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Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4)

Page 23

by Julie Trettel

  “Hi, I’m Elise, you must be Jenna.”

  I loved my family, but I especially loved how they were welcoming my mate.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Jenna said. “Hey, Patrick.”

  “It’s good to see you again, Jenna.”

  Once the pleasantries were over we settled down, pulling three tables together to accommodate all of us. Liam arrived talking to Cole Anderson. Cole was one of Kyle’s Betas and on the Pack Council. He also owned a tattoo parlor in town. After introducing him to Jenna, I asked him to join us. Kelsey and Kyle were the last to arrive as Misty came by to take our orders.

  “What’s good?” Jenna asked. “I’m starving.”

  “Burgers,” my siblings and I said in unison.

  “Trust us, they’re the best,” I assured her.

  There was a local band of high schoolers playing on the small stage. Not so long ago that had been me. When they heard I was in the audience, they begged me to sing with them. One even offered me his guitar to play. With my siblings cheering me on, it was hard to say no, but when Jenna leaned over and asked me to please do it because she’d never heard me play, I was on stage as fast as lightning.

  Playing with the band, eating Crate burgers, hanging with my family, and spending time with Jenna pretty much meant a perfect night for me. By the end of the evening as we started breaking up and heading home, Jenna was already part of the family. I could feel the shift and acceptance from each of my siblings.

  The girls were busy making plans for Saturday and Jenna was being persuaded to at least stay through Mom’s Tuesday night family dinner, and she said yes.

  I was exhausted and elated as we made it back to the house. Mom was up waiting, as she always did. She never went to bed until she knew all her babies were home safe and sound.

  I walked Jenna up to my room, then came down and told Mom goodnight.

  “Sorry we were out so late, Mom.”

  “Oh, it’s fine, sweetie. It makes my heart happy to see all my babies together and enjoying each other.”

  “We really did. It was a great evening,” I confirmed.

  “I like Jenna. She’s good for you. I can see why you love her so much,” my mom said.

  “Mom.” I started to talk, but she interrupted.

  “Don’t say a word, son. I can see how in love you are, and you best be telling that girl just how much you love her every single day. It’s not always going to be easy for you two. You’ve chosen a different path and not everyone will be accepting of that. All relationships have their hurdles, though, and as long as you have true love, you’re going to be just fine.”

  I hugged my mother tight, thankful to be blessed with such an amazing woman in my life. If it weren’t for her and my father’s love, I don’t know if I would have had the strength to go through with the bond. I had already heard and seen more prejudice in the last week at school, since word of us just dating had spread, than I’d experienced in my entire life. But my parents showed me unconditional love, and I knew that no matter what, they’d be supportive of my decision, which really wasn’t a decision at all because Jenna Lockhardt was my true mate.

  I headed back upstairs. Nothing further needed to be said. When I got in the room, Jenna was already in her pajamas, sitting on the bed. She looked adorably cute. I went to my suitcase and pulled out the dampener. Best damn gift I ever got. I plugged it into the wall.

  “Chase, is that the dampener?” Jenna asked.

  “Yeah, best device ever invented.”

  “Why did you bring the dampener?”

  I looked at her like she was crazy. “Why do you think? Liam and Maddie stayed over for Christmas and he leaves his, in his office.” I shuddered. “I’m not doing that to Lily or my parents.”

  She laughed. “You actually think we’re having sex with your parents down the hall?”

  Instead of answering her, I stripped down to nothing before her eyes.

  “Do you really think I even bothered to pack pajamas?”

  Her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. The smell of her arousal immediately started filling the room, but there was a stubborn determination lingering there, too.

  “We are not doing that with your parents down the hall.”

  “Wanna bet?” I asked, jumping onto the bed and grabbing her around the waist before she could escape. She giggled and thrashed, trying to get out of my grasp before eventually settling down and conceding. I kissed her softly. “I know we’re both tired and it’s late, but it’s gonna be a long, hard weekend if you insist on being that stubborn, and don’t think for a moment I’m not going to try everything in my power to get my way.”

  It was both a threat and a promise of things to come. We slept peacefully that night in each other’s arms.

  Each day in San Marco was better than the last. Jenna truly fit right in with my family. I don’t think she ever realized just how easy she was to love.

  My sisters adored her, spending all day Saturday spoiling and pampering her with a girls’ day at a spa in the city. My brothers and I met up with the girls at a nice restaurant when they were done. By the time I saw Jenna, she was glowing and happier than I had ever seen her with anyone besides me. Her hair was sleek and shiny, and her violet eyes accentuated by some kind of makeup on her face. She was breathtaking. And my heart nearly stopped in my chest at the first sight of her walking in.

  It had been a surreal moment, one I would not soon forget. We danced, we laughed, and we celebrated life that night. I didn’t want the evening to end, but I also could only stand sharing her for so long before we headed back home.

  The door to my bedroom had barely shut behind her before I had her pinned against it, capturing her with a kiss. She gave no resistance when my tongue parted her lips and sought to explore her delicious mouth. Her usual scent combined with a slightly strange but appealing smell. Usually perfumes and smelly stuff hurt my head and made me sneeze, but whatever this was, it seemed to highlight her natural scent and drive me mad.

  Breathless, she placed both palms flat against my chest and pushed back. She kept pushing until the back of my legs hit the bed and I sat down hard. She stood before me with a sultry look on her face and desire in her eyes. I tried to stand up and go to her, but she stuck out a perfectly polished finger, and shook it side to side without saying a word, so I sat back down. A new sort of confidence surrounded her actions.

  Slowly she turned as I took her all in, devouring her with my eyes. She backed up to me and signaled for me to unzip her dress as she watched me over her shoulder. I wanted to touch her so badly and feel her soft skin under my fingertips, but as soon as the zipper was lowered she stepped away and turned around to face me again. Her stare had me pinned to my seat.

  She lowered one shoulder, exposing my bond mark as my breath quickened. With a sly grin, she dropped the dress entirely. My heart nearly leapt from my chest when I saw the black lacy lingerie she wore beneath the dress. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen in my life.

  The fabric was nearly see-through and left little to the imagination, not that I hadn’t already memorized every inch of her body. Stockings rose to mid-thigh, attached to the upper part with some little clamps. They looked intricate and like potential trouble for my shaking hands. I briefly wondered how disappointed she would be when I ripped them from her body. The hooks attached on the other end to the lacy, see-through material that covered much of her body. The material stopped just above her nipples where her breasts crested the top like an open invitation. And, as my eyes washed back down, my breath caught as I realized the outfit was entirely crotchless.

  Unable to sit still much longer, I rose and growled as I closed the gap between us. She didn’t push me away this time, but her breath caught with my unexpected roughness when I grabbed her by the ass and lifted her easily. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her back to the bed.

  I stood back, my breathing already erratic and I hadn’t even touched her yet. Seeing he
r laying there, dressed up for me, she looked like the embodiment of every sexual fantasy I’d ever had.

  Without grace or a care, I quickly discarded my own clothes and climbed into bed with her. When I went to touch, she smacked my hand away, pushing my shoulder until I rolled over on my back.

  She climbed on top of me, straddling my waist. “I’ve been spoiled and pampered all day. Now it’s your turn,” she said with a sly grin.

  I gulped as she started at my bond mark and worked her way down my body, kissing and licking every inch. It felt as if she were marking me in a whole new way. Our eyes locked and I couldn’t look away, transported to some other plane of existence that only included Jenna. It was the most erotic experience of my life.

  Later, when we were both sated and covered in a light sheen of sweat, before sleep pulled her under, I held her close and told her how much I loved her. My heart was full. I’m not sure what I had expected in a mate, honestly. I was still young enough that I had never given it much thought, but somehow, I knew this was far more than I could ever have hoped for.

  In that moment, I knew what I needed to do. Jenna said she’d always imagined she’d get married someday. I had watched enough Hallmark channel movies with my mother over the years to understand what that meant and how girls could obsess over such a thing from even a young age. If that’s what she wanted, I would see to it.

  Liam’s wedding really hadn’t been so bad, it had even been a little fun. But it was even more than that, because resting there, exhausted from the best night of my life, holding my mate, I knew I wanted this every day of my life. Yes, she was my mate and that was a greater bond than any human tradition, but I wanted her to be my wife, too. I wanted her to carry my name and someday my children. Closing my eyes, I could see our entire future before me. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


  Chapter 26

  Coming to San Marco was probably the best decision I ever made. Chase was right! Everyone I met had been welcoming and friendly. I didn’t think I ever felt so accepted anywhere in my entire life.

  Rumors had already spread about Chase mating outside of the wolves, so there were a lot of strange looks and questions, but nothing rude or unsupportive. Just genuine curiosity.

  I had a lot to learn about the wolves, and when Kyle and Chase finally sat me down to discuss their customs and what they called the challenges, I think I took it better than they expected. It wasn’t that I was completely naïve to other shifter customs. Wolves, bears, lions, gorillas: lots of the bigger predatory animals had similar archaic rites of passages.

  “How long?” I asked calmly, stunning them in mid-conversation as we sat in Kyle’s office.

  “What?” Kyle asked.

  “How long does the challenge period last?”

  “Typically four months, but I made notifications the second Chase told me you’d mated and so you’re well into month one already. So far, no challenges have been made. I think people are still stunned by the two of you. That’ll wear off a little bit since people have met you, Jenna.”

  I shrugged. “You two look worried. Don’t be. The odds of someone challenging Chase are slim. After all, what other wolf would actually want a panther mate?” Chase growled at the thought and I shot him a look. “I can handle your stupid challenges if it comes to it. My panther is as big, if not bigger, than your females. I’ve been taught fighting techniques since before I could walk and extensive training once my panther emerged. My daddy saw to it that Tessa and I would always be able to defend ourselves. I’m not fond of the idea of killing another being for sport or placement, but I know it’s not uncommon among other animal species and I’ll do what I have to do.”

  Chase’s face beamed with pride, while Kyle’s jaw dropped a little.

  “Okay, well, I’ll be sure to warn our females that you are a lethal fighting machine ready to accept their challenges then,” Kyle finally said when the shock wore off.

  “That’s my girl,” Chase said, proudly. “Kyle, you and Kelsey had your challenge period lowered. Can Jenna and I get in on that?”

  I looked over at Kyle curiously, wondering if that was true and if they made exceptions because of his Alpha status. He looked slightly uncomfortable by the question.

  Clearing his throat, he answered. “Chase, there were some extenuating circumstances regarding that.”

  “Oh, I know. You guys always ignore me since I’m the baby of the family, like I’m too young to understand, but I’m listening. I know all about how your mating signs came on faster and stronger, and why they really shortened the challenges for you,” Chase said, staring his brother down.

  I found it odd that Chase was looking directly at Kyle, though I saw him squirm a little in his chair. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that no one truly looked the Alpha in the eyes, except his mate. Panthers and other big cats averted their eyes to my dad as a sign of respect. To look at him directly was a threat and challenge. I had thought maybe the same was true for wolves, but Chase was clearly staring Kyle down. When his squirming became shaking, I watched him drop his gaze and made a mental note to ask him about it later.

  “So, what are you trying to say, Chase? If you really know the details of all that, then you know our bond strengthened faster because of Kelsey’s, um, extra circumstances. You and Jenna have a strong bond, it’s easy to feel it when you’re together, but are you really saying it’s more than it should be at this stage?”

  Chase grinned back at his brother. “Did you know that the sacred mating signs differ among species?”

  Kyle perked up with interest. “Go on.”

  “For example, talking to my new little brother, Chad, who’s a squirrel and rarely shuts up, I’ve learned that the first sign of a squirrel mating is telepathy.”

  “How’s that possible? That’s one of the last stages,” Kyle argued.

  “Yes, for a wolf, who dominates in the emotional connection phase, first sensing his mate in location and emotional state,” he paused, letting it sink in a little as he reached over and threaded his fingers through mine. “Panthers’ dominance is in physical connections, Kyle. Whereas that is the final stage of bonding for us.”

  “Are you saying you can already feel each other physically?” Kyle asked.

  “It’s not enough to kill him, but if I go into the challenges right now, he would endure every emotional and physical impact I faced from it. As best as we’ve been able to determine, both of our bonding symptoms are coming on equally at the same time. We’re in what my people would call stage two only times two because the signs are different for both of us,” I explained.

  “If I were to cut you right now, would he feel it?” Kyle asked me, seriously. Chase growled in outrage. “Simmer down, pup. I need to know.”

  “He would feel the sensation of it, yes. It would hurt him, but if I bled, it’s not like his skin would slice, too. Yet. That will come in time, but usually takes a little longer,” I clarified.

  “Shit. The pain of it might be enough. I’ll take it to the Council and we’ll make a determination. Thank you for letting me know. I realize it’s not exactly easy to discuss your bond—at least it wasn’t for me—but this is the kind of information I do need to know. I would never have suspected anything like that was possible, but I’m not exactly up to speed on interspecies bonding, especially for true mates. Until you two, I didn’t even know such a thing was possible.”

  It warmed my heart that Kyle believed we were true mates, and I fought down the emotions welling up inside. I had seen the looks and heard the whispers since word of me dating Chase had gotten out around campus. My hearing had improved significantly since the bond, and I didn’t really like it. I hated hearing what everyone was saying about us, but I knew the general consensus was that it was only temporary because a Westin would never settle for a compatible mate, and dogs and cats could never be true mates. They were wrong, but having someone like Kyle acknowledge it as truth caused overwhelming gratification

  That wasn’t the only meeting we had with Kyle during our visit. We also met with the Council, which I found a little more intimidating. Everyone was fascinated with the idea that a wolf and a panther could really be true mates. We did find a few skeptics, but nothing like I’d imagined.

  We were originally supposed to leave on Monday—that’s what I’d agreed to—but Mary had been so welcoming, taking me into her home and her family, that I couldn’t disappoint her by missing out on my first Westin family Tuesday night dinner. I could feel Chase’s happiness through our bond when I told him I thought we should stay over till at least Wednesday.

  Tuesday came much too quickly, and I was surprisingly nervous before dinner. My family only ate formally on holidays. Most of the time Daddy was too busy with work, and Mom was too, with her various fundraisers and ladies’ groups, to ever spend much thought on dinner. I liked the idea of big family meals, though. I thought I would be stressed and overwhelmed with Chase’s large family, but it wasn’t like that at all.

  “Jenna, can you help me in the kitchen?” Mary called up to me.

  It still amazed me that my hearing had become so sensitive. I was upstairs in Chase’s room going through my wardrobe for the hundredth time, trying to decide what to wear, and I knew she was downstairs somewhere. It was the craziest thing.

  “Coming,” I said in my normal voice, because I knew she’d hear it without me having to yell.

  I pulled on a pink sweater with a hoodie and my favorite pair of jeans and headed downstairs in my sock feet. I wasn’t sure what she wanted, so comfort trumped style.

  Walking into the kitchen, I saw Mary leaned over and waving a hot pad at something in the oven.

  “Oh, thank goodness. Can you help me lift this?”

  I grabbed two more hot pads from the counter and took the side of the oven opposite Mary. I bent down to pick up a huge cookie sheet from the largest oven I had ever seen in a normal kitchen, and was shocked at how heavy it was.


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