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Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 15

by Pharaoh

  “Have you spoken your feelings to Zuri?”

  “Yes, and she has told me that under no circumstances will she submit to me. I have accepted this.”

  “I offered you to her.”

  Asar cringed. “She told me. You had no right to make such an offer.”

  “I have every right. I am pharaoh. I own you. Do not tell me that you are not flattered with the prospect of sleeping with her.”

  “Why do you want to subject yourself to such torture? Zuri loves you. She has always loved you, ever since she was a child. I remember her looking up at you with those big brown eyes that time she fell down and scraped her knee, and you carried her into the palace.”

  “You have an excellent memory.”

  “While I am on the subject of being honest, we have seen each other naked.”

  Khai growled. “When?”

  “When you returned with her from Nubia. I’m just telling you so it won’t come up and rear its ugly head one day. She was getting out of the baths. I did not know it was occupied. It was during the time her bath was under construction.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. She quickly put on her robe and left the area. We never spoke of it again.” He paused. “You are one lucky fellow.”

  “Speaking of my wife’s body. I’ve noticed that she has put on some weight.”

  “Maybe she is enjoying the cuisine. Are you complaining?”

  “No, I like women with meat on their bones.”

  “Are we through with this conversation? I need to get back to my bride-to-be.”

  “You have my blessing.”

  “Thank you.” Asar walked back to his horse. “That is all that I ask.”

  * * * *

  Zuri walked down to the bottom floor and turned the corner that led to the rooms Furaha was occupying. Her cousin had invited her to visit, and she wanted to get it over with before Asar returned from his meeting with Khai.

  Zuri stopped just outside the open door. A feminine giggle traveled through the air. “Furaha, are you there?” She received no response. Zuri entered the room. It was empty. There was another feminine giggle and the sound of splashing water. “She must be in the bath.” Zuri sat down and waited for a few minutes and then rose. “Maybe I should tell her that I have arrived.” She walked through the bedroom and headed toward the bath. She stopped dead in her tracks. Her cousin lay on a couch just outside the pool, and she wasn’t alone. Asar was on his knees between her legs and using his mouth to tease her.

  “You are so good at this.”

  Asar raised his head. His dark brown hair streamed in front of his face, hindering his view. “That is because you taste so delicious.”

  Zuri ducked behind a column fearing she would be seen. Common sense told her to leave, but she stood transfixed. Asar rose. He was naked and blatantly aroused. Zuri gulped. Not as big as Khai but every bit as long.

  Furaha spread her thighs wider. “Come to me, grand vizier.”

  Asar crawled between her cousin’s legs and entered her.

  Furaha squealed. “You are in so deep.”

  “I want to be deeper.” He moved his hips.

  Zuri continued to watch, drawn into voyeurism by curiosity.

  Asar took her roughly, grinding his pelvis into Furaha, who clawed at his back in a fit of ecstasy. Asar pulled out and slammed back into her. Furaha squealed again, obviously enjoying the sound of screwing.

  A hand clasped over her mouth, and an arm came around her waist. Zuri struggled and tried to get away from whoever had her trapped. She was dragged through Furaha’s rooms and out of the door and then pushed forcefully in the hall. She looked up. Khai glared down at her.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  “Furaha invited me for a visit.”

  “That did not look like she was entertaining you.”

  Zuri put her hand on her hips. “Obviously not. How was I to know that your talks would end early? I just happened to walk in on them.”

  “A polite person would have turned and left.”

  Zuri scowled at him. “When have I ever been considered polite?” She marched away angrily.

  Khai caught up with her. “So did you satisfy your curiosity?”

  Zuri tried to slap him, but he caught her hand.

  “Was he everything you desired? Was his body not fantastic?”

  “I have seen his body before. It is impressive.”

  Khai grabbed her, slung her over his shoulders, and ran toward the stairs. He took her up to his room and tossed her on the bed.

  “Ouch. Careful.”

  “You do not deserve my kindness. I knew I could not trust you.”

  “Do not ever manhandle me again, pharaoh.”

  Khai crawled on the bed and grabbed her chin in his hands. “I can do with you what I wish. My little voyeur.”

  “What do you want me to say? I have never seen anyone making love before. It was interesting. Furaha is such a fake. She was screaming like she was being tortured.”

  “Do not try to change the subject.”

  “You are such a jealous pharaoh.” She tried to climb off of the bed. “How did you know where to find me anyway? Did you search the palace like a mad man until you found me?”

  “No, I did not have to. A servant told me that she saw you headed that way.”

  “They are so loyal. Do you think that I am such a fool that I would go to Asar knowing I would be seen?”

  Khai punched the mattress. “No. You are such an infuriating wench.” He pulled her back onto the bed and pinned her down with his body.

  “Yes, but you love me anyway.”

  “Do not think this is over. You are hereby banned from that part of the palace.”

  Zuri tried to push him off of her. “You are smothering me.”

  Khai rolled off of her, and she hopped off the bed. He sat up. “Did watching them do anything to you?”

  Zuri’s hand went between her legs to demonstrate. “Yes, it set this on fire, and if you hadn’t so rudely interrupted, I would have come and sought you out to put out the flame.”

  Khai reached and ripped the dress from her body.

  “Your mother is going to have a fit. She just had that made.”

  “I will get you another one. That one is stained with your infidelity.”

  “For the hundredth time, I did not do anything with Asar nor do I have intentions on doing anything with him. You are plenty enough man for me with your jealousy and your gorgeous blue eyes and sexy smile.”

  “You body is jiggling in all the right places. Have you put on weight?”

  Zuri tried to cover herself. “It is rude to point that out.”

  Khai stepped off the bed and walked around her. “Even your ass is thicker.” He reached down and squeezed one of her cheeks.

  Zuri moaned.

  “Is that sensitive, too?”

  Zuri nodded.

  Khai pinched the other cheek, and Zuri backed into him.

  “Take me.”

  “No. I will not take you with him fresh in your thoughts.”

  Zuri stomped away from him. “Oh, you asshole.”

  Khai laughed. “Come back here.”

  Zuri turned around.

  “Your breasts are larger too. Is the food here so good that you have been gorging yourself while I was away?”

  “Yes. I am growing fat from food.”

  Khai walked up to her and reached for her breast. “If I squeeze them, will they give me milk?”

  Zuri blushed. “I do not know.”

  Khai raised an eyebrow. “Hmm.” He squeezed it, and the nipple budded to life. “This is most interesting.” He pulled her to him. “I think I shall take you now.” He carried her to his bed and put her on her knees. “I think you are keeping secrets from me. For this, you must be punished.”

  Zuri heard the shenti when it hit the floor. Khai approached the bed and spanked her cheeks until she shuddered. “Do you still desire my best frien

  “No. I want only you.”

  He used his finger to tease her rectum. “It has been a long time since I paid this any attention.” He pushed the finger inside.

  Zuri yelped. “Please do not torture me so. I have done nothing wrong.”

  Khai moved the finger around. “No, but you still think about it.”

  Zuri moaned. “I do not lust after another man. I want only you.”


  “I am not.”

  Khai popped her on the other cheek with his free hand. He removed his finger and rubbed his penis against her bottom. Zuri trembled.

  Khai slid it between the cracks and laid it to rest against her vagina.

  “Please be gentle.”

  He turned her around to face her. “Why? Why should I do it gently?”

  “Because I carry your child deep in my womb.”

  Khai roared, swept her off her feet and laid her gently on the bed. “You have made me the happiest man in the world.” He lowered his mouth on hers.

  Zuri sighed. She had not meant to tell him about the babe in the heat of passion, but she feared that he might carry out one of his threats. She wrapped her arms around his neck. How was she ever going to convince him that he was the only man she wanted?

  Chapter Fourteen

  He did not think Asar would go through with it, but here he stood dressed in his royal attire side by side with Furaha receiving blessings from the priests on their union. Furaha looked simply lovely in a long white sheath, ceremonial headdress, and bands. Her parents and Zuri’s had arrived from Nubia and were seated next to Asar’s. Women from all over the kingdom were there, crying in disbelief that he was no longer available. Khai smirked, surprised that they had shown up, making themselves available for scorn and insult by the new bride.

  Zuri sat at his side in her queenly regalia. This was the first time he had seen her with scepter and crown. His body hardened. Her gown fit snuggly around her waist and growing abdomen. They were keeping that little surprise for a later date until she passed her first period of gestation. He had banned her from all strenuous activity including riding horses and camels. She had balked but later relented.

  Najre sat next to Chitemo, who had come for the wedding. He had brought along wedding gifts for the newlyweds, crates of fine ivory and cypress, which delighted Furaha to no end. Najre looked ecstatically happy dressed in light blue. In a couple of months, she too would be married and the Bassey palace would be free of children until the grandchildren arrived. Samanya was giddy with anticipation about it.

  Asar and Furaha rose from their knees, and the ceremony ended. The procession made its way out into the streets where crowds of people waited to congratulate them. Khai decided to remain inside and to wait for them to return for the celebratory dinner and entertainment. Zuri remained at his side, quiet and reserved. Moments later, the throne room had emptied, and they were alone.

  “I really did not think that he would go through with it.”

  “I did.” She continued to stroke Simba.

  “Why were you so sure?”

  “Because he promised. Asar might be a lot of things, but he is not a liar.”

  Khai chuckled. She was right. Through all of it, he had not once denied his feelings for Zuri or the fact that he did not yet love his new bride. “Do you think it will last?”

  “Of course. My cousin can be very persuasive. She will have him wrapped around her finger in no time.”

  “How do you feel about her moving into the palace?”

  “It is a big place, and she is family.”

  He would not ask her about her feelings for Asar. It was still a sore subject to her. In his heart, he believed that she was over her curiosity and now felt regret for her actions. He reached over and rubbed her stomach. “Do you wish for a boy or a girl?”

  “It does not matter to me as long as it is healthy.”

  “Aren’t you frightened?”

  “Yes. Are you? Being a father is a big responsibility.”

  “Yes. It terrifies me to know that I will be responsible for a tiny life. Hopefully, he will inherit your temperament and composure.”

  Zuri chuckled. “I do not think so. Your arrogant Egyptian blood runs through his veins. He will be a handful.”

  He removed his hand from her belly and raised it to stroke her cheek. Motherhood made her skin glow like copper. Her lips were fuller and her eyes brighter. He allowed his eyes to move down. Her breasts were barely contained in the bodice of her gown. They had nearly doubled in size, and he wondered how long she could keep her secret. Already his mother eyed her curiously at meals. Zuri’s appetite had increased, and she now had a passion for fruit other than figs and plums. “Are you happy?”

  She looked over at him. “Yes, why?”

  “You are very quiet.”

  “It is called being reserved and mature. I am queen of Egypt, which means I have to act like one.”

  Khai looked over at Zuri. She looked radiant. “Has my mother been coaching you on palace etiquette?”

  Zuri nodded. “She told me be a queen in public and a wildcat in the bedroom.”

  Khai laughed. “Maybe I need to separate the two of you for a while.” He continued to watch her, his body growing hard with need. He had not touched her since that night, fearful that he might be rough with her again. It bothered him so that he could be so jealous. He had been trying not to react every time a man looked at his wife. Even his guards found her enchanting.

  * * * *

  Zuri peered over at her husband once he had stopped badgering her with questions. It had been some time since they had lain together. Most of it, she supposed, was her fault. He still did not trust her and feared that she might one day hold him to his promise to her. He did not have to worry about that now. Her curiosity had been cured the moment she saw Asar and Furaha coupling. It was hard to fantasize about a man who now belonged to another. Anyway, Khai was enough man for her. He was pharaoh, and he simply made her happy. The loving bride and groom returned, followed by their entourage. “Should we adjourn to the dining room?”

  Khai rose. They joined the others in the dining room. Najre grabbed her by the hand. “Can I speak with you for a moment?”


  Khai went off to his seat.

  Zuri took her sister up to her suite. “What is it?”

  Najre pointed down to her stomach. “I think I am with child.”

  Zuri gasped. “No!”

  Najre shook her head. “Chitemo and I were alone in my room making wedding plans one day, and the next thing I knew he was looking at me with those big brown eyes like he wanted to devour me.”

  Zuri smirked. She could understand that.

  “Mother is going to kill me.”

  Zuri took her sister’s hand. “No, she will not. How far along do you think you are?”

  “Maybe three months.”

  “You will be married in less than a month. Just try to keep it hidden until then.”

  “How am I going to hide it? My breasts are already the size of melons.”

  Zuri rose and let down the top of her gown, exposing her breasts and abdomen. “The same way I do.”

  Najre gasped and pointed. “You are with child, too.”

  Zuri straightened her clothes. “Yes, a secret Khai and I had been keeping for a while.”

  “I won’t tell.”

  Zuri sat back down on the bed. “I am the happiest I have been in a long time.”

  Najre looked her in the eyes. “Are you really? Has Khai given up this insane idea that you are in love with Asar?”

  Zuri nodded. “I think so.”

  Najre moved in closer. “You can tell me. Did anything happen between you and Asar?”

  Zuri shook her head. “No. Once I accepted the fact that Khai was my husband, that ended that possibility. Khai might not believe it, but I love him with all my heart. My fascination with the grand vizier was just that…a fascination.”

>   Najre hugged her. “I am glad. The two of you were made for each other.” She rose. “I think we should be getting back to the party.”

  Zuri rose. “Mother is going to be so happy when she finally finds out. The palace will once again be alive with children.”

  “I do not know about that. I get the feeling that she is looking forward to getting me out of the house. She and father have been looking at each other with big, dreamy eyes.”

  Zuri giggled. “You do not suppose that they are still making love at their age?”

  Najre nodded. “It would not surprise me. She is still a desirable woman.”

  * * * *

  Khai moved quickly away from Zuri’s door and headed back to the dining room. To think that he, pharaoh, would stoop so low as to eavesdrop on his bride and her sister. The news that she loved him made him giddy with joy, and he would show her how much later when they were alone in his bed. He sat down only moments before Zuri and Najre entered. He hopped up once she arrived and helped her into her seat. “Is anything wrong with Najre?”

  “No, she just wanted to talk. She does not have anyone to talk to now that I have moved out and Furaha has moved in here.”

  “We will invite her here for a real visit after she and Chitemo are married. Would you like that?”

  Zuri nodded. “That would be nice, but it might not be for some time. They will be newlyweds, and you know how that can get.”

  “No, I don’t. We did not get that experience. Everything was so hurried.”

  Zuri patted his hand. “I do not need formalities. I am very happy with the way things are.”

  The servants brought forth the food, ending their conversation.

  * * * *

  “I never dreamed this day would come,” Asar said as he and Khai sat in the throne room after all the guests had departed and the festivities ended.

  “Me neither, but did you have to invite every woman that you slept with?”


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