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Sexy Red Hood

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by Devoré, Daryl

  New Dawning International Bookfair


  A Twisted Fairytale


  Daryl Devoré

  Copyright © 2011 Daryl Devoré

  Sexy Red Hood

  Chapter One

  Every good fairy tale begins once upon a time. This one begins once upon a dream.

  His strong fingers kneaded her breasts. Her erect, pink nipples rubbed against his rough hands.

  "Oh, that feels so good." She ran her finger though his hair.

  His hands reached up to her shoulders and trickled their way down to her hips. Wrapping his fingers around behind, he grabbed each butt cheek and dug his fingers into her velvety flesh.

  She slid her fingers down his chest and flicked his nipples with her fingernails. "You make me feel so hot."

  Softly applying tender kisses on her stomach, his lips moved from her navel down to her thigh. Moving his hands around to her bush, he slid his fingers down and pressed a hand on each inner thigh, urging her to spread her legs. He stared at her pussy.

  "Like what you see?" She wiggled her bottom.

  A smile crossed his face and he lowered his head between her legs. Using small nips and kisses, he traced a path along her thigh and stopped when his lips brushed the edge of her bush. Licking her slit, he slowly caressed the inside of her thigh with the tips of his fingers. When his hand reached her pussy, his finger teased her wetness.

  "Don't stop!" She entangled her fingers in his hair.

  His finger slid deep into her cunt as his tongue neared her clit. "Baby, I'm gonna fuck you until you beg for…."

  and oil prices soared as the cost of a barrel of crude rode to an all time record….

  "Oh Gawd," moaned Red, as she grabbed a pillow to cover her ears. "It can't be morning."

  lost 3 to 2. The Chicago Blackhawks traded right winger, Steve….

  From under the pillow, she forced one eye to open. The digital alarm clock showed 6:07.

  snow and blowing snow and with near record cold temperatures.…

  "I don't wanna get up." Her left hand reached out from under the warm blankets and slapped at the snooze button. Closing her eyes, she sighed and settled back into sleep. "Can I just go back to my dream?"

  all roads leading into the downtown core are slow and there are two major accidents on Michigan Avenue. Delays and cancellations at O'Hare International….

  Again, her left hand thrust out from under the blankets and pressed the snooze button. No sooner had she settled herself back under the covers, when the annoying beep-beep-beep of the backup clock sounded.

  Red sighed and threw back the covers. There was only one way to shut off this alarm -- get out of bed, walk across the room and smack the button.

  Which she did, then trudged to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and stumbled into the kitchen. After popping a bagel into the toaster, she returned to the bath and stepped in the shower. With eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of the water, she lathered her hair.

  Monday. The day I get to put up with Mom's questions of what I did over the weekend. Did I have a date? Or why not? Why won't she get out of my love life? What? Does she think I'll never find anyone?

  As she rubbed the soap over her body, her mind drifted back to the dream she'd had and the touch of her fantasy man's hands and lips on her body. Warmth grew between her legs. Her nipples hardened to the touch as her fingers rippled over her soft breasts. She leaned against the cool tiles enjoying both of the sensations of her caressing hands and the water streaming down her body.

  While her left hand teased her nipple, the right slid down her soap-covered body until her fingers entwined in her trimmed bush. She shuddered as her middle finger moved lower and brushed across her clit. Languidly, she skimmed her finger across her button, barely allowing it to touch her super-sensitive flesh. Reaching down to the base, she flicked her finger upward with gentle strokes on the underside of her clit. Each touch deepened the ache growing inside her pussy.

  Damn. Wish I had my dildo.

  Red inserted a finger into her wet pussy and strummed her nub with her thumb. With water massaging her neck and cascading down her breasts, she thrust her finger in and out pushing herself toward sexual ecstasy. Her knees buckled and she slammed her free hand against the shower wall to stabilize herself. With heart pounding and breath coming in deep gasps, she lost herself in the sensations she caused in her body.

  Her thumb alternated between flicks across her clit and circles around it. Inserting a second finger, she gasped at the tingle, but didn't break the rhythm. Deep within her the orgasmic wave began to build. Each stroke pushed the moment closer. Every caress on her button drove the arousal higher.

  "Oh, this feels so good. Ah!"

  Her hand slipped down the wall, but she didn't stop stroking herself, driving her body to the moment of ultimate release.

  "Oh my God. Oh!" The orgasm convulsed though her body. She lost her grip on the wet shower wall and sank to the floor. She pulled her hand from the depths of her pussy, relaxed and let the shower water continue to flow over her.

  Rising she shut off the shower, stepped out and dried off. After dressing, she walked to the kitchen, grabbed her bagel and poured a cup of coffee. Carrying both into the living room, Red turned on the morning news. No miracle had occurred since the radio's alarm went off. The traffic was still a mess because of the snow. No sense driving in this. I'll grab a cab.

  With breakfast complete, Red pulled on her heavy winter coat and boots, wrapped a scarf around her face, and stuffed some gloves in her pocket. Stalled by a few moments of frustrated searching, she located her keys, stepped into the hallway, locked the apartment door and walked toward the elevator.

  Red caught the first cab that happened by. Snuggled in the stifling warmth, she pulled out her Blackberry and checked voice mails and text messages. Noting that none were important, she found her iPod, put her ear buds in, settled back and listened to Mozart. The ride into the city always seemed shorter with the help of his wondrous music.

  When they arrived at the Merch Mart, she paid the driver and stepped out into the blizzard. The Art Deco style building was an impressive and beautiful place to work, even if she was only a junior accountant. She entered the building and walked across the green and orange terrazzo floor, leaving behind clumps of melting snow.

  No one stood waiting for the elevators. She pushed the Up button. When the doors opened, she stepped inside and pressed 6.

  Ok, this never happens. No waiting for elevators. A cab the second I stepped outside. Keep this up and this could be the day Stan notices me.

  She opened her purse, pulled out a little makeup mirror and checked her face. Everything seemed perfect. For luck, she applied a layer of her Poodle Skirt Pink lip gloss.

  How can a guy that good looking not notice me? I've seen him checking out that bitch Katerina. The way she struts by, shaking that ass.

  When the elevator doors slid open, Red stepped into the hallway. Before her, stood the impressive glass and brass doors of Hood's Chocolatier--the corporate offices of one of the country's largest independent chocolate makers. She stepped through the doorway, and marched toward her cubicle.

  Three steps from her destination, the word, "Esmeralda!" broke the silence.

  Caught! She sighed, formed a smile, turned. "Yes, Mother?"

  "Where have you been? I've called and called."

  "I noticed. Six voice mails and fourteen text messages. Nothing said urgent. You seem fine. I'm fine. So what's the big deal?" She frowned. What could be the problem? "Oh no, is it Grandma?"

  Her mother threw her hands up. "Yes!"

  "What? What's wrong with her? Is she sick? She didn't fall and break anything, did she?"

; "She's driving me out of my mind."

  Red bit back the sentence – Oh happy day – and instead managed to say, "What's she done now?"

  "Not here. Come into my office."

  "Can I go put my coat and things—"

  Hearing her mother's sigh of frustration, Red surrendered then remembered that following her mother to her office would mean passing by the office of Stanley Parkinson, VP of Sales. She stood a little taller, pulled in her stomach and confidently strode near his office then deflated at the sight of his closed door.

  Entering at the door marked R. Hood, Red had barely stepped into the office, when her mother pushed her aside, closed the door and stood before her. "Your grandmother has booked a stateroom on a cruise ship and is taking a man with her."

  Sensing So, was the wrong answer, Red let her mother vent whatever bothered her. This day could still be saved. If her mother stayed focused on the crisis-of-the-moment she might forget the weekly discussion of her love life.

  "A man. Did you hear me?"

  "Yes, Mother." Red unbuttoned her coat, dropped her gloves, scarf and onto the seat next to her then settled in the brown leather chair in front of the desk. Her mother walked around and sat behind her large, hand carved, oak desk. It provided an imposing barrier between mother and daughter.

  "I haven't told you this before, but your grandmother's going through your grandfather's money faster than you can go through a tub of maple walnut ice cream after a breakup."


  Folding her immaculately manicured hands and placing them on her desk, Red's mother looked up. "Your flight's at two."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I've booked a flight to Miami and a stateroom on The Emerald Forest."

  Red shook her head. "I can't afford a stateroom on a junior accountant's salary."

  "The company is paying. I had my secretary send everything to your Blackberry. Now, you have no time to talk. Go home, pack, find your passport and save your grandmother."

  Red's voice rose an octave, "Save my grandmother? From what?"

  R. Hood placed her fingers on her forehead. "Save your grandmother from spending your inheritance on some gigolo. Your grandfather built this company from nothing to a multi-million dollar a year business. And he had to fight the big boys like Herseys and the Mars brothers to do it."

  Red sighed. "I know the corporate story, Mom. He started by making his chocolate in great grandma's kitchen and from those humble beginnings—"

  "Put you through Harvard Business School," snapped her mother.

  She shot back, "Only to be dumped in a junior accountant's position."

  "We'll fight later. Now go. No wait." She pulled open a desk drawer, closed it and pressed an intercom button. "Brittnee."

  "Yes, Mrs. Hood?"

  "The box for my mother-in-law, where is it?"

  "I'll bring it right in, Mrs. Hood." A moment later, the door opened and Brittnee entered carrying a silver box. She offered it to Mrs. Hood.

  Robin pointed to her daughter. The secretary handed the box to Red and left the office, closing the door behind her. Without having to ask, she understood the box contained the new samples for next year's line. Grandma Hood retained the right of final decision on what chocolates were sold at Hood Chocolatier.

  "Take those to your grandmother. A taste of home might bring her to her senses."

  Red started to speak, but stopped herself. She didn't want to fly to Miami. If she was away, Katerina would sink her claws into Stanley. Her man, the stud, the gorgeous VP of Sales who made her body swoon with desire whenever he walked by. The smell of his aftershave made her undies wet. Once, she rode from the lobby to the sixth floor with him and almost had an orgasm before the elevator doors opened. She couldn't concede this hunk of a man to Katerina. But what could she do?

  Her mother snapped her fingers. "Why are you just sitting there? Go. Save your inheritance."

  Chapter Two

  In a fevered rush, Esmerelda left the office, raced to her apartment and packed. The cab made it to the airport with minutes to spare before she had to clear security. Flustered by the race to pack and arrive at the airport, she barely tasted the meal and ignored the movie offered by the airline. At Miami International Airport, the baggage carousel crawled around the track with one lone piece of luggage that wasn't hers. She tapped her foot and glared at the little door where the luggage exits. Together her suitcases exited, slid down the slope and landed on the belt by her feet.

  She extended their handles and wheeled them toward the exit. Wow, feel that Florida sunshine. I hate winter.

  The hotel shuttle was parked to the left of the exit. Red left her luggage next to the pile, winked at the driver and took the last available seat on the van's back bench. After loading the luggage, the driver drove to the hotel.

  Upon checking in, she dropped her luggage on the bed, pulled open the curtains and sighed. Palm trees. And not a snowflake to be seen. Her stomach rumbled a mild complaint about being empty. Red kicked off her shoes, called room service, ordered a sandwich and beer, then settled down on the bed and picked up the TV remote. She channel surfed, pausing to watch a few minutes of Dr. Phil, until a knock at her door announced her dinner had arrived.

  While eating, she checked the cruise line website for a detailed layout of the ship and a list of up and coming events of the trip. The second jaw-splitting yawn convinced her it was time for bed.

  She woke to the shrill sound of her telephone ringing.

  "Hello?" Her voice creaked. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Hello?"

  "Miss Hood, the driver has asked me to inform you the shuttle is leaving."

  For a moment Red sleepily wondered what shuttle and why should she be concerned it was leaving? Having been so focused on arriving, she hadn't remembered the time difference between Florida and Illinois. Then the adrenaline surge slapped her awake. "Stall them, I'll be right there." In moments, she splashed water on her face, dressed, grabbed her luggage and walked to the door. As she waited for the elevator she finger combed her hair and put it into a ponytail.

  Although he looked annoyed, the driver had waited. Red slipped into the van and waved at everyone. After a short, uneventful drive, she generously tipped the driver and stepped out into the bright Florida sunshine. She looked up and whistled. Wow, I'll never get over how big these things are. Gorgeous ship. I love the way the green stripe on the side looks like a rolling wave. The Emerald Forest, hmph, my eyes match the color on the ship. Look at me, all color-coordinated.

  She followed some passengers through check-in and boarded the ship. Standing at the back of the queue heading toward the ship's purser, Red glanced around at the other passengers. Her eyebrows rose. I'm on a senior's cruise? Guess that pretty much ends my finding a shipboard romance. What am I going to do all day – play shuffleboard? Oh and take naps and...what else do old people do?

  The purser's face was bright and cheerful. "Good afternoon, welcome to The Emerald Forest."

  Red wondered if it was the thousandth time she'd said the line today.

  Smiling the purser asked, "Is this your first time on a cruise?"

  Red forced an equally pleasant smile onto her face. "No, I was on a couple when I was little. We went on The Big Red…."

  "Disney Ship?" the purser prompted.

  Nodding, Red smiled.

  "Been on it too. When I was eight. How may I help you?"

  "My grandmother is a passenger. Can you tell me if she boarded yet?"

  The purser clicked a few keys on her keyboard and asked, "Her name?"

  "Sarah Hood or Mrs. S. Hood. I'd suggest Grandma but there seems to be a lot of them on the ship."

  "Yes, we're close to full. We do two senior cruises a year and this is the busier one. Yes, she boarded earlier."

  Red checked her own cabin number. "Even numbers on port side, right?"

  "Yes. Is there anything else?"

  "No thank you." Red walked in the direction of the elevators.
/>   The immaculate gleam of the polished brass fittings sparkled in the late morning sunshine. Passengers passed by excitedly chatting to each other. Standing near the railing was a tall, dark haired, heart-melting, pussy-wetting and close to her age, hunk of masculinity. Red pulled in her stomach and arched her back as she passed him. Her knees buckled as she caught a whiff of his aftershave. Could it be the same brand as Stanley's?

  Two strong hands caught her. "Guess you don't have your sea legs yet," a deep voice whispered in her ear as he helped her stand.

  "And we're only in port. I'm going to be a disaster once we get out to sea." She flashed her emerald green eyes at him and her best sexy smile.

  "I guess I'll have to watch out for you and be ready to catch you if you fall." His grin seemed to stretch from ear to ear displaying Hollywood white teeth. He reached for her hand and brushed a kiss across the back of it. "Wilhem Olf. My friends call me Will."

  "Red Hood. Pleasure to meet you."

  "Pleasure is all mine." He bowed his head then slid his sunglasses on. "Much too bright. I'm more of a night creature."

  Stifling a giggle, Red said, "I gotta go. Still have to unpack and—"

  The blast of the ship's horn cut off her sentence. She waved good-bye. That's one hot piece of man. Kinda continental. Sexy. And damn, he smells good.

  Waiting for the elevator, Red checked her cell phone. Clicking through the messages, she found one titled Sara Hood's cabin number. She opened it and was pleased to discover she wouldn't be neighbors with her grandmother.

  Room 1231, three floors apart and opposite sides of the ship. Good, this way hot and sexy Will can sneak into my room and not be seen by curious grandmother eyes.

  The elevator doors opened. Red stood aside for the occupants to depart, then stepped inside, pressed button 15, port side. The ride was swift and silent. She held her plastic swipe card key and checked her ticket as the doors opened. She stepped out as he stepped in…to her.

  After bouncing off the stranger, Red picked up her purse and Blackberry. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."


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