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A Taste of Romance

Page 18

by Rhonda Laurel

  True love was precious, sacred, and everlasting. Grandpa Reed had been gone for a long time, and Grandma’s devotion to him had never wavered. She’d told them all that a love like theirs couldn’t be repeated, and she didn’t want a pretty good second best. Trina had always wanted that kind of love with a person who would shake her foundation and challenge her to strive for better things. Marco had done all of that in the short time she’d known him. It was crazy and insane. Who fell in love in such a short span of time? It was possible when you took a leap of faith and listened to your heart. And her heart had been telling her that it belonged to Marco. She couldn’t wait to tell him tonight that she was hopelessly in love with him.

  There were some big names in the music industry standing around talking, including Lana. Kate Cavanaugh was there with her movie-star husband, Chris. And of course, her threesome of bodyguards, Billie, Scar, and Athena were there as well. As she frantically continued to scan the crowd, she saw family members from Philadelphia and Texas. Everyone who worked at the winery was in attendance too. She teared up when she saw Grandma Reed talking to Mama Paloma. It was like her two worlds were colliding in a good way.

  “Welcome to your album debut party,” Marco said.

  “I thought you were taking me to the opera?”

  “I’m afraid not.” He smiled. “But we can go another time if you like.”

  “How? When did you set this up?” She touched her throat with her hand.

  “I had a long chat with Kate. If you didn’t want to go to L.A., we thought maybe L.A. could come to you.”

  “Thank you.” She leaped into his arms and hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “Remember, you can make all of this whatever you want it to be. No pressure or compromise or selling your soul.”

  “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  “You’re worth it.” He kissed her. “It’s your time. Go mingle with your guests.”

  “Will you stay with me?” She laced her fingers with his.

  “There’s no other place I’d rather be.” He kissed her hand.

  “Let’s go meet my Grandma.” She pulled him in the direction of the two matriarchs.

  “Grandma,” Trina said as she approached with her arms wide open.

  “Trina-Beana, don’t you look so pretty.” Grandma Reed squeezed her. “I don’t want to wrinkle your dress. You are so beautiful.”

  “Yes, she is.” Mama Paloma gave her a hug too.

  “This is Marco,” she said.

  Marco kissed her on the cheek. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Reed. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “So, you’re the young man who’s responsible for that smile on my granddaughter’s face?” Grandma Reed gave him a once-over. “Both of you are glowing.”

  “I have Katrina to thank for that. I’ve never been happier since meeting her.” Marco put his arm around Trina’s waist.

  “Trina-Beana, you don’t look homesick.”

  “No, I’m feeling pretty good, Grandma.”

  She looked into his eyes. There was so much passion and warmth in them.

  Grandma Reed waved them on, looking almost as happy as Trina felt. “We can talk later. Right now, you should socialize and enjoy the accolades. I always knew you had a great talent. I am so proud of you.”

  She continued to make her rounds with Marco by her side. It was nice to hear the good things everyone was saying about her work, but she was half distracted by the waves of emotions rising in her. She drank champagne as Charisma, Morgan, Theresa, Isabelle and her sisters gave her secret signals that they wanted the dirt, while the men in the family took their usual stance of sizing up a potential suitor. The pro of the scenario was that Channing and Alex both knew Marco. They’d been friends for a while. The con was that the protective maniacs in the family still wanted to give him the obligatory warning.

  This surprise was all fantastic, but she wished could have a moment alone with Marco. First, she wanted to thank him again for putting this together and encouraging her not to give up her dream. It had been rough two weeks ago when she didn’t think she had what it took to survive in the music industry. Fame wasn’t worth her soul. She still had to look at herself in the mirror every day, and more importantly, she was a Reed woman. She’d never do anything that went against the way she was raised.

  She thought she’d pass out when she saw Kate coming her way with two champagne flutes in her hand.

  “There’s my superstar.” Kate gave her a big hug. “This is my husband, Chris.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Trina,” Chris said. “Kate is in awe of your talent. We’ve been playing your album for weeks at the house.”

  “Thank you. It’s so nice of you to come,” she said nervously until Marco put his hand on the small of her back. She looked at Chris. “Chris, I’m a big fan of your films.”

  “Thanks. You have a wonderful voice.” Chris turned to Marco. “Marco, my man. It’s always good to see you.”

  Kate hugged Marco too. “It’s been too long.”

  “Same here, Kate. Thanks for being so agreeable to all of this.”

  “Anything for the latest addition to the label. I see a bright future ahead of her. That is if she wants it.” Kate looked at her. “Trina, I was hoping to get a minute with you.”

  “Of course.” She smiled and looked at Marco. “Think you can keep everyone entertained?”

  He winked at her. “I’ll send the wait staff around with more champagne.”

  She walked Kate inside to the office behind the main desk. They’d have some privacy here. She assumed she’d wanted to know what happened to make her flee.

  “I’m sorry I left town the way I did. I got stage fright when they asked me to spontaneously sing. I know it was unprofessional.”

  “Please.” Kate waved a hand. “It’s not a big deal. First of all, no one should have asked you to do that. Your talent is a commodity just like Lana’s. You decide when to sing.”

  “I’m glad you understand. I’m over my yips by the way.”

  “Good. I know when Chris got wiped out by this monster wave while surfing in Hawaii, it took him some time to get back on the board. Things like that happen to the best of us.”

  “There was something else.” She bit her lip.

  “I heard about the crap that music producer pulled.”

  “Oh really. What did you hear?”

  “I heard exactly what he did, and I was furious. He offended you, and he made Atlantis Blue look bad.”

  “He’s not your employee.”

  “Yeah, but my artists do business with him. I make a point not to associate with people like him. Women have it hard enough in this business. I won’t be a party to someone getting hurt, even if it’s indirectly.”

  “We just happened to be attending the same functions.”

  “He’d had his eye on you. He asked me to personally convey his apologies. He’d do it himself, but he’s in rehab.”


  “I guess Scar made him see the light. He’s issued a formal apology to you in an interview that will be in the next issue of Spin Doctor.”

  Trina raised her eyebrows. Spin Doctor was the premier music magazine. “How on earth did you convince him to do that?”

  “Scar can be pretty persuasive.” Kate gave her a tight smile. “He even offered to produce your next album and buy you a new car.”

  Now it was becoming clear. The same Scar who’d admitted that she’d stabbed a guy. She was one badass chick.

  “Yes, to the apology. No thanks, to the bribe. I don’t need a car, and he can’t buy me off. But an apology and a promise not to try that crap on another woman would be sufficient.” She ran a hand through her hair. “Kate, I don’t want you to think I’m some naïve school girl. I think I was just overloaded on the Hollywood experience, and to be honest, it scared me a little. I saw Lana’s wild lifestyle up close, and it was chaos on steroids.”

na has megastar-itis. I’m afraid there’s no stopping that train. But I do protect the rest of my artists. You have a long career ahead of you, and I promised Tate and Seth I’d take care of you. Please don’t hesitate to tell me anything in the future.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

  “Good. Does that mean you’ll open for Lana? It would the first four shows, then another opening act will join her on tour.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “You won’t be alone. I can have Scar or Athena be part of your security detail. Athena’s a little less wound up than Scar—”

  “I will give it serious consideration. Can you give me a little more time to make up my mind? I promise I won’t take too long.”

  “Fair enough.” Kate gave her a hug. “You have a bright future ahead of you. I am honored to say you’re with our label. And I’d love to get a duet with you and Leigh. I’m excited about her debut album too.”

  “That would be great.” Trina’s eyes lit up. She’d been thinking about that. A single with rhythm and blues and country western flair. And it would be great because it would be a family affair.

  “I told Tate that’s one talented family he’s got,” she said. “Now let’s get back to your party.”

  As soon as they were back outside, she went looking for Marco. He was talking to Alex, Austin, and Grayson. It was nice to finally to see them all together. Marco talked about how much fun they all had together. She liked that he had good friends. Although she knew Alex and Austin, she was looking forward to meeting the infamous mayor-doctor Grayson.

  “Gentlemen,” she said as she approached.

  “Trina.” Alex kissed her on the cheek. “You look stunning. I love your album.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t get to hang out with the Harper’s Grove gang.”

  “Are you now? I think you had a much better time here.” Alex smiled. “Did Marco take good care of you?”

  “Excellent care.” She put her arm around Marco’s waist.

  “We knew you were in excellent hands,” Austin added.

  “This scoundrel right here is Grayson,” Marco said.

  “Trina, you look absolutely ravishing,” Grayson told her.

  “Thanks, Grayson. It’s a pleasure to meet the legend.”

  Grayson laughed. “I’m not half as bad as Marco claims.”

  “No, he’s much worse,” Alex replied.

  She spotted Matteo heading their way.

  “Here’s the guest of honor,” Matteo said as he walked up to them. “I didn’t get my kiss.”

  “Matteo, you’re too much.” She braced herself as Matteo gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Marco squinted at his brother. “Yes, he is.”

  “I saw you talking to Scar,” Trina said.

  “Yes. She’s a fascinating woman.” Matteo waggled his eyebrows.

  Marco shook his head.

  “Did you get to talk to Michelle?”

  “Yes. She’s given me a lot of pointers about my show. We’re going to keep in touch.”

  “That’s wonderful.” She hugged him. “She’s a wealth of information. She’s on her third cooking show.”

  “Thank you for suggesting I talk to her.” He squeezed her back.

  “Stai impiegando troppo tempo,” Marco said to Matteo as he separated them. “She’s not that stuffed bear you used to carry around.”

  “Leave your brother alone.” She playfully nudged Marco. She was bursting to talk to him. She wanted to get some time with him before someone else nabbed her. “Can we talk? In private?”

  “Come. Let’s go sit in the gazebo.” He took her hand and nodded to his friends. “If you’ll excuse us.”

  They held hands as they walked away from the bustling crowd. Once they turned the corner, it was only a short walk to the gazebo. She loved this place. She loved the weather, the people, and the tranquility in watching grapes grow. She loved how Mama Paloma always misplaced her glasses and that she called her sisters every day even though all they did was argue. She loved that even though Marco owned many fancy things, he would stop and look at his paintings or a sculpture he owned to appreciate the artistry of its creator. She loved that Portia liked to gossip too and that they had become good friends. And that Tobias always had her favorite glass of wine ready when she entered the restaurant.

  She wasn’t feeling homesick anymore because the vineyard had become her home.

  “It’s such a beautiful night.” She gazed at the stars twinkling in the night sky. “It’s been so magical.”

  “A big turnaround from when you arrived in California.”

  “Yes. Absolutely. Isn’t it awesome that Matteo made a connection with Michelle? She can give him some solid advice.”

  “Yes, it is,” he answered. “I like her show. She incorporates being a mom and wife while cooking. Tyler and the boys are always sneaking in and stealing food. It’s hilarious.”

  “I don’t know where Tyler puts all that food.” She shook her head. “Did you see the episode that had Channing and Cassidy’s triplets on? Michelle ended up with flour in her hair and egg in one of her pockets.”

  “Those boys are something else.” He pulled her close. “How did your chat with Kate go?”

  “After I got over the shock and awe, I started to listen. She’s a very sincere and down-to-earth person. I’m amazed she’s lasted in Hollywood so long.”

  “Kate surrounds herself with a good support system. Chris loves her to pieces, as you say. Billie, Scar, and Athena are her guardians.”

  “You mean enforcement.” She gave him a look. “I don’t know what you said to Scar, but that music producer will be issuing a public apology in an interview in a high-profile music magazine and has offered to produce my next album and buy me a car. Not that I’d collaborate with him or accept any gifts, but I guess it means something that he’ll be apologizing in a public forum.”

  “In this climate of outing perverts in various industries, he’d be a fool not to do some soul searching and damage control. Besides, Scar can be persuasive. I bet she made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. It would not be wise to screw her over.”

  “He might get a screwdriver to the hand. Stuntwoman, bodyguard, and private investigator my foot,” she said. “She scares the bejeebies out of me.”

  “Matteo thinks the fear factor is sexy.”

  “I get the feeling he likes dangerous women.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “They are an interesting group of people who will do anything for Kate, including righting a wrong.”

  “I have to admit that if Scar shook some sense into that idiot, there would be one less woman out there falling prey to his scheme. And I was touched by my conversation with Kate. It meant a lot that she took the time. I told her I would think about doing the tour dates with Lana.”

  “Good. Take your time, then do what your heart tells you.”

  She wanted to speak, but she couldn’t. Marco must have sensed it because he started talking.

  “Katrina.” He caressed her face. “There’s something I need to say.”


  “I know we haven’t known each other for a long time, but the two weeks have been life-changing for me. Since the day you walked into my life, my heart has been beating wildly. Ti amo, Katrina. I’m in love with you.”

  Her heart quickened. He’d felt it too. She’d been having the same feelings. This wasn’t a fling.

  “I love you too.” She put her hand over his. “I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve been cautious about love my whole life. I’ve never been with anyone who made me want to take a chance and be vulnerable and see where it led me. Until you.” Trina hugged him tight.

  “I feel the same way. Since meeting you, I’ve thought about what it would mean to share my life with someone. A wonderful person who loves me and doesn’t care about how much money I have or the things I possess.”

  “None of that matters to me. I love you. The fact tha
t you’re drop-dead gorgeous was not a factor in me falling in love with you either.” She grinned.

  “I will admit it was your beauty that captivated me the day we met. But I fell hard for the open, genuine person you are. It’s refreshing.”

  “My family says I’m outspoken and opinionated.”

  “I see it as being true to yourself. It’s sexy.” He laughed. “Meeting your family explains a lot about you.”

  “How so?”

  “I see where you get your confidence. Grandma Reed has instilled qualities in all of her grandchildren. Honesty, fairness, and a fighting spirit. You pull together and go to great lengths to support each other.”

  “Yeah, it is a bad idea to get our collective dander up. Uncle Lucas says we assemble better than any of the Marines he’s commanded.” She laughed, but then she got serious again. “Since meeting you, I haven’t been homesick. Being here with you has been an incredible experience. It’s come to be a second home to me.”

  He looked into her eyes again. “Stay here with me.”

  She gulped. “For how long?”

  “For the rest of our lives. I know we’ve just met, and this is so far from the home you love and—”

  It was crazy. Exciting. It felt right. “Yes. I’ll stay here with you.”

  “Thank heavens.” He looked up to the sky. “I didn’t know what I’d do if you said no. I was afraid you would.”

  “I was afraid you’d think it was all moving too fast.”

  “How about we both not think so much, eh?”


  She stood on her toes, and Marco kissed her.

  “I have some baggage.” He took a deep breath.


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