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A Taste of Romance

Page 17

by Rhonda Laurel

  Marco guessed she was trying to change the subject.

  “She loves your music. She’s been excited about this album for months.”

  “Really?” Trina said.

  “You’re just what the music industry needs right now. You’re very refreshing. Talent and grace.”

  “I thought the entertainers were more sought after,” Trina replied.

  “There’s only enough gyrating, screeching on stage, and auto-tune that one can take.” Scar rolled her eyes. “I call them stars in a can.”

  Matteo cleared his throat. “Marco, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  Oh no. He turned to Matteo and saw that look in his eyes. He was smitten.

  “Scar, this is my brother Matteo. He’s—”

  “The owner of Di Giovanni’s in New York who has a new cooking show. Single, no kids and no criminal history.” Scar extended her hand.

  Matteo shook her hand. “I’m pleased you know so much about me. I don’t know whether to be delighted or frightened.”

  Marco mouthed frightened at Matteo, but he was too busy looking at Scar.

  “It’s my job,” Scar replied.

  He had to stop this attraction train wreck before it started.

  “Scar.” It was his turn to clear his throat. “Grayson wanted to thank you for a referral. Apparently, some Hollywood big shot sought his expertise and mentioned your name.”

  “Oh, I know who you’re talking about. It was for his hand. It was the least I could do. I was the person who stabbed him.” Scar pointed to the center of her hand. “He’s regained most of the use in his hand, and the nerve damage is subsiding.”

  “What happened?” Trina asked.

  “Scar is a talented woman.” Marco let out a nervous laugh. “She’s a combination stunt woman, bodyguard, and private detective. I’m sure it was some kind of workplace accident.”

  “Yeah, sure. I was on ‘assignment.’” Scar made air quotes with her fingers.

  Trina furrowed her eyebrows. “Were you doing a stunt or on an investigation?”

  “Yes,” Scar replied.

  “Yes, to which one?” Trina countered.

  He needed to change the conversation again. Trina wasn’t buying the explanation, and Matteo’s interest in Scar was rising by the second. He did not miss having to reel his brother in when it came to women.

  “Scar. It sounds like fascinating work. Care to tell me more?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything,” Matteo replied.

  “We specialize in the usual PI stuff. Security, covert investigations, tracking people down. I’m also a fixer who specializes in vendettas.”

  “Vendettas?” Trina said. “Like revenge?”

  “Yes, it’s a specialty of mine. But that’s special circumstances,” Scar answered, then turned to Trina. “About what I was saying earlier. Kate just wants you to know she’s with you, whatever you want to do.”

  “That’s good to know,” Trina replied.

  Scar pulled out a list. “And I have to take some wine back. About four cases.”

  “Can I help you pick out the wine?” Matteo asked.

  “Sure. Why not?” Scar replied.

  Marco shot his brother a look. “Matteo, can I talk to you for a moment?”

  “Sure.” Matteo followed him over to one of the tasting rooms. When they got there, Matteo continued. “What’s the situation with Scar?”

  “What do you mean situation?”

  “Is she single?”

  “I think so. But more importantly, she’s crazy,” Marco said in a quiet tone.

  “The hot ones always are.”

  “The woman just said she specializes in vendettas. It’s not a joke. I made the mistake about complaining about a shipment of bottles one time while she was visiting. She went to the supplier. Let’s just say I have more bottles than I’ll ever need.” Marco casually looked over at the table to make sure Scar was still sitting there. He waved at her and Trina. “It’s not a good idea.”

  “Like I said.” Matteo smiled.

  “Dio mio. I will turn the hose on you if I have to,” Marco barked.

  “Relax. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Just don’t try some cheesy move by the Kissing Fountain. I’m pretty sure she carries a weapon.”

  “Like what? A stun gun or something.”

  “Think Cousin Gino.”

  “Oh.” Matteo’s smile got even wider. “She’s dangerous.”

  “He finally understands.” Marco threw his head back. Mentioning Cousin Gino should have scared him.

  “Scarlett,” Matteo called out.

  “It’s just Scar,” she replied.

  “Let me help you with that wine order.”

  Marco went back over to Trina. They both watched as Matteo followed Scar into the store.

  Marco sighed. “Now I remember the peace I had when I wasn’t running after him.”

  “I take it you two had a good talk?” Trina asked.

  “A great one thanks to you.” He kissed her. “How about you? Did talking to Scar give you any inspiration?”

  “Scar relayed some really nice things that Kate said about me.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to attend the album release party?”

  “I’m still trying to decide.”

  “I’m sure it will come to you.” He put his arm around her. “What would you like to do when you’re finished with the tours?”

  “How about a movie? Talking about Chris has me in the mood to see one of his action flicks. We could order it on your cable box.”

  “Quiet evening at home. I like that.” He kissed her again. “Then I better return a few phone calls so we can get out of here soon.”

  There had to be something he could to get her to change her mind. He wanted her to her pursue her dream, but she had to want to do it. The experiences she’d had before she left scared her more than she’d admit. He looked at Matteo talking to Scar. Before Scar left, he’d have a chat with her. Maybe she could help clear some of the obstacles in Trina’s way in Los Angeles.

  He wanted her to stay with him, but she had to want that too. There were so many things to accomplish in such a short amount of time. He wouldn’t give up until she was happy.


  When Marco said he had a special day planned, Trina’s mind ran rampant with the possibilities. He’d done so many romantic things this week, it was hard to believe he could come up with a topper.

  She yawned. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you too. I thought you would enjoy breakfast in bed today.” He kissed her, then placed the tray over her lap.

  “Everything looks so good.” She unfurled the napkin and put it on her lap. “Where is everyone? The house sounds kind of quiet.”

  “Matteo and Mama are at the winery. They will be handling things today.”

  “Really?” She smiled. “What brought that on?”

  “He wants to get some ideas for where to film his cooking show.” He caressed her hand. “So, I thought today was as good as any.”

  “You don’t know how happy it makes me that you two have reconciled.”

  “I have you to thank for opening my heart to him again.” He kissed her again.

  “Marco, I want you to know that—”

  “Hold that thought, I have a present for you,” he interrupted her. “I’ll be right back.”

  Trina smeared the strawberry jam on her toast and took a bite. He was spoiling her. She wanted to tell him that she’d decided to take a chance on a relationship if he was willing. For all her rambunctious, take-no-prisoner ways, she was being very reserved voicing her feelings. A few minutes later, Marco came back into the room with stacked white boxes with fuchsia bows on them. “What’s all this?”

  “It’s everything you will need for our special night.” He set them down on the bed.

  She peeked at the boxes. Her eyes widened when she saw the label. Fabiana Giselle
was a famous designer whose bold designs were worn by famous people all over the world.

  “Marco.” She moved the tray and climbed out of bed. “I’m pretty sure you’d have to sell a kidney for a dress from Fabiana Giselle.”

  He smiled. “No worries. I have two kidneys.”

  She remained bolted to the floor. “I’m serious.”

  “Tonight is going to be special for us. I think this calls for a little decadence.”

  Trina’s hand trembled a little as she went for the big box first. Ever since she was a child, she’d always picked the biggest boxes to open at Christmas. She pulled slowly on the brightly colored bow until it came undone. Trina couldn’t contain her excitement when she opened the box and saw a white satin dress with a short, flared skirt that had the most exquisite floral pattern on one side. She carefully pulled it out of the box and held it against her body. It looked like something fit for a princess.

  “When I saw it,” he said, “I immediately thought of you.”

  “Thank you.” She got up on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  “There’s more.” He pointed to another box. “Shoes and a few other things I thought you’d like.”

  “I can’t wait to wear this.”

  “But first I have another surprise. Get dressed. I have to take care of a few things, but I will back in a half hour to pick you up.”

  “OK,” she said excitedly as he left the room. She couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. She held the dress up to herself one more time before she found a hanger for it and the matching shawl. The shoes were a perfect fit, and the heels like she liked them.

  Thirty minutes later, she met him downstairs dressed and ready.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Calistoga. It’s not far from here. There’s a spa there that I think you’ll like.”

  “A spa?”

  “Yes. I’ve scheduled us for a couple’s massage.”


  She happily hopped into the passenger seat of the Ferrari and fastened her seat belt, looking forward to the pampering.

  As soon as she stepped into the spa, the sound of water trickling down the wall sculpture put her at ease. Marco signed in, and they were immediately greeted by a woman.

  “Marco.” She gave him a kiss on each cheek. “So good to see you again. Who’s this lovely lady?”

  “This is Katrina. She’s getting a full-service package today. We’ll also be getting the couple’s massage.”

  “We’ll do the manicure and pedicure first. Then you can meet him in the massage room.”

  She looked at Marco. “What are you going to be doing?”

  “I’m going to get my eyebrows waxed.”

  “You manscape?” She took out her cell phone. “Wait. I have to see this. I think you’re the first man I’ve known to admit it.”

  He laughed. “No before photos. Just after pics, please.”

  “Come, pretty lady,” the masseuse said to Trina. “You’re going to feel like a new woman when you leave here.”

  Three hours later, she did feel like a new woman. She’d been snipped, groomed, massaged, and given cucumber water and tiny sandwiches. The facial she’d gotten had really opened her pores and made her skin feel silky. It was nice to chat with Marco while they both got massaged. By the time they were done, she felt born again.

  “I could go back to the house and take a ten-hour nap,” she said as the receptionist handed her bag full of beauty supplies. Whatever he’d paid, it was worth it alone for the body moisturizer.

  “As much as I love the idea of getting into bed with you, the day isn’t over yet.” He took her hand and led her outside toward his sports car.

  “OK. What’s up next?”

  “You’ll see.” He opened the door for her. Then he jumped in the driver’s seat and began to navigate out of the town. He made a quick call on his Blue Tooth. “Matteo, we’re on our way. Thanks.” He ended the call.

  “What is Matteo going to do?”

  “You ask a lot of questions.”

  “I’m nosey. It’s a personality quirk.” She flashed him a cheesy smile.

  “You’ll see when we get there. I think you can wait that long.”

  “Not really. But I’ll try.”

  As he continued to drive, she knew they were headed back to the winery. She thought he’d suggest a restaurant in the area, but he didn’t. But she was surprised when he stopped a mile away from the house.

  “We’re here.”

  “Why are you stopping here?”

  “This next surprise requires a walk. But you must close your eyes.”

  “What is this, an initiation?” she mused. “I thought I was already in the club.”

  “I want you to be surprised.” He took her hand and started moving down the rows.

  “OK.” She put her hand over her eyes. “I must really trust you. Letting you lead me blindly into a field of grape vines.”

  “I hope you do.”

  “I do,” she replied.


  They walked for a good five minutes, and she began to think they were going to hike the entire length of the property.

  “Can I open my eyes now?” Trina said.

  “No, not yet.”

  They walked a few more feet, then stopped. She opened her eyes and, to her surprise and delight, she clapped when she saw that he’d set up a picnic for them in the vineyard, complete with blanket, basket of tasty food, and of course, great wine.

  “This is beautiful.” She knelt down on the blanket. “And the view is spectacular.”

  “I thought you’d enjoy it.” He opened the basket. “I have all your favorite goodies in here including the dark chocolate you like.”

  She smiled. “What if I just want to make out?”

  “We can do that too.” He took her in his arms and laid her down on her blanket and began to smother her with kisses.

  Two hours later she felt a gentle tug from Marco. They’d fallen asleep, nestled in each other’s arms, enjoying the quiet. She was going to miss the sounds of the vineyard. She didn’t want to go. She had to tell him.

  “Marco, I want to talk.”

  He caressed her face. “I promise after tonight’s surprise we will talk.”

  “OK. You promise?”

  “Promise. But right now, we have two hours to get ready.”

  She helped him gather up the items and headed back to his car. She wondered what the next surprise would be. The entire day had been lovely already.

  * * *

  Marco looked at himself in the mirror as he tied his tie. Thanks to Mama and Matteo, things were coming together at the vineyard, and he hadn’t had to leave Trina’s side all day.

  Trina was in the guestroom getting ready. She insisted on making a grand entrance down the stairs when she’d finished putting her look together. The dress may have been designed by a famous designer, but Trina’s petite frame gave it life.

  “Katrina, you look breathtaking.”

  “Thank you.” She descended carefully down the stairs. “I love the shoes.”

  “I thought you would.” He took the wrap from her. “Are you ready to go?”

  “No. First I’d like to say how handsome you look.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’d also like to say I have a feeling this is going to be a great evening. Just like every evening since I’ve known you.”

  “Even the one with Genevieve?”

  “Yes.” She laughed. “Seeing her fawn all over you made me mad. Getting mad made me realize that I was attracted to you.”

  “So, Genevieve actually did us a favor?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” She smiled.

  “OK. Let’s get the evening started.” He led her outside to his sports car. He opened the door and helped her in, then rounded the hood and hopped in. He began to drive.

  “You never did say where we were going.”

  “I never said?” he mused as if he
were trying to remember. “You’re right. You’ll find out soon enough.”

  “The suspense is killing me.”

  “You look gorgeous and very much alive to me.” He grinned and drove down the road toward the main building at the vineyard.

  “Looks like there’s a big event happening in the main hall.” She squinted. “I don’t recall something being scheduled for tonight.”

  “Me either.”

  “Do you think there was a mix-up?”

  “Could be. Let’s go check it out.” He continued down the road toward the winery.

  “Or someone came in claiming they were in a pinch and needed the space. I hope no one convinced Mama to throw some impromptu big bash on a moment’s notice. It will put a damper on Mama and Matteo’s quality time,” she seethed. “There will be hell to pay.”

  Marco smiled and tapped his fingers on the wheel. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she found out the special event was for her.

  * * *

  Trina was ready to wage war as soon as Marco pulled up to the main building. Mama and Matteo should have been spending some quality time together, not hosting some fancy shindig. Marco put the car in park, rounded the back, and opened the car door for her.

  “This shouldn’t take too long to straighten out,” he said.

  “Whoever is responsible will be paying an extra twenty percent of the fee for the inconvenience,” she said.

  “Let’s go see who’s responsible for all of this.” He took her hand and led her into the building. As soon as they entered, Portia was standing by the reception desk, decked out in a pretty floral dress and black heels.

  “Portia.” Trina blinked. “You look great.”

  “You look awesome. Like a doll or something.” Portia beamed. “I love that dress.”

  “Thank you.” She did a little half turn. “What’s going on?”

  “We have a VIP event going on. They rented the whole place for the night. It’s in the garden area.”

  “Who talked Mama into this?”

  Marco held out his elbow for her to take. “Maybe we should go see for ourselves.”

  Trina couldn’t believe her eyes when she walked out of the Vine Café and into the garden party behind the main building to find a huge party in full swing. A huge banner of her album cover was plastered against one of the walls. She was happy she’d gone with that photo. It was sultry and innocent and conveyed exactly who she was. Music played softly over the sound system that sounded familiar. Wait? It was her music. Her debut song, “A Love Like This,” was playing. When she’d written the song, it was about yearning for the perfect love. It always hit her when she heard it. But now it wasn’t so painful. Spending time with Marco had redefined what love meant to her.


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