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Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 12

by Pharaoh

  “No. It was one of the wisest decisions that I have made in a long time. I am just sorry that I will not be around to help my mother with the plans for the wedding.”

  “Would you like a formal ceremony? Is that what has you upset?”

  Zuri turned to face him. “No, I do not need a formal ceremony. Egypt will accept me as their queen just as soon as you make the formal announcement.”

  “Which I will do as soon as we get there.”

  Zuri settled back in the seat. A formal wedding would have been nice. “Can we have a tiny celebration dinner instead of a big fancy wedding?”

  Khai smiled. “Then I was correct. You would have liked to be presented as a bride.”

  “What girl doesn’t, but I do not expect or want a big fancy forty-day courtship. I do not think I could wait that long.”

  “Wait for what? Our wedding night?”

  Zuri blushed. “I think we had that already.”

  Khai laughed. “No, that is but a taste of what it would be like.”

  Zuri moved around again.

  “Are you uncomfortable?”

  “Just a little tender.”

  “To be honest, I did not think I would fit in such a delicate little hole.”

  Zuri’s blush deepened, remembering their time by the river.

  “I did not think you would do that.”

  “Did you not enjoy it?”

  “Yes, I enjoyed it immensely. That is the problem. I do not think I should be enjoying sex so much.”

  He ran his finger along the top of her hand. “Yes, you should. I would not like a woman in my bed who could not perform.”

  “Was Mandisa a performer?”

  Khai moved his hand away. “I was wondering when we would get around to talking about her.”

  “Did she really sleep on a pallet on the floor next to your bed?”

  “Yes, but she preferred it that way. She did not think she was worthy of sharing a bed with a prince of Egypt.”

  “But she had no problem having sex with you?”

  “Mandisa and I have a history. She was presented to me by my father on my sixteenth birthday. She and I have been lovers ever since then.”

  “Are you still lovers?”

  “No. I told her that it is over between us.”

  “And she accepted this?”


  Zuri did not think so. Yes, she had seen her crying, but that did not mean she accepted that she has been replaced.

  “You do not have to worry that I will leave your bed and sneak off in the night to be with her. Mandisa knew sooner or later that our relationship would come to an end.”

  “What is going to happen to her?”

  “She is going back to the harem.”

  “Just like that?”

  “What do you expect me to do? Do you wish for me to put her up in a little house on the compound and see to her every need?”

  “I do not know. She deserves something after all these years.” She paused. “Do the two of you have any children?”

  He turned to her. “No. Mandisa is sterile.”

  “Would you have liked to have babies with her?”

  “Why are you so full of questions? I will not lie. It might have been nice, but it would have been wrong to bring children in the world who could not reign. Slaves and princes of Egypt cannot keep house or raise families.”

  “So she was just a convenience?”

  “Yes. Now, can we change the subject?”

  “No. I want to know more. What was it like between the two of you? Did you have conversations or was it just intercourse?”

  Khai rubbed his temple. She had seen him do that a lot lately. “We had conversations. She always asked me how my day went, and she wanted to know if anything was troubling me.”

  Zuri sighed. “Is she better in bed than I am?”

  “You are not going to let this rest, are you?”


  “No, she is not better…just different. Mandisa does not complain or get offended when I want to try something new.”

  “Like what?”

  “Are you asking to be nosy or are you are curious about what else I have in store for you?”


  Khai laughed. “Being married to you will not only be a challenge, but it will be most interesting.”

  “Do not laugh at me, Khai. A woman is supposed to know about the competition and about her husband’s plans for the future.”

  “If you must know, I plan to make love to you as often as I can, and to get and keep you fat with babies.”


  “Does that surprise you?”



  “Because I did not think you would want to have babies with me.”

  “Why would you think something like that?”

  “Because our babies would be dark-skinned.”

  Khai gently touched her hand. “I do not care what color your skin is or what color our babies will be. I love each and every inch of skin on your body. In fact, I love the dusky dark nipples on your breasts and the brown folds of your womanhood.” He took her hand and placed it on his thigh.

  Zuri gasped. He was erect.

  “The only reason I have not taken you now is that I do not want the camels to get scared when they hear your moans of passion.”

  “I will not scream.” She gripped his penis through the shenti and stroked it.

  “A litter is not a place for a queen of Egypt to have sex.”

  Zuri removed her hand. “Any place is a good place to make love.”

  Khai chuckled. “This is going to be an interesting trip back home.”

  * * * *

  “What is this?” Khai asked as he looked out of the litter. The road into Thebes was lined with people as far as the eyes could see. The sounds of drums echoed in his ears, followed by music and merriment.

  Zuri peeped out of the other side. “Looks like a celebration.”

  His name being shouted through the air as they rode indicated that Zuri was correct. “I think you are right.”

  “Pharaoh has returned,” someone shouted.

  Khai recognized the voice. It was the palace crier. He scanned the crowds until he found the old windbag standing on the steps of the temple. Alongside of him were clergy, priests, and other dignitaries wearing their formal regalia.

  A young woman ran beside the camel and spoke to him. “Welcome home, pharaoh.”

  Khai waved at her.

  Zuri continued to peer outside. “There are jugglers and musicians, and people are dancing in the streets.”

  “Delightful.” He had pulled his head back in the litter and now watched her, animated with excitement.

  “Everyone is so excited that you have returned.”

  “I did not expect this kind of homecoming.”

  Zuri pulled her head back into the litter. “But you are pharaoh. Your people love you.”

  Their love was not the one he longed for.

  The celebration continued all the way to the steps of his palace. The camel stopped and dropped to its knees. Khai dismounted and then helped Zuri. They were immediately greeted by the household staff and his family.

  His mother hugged both of them. “Welcome home, princess Zuri.”

  Zuri kissed his mother on the cheek. “Thank you. I don’t know what to call you now.”


  Khai turned to one of the servants. “Get Princess Zuri’s things from the litter and take them up to her rooms.”

  The servant bowed and hurried down the stairs to find Zuri’s things. Khai took Zuri’s hand and led her to the top of the stairs. He turned and got control over the crowd. “Thank you all for this wonderful, joyous welcome home.” The crowd roared with delight. He pulled Zuri to him. “My journey was a success. May I present to you Zuri Bassey, my new queen.”

  The roar was deafening. The crowd went to their knees.

  Khai turned to
her. “I guess this answers any of your questions about if you would be welcome.” He turned back to the crowd. “Rise and greet the new queen of Egypt.”

  The crowd moved to their feet, applauding and shouting her name.

  Khai swooped Zuri up into his arms, kissed her passionately, and then carried her inside the palace as the celebration continued outdoors. He put her down on the floor once they were safely out of the eye of the public. “Listen to that. They love you.”

  Hathor joined them. “We have a delicious meal prepared for your arrival.”

  She led them through the marbled halls.

  “How did you know I would be returning with Zuri?”

  Hathor winked at him. “I would expect no less from pharaoh.”

  Isis approached and welcomed Zuri. “I am so glad that you have accepted Khai as your husband. Welcome to the family, Zuri. I have always wanted a sister.”

  Furaha appeared. “Well done, cousin. You have snagged yourself a pharaoh. I am impressed.”

  Khai looked down on Furaha. “I did not know that you were here.”

  “I am visiting Isis and Asar.”

  Khai froze at the mention of his vizier’s name. “Where is my best friend?”

  “In his room, resting.” She eyed him up curiously. “What did my cousin do to catch the eye of pharaoh?”

  Zuri stepped between them and hugged Furaha. “Mind your business, cousin dear.”

  “I am just curious. The last time I checked you two were at odds.”

  “We have kissed and made up.” He squeezed Zuri’s shoulders affectionately. “My new bride is tired from the long journey. I will escort her up to her rooms, and we shall join everyone later for supper.” He took Zuri’s hand again and led her upstairs to the second floor.

  “What is Furaha doing here?”

  Khai shrugged. “You heard her. She is visiting.”

  The servant entered with Zuri’s things, deposited them, and quickly left.

  “The bath for this floor is down the hall. The one to this room is being redecorated and not ready for use. I’ll send Bast to you.”

  “I am perfectly capable of taking a bath by myself.”

  “If you insist.”

  “I am curious. Why are my things here in this room instead of yours?”

  “I know from the experience of having a younger sister that women crave privacy.”

  “How sweet of you.”

  Khai smiled. He knew sarcasm when he heard it. “I will post a guard at your door each night before you go to bed to ensure your safety just in case you walk in your sleep.”

  “I do not walk in my sleep.”

  He lifted her chin. “Do not take me for a fool, Zuri. Both you and I know that my grand vizier also sleeps in this palace.”

  Zuri’s face stained with embarrassment.

  Khai planted a kiss on her forehead and left laughing.

  Chapter Eleven

  The people shouted Zuri’s name at the top of their lungs. Their cries reached his ears. Asar sat up in his bed, still nude from his romp with Furaha. So Khai had succeeded in bringing her back, and soon it would be time for the two of them to face each other. He stepped from the bed. The sinking sun made the room dark. He had no intention of hiding or pretending that nothing happened. His plan was to take it one step at a time.

  Asar threw on his robe, grabbed his clothes, and headed to the bath. He’d wash the stench of his latest conquest from his body, dress, and then go down. He entered the large room. It was misty from steam from the hot rocks, an indication that it was in use. He was about to turn when he saw her…Zuri as she emerged from the water. Tiny droplets glistened on a set of breasts he would kill to touch. They were dark and full like succulent melons, with dark brown nipples big enough to easily suckle a babe.

  Zuri looked up, panicked and tried to cover her nakedness.

  Asar turned around quickly. “I am sorry. I did not know the bath was occupied.” He heard some rustling of clothes behind him. He turned slowly. “I did not know that you had returned.”

  Zuri could not look him in the eyes. “Yes, we just returned.”

  “You do not have to be embarrassed. You have a lovely body.”

  “You could at least pretend that you did not notice.”

  “It was hard for me not to.”

  Zuri tied her robe tightly. “A true gentleman would leave.”

  Asar laughed. “Both you and I know that I am not a gentleman, but I will leave.”

  “No need to. I have finished with my bath.” She walked past him.

  Asar watched, mesmerized by the sway of her generous hips and buttocks. His erection rose. He removed his robe and walked toward the bath. He turned once more to look at the door. Zuri had turned and stared at him. He followed her eyes down. “Damn.” He covered his penis and sank down into the water as she ran out.

  The entire situation would have been humorous if it had been another female. He swam around the bath, trying to get his mind off of those breasts. He could imagine burying his face in them late at night. He heard a sound and looked up expectantly. It was Furaha. “Would you like some company?” She stepped into the bath without his answer and swam over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her body against his. “Ooh, are you glad to see me?”

  She would do. He lifted her legs and secured them around his waist and entered her, carrying her out of the water as he moved. He took her on the floor, angry that she was not Zuri.

  “I like it rough.”

  “Shut up.” He ground his mouth into hers and moved his hips until he was buried inside her to the hilt. His body convulsed, and he spilled his seed inside of her. Frustrated, he pulled out and walked away.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To my room to think.”

  * * * *

  Zuri ran back to her room as fast as her feet could carry her and threw herself upon the bed. Tears poured from her eyes as she recreated what had just happened in her mind. Why had she looked back? God, he looked wonderful standing in the bath naked and erect. She wiped at her eyes. You have got to get a grip. He is your husband’s best friend. Her body shuddered. But she wanted to know what it was like to sleep with the devil. To be trapped in his arms while he stared down at her with those smoldering dark eyes. Her hands moved down between her legs as she envisioned them together. Him, thick and throbbing, and her, wet and uninhibited. Zuri jerked her hand away. She would not masturbate or cheat on Khai. Damn those two. Her life would have been so much easier had she not met them.

  Bast entered the room. “I have come to help you dress.”

  Zuri rolled over on her side and looked up at the young woman. “Thank you.” She sat up, still rubbing the tears from her eyes.

  “Are you ill, princess?”

  “Yes, I’m just tired and a bit homesick.”

  “Queen Hathor has a wonderful meal prepared. I will help you dress and fix your face so it will not show your sorrow.”

  “Thanks.” Zuri sat up on the bed while Bast hung up her things and searched for something for her to wear.

  “The master has ordered you some clothes. They should be arriving in a couple of days.”


  Bast nodded. “Beautiful things befitting the new queen of Egypt.”

  “He is most generous.”

  “Yes. He has always been that way. He will make you a fine husband.” She pulled out a dress. “This will be perfect.”

  Zuri got of the bed and dropped her robe.

  “You have beautiful breasts.” She pointed at the nipples. “Big nipples. I envy you.”


  “I am so small chested. I might not be able to suckle a baby.”

  Zuri smiled. “You are not small chested, and yes, you will. Don’t let the size deter you.”

  She dusted Zuri’s body in powder. “Pharaoh is lucky to have found someone like you. Your body is pleasing to the sight, worthy of a queen.”

blushed. “The pharaoh will be too busy with politics to even notice.”

  Bast laughed. “Oh, he will and has noticed. I saw him watching you once. His eyes were lit with stars. You make him happy.” She helped Zuri into the dress. It rode low, exposing much of her cleavage. “This one is perfect. You will have him begging at your feet.”

  “Do I want that?”

  Bast nodded. “Yes, my queen, you want to bring him to his knees and make him beg for the pleasure.”

  Zuri laughed, forgetting all about her problems. “You are good for me, Bast.”

  “I know. Now, we will do something with all this hair. I will put it up high so he can see those regal cheek bones.”

  Zuri sat down, and Bast went to work on her hair. All she had to do was make it through dinner.

  * * * *

  Zuri’s knees threatened to buckle from beneath her as she walked to the dining room. She did not know if she could spend the entire evening seated in a room with both of those men. The sounds of laughter and merriment filtered out in the foyer. She inhaled, trying to gain some composure. Khai’s promise whispered in her ear as she walked. No, the thought was unspeakable. She could not have both of them. She made it to the door and entered. Khai spotted her and rose. The rest of the men followed suit.

  “My queen.” He walked to greet her.

  Zuri scanned the room. Asar was noticeably absent. Good, maybe she could do this.

  Khai reached her, took her hand to his mouth, and kissed it. “You look beautiful.” His eyes darted to her cleavage. “And so delicious.”

  Zuri blushed as he led her to a comfortable seat. He sat her in a seat next to his. There was an empty seat next to hers.

  “He should be joining us shortly.”

  Zuri looked away. Is it that obvious?

  “That dress is simply lovely,” Isis said. She sat next to her mother and Furaha sat next to her.

  “Thank you. My father brought it back to me from Luxor.”

  “The neckline is daring. I could not pull that off.”

  Zuri blushed as all eyes dipped to her cleavage.

  Hathor winked at her. “They will grow larger when the milk comes in.”

  “Mother,” Khai warned. “You are embarrassing Zuri.”

  Hathor laughed, and the others joined her. “Do not tell me that you are not admiring them as well.”


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