smiling mischievously.

  “I believe I just killed you, dear Egan.”

  “You fight dirty, Maurelle,” Egan laughed. “But it’s rather impressive, I’ll give you that.”

  Mercedes had since placed her hands against the black barrier and was simply standing against it with her eyes closed. Only a small portion of her back was visible as the magical cage was closing in on her. Killian tried to gauge what she was feeling, but somehow he was cut off. After several moments he watched as Mercedes slowly moved forward inch by inch as the black matter moved aside allowing her to finally pass. He smiled. She was manipulating the elements to let her through. Maurelle and Egan had stopped their competitive banter to watch. As Mercedes pushed through the final layer of the thick black dust, the magical barrier burst in a rush of wind and dissipated in front of them.

  Maurelle clapped her hands together. “Well done, princess!” Maurelle had been calling Mercedes princess since she’d learned of her lineage. Killian figured it had turned into a friendly nickname at this point, since technically Mercedes was now the stand in empress. Maurelle reached out and grabbed Mercedes shoulders.

  “Whoa, what is that?” Mercedes asked pointing to the place Maurelle had touched her.

  “Oh my, forgive me. After I use my magic sometimes the pow
er is still surging through my palms.” The queen laughed and waved away the thick ropes holding Egan prisoner. She moved aside to let Egan speak with his daughter.

  “That was wonderful. Truly Mercedes, controlling the elements like that is not easy to do and most Glaciens take years to do so. You are going to be a wonderful ruler.”

  Mercedes’ cheeks flushed at the praise. “I don’t know about that; it took me forever to figure it out.”

  “It was still impressive, nonetheless,” Maurelle assured her. “Now, for our judges to deliberate on the winner. I admit I’m rather tired, and feel I need rest soon. I will be traveling to Cimmerian later. There has been a report of a possible breech in security in the palace.” Maurelle’s forehead wrinkled in concern.

  “You will let us know if we can help?” Egan asked placing a large hand on the queen’s shoulder. Maurelle nodded and smiled brightly.

  “So, who gets the diamond?” Mercedes asked again.

  Killian didn’t know how to decide. He thought all of them did amazing. Blake had been right it was entertaining watching the leaders battle one another.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I thought everyone was amazing.”

  “Ah, come one Kill,” Blake said taking the diamond. “Egan, I’m sorry, but the queen bested you. Now, Mercedes and Maurelle both succeeded in their goals. My Queen, I’m afraid I may have to give the diamond to the novice, however for accomplishing such a great task on her first try.” Blake bowed dramatically to Mercedes and handed her the large stone. She laughed at his theatrics, but Killian could see how thrilled she was as she rolled the enormous diamond in her palm.

  “Very good choice,” Maurelle sang. She turned toward Mercedes before continuing. “You did well Mercedes. I will return to see you off for Glaciem, but do not worry you will be as great a ruler as Gwyniera ever was.” Maurelle smiled her perfect smile before turning and floating out of the athletic center.


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