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Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 11

by Pharaoh

  Something happened. The memory changed. Asar stood before her, dark eyes piercing her soul. Naked too but not as muscular as Khai. Suddenly his hands were on her body, exploring her lines and then disappearing into the folds of her womanhood, and all the while, he stared at her with those sexy brown eyes. Zuri shivered. Her heartbeat pounded rapidly in her chest while he made love to her.

  Her finger entered her hole, and she imagined it to be him penetrating her. She envisioned him pounding into her, not being gentle like Khai. She moved her finger faster. It wasn’t enough. She inserted a second one. There, that was it. She dropped the soap into the water and caressed her breasts with her free hand. Asar lowered his mouth to hers and claimed her as he continued to ride her fiercely. She moved her hand faster and faster until she shook with desire. Zuri gasped as the orgasm ran through her body, hot and powerful. She clutched her chest as her vagina throbbed and the feelings subsided. She slowly opened her eyes, thankful to still be alone in the room. Shame hit her the minute her body returned to normal. Was it true? Did she desire Asar more than Khai? She shook her head. No, it could not be. Asar was a demon. But, even as she thought it, she did not believe it.

  Zuri looked for the soap beneath the water and completed her bath. She walked out of the tub, dried off, and dressed. How could she go down and face Khai now? She glanced at her image in the mirror as she combed her hair. Her eyes glowed back at her, haunted with what had just occurred. She braided her hair into one long plait and applied cosmetics to hide the blush. Then she gathered all her strength and left her room.

  * * * *

  Time stopped for him the moment Zuri entered the room, dressed in a long blue skirt that rode low on her hips. The matching top stopped just above her navel, allowing him a peek at her delicate brown flesh. Around her neck she wore a gold and blue collar and accented it all with armbands made of cypress. Even her hair was different. One big plait tossed over her shoulder. Her face was aglow with light. She looked beautiful. He rose from his seat, ignoring the looks of the others and went to escort his queen to her seat. “We will talk later when we are alone.”

  Zuri did not respond or smile. She just held her head high, bowing to the visiting royals, and then she sat down next to him. Her silence worried him. She was still upset about what happened earlier. He ignored it, refusing to get her to make conversation with him. Once he got her back to Thebes, he would show her. He would make love to her so fiercely that she would forget all about Asar.

  The food arrived. Roasted goat and sheep cooked in exotic spices were served along with fish fresh from the Nile River. Yams cooked in honey, greens, and delicately steamed vegetables made the meal ambrosia. Wild rice mixed with almonds and chestnuts, a basic staple of Nubian diets, was passed around the table like an appetizer. Dessert was a pudding made from figs and plums. He finished up with a couple of glasses of wine. He had loosened up some and was prepared to sit through another couple of hours of negotiations between the families.

  “Why don’t you take Khai out and show him around the place?” Samanya suggested to Zuri.

  “He has seen it before.”

  “He has not been here since he was a child. Things have changed.”

  Khai smiled. Samanya was doing her best to break the ice between him and her daughter.

  “Yes, fine.”

  She rose. Khai jumped out of his seat to assist. He took her hand and led her out of the dining room.

  “Do not make anything of this. My mother is just interfering.”

  “Your mother is a very wise woman.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Do you want to take the horses or the camels?”

  “A camel,” he replied. “We can share it.”

  “Do not flatter yourself, pharaoh. I do not plan to make this easy for you.”

  She walked ahead of him, giving him a fantastic view of her hips as they swayed beneath the soft fabric. His body stiffened. Khai cleared his throat and followed her out of the palace and to the stables. After choosing a camel big enough to accompany both of them, he helped her on and climbed up behind her. She fit perfectly in the curve of his body. Her big butt pressed comfortingly against his pelvis.

  They rode down to the river. From Khai’s perspective, this part of the river was just a tiny pool compared to the part that flowed near his kingdom. It made it hard for them to farm. When he got back to his palace, he would speak with the agriculturalists and the builders to see if they could come up with a better irrigation system that might benefit them.

  Samanya was right. The place had changed. The village homes were rebuilt with dome tops and stone-and-mortar walls. Farmers toiled in their small gardens while the women washed their clothes in the river. Cattle were plentiful. Goats and sheep grazed in the fields while women wove baskets and pounded wheat into grain outside their homes. Kids ran and played games with handmade toys, and babies snuggled at the breasts of their mothers. The only breasts he seemed interested in were the ones riding high ahead of him.

  Zuri had not said one word as they rode. “Are you going to be silent the entire journey?”

  “I am trying hard to think of something to say. I am still angry with you.” They passed a couple of pyramids and temples. They were small in comparison to the ones being erected in Egypt, but they were well made.

  “I come here sometimes when I want to get away and pray.”

  Khai smirked. At least some conversation was better than none.

  They traveled a great distance along the river until they came upon a spot sheltered in trees. Birds flew up in the air, diving into the water and then flying up again. “This is beautiful.”

  Zuri coaxed the camel down near the water. She ordered it down, and the camel complied.

  Khai hopped off and assisted her down.

  Zuri sat on the ground and removed her sandals and waded out into the water. Khai watched, transfixed. “Sometimes I come down here to fish. My mother often complains because she feels that women should not have such hobbies.”

  “There is nothing wrong with fishing. I like to do it every now and then, myself. It is very relaxing.”

  “Would you care for a swim? She unloosened her skirt and slid it down her hips, and then she removed her collar and blouse, tossed them on the shore, and then she dove into the water.

  Khai gulped, wondering what she had in mind. He watched her come to the surface, hair wet and breasts bobbing on the water.

  “Come on in. The water is fine.”

  Khai looked down at his clothes. “I am not dressed for swimming.”

  “No one will see.”

  He did not need much encouragement. He shucked out of his clothes and dived in behind her. His body hardened at the sight of her big brown butt. What is she up to?

  She waited at the water’s edge when he resurfaced. “You are a very good swimmer.”

  He swam toward her. “So are you.” He tried to hug her, but she escaped his grasp. “Are you trying to play hard to get, my queen?”

  “No. Now we will talk.”

  “I can think of several other things I would like to do with you right now.”

  Zuri laughed. “Is that all men think of?”


  “Well, women don’t. Why did you act like such an ass earlier?”

  Khai frowned. “I did not act like an ass.”

  She swam away from him. “Are you jealous of Asar?”

  “No. Why are we talking about him?”

  “Because he seems to be the root of our problems. The sooner we have this conversation the better.”

  “Are you in love with Asar?”

  “No,” she replied.

  He swam toward her. “But you do have feelings for him.”

  “Define feelings.”

  “You are interested in him.”

  “He is a scoundrel.”

  “And that excites you?”

  “Not particularly.”

  She toyed with him. He looked her over. Her nipple
s budded at the mention of his vizier’s name. She might not admit it, but he could tell that she had some feelings for him. “Would you like him to join us in bed when we return to Egypt?”

  Zuri looked at him oddly. “Are you trying to strike some type of deal to get me back to Egypt?”

  “I am just trying to make you happy.”

  “So you think it will make me happy to have two men in my bed?”

  “Look at it as having the best of both worlds.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

  “And you would share me with him?”

  “I’d even hold you open while he is pounding it into you.”

  Zuri shook out of his grasp. “You are a very strange man, Khai.”

  “Why? Because I want you so badly right now that I would even share you with my best friend?”


  “It is not strange. That is love. I would move heaven and earth for you if you asked me to.”

  “But to share me?”

  He touched her breast and squeezed the nipple. “Just imagine two men filling you at the same time.” The nipple hardened. “Flesh pressed up against flesh. Nice muscular bodies snuggling you from behind and in front.”

  “How can both of you fit in one hole at the same time?”

  Khai chuckled. “My, but you are naïve. We would not be in the same hole.” He lifted her and locked her legs around her waist. He shoved a finger into her rectum. Zuri clung to him.

  “That is not humanly possible.”

  “I could demonstrate if you would like.”

  “You are but one man. How can you take the place of two?”

  He carried her out of the water and put her down on the ground. His body hardened from their sensual talk. “I will show you.” He lowered himself to the ground and nudged her knees apart. Then he buried his face between her legs.

  Zuri gasped above him as he inserted the finger back into her rectum. “This is not fair, Khai. You are trying to use my curiosity against me.”

  “There is no such thing as fairness when it comes to love, Zuri.” He licked the insides of her thighs, running his tongue along the creases until she was wet and ready for him. He used his finger to extract some of the juices and worked it into her rectum. Zuri moaned and reached for him. “I am about to show you why I am pharaoh,” he replied breathlessly, “and when it is over, we will go back to Egypt.” He flipped her over on her stomach raised her buttocks and entered her rectum. He put one of his longest fingers into her vagina and pushed it deep inside of her.

  Zuri squealed, trapped beneath him.

  “Now close your eyes and think of him while I fuck you.”

  * * * *

  She had a lot to think about on the way back to the palace. Every part of her body was still tender from Khai’s assault, and it was all her fault. Oh, the things he had done to her on the bank of the river would be etched in her memory forever. Her butt throbbed. How she was able to sit on the camel was still a mystery to her. Khai had taken her in every way possible. He’d kissed, sucked, and used his appendages to bring her over the edge numerous times, and still she felt bad because most of the time, she still had Asar’s face in her mind.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, not really.”

  “I am sorry that I was so rough.”

  “I am not complaining.”

  “I should not have entered you that way.”

  “I will survive.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly to give him some comfort. To be truthful, it was not as bad as she imagined.

  “Did you think about him while we were making love?”

  “Don’t ask such questions.” Why had he teased her so? Was it his way of getting back at her, offering her things he would never give her? “When do we leave for Egypt?”


  “I shall be ready.”

  “If I knew that was all it would take, I would have taken you to bed the moment I arrived instead of acting like a jealous husband.”

  “It was partially my fault for running away. I am sorry. I should have discussed it with you first.”

  “Can we agree that there will be no more secrets between us?”

  “Yes. No more secrets.” Even as they spoke the words, she knew neither one of them meant it. She would go back to Egypt with him and prepare to be queen, but she could not honestly say that she would be unaffected by seeing Asar again.

  “I will keep my promise if that will keep you by my side.”

  “Your promise?”

  “Do not tell me you have forgotten already. If you feel that you cannot handle it, I will invite Asar into our bed.”

  “I will not ask that of you no matter what happens.” Zuri closed her eyes and laid her head against his back. She would be a good wife to Khai if it meant putting aside her feelings for his best friend, and the best way to do it was to avoid him whenever possible.

  Chapter Ten

  Damn Khai and his insufferable jealousy, Asar thought as he stormed into the palace. And also damn him for his bad timing. He came riding up just when I had Zuri beginning to trust me. Had Khai not shown up, he would have expressed his feelings to Zuri and found out what his chances were with her. Now he would probably never know.

  He walked past the servants, who nodded to him as he went by. He nodded back to not appear rude. It was not their fault that he was in a foul mood. He walked up to his office and sat down. Now what was he going to do? His job as vizier was at stake, and he did not know if Khai was joking or not about having him executed. They had been friends for years, and he hoped that meant something. He liked his throat almost as much as he valued their friendship.

  Looking back now, he could see that he was the cause of all this friction, but how was he to know that Zuri would have turned into such a little beauty? Things would be a lot easier if she did not have such a spectacular body or if she would not have danced for them.

  “Why such a long face?”

  Bandru had entered the room.

  “Khai and I had an argument.”

  He lifted a decanter of wine from a basket and poured both of them a glass. He handed it to Asar. “What about?’


  Bandru sighed as he sat down. “What did you do?”

  Asar cast a dark glance at his grandfather. “Why do you assume that I did something? Khai is not an angel.”

  “Khai is not my grandson. I know you. You have been causing a ruckus since the day you were born.”

  “You do not like me much, do you?”

  Bandru sipped his drink. “No. I love you because you are my grandson, but I do not like some of the things that you do.”

  “That was a fair answer. Sometimes I do not like myself.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “I went after Zuri when she fled from the palace.”

  “What is wrong with that, and why did she flee?”

  “She overheard your conversation about her not being good enough to be queen.”

  “And I was right. See? She fled at the first sign of controversy.”

  Asar sipped his drink. “Only you would see it that way. Anyway, I went behind her to try to talk her back here, but before I could do it, Khai arrived and accused us of being lovers.”

  “Are you?”

  Asar frowned. “No.”

  “Would you wish it to be different?”

  “Yes, this is why I’m here contemplating my future. The way I see it, I have two choices, try to win Zuri from Khai or put my feelings for her in some deep dark place and leave them there.”

  “Either way you will be miserable.”

  “For a vizier, you are not very helpful.”

  Bandru laughed. “That is why I have retired. This new generation does not listen to sound advice.”

  “You are wrong about Zuri. She will make a fine queen, and it does not matter to me that her skin is dark.”

  “It does not matter to me either, but I was speaking for Egypt. Th
e Nubian kingdom is no longer in control. They had their time to reign and now it is ours.”

  “Let me guess. You have been spurned by a Nubian lover.”

  “No, not spurned. In fact, I find their women most enchanting, but enchanting or not, pharaoh should not have to worry if she will embarrass him.”

  “You are referring to that dance. That was my fault. I coerced Zuri into performing. She did what she did because she is a strong woman who is not ashamed of her body or her beauty and who will not knuckle under to the demands of a man.”

  “Hmm, if that is the truth, then maybe I was wrong.”

  Asar put down his drink. “I am asking you as a grandchild. What should I do?”

  “You have to decide what you love most, your job or your penis.”

  Asar laughed. “A very hard decision.”

  “If Zuri loves you, she will come to you. Men in our family have never had to beg a woman to bed them. If it is love, it will happen.”

  “I was wrong. You are wise beyond your years.”

  “I know, and the problem is so are you.” He rose and left the room.

  Asar contemplated their conversation. Was his penis more important to him than his job? A beautiful young woman stood in the doorway. “What are you doing here, Furaha?”

  “I am visiting Isis. I got bored and decided to return.”

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “That depends on what will happen once I accept.”

  Asar smiled wickedly. “That, my dear, is strictly up to you.”

  * * * *

  The ride back to Egypt went too quickly for Zuri. They were traveling by litter this time, and Khai sat at her side, staring out the opening and occasionally looking over at her to make sure that she was still there.

  “Why so quiet?”

  “No reason. I was just admiring the view,” Zuri replied.

  “One that you have seen hundreds of times.”

  “That does not mean that it does not change.”

  He touched her hand. “Are you regretting your decision to return back to Egypt with me?”


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