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TMD Page 9

by Corwyn Martinez

  Now, I will not back off from a direct challenge. However, I did have a question. As I removed my equipment, I called out.

  “Why my shirt?”

  “Make sure you aren’t hiding anything.” She called back. I shrugged, and pulled my shirt off. I then pulled my sword out of the sheath, and walked towards her. Her men encircled us, and Ken climbed onto a car, this way he could see.

  And he could make sure none of her men tried anything

  When I was standing two yards away from her, we started circling each other, waiting for the other to strike.

  She looked at me, and asked, “Did you say your name is Harley?”


  “Cute name.”

  “Why the fuck is that-?” I asked, momentarily distracted. She struck, slicing at my head. I leaped back; her sword missed me by inches. “Crap.” I thought. “Can’t afford to be distracted.”

  Now, I know a few things about sword fighting, having trained with my dad for since I was ten, and then sparring with Eli every summer since I was sixteen. I’m not as good as Kaytie, but I am good.

  I swung at her arm, keeping a tight strike, just in case she retorted with her own strike. She blocked, and struck again. I parried, and swung at her leg. She deflected, and aimed at my left shoulder. However, when I went to block, she changed course, and cut me in the stomach. I jumped back, growling.

  “I’m surprised.” Cahira said. “Most guys die quick, because they tend to get distracted. Good for you!”

  “Take your bra off!” one of her men shouted.

  She laughed, and said. “No, thank you.” She swung at me, and I parried, swiping back at her.

  After ten minutes of fighting, we were still fighting. I managed to hit her-and sharp cut above her eyebrow-but other than that, there were no other injuries.

  She grunted. “Why won’t you die!” She swung at me, again and again, each swipe getting wilder. Then, I sidestepped her, and sliced down-

  Cutting her left breast off.


  She howled in pain, dropping her weapon, which I snatched out of the air before it hit the ground. Several of her men ran forward, and lifted her up off the ground.

  “I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU!” She shouted.

  Ken walked over to me, looking bemused.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Her tit? Really?”

  I shook my head. “Oh shut up.”

  “You made an Amazon out of her.”

  I shook my head. “How?”

  “Amazons used to cut off one of their breast, to make it easier to fight and draw a bow.”

  “Yeah, and-ohhh.” I said, realizing what he was trying to say. “You fucker.” He laughed at me, and then pointed at my newly acquired sword.

  “Why does that look… menacing?” He asked.

  “It’s from a book series…” I responded. “I don’t remember what it’s called in the book, but I know that it means Misery.”

  “Huh.” he said. “Why do authors always give the main characters some oddly unique weapon no one else seems to have?”

  “Hey, you are lucky that we aren’t in a book, because if we were, you would be that guy. You have a scythe.”

  Shrugging, Ken said, “Whatever. Let’s go.”

  “Yeah, let’s.”



  Kaytie here. I love my sword.

  Also, Harley and Ken have been gone for a day. Much longer than they should’ve been.

  Now, I don’t think Harley was paying attention. So, a little while after he left, a large horde of zombies was just chilling out back, in the football field we cleared about two weeks ago. So, when my sister’s group returned, (Faith, in case you forgot,) I gathered a few people: Eveline, Oliver. Phillip, and myself. Phillip had a M24 sniper (the last I could see in Harley’s munitions bag, but knowing him now, he has a couple other stashed around.) Oliver had his sweet compound bow. Eveline had a machete, and I was using my sword.

  I ran the blade of my sword right through the creature, and laughed like a madman-well, madwoman. Slashing and hacking, I didn’t stop until every last one was dead. Then, Eveline approached me.

  “Wow.” She said. “That was... terrifying.”

  “Why, thank you.” I said.

  “Wasn’t really a compliment. That was terrifying.”

  “Eveline, come on. You know I was just having fun.”

  “That’s a problem. This isn’t a game Kaytie.”

  “I’m aware of that. I’m just letting off steam.”

  “You are doing it the wrong way. It’s like you are going insane.”

  I glared at her. “You try getting run through with a sword. You try getting shot, twice! Tell me again I shouldn’t be letting off steam this way.” I walked away, angry.

  Inside, I sat down, angry. How dare she? The worst injury she ever took was a bullet to the shoulder. I got stabbed in the arm. I yelled in frustration, earning some odd glances from the people around me. “Oh, bite me.” I shouted.

  “Kaytie.” A voice said. I looked down, and it was Monte. You see, after getting his leg chopped off, and carried back here, he has been confined to this base, in a wheelchair.

  “Kaytie.” He repeated. “May we talk?”

  I nodded. “Alright.”

  “Kaytie, I saw what happened outside.”

  “How? You are supposed to be confined-”

  “The video cameras Kaytie. It was one of the first things Harley connected to down here.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He cleared his throat. “Kaytie, I’ve been confined in here for a day now. You’ve been in charge for a day.”

  “Yes, and?” I asked impatiently, pulling up a chair and sitting in it.

  “Well, it seems that already, people are having mutinous thoughts.”

  I rocketed out of my seat, furious. “Who?” I snarled.

  “Sit your ass in the chair Kaytie. I’m not telling you who.”

  I placed one of my hands on his shoulder. “Tell me Monte.”

  “Who it is isn’t important. It’s why.”

  “Monte.” I said in a dangerously sweet voice, placing a hand on his other shoulder. “Tell me now.”

  “No.” he said. “Now, there reasons why are as thus: Some people don’t trust you, others believe your sanity is too far gone, and the rest of them think you are dangerous, and are likely to hurt one of us. Now, I will advise you not to try to shake the answers you want out of me, because that will definitely cause a mutiny. Get your hand off of me, please.

  I took my hand off of him, and sat back down. “Hell yeah I’m dangerous, but why am I not to be trusted?”

  “Every time you have left, someone in the group you were in has died.”

  “Yes, they have.” Alex said. I looked up at her, and saw her standing there, holding two katanas. “Get up.” she commanded.

  “Who died and left you and charge?” I asked, standing.

  “No one yet, but soon. Draw your blade. Everyone gather up!”

  “What’s happening?” asked Eveline, walking over.

  “I am challenging Kaytie to a trial by combat!” Alex exclaimed.

  I snorted. “Why would I accept that? Harley left me in charge.”

  “There was a meeting.” Oliver stated. “It was decided you must fight one of us, and Alex volunteered”

  “That’s ridiculous!” I cried.

  He continued on, indifferent to my protests. “If you refuse, you will be killed. The fight

  will take place outside in five standard minutes. Everyone outside!”

  -Five minutes later-

  I stood ready, with my blade drawn. Alex stood a dozen yards away, a blade in each hand.

  “She has two weapons.” I thought. “And by the look of it, she knows how to use them. Why does it seem that everyone took some form of fencing?”

  Faith stepped forward. “Fighters, only kill if absolutely necessary.” We nodded, and she stepped bac
k. “Fight.”

  Alex immediately charged forward, swinging her swords. I deflected one, and the winced in pain as the other cut my leg. I jumped back, and then deflected as she tried to decapitate me with both swords. I kicked out, catching her in the right shin. She stumbled back, and I swung, my blade whistling through the air, leaving a large cut on her belly.

  “Fucker!” she shouted. She swung at me, again and again, each time with me barely deflecting both blades.

  I deflected her katana again, and then I parried, thrusting my sword into her right shoulder. I then punched her in the face, breaking her nose. I pulled the blade out, stepping back, when suddenly, in a flash of silver, her left blade cut my right hand off. I gasped in pain, stumbling back, holding the stump to my chest.

  “Give up now, and it will be quick and painless.” Alex said.

  “Give up? To you? That would be like a cat surrendering to a mouse. I will fuck you up, hoe.” I swung at her. She slashed at me. The blades made contact midair with a metallic ringing.


  We camped out on the roof of a building that was about a half mile away from where I combated Cahira. We actually planned to walk the entire way without stopping, but I needed rest after my fight, both because of exhaustion and the large wound on my stomach.

  I grimaced in pain as Ken applied an anti-bacterial to my stomach. He looked at my face, and shook his head.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I am so glad you don’t moan in pain. That would be really awkward.”

  “Man,” I said, “I wish I could move, because I would slap the living shit outta you.”

  He lightly chuckled. “No you wouldn’t.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I would slap you back.”


  He laughed. “So how far was this thing again?”

  “Walking nonstop? About an hour and a half.”

  “How do you know this?” He asked incredulously

  “I used to walk places for fun, and time myself.”

  “Wow, you had no life.”

  “It was last summer, we most of you guys were gone, either on vacation, or in college programs, or, in your case, boot camp.”

  “Ah.” he said. He was silent for a minute, as he started to apply bandages to my stomach. “Well, we did have to move on in life-”

  “Dude.” I laughed. “I’m not complaining. I knew what I was getting myself into by having my closest friends being a grade older than me. I found ways to entertain myself when I wasn’t hanging out with my other friends.”

  He grinned. “Alright man.” He finished applying the bandages, and helped me stand.

  When I was standing, he studied me for a few seconds, and said quietly, “You’ve grown up.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, you aren’t that annoying kid I met in ninth grade. Nor are you the person you were when you were with-well, you know. And you aren’t even the person I knew before I left last year. You’re… old.”

  “Wow dude.” I responded. “Not sure if I should be offended… But yeah, that’s what happens. I took more responsibility when my older brother was deployed last winter, and when Phoenix had to leave for two month to help out after that hurricane in early twenty-eighteen. That, on top of my responsibilities now, it changed me. I know I am still young-I turn nineteen in a month and a half-But in my head, I feel like an older person, swamped by the responsibility to my new family.”

  Ken stepped forward, and hugged me, patting my back. After stepping back, he said, “That’s why you have us. Your lieutenants. And Oliver and Eveline. We are here for you, to help you shoulder this huge weight that was placed on you. Leadership is very, very difficult, Harley, and we know that. You aren’t alone.”

  “I know I’m not, Ken,” I replied. “I know you guys are constantly trying to help-but I worry about you guys too. Look what happened to Steven! He was a lieutenant, and was with me, on a mission like this one, and he was killed, right in front of me! Look at Dusk! She’s confined to a bed, with a bullet wound in her stomach! Why? Because they were in leadership positions. The more you guys help me, the more danger you are put in!”

  “Let me stop you there.” He said, cutting into my rant. “First off, Steven was killed by zombies, who couldn’t care less about his rank. And no, Dusk was not shot because of her rank. She was injured, because she prevented Madison and myself from getting killed. So no, they did not die because of you. They were doing the very thing that got them promoted-protecting and serving the friends and family that they were assigned to protect. Stop blaming yourself man. They had the hearts of true warriors; our job now, is to make sure those sacrifices were not in vain. You got that?”

  I laughed, and he looked at me strangely. “What’s so funny?

  “You just proved your own point.” I patted his arm. “Thanks Ken, I needed that.”

  He nodded. “No problem man.”

  We climbed off the roof, and were moving towards the HMU again.

  That’s when the shouting started.


  I deflected her next blow, and stumbled back, blood dripping from my stump arm.

  “I need to end this, and quick.” I thought, “Or else I will bleed out and she will kill me.”

  “What’s wrong, kitty-kat?” She taunted. “Need a nap? Don’t worry, soon you can sleep. Forever.”

  I stumbled towards her, my sword hanging uselessly at my side. She smiled widely, and raised her blade over her head, preparing for a finishing blow-

  But she also lifted her guard. Perfect.

  I summoned the last of my strength, and leaped forward, swinging my sword at her abdomen. At the same time, she swung downwards. As I felt my blade slash right through her midsection, I felt a cold pinch go through my right shoulder, followed by a fierce, overwhelming pain. I yelled, and saw the darkness start to creep around the edges of my vision. As I fell to my knees, I could hear people running. I didn’t care. I struggled to stand. However, my body had different ideas. I collapsed to the ground, and the dark overtook me.


  October 1st, 2018


  I awoke in pain, with a bright light shining on me. I opened my eyes, and blinked. I could see something blurry standing over me. I blinked again, and I could see Eveline.

  “Hello.” she said.

  “Hey, what happened to me?”

  “You won. Alex is dead. However, you lost a lot of blood, and went into something called Hypovolemic Shock, which is caused when someone loses one-fifth of their body’s blood. You are lucky to be alive.”

  I groaned, and asked, “How am I alive? I lost an arm!”

  “We cauterized your arm. And Harley had some blood bags in the cold storage unit upstairs, remember? He had everyone give blood, in case of this scenario. However, it was only just enough to help your body regenerate the rest of your blood cells, so you are confined to this bed.”

  I sighed. “Who’s in command?”


  “Ok.’ I sat quiet, and then asked, “How long was I out?”

  “Two days.”

  I frowned. “Why aren’t Harley and Ken back?”

  “I don’t know. We are actually getting worried. Brooke and Madison returned last night, but they don’t know which way the boys took.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “It’s not.” She glanced at me. “Kaytie, go to sleep.”

  I nodded, and without protest, I closed my eyes. I was tired anyway.


  It started with the screaming.

  Two DAYS ago.

  And now we have this-this PROBLEM.

  Want me to explain? Sure, no problem.

  You see, when we heard the shouts, we quickly ran towards them, trying to discover their source. What we found was both horrifying, and amusing. My friend, Alice, a small, dark-haired teenager with dark ey
es, a slim, narrow build, and a cute smile, was holding not one, but two STORM M1 sawed-off shotguns (Okay, I had a gun phase. That’s why I can identify guns like some people can identify cars.)

  Anyways, she was being surrounded by the dead. She was doing the best she could to fight them off, but all she was doing was slowing them down.

  Hence her screaming.

  Anyways, here is the scenario.

  Enter: Ken and Harley. Charges in, Ken swinging his scythe, me using my swords.

  Killing dead left and right.

  Alice runs out of ammo for her shotguns, drops them, and pulls out a 9mm G19, and shoots into the hoard.

  Ken kills several of the zombies, and turns to face her.

  She shrieks, and, without thinking, shoots at Ken.

  I tackle Ken.

  We land in front of dead.

  She realizes who we are, and the fact we are alive, and shoots at the zombies who so desperately want our sweet, succulent flesh for a meal.

  We stand up.

  I sheath swords, pull out M16.

  Ken slings scythe over back, pulls out M249.

  We fire into the hoard, clearing a path.

  The three of us run outside.


  “Alice! Why did you shoot at me!” Ken shouted as we ran down the street, looking for a house with a ladder.

  “I-I didn’t recognize you at first!” she stammered. “I thought you were one of the dead!”

  He grumbled something under his breath, something I didn’t hear, and then he pointed at a large blue and pink house at the end of the block. “Emergency escape at ten o’clock.”

  “Yeah, I see it.” I responded. We ran, and, upon reaching the house, Ken jumped up, grabbing a rung of a ladder, and pulled it down.

  “C’mon,” he urged Alice. “Up onto the roof.” She nodded, and started to climb.

  “Follow her.” I ordered, scanning the block for zombies. I heard his mumbled consent, and I looked through the scope of my M16, in the direction we came from.


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