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Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 16

by Pharaoh

  Asar laughed. “Not all of them, my friend. That was just a small sampling.” He sighed. “And I will not miss them.”

  Khai nearly choked on his wine. “What?”

  “It is true. I am in love with Furaha. I do not know when it happened, but I am.”

  “She is truly lovely. It is hard not to fall in love with her.”

  “It is not just the outside beauty. I have found it beneath the surface. She does have a good side whether you believe it or not. I think she has matured.”

  “Anything is possible. You, for example, look like a lovesick puppy.”

  “She is very shrewd when it comes to business, and she is very good in the bedroom, two things I admire in a woman.”

  “Business and sex have always been a good combination.” He sipped his drink. “I am glad that you are happy.”

  “Do you think that our friendship will ever be the same?”

  “I think so. Zuri made me realize that you have never lied to either of us. It was my own selfish jealousy that has ruined everything.”

  “Is that an apology?”

  “Yes. I am sorry that I accused you of seducing my wife.”

  Asar chuckled. “I am not without reproach. I would have done so had the opportunity been presented.”

  “I know. She is hard to resist.”

  “How long do you think the two of you can keep that little secret?”

  “What secret?”

  “That you are going to be parents.”

  “How do you know that? Zuri and I haven’t told anyone except Najre?”

  “I am not blind, and I do know a thing or two about the female anatomy. Her breasts are huge.”

  Khai nodded. “That they are. I suppose we are going to make the formal announcement soon. I do not think she can hide it much longer. Her ass grows bigger every day.”

  “Are you trying to tempt me?”

  “No, just letting you know what you are in for. I happen to know that the Bassey women are very fertile.”



  “It would not surprise me if Furaha is already with child.”

  “I would like that…a little girl with her eyes.”

  “You have turned into a romantic sop.”

  “Love has done this to me. I like waking up next to her, and I cherish our nights together.”

  “I have been neglecting my wife in that department lately.”


  “I was a bit rough with her the last time we were together. I was angry, and I took it out on her.”

  Asar gasped. “You did not strike her?”

  “No. I took her from behind.”

  Asar laughed. “Did she seem upset after you did it?”

  Khai thought about it. “No, she did not say a thing. She just went off to sleep.”

  “Then you do not have anything to worry about.”

  “But it is not normal. I am so big, and she was so tight.”

  “Do not give me any visuals.”

  “Do you suppose she enjoyed it?”

  Asar laughed again. “Oh, I am sure she did.”

  Khai sighed. “Women are an oddity to me, especially her. I am still not sure that I did the right thing by making her queen.”

  “I think you did. Even Bandru has seen the change in her. He has gotten a lot of favorable reports from the people. They adore her.”

  Khai’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Bandru has changed his mind?”

  “Yes. He now thinks that she is good for Egypt.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Zuri sweated as the contractions rendered her body helpless. She had been in pain for nearly fifteen hours, and she did not know if she could last much longer. The midwife, Mandisa, had been providing emotional support and encouragement. The two of them were in the birth house at the temple, and the young woman had positioned Zuri in the birthing chair and was waiting to catch the baby once its head emerged. Two other young midwives stood at Zuri’s side holding her hands and arms and providing comfort. The three women spoke to each other as if she was not there.

  Mandisa rose and left, returning several minutes later with a dish of hot water. She placed it under the birthing chair. “The steam will help with the delivery.”

  Zuri nodded that she understood. The birthing chair was made from brick and was most uncomfortable. It had been specially made for her with inscriptions of her and decorated with beautiful pictures of a mother, baby, and the goddess Amon.

  Hathor and the other women of the palace were in the outer room praying to the goddess for a safe delivery. Their chanting to Horus filtered into the structure as she panted.

  Mandisa mopped her brow. “It will not be much longer, my queen.”

  Zuri eyed the young woman curiously. She was very pretty. Guilt rocked through her with the next pain. She had interfered with her relationship with Khai. Zuri wondered if the young woman held any resentment. At the moment, she could not see it. Mandisa had been very caring throughout the entire ordeal, which made it hard for Zuri to relax.

  Mandisa sat back down and peered between her legs. “The head is crowning. Please push with the next pain.”

  Seconds later, Zuri was hit with an excruciating pain. She pushed, unintentionally shoving her nails into the hands of the other two midwives.

  “The baby has a head of dark hair.”

  Zuri stopped pushing. One of the young women wiped the sweat from the brow. Another pain came. Zuri pushed. “Ah yee!” It felt like her bottom was on fire.

  Mandisa worked furiously beneath her, turning the baby’s shoulders as it passed through the birth canal. “Keep pushing.”

  She was tired and exhausted and hating Khai very much for putting her into such a life-threatening position. She pushed harder. The rest of the baby exited her body. Zuri stopped pushing.

  Mandisa took the baby to the other side of the room while the other two ladies attended her.

  Zuri looked over. What was she doing? She heard a smack and then a loud wail.

  Mandisa turned to face her. “You have a son. A handsome boy. I will clean him up and then deliver him to you.”

  Zuri relaxed while the other two women helped her off of the birthing chair and into a bed. Moments later, Mandisa put the squalling infant at her breast. He was beautiful with black hair, creamy brown skin, and blue eyes.

  Mandisa touched her hair tenderly. “Pharaoh will be proud. The baby looks just like him.”

  Zuri was taken aback by the statement. Who else would he look like, except maybe her? Zuri gasped. Had Khai confided in her? Did he think that there was a possibility that Asar might be the father or had she been the product of gossip since everyone knew that Khai and Asar had nearly fought over her?

  The baby grabbed a hold of her nipple and began to suckle. Zuri smiled. All the evil thoughts disappeared from her thoughts as she watched young pharaoh at her breast.

  Mandisa looked down on her and the baby. “I will send in your mother-in-law and the rest of the women.”

  “Thank you,” Zuri replied.

  Mandisa and the two other women left. Hathor entered first, followed by Samanya, Isis, Najre, and Furaha. Hathor removed the baby from her breast to examine it.

  “It is a boy,” she announced.

  The other women shouted with delight. “Hail pharaoh.”

  Zuri settled back, exhausted, appreciating the rest and allowing the women of the family to fawn over her son.

  * * * *

  Mandisa walked into the throne room.

  Khai looked toward the door. “How is my wife?”

  “She is fine, pharaoh. She is resting in the birthing house.”

  “And the baby?”

  “A healthy son.”

  Khai roared. “I have a son.”

  Asar walked over and patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations.”

  “Can I go to her?”

  “In a minute, sire. She is with the women of the palace. They are perform
ing the welcoming ceremony.”

  “Are you sure that they are well?”

  Mandisa nodded. “They are in excellent condition. I have made sure of it. The boy is fine and healthy with all his fingers and toes. He has a lusty cry and a ferocious appetite. He latched on the queen’s tit the moment I laid him at her breast.”

  Khai beamed. “I am so proud.”

  Mandisa bowed and left.

  “You did not even watch her as she walked away.”

  Khai looked toward Asar. “What?”

  “Mandisa. You are over her.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “She has been your friend and concubine since you were a teen. Do you feel any remorse?”

  “No, and before you can ask, Mandisa bears Zuri no ill-will. If I thought she did, I would not have let her anywhere near Zuri or the child. She is a good friend and loves me enough to let me go.”

  “Shall we go to see your son?”

  Khai nodded. “Just think. In a couple of months, it will be me escorting you to the birthing house.”

  Asar shuddered. “I know. I can not believe that I am going to be a father. I am very excited. Furaha’s breasts are huge.”

  Khai laughed. “Spoken like a true husband.”

  The two friends raced out of the palace and headed down the path that led to the birthing house, a structure near the women’s temple. Already a long line of women waited patiently for their turn to see the new baby and to bestow their blessing on it.

  “Move aside,” one of them shouted. “The pharaoh has arrived.”

  The women parted to allow him and Asar to enter.

  “Khai’s here,” another said.

  The door to the birthing room opened, and Hathor walked out with the infant in her arms. He was swaddled in a cover made from the finest linen, dark blue with golden thread. She presented the baby to him.

  Khai reached for the baby with uncertainty, fearing that he would drop him.

  Hathor chuckled. “Just cradle your arm beneath his head.” She put the baby into the crook of his arm and opened the blanket. “A boy.”

  Khai looked down. The baby stared at him and burped. Raw emotions came to the surface. “He is perfect.” He kissed the baby on the forehead.

  Asar approached and looked down. “He is big and beautiful. Congratulations.”

  Hathor took the baby from Khai. “I have to return him to his mother. He needs to feed.”

  Khai followed his mother into the birthing room. Zuri’s mother and pregnant sister fussed over her. They both bowed and hurried out of the room when they saw him. Hathor put the baby at Zuri’s breast and left, too.

  “You do know how to empty a room,” Zuri said, watching him approach. The baby pulled at her tit and made sucking noises. “He has a healthy appetite.”

  Khai kissed her on the forehead. “You sound surprised. After all, he is my son.” He lowered his head to the other breast, took the nipple into his mouth and sucked. He was rewarded with a warm, sweet liquid. He raised his head. “I do not think we will be in need of a wet nurse. Life flows from your breasts.”

  Zuri smirked. “I think there will be enough for both of you.”

  Khai watched the baby nurse. “I do not know. He might be a selfish little brute who will not want to share.” He felt his body stir as he watched the sight. He looked at Zuri. She blushed. “How long will you be indisposed?”

  “You cannot be in the mood.”

  Khai stiffened. “It has been several weeks.”

  “Poor pharaoh. I am afraid you will have to wait at least six more. I need time to heal and for the blood flow to stop.”

  Khai sighed. “I can wait.”

  “Will you truly?”

  Khai looked down at his wife. “What do you mean?”

  “Will you truly wait until I heal or will you seek comfort elsewhere?”

  “That question does not deserve an answer. No, I will not seek comfort elsewhere.”

  “I am sure that Mandisa would not mind.”

  “Are you trying to start an argument?”

  Zuri smirked. “No. I am just teasing.”

  “You are the only woman that I have ever loved or that I will ever need. I will wait six weeks but not one second more.”

  Zuri blushed. “You might not have to wait that long. There are other ways I can serve my king.” Zuri ran her tongue over her lips.

  Khai blushed this time. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Anything you wish. After all, you are pharaoh.”



  Imari Jade is a member of Romance Writers of America, (Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal) Passionate Ink and EPICON.

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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