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Sexy Red Hood

Page 3

by Devoré, Daryl

  "I think I'm beat." He yawned. "Too much fun after months of dealing with rambunctious boys." He leaned over and placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Kinda like this cruise thing. Had a great time."

  Red bit her bottom lip. "I did too." She watched him walk away.

  Finishing the last swallow of her drink, she placed the glass on the table, stood and walked to the railing. She stared out to the vastness of the gulf and for a few moments forgot about the freezing cold and blowing snow back home in Chicago. Instead she pondered the potential heat on board the ship.

  After returning to her cabin, showering and slipping into a flowing, floor length skirt and light mauve silk blouse, Red went in search of her grandmother in the third floor dining hall. The maitre'd escorted her to the table.

  Will stood and bowed. "Good evening. You look stunning." He wasn't wearing his sunglasses.

  Red's nose twitched as she looked into his dark chocolate eyes. "Thank-you. Hello everyone." She settled into the chair he held out for her. "I see you met my rescuer. My flip-flop got caught in the elevator and I almost fell, but Will caught me."

  The wine steward pulled the cork on a bottle of white wine, picked up a wine glass and poured. When all the glasses were filled, Sara lifted hers and said, "To life. To love. To us."

  Everyone rose and joined the queue for the buffet dinner. The air in the room was filled with excitement. Loud chatter and laughter mixed with the tinkling of silverware on plates.

  Red filled her plate with slices of roast chicken, roast beef, fresh shrimp and salad. When she turned to return to the table, Will slipped her plate out of her hand. Her mood darkened. "What the…?"

  "Allow me. If you trip, someone might get covered in your meal and it would be a waste of good food."

  "Hey, I am perfectly capable…."

  The twinkle in his eyes revealed his secret.

  "I'm such an idiot. You're joking." She led the way back and sat. As Will placed her plate in front of her, she smiled. "Thank you."

  He nodded his head and returned the smile.

  There wasn't much chance for Red to talk as the women were excited and voluble about the new people they'd met or friends also on the cruise. When she finished her meal, she slipped away and roamed the dessert table for several minutes before conceding that she should not bring back an entire chocolate four-tier cake, no matter how wonderful it looked. Settling on a piece of chocolate cheesecake and an éclair, she promised herself she'd get up early and go work out. I'm not going to be one of those people who comes back from a cruise fifteen pounds heavier.

  The orchestra played Broadway tunes at a level to enhance the evening's mood and not hinder conversation. Will stood, but to Red's surprise he asked her grandmother to dance. Watching his skill as he negotiated his way around the dance floor, she was impressed with his physicality. He's tall and lean but strong. Not weight lifter muscles but dancer's. And his moves are so smooth. Like an animal. A predator. Why did I think that? But, yes, I can see him stalking a prey and at just the right moment pouncing and sinking his fangs into his victim. Or maybe he could just sink his teeth into my tit. A little nip here. A bite there. A lick. She shuddered as a shiver slithered down her back.

  "May I?" Red looked at his waiting hand. "Our dance."

  She stood, was escorted to the dance area and slipped into his arms. Smiling to herself, she noted that she was right. His body was hard. No extra flesh anywhere. The silk blouse swayed back and forth on his chest. Her nipples hardened. He pulled her closer. Her hips bumped his. Solid thighs pressed against hers. Her head rested on his chest as she reveled in the fragrance of his aftershave.

  He made her feel safe, protected within his arms. Safe from what? She didn't know, just safe. Nothing could harm her when he was near. She'd known him for only a few hours, but she felt the intimacy of some ancient bond. Had they been past souls together? Was it her mother or fate that had sent her on this cruise?

  The music stopped. He pulled away. "Thank-you."

  Red smiled. "It was a wonderful dance."

  His finger brushed across her lips. He offered his arm and escorted her to the dining table.

  "What do you do, Will?" The question broke whatever mood had begun on the dance floor.

  "I'm a fashion photographer. My work has been in the biggest fashion magazines in Europe and North America. It is strange, but most people don't see my work. They see the fashions. And that is how it is supposed to be. I make something beautiful look even more beautiful."

  "So why in, God's name, are you here on a senior's cruise?" the lady across from Red asked.

  "I see beauty everywhere." He looked at Sara. "In the twinkle of an eye." Then turned to Red. "In the curve of a chin." He stood. "And now I must leave you charming women." He lifted Red's hand from the table and kissed the back of it. "It was a pleasure to dance with you this evening. Until tomorrow."

  "Until tomorrow." Red watched him walk out of the dining hall and disappear from view.

  "Red's got a crush on Will."

  "Oh Maggie, you sound like a six-year old," snapped the lady next to her grandmother.

  Three gentlemen walked over to the table and asked if the women would care to dance. Red's grandmother declined then she scooted over to sit next to her granddaughter. "Did your mother really send you here to look after me?"

  Nodding, Red said, "She told me to watch you because you're going through the company's money pretty fast."

  "Phfft! It's my money. Your grandfather willed it to me. I haven't spent one cent of the company's money."

  "She also said you were here with a man. And if it's Will, I might just fight you for him."

  "Yes, that is one spectacular man."

  Sara turned to and smiled at her friend. "Maggie, my daughter-in-law thinks I'm here with a gigolo and to let you know that would be your grandson, Raymond."

  Maggie, the lady sitting across from Sara, wrinkled her nose. "Oh, he's such a mealy head."

  Sara and Red chuckled.

  "Well," Maggie shrugged her shoulders. "That's what my grand nephew calls his friends and it fits Raymond to a Tee."

  Sara turned to her granddaughter. "This cruise is a birthday gift to Maggie from her family. I helped Raymond organize it. Your mother saw us and I let her think what she wanted."

  "Well, she decided Raymond was a gigolo and after your money." Red shrugged her shoulders

  Sara patted her granddaughter's hand. "Now, let's talk about your two admirers." She raised her eyebrows and smiled. "They're both pretty cute. And opposites like salt and pepper. Blond, blue-eyed and so like a young colt. The other dark, sophisticated with a touch of mystery."

  Red giggled. "I know. This is so unlike me. I barely have one person checking me out and now, I have two. What do I do?"

  Sara wrapped her arm around her granddaughter's shoulders and whispered, "You're young. Play the field. This is a cruise ship, not the real world."

  "Mom would have a heart attack if she heard you say that."

  A deep male voice said, "Ahem. Excuse me."

  Sara looked up, smiled and extended her hand. "Captain Aldershot, it's been such a long time."

  The ship's captain held her hand. "It certainly has, Sara. Would you care to dance?"

  "You know the Captain?" Red's eye brows rose in surprise.

  Her grandmother stood and smiled at the officer. "We go way back. Your grandfather and I honeymooned on a ship where Captain Aldershot was first mate."

  Red covered a big yawn. "I think I'll go off to my cabin. I still have to unpack. Goodnight Grandma."

  Sara leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Sleep well, Red."

  The Captain held out his arm, Sara reached to tuck hers into his, but paused. She turned, whispered into Red's ear and left.

  Puzzled about what her grandmother said, Red returned to the cabin, unpacked her luggage, put the silver box of chocolates into her underwear drawer, cleaned her teeth and put on her blue teddy. She picked up her e-reader and
settled down to finish the erotic romance she had started earlier on the plane.

  Ten minutes later the e-reader slipped out of her hand and onto the mattress. Red snuggled down under the covers.

  His eyes were dark as his gaze locked onto Red's. He was less than a breath away. His aftershave made her head spin. Will's fingers grabbed the front of her blouse and ripped it apart. The sound of the buttons falling to the floor mixed with Red's gasp of surprise. His hands pulled her bra over her breasts a moment before his mouth latched onto a swelling nipple.

  A second pair of hands pulled down her skirt and dropped her panties to the floor. She looked down. As Chopper's deep blue eyes gazed up at Red, he stroked his fingers across her wet slit.

  Will scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Bending down, he released her and she fell back, bouncing on the soft mattress. By the time she sat up and removed her bra, both men were naked and on the rise. She touched Chopper's cock.

  Chopper pushed Red gently backward onto the bed. Will grabbed her legs and spun her so she sprawled in the middle. She felt the bed shake as both men climbed on. Chopper lay down beside her and faced Red. Their lips met with a hungry passion as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Red moaned as their tongues danced together.

  Kneeling between her legs, Will ran his fingers teasingly up and down the insides of her thighs. His hands massaged the muscles in Red's legs then slipped under her and continued the same kneading motion on her buttocks.

  Chopper released their kiss and lowered his lips to Red's breast. His tongue flicked at her nipple. The mattress rolled as Will crawled up on the other side of Red then laved her left breast. As if in silent coordination, one tongue teased her left breast as the other nipped her right. In unison, both men sucked in a nipple and rolled it around in their mouth.

  Their hands slid down Red's body to her groin. Chopper's thumb and forefinger rubbed and circled her nub, while Will's hand teased the opening to her pussy. The pressure on her clit intensified as Will slid two fingers deep into her wet, hungry cunt.

  A deep purr of contentment emanated from her throat. She pulled Chopper's face to hers, parting her lips as his mouth neared. Their tongues danced an intimate waltz, while in Red's cunt, Will's fingers mimicked the thrustings of Chopper's tongue.

  Releasing Chopper, Red reached up to pull Will's mouth to hers. Chopper moved lower and sucked a nipple into his mouth. The slurping sounds of mouth on mouth, mouth and nipple and fingers thrusting into liquid heat were mixed with the groans and moans of the fully aroused creatures.

  They were no longer humans in the true sense of the word. All three had slipped back to the deepest and most powerful of their basic instincts and at that moment it ruled their existence.

  Chopper eased down and settled between Red's knees. Will's mouth withdrew from Red's. His eyes were dark, his brow furled and a low growl sounded in his throat. Resting his weight on his hands, Chopper wiggled his cock into position, ready to slip through the carnal wetness dripping from Red's pussy. He closed his eyes. A blissful smile crossed his face. Red opened her legs, offering herself to his swollen cock and the pleasures he could deliver.

  Quick as a cat, Will got on his knees and shoved Chopper away from the prize. Red groaned in frustration. Chopper raised up on his knees, ready to defend what was his. Will snarled a dangerous threat. Chopper hesitated. Will moved to the empty place between Red's legs.

  He did not hesitate nor did he revel in anticipated bliss. Positioning himself, Will plunged deep inside her torrid, willing snatch. Accepting all of his massive, swollen cock, Red squealed in delight as he thrust into her cunt. He stretched and filled her. Feeling a fullness she had never experienced, she arched her hips and urged him deeper.

  Mixed with Red's moans and Will's grunts were the sucking sounds of his cock's relentless pounding. Red ground her hips into him at the apogee of his thrust. She wanted every last bit of his shaft buried inside her, pleasuring her, driving her to limits she'd never experienced before.

  "Look at me." Will's voice sounded like a snarl.

  She opened her eyes.

  His gaze locked onto hers as the power and speed of his thrust increased.

  "Fuck me, Will! You feel so good. So strong. I need you. Deeper! Ah!" She wrapped her legs around his hips and pressed him against her. "Harder, Will." His force increased as she urged him on. Her body screamed for release, but she resisted. His pleasuring was a drug and she'd become an addict.

  Nevertheless, her orgasm would not be denied. It erupted with the power of a volcano and flowed over her with the force of tsunami. Screams of ecstasy were released as her body convulsed around his throbbing penis. He arched, tensed and hissed as she felt him explode inside her. Aftershocks of joy rippled through her body as she relaxed.

  Will pressed his lips to hers as he withdrew and snuggled next to her.

  She turned her head to the left, brushed her hair out of her face, looked at a dejected Chopper and reached out to him. But instead of him joining them in bed, he morphed into her grandmother, who said, "Nr st a f n sp hing."

  "What? I don't understand."

  Will put his lips next to her ear and whispered, "She said, never trust a wolf in sheep's clothing."

  Chapter Four

  It was useless to even try to sleep. Red tossed and turned, kicked off the covers, pulled them back up, fluffed up her pillow then smashed it down. In frustration, she lay facing the ceiling, staring up into the darkness with the words of her grandmother running circles in her head.

  Grandma must have meant Will. He's dark, mysterious and feral. Chopper's just a sweet loveable puppy. Not up to the predator status of Wilhelm Olf. He's like the wolf in my dream. The alpha of the pack, snarling at Chopper and taking what was rightfully his. She giggled. Me.

  Her watch read – 6:45. This is so stupid. I'm on vacation. I don't have to get up 'til noon. I'm not budging until seven. She rolled over onto her stomach, fluffed the pillow for the third time and dropped her head onto it. A small crash sounded off to the side. She peered over the edge of the bed. Her e-reader had dropped onto the floor. Picking it up, she glanced at the clock on the night table – 6:46.

  Oh, just get up. Go work out. Spend the day reading and soaking up tropical sunshine, and maybe get laid for real.

  Dressed in workout shorts and t-shirt, Red stuffed her beach bag with shower gear, sun screen, sun glasses, beach towel and her e-reader. She hid her purse in the bottom drawer of the dresser, grabbed her key card and hurried out the door to find a Fitness Room.

  Six floors down, she was surprised to find the room nearly empty and pleased to discover the only other occupant was a sweaty Will. They nodded good mornings as she crossed the room to the ellipticals. Third from the end, the machine put her in perfect view of the outside when in fact, she selected it as it offered a view of Will. He was on his back, legs draped on opposite sides of the bench as he pressed, what appeared to be a lot of weight for a man whose muscles didn't bulge.

  She set the elliptical's program to 750 Calories and began to move. Arms swinging back and forth as her legs pumped on the machine, Red could watch the calories count down, burning off last night's éclair and still keep an eye on the enticing male body on the opposite side of the room. He'd moved to the middle of the floor and was doing pushups. Red almost moaned aloud at the thought of being underneath him.

  So focused on Will, Red was surprised when she glanced at the readout and saw she'd already burned off half the calories. He moved to the treadmill, slightly to the right of Red and started to run at a fast and steady pace. She wiped the sweat from her face. Was it from her workout out or from watching Will?

  Strong with lots of stamina. And all hot a sweaty. Wonder if there are co-ed showers in here? I could soap him all up and…oh the things I could do. First off, he could lather me all up and we could rinse each other off. I'd have to check if his cock had any soap on it. Maybe check it with my mouth and—

  "Good morning, Esmer
elda." One of grandma's knitting group ladies stood before her. "You're up early."

  "Good morning, Mrs. Kranston."

  "Beverly, please."

  Red wiped her brow. "Going to work out?"

  Beverly stepped onto a treadmill, set her pace and incline. "Yes, but certainly not as fast as you. I go at grandma speed." She pressed start, put her ear buds in and began a stiff walking pace.

  The read-out read: workout complete. Red pressed stop, stepped off and walked to the center area to stretch and cool down. As Will walked by, he suggested, in a low voice, "Too bad we have company. We could have shared a shower."

  Red's pulse raced as a tingle shot through her body. She watched Will enter the Men's Locker Room. I wish I could join him. I'd soap all the sweaty parts. Beverly sneezed. Red blinked and looked over at her. Oh yeah, we've got company.

  Conceding that fantasy wasn't going to happen, she entered the Women's Locker Room, showered, dressed and went in search of some breakfast. Balancing a plate of fruit, a glass of Florida orange juice and her beach bag, Red found a lounge chair on the sunny side of the ship. She settled herself onto a chair, put the bag on the deck, the fruit on the table and pulled out her sun glasses and sun screen. Slathering on UV60 protection she looked around the deck. Not many early risers had staked out locations. She would have the luxury of peace while she read and sunbathed.

  Two swallows of orange juice later, she looked up and saw Chopper heading toward her.

  "Hey." He waved.

  "Hey, back at you. Finding your way around the ship?"

  "Yep. Got it on lockdown." He nodded in the direction of the bow. "I met a couple of people at breakfast and they asked if I'd like to play some shuffleboard."

  Red raised her eyebrows.

  "I know, but it's so the cliché thing to do while on a cruise. And I'm all about the clichés. Would you like to join us?"

  She shook her head and pointed at her e-reader. "I'm all about the sitting here, reading and getting some sun."

  He sat on the edge of the seat next to her. "What are you reading?"

  "Duped by Dee Dawning. I love his writing. It's so hot. I've also got Getting Naked, when I finish with this one."


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