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Siofra's Song: Book 1 The Broadus Supernatural Society Series

Page 13

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  Stars start to fill her vision as her pending release pools in her belly. Siofra can’t help but let out a possessive growl, meeting Conall’s mouth just as the wave of pleasure cascades over her, shaking her arms and legs as she holds onto him. Her moans and screams are muffled against his lips as he holds her still, letting her ride out the pleasure as she grinds down onto his hand. She bites down on his lip as a second wave rolls over her and whimpers at the growl that rumbles through him. Still shuddering from her release, Siofra rubs her hands through Conall’s short hair, tugging at his short locks, her emotions still reeling from the pleasure.

  Conall fixes her panties as he holds her close and resting her chin on his shoulder. Siofra absorbs as much of his heat as she can, wanting to never leave his embrace. As he pulls her face to his, he gazes in her eyes and he can see the calm and peaceful reverie looking back at him. She needed that moment of passion and connection more than she thought.

  Leaning her forehead against his, she whispers, “Thank you, my love.”

  “You don‘t have to thank me. It was my pleasure,” he growls the last word and kisses her softly on the lips again. He sets her back on her feet, making sure she isn’t too wobbly before releasing her hips and Siofra spots the massive erection straining in his jeans. “Ready to go back to your party?” he asks and she shakes her head no, getting him to give her a questioning look.

  Without a word she drops to her knees, reaching for his belt buckle. He grabs her hands and she whimpers, licking her lips as she moves her gaze from the bulge in his pants to his eyes. On her knees before him in nothing but her bra and panties, Siofra whimpers again, tugging one hand from his grasp and running it over the prominent bulge; feeling it twitch as his eyes light up once more.

  Conall stands, running his hands through her hair as her hands work at his belt; slipping it free of the buckle and unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, sliding them down to his ankles along with his boxer briefs. She wastes no time wrapping her lips around the head and loving the slight groan that runs through him as her hand slides up the shaft, followed by her mouth. She moans around him when his hands weave into her hair, pushing her a little farther down as her hand cups his balls; feeling his body shake momentarily.

  His grip in her hair tightens right before a feral growl rips from his throat, urging Siofra to pick up the pace and she does; eventually letting him take control. She feels him pulse and she swirls her tongue around the tip, accepting his hard thrusts until he throws his head back in ecstasy, filling her mouth with his essence. She sucks him a few more times, swirling her tongue and releasing him with a loud lip smacking pop as the sound of his heavy breathing fills their new bedroom.

  He pulls her to her feet with his finger under her chin and a sly grin on his face, taking her lips and searing them together as he wraps his arms around her. He doesn’t release her mouth till she’s panting, and with a sweet kiss on the tip of her nose, he laughs, “That was the best tour, ever.”

  Siofra giggles at him and he smacks her ass, helping her to pull her clothing back on, but not without pulling her down onto their huge bed and kissing her silly one more time. Setting her on her feet once more, he grins at her as she straightens her clothing.

  “Are you ready to go back to the party now, love?” He laughs, kissing her cheek as he stands; tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Yes. Very much so,” she sighs and leans her head on his shoulder.

  They walk hand-in-hand down the stairs to some knowing looks. Raised and wiggling eyebrows find her, belonging to Cassie, and Siofra just shrugs, making her friend laugh. They all smell the sex on her and her mate; their keen wolf senses missing almost nothing. But everyone just ignores it, knowing they all have their own uncontrollable carnal moments.

  The rest of the night is filled with the laughter of the children, stories from Leon and Sebastian amazing everyone with their New Orleans tales, and plans for Christmas dinner at the Alpha house. Marcus Sr, says he plans to stay till after Christmas, and Siofra is more than delighted to have her father near. She also notices that he has become attached to his youngest grandson.

  When their guests have all finally left, leaving them with a fridge full of finger foods and beer, they both put Roan to bed in his new room, standing there, near his crib, watching him sleep soundly. With her hand in his, Siofra lets Conall pull her from the room.

  “I think we have a job to do,” he grins at her, pushing her back up against the wall in their hallway and kissing her neck.

  “And what kind of job is that?” she asks, but she knows what kind of dirty little job he is thinking of. She just wants him to say it. All Conall does is growl into her neck, picking her up and carrying her into the dining room and laying her back on the bare table.

  “We have to christen our new house now, don’t we, love?” he smiles down at her wickedly as he pulls her pants free of her body with one hard tug and she hisses in a breath as the cool surface of the wood meets her naked skin. All she can do is nod as her eyes are locked with his, leaving only a second to watch him work his belt and pants down. He leans over, capturing her lips as his cock nudges her entrance, and she wiggles into him, wanting him to take her. She sucks his bottom lip between her teeth, nipping it right before he sits up.

  She arches against him, her ass hanging off of the table. Conall grips her hips, pulling them up and to him. Siofra can’t stop from throwing her head back and screaming when he thrusts into her; waves of white stars filling her vision and her arms shake from the sensations. The table legs scrape on the floor from the force of Conall’s thrust and Siofra’s nails dig into his forearms as he pushes her over the ledge; her climax taking her voice and shaking her legs as she squeezes them around his waist.

  Conall pulls her up into his arms, her languid body pressed against his as her mind still reels from the pleasure. “One room down,” he laughs in her ear, pressing her butt onto the cool counter of the kitchen and picking up where he left off.

  In the wee-hours of the morning, they collapse onto their bed; thoroughly tired out from their adventure. They are happily tangled up in each other, Siofra’s ‘booted’ foot draped over top of Conall’s legs.

  “Welcome home, my love,” Conall whispers, kissing her forehead.

  “Thank you for being my home, my love,” she answers, capturing and releasing his lips one last time before settling in for sleep. Siofra sighs into his chest, snuggling her cheek close to his heart. The steady, strong beat of it lulls her into a peaceful, well-deserved sleep.


  The next couple of days are filled with visitors during the day, while Conall is working at the auto shop. They bring food and housewarming gifts. Leon and Sebastian have departed for New Orleans the evening of the 22nd, leaving Siofra with hugs and kisses on the cheek and Conall with stern handshakes and smiles.

  The 23rd brings a visit from Dr. Trapper, to check on her ankle. Siofra settles onto her couch while the doctor administers her check-up; poking and prodding at the cast and rotating her leg, asking Siofra if it causes her any pain. Taking Siofra’s blood pressure, she inquires how Siofra has been feeling, whether or not she’s had any light headedness. Shaking her head, wondering what the Doc is leading to, her attention is drawn to the driveway.

  Tires on the gravel signal an approaching visitor and Siofra leans on the back of the couch pushing the curtains aside as the doctor makes some notes. Cassie and Sylvia are getting out of the Escalade, reaching into the back seat for bags. Knocking politely before entering, the two sister-in-laws enter the home, their arms weighted with the bags of groceries and a long white garment bag.

  “Hey girls, I’ll be right out,” Siofra calls out from the living room as they enter the kitchen. Looking back to the physician, Siofra takes in the woman‘s thin, muscular frame and stern facial features. “So, how’s it look, Doc?”

  “Looks great. Your blood pressure is a lil’ high, but it might just be from stress.” Dr.
Trapper stands, gathering her bag and jacket and Siofra joins her, wobbling to the door behind her. “Come to my office in a week and a half, and I’ll see if I can free you of that boot.” Winking, the doctor walks to her vehicle and Siofra closes the door behind her, feeling a weight lifted off of her shoulder in hopes of getting this thing off her leg.

  In the kitchen, Cassie and Sylvia are unpacking the bags they had brought with them, filling her cupboards. Siofra can see chips, crackers and cans of soup going into the cabinets and milk, cheese and lunch meats going into the fridge. Cassie turns and tosses her a loaf of bread.

  “Hey girl. Guess you won’t be a gimp for too much longer, huh?” Winking, Cassie turns back and heads into the den.

  “Yeah, it’s gonna be nice not wobbling everywhere.” Setting the bread in the bread box on the kitchen island, Siofra turns to see Cassie returning with the white garment bag draped over her arm. “What’s that?”

  “It’s your dress, silly,” Sylvia chimes in, holding the bag up so Cassie can un-zip it.

  Lace spills out first; it looks just like Siofra remembers from that fateful day. She can almost feel the silky material on her skin and the way the skirt floated around her feet; the train flowing out behind her as she stood on that little platform in the dress shop.

  “We thought you’d kill us if we forgot it, so I snatched it and some shoes, from the store before the cops got there.” Sylvia holds the shoes up sheepishly, wiggling the receipt over them as she places them on the island counter.

  “Oh you guys,” Siofra can’t believe it and wobbles over to the pair, running her hands along the fabric of the dress she will wear on her wedding day. “You didn’t have to worry about it,” she whispers, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Don’t be silly,” Cassie taps her on the shoulder, “we knew we’d have you back, so why not make sure that your dream dress was here waiting for you.”

  The tears spill over from Siofra’s eyes as she gathers the two ladies in a group hug. They are great friends to her, and she doesn’t know how she deserves them.

  The rest of the day is spent having lunch at the bar, fetching a beautiful Christmas tree and decorating the tree in Siofra’s den. After the decorating is completed the women are lounging on the couch, laughing at their children playing on the floor in front of them and sipping on the mulled cider Sylvia had thrown together on the stove.

  The oven timer dings, signaling their pot roast with all the trimmings is done just as all their men, accompanied by Jace, burst through the door laughing their heads off about something Jason had done at the shop. Waddling behind the other two women, Siofra shares a look with them, before bursting into at the men.

  “Quiet down now, and go get the kids,” Cassie issues the order pointing to the den as Sylvia and Siofra help her set out the plates and silverware on the table and arrange the food.

  Settling Roan into his highchair, Conall wraps his arm around Siofra’s waist, pulling her in for a kiss. His lips glide over hers before his tongue darts out and she leans into his chest. She moans lightly as their tongues dance, his teeth nip at her bottom lip playfully. Only throat-clearing from their company breaks it up and a few hoots and hollers fill the dining room. Blushing, Siofra takes her seat after a pat on her butt from her mate and she tries not to smile.

  Dinner goes by noisily, but without any melt-downs from any of the kids. The men gather up all the dirty plates, setting them in the dishwasher, as is the usual when the women make the meal. Cassie and Sylvia had made six different pies when they had all returned from the bar earlier and Siofra is busy cutting them into servings, humming to herself happily when a sharp pain shoots up through her abdomen.

  Ignoring it, she carries the pie, coffee pot and cups into the den on a tray, where everyone is admiring the tree. It is lovely; red and silver with a spinning star on-top. Old, vintage ornaments the girls had gathered from the Alpha house attic, dot the branches, giving it a very homey effect.

  “Thank you, love,” Conall kisses her on the cheek as he pours and hands out the cups of coffee. Turning back to her, after handing Jason his share, his brows furrow. “Love, are you okay? You look a little pale.” He holds the back of his hand to her forehead, but she just waves him away with a weak smile.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” she lies as another pain shoots up through her belly, making her hold her breath till it’s gone. “I just ate too much is all.”

  Sitting on the couch, propping her left leg on the coffee table, she feels a bit better and she relaxes. The conversation turns to the kids’ Christmas gifts just as Roan stumbles over to her from the train set he was playing with, along with Tim and Tom. Siofra leans over picking him up, but as soon as she lifts him the pain returns, shooting up through her back a hundred times worse than before. She lets out a loud whimper and almost drops Roan; luckily Conall is still nearby and snatches the boy up before he hits the floor. Roan lets out a startled yelp; only heightening the pain she’s feeling, knowing she almost hurt him. Siofra is doubled over, the pain radiating through-out her stomach and back, feeling like she’s being pricked in the side with a sharp object.

  “Oh man, Fry are you okay?” Cassie kneels in front of her, taking her face in her hands. Siofra’s face is clammy and ashen. “Do you need a bucket?”

  “Yes…..please,” she chokes out, having to put her hand to her mouth to try and keep the vomit in. The bathroom trash can flies into view and she releases her self-control, spewing into the small receptacle. Embarrassment flows through her and her face turns red as she vomits again, but she feels so much better. Sighing she pushes the trash can away.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay,” she mumbles, reaching for her coffee. Her hands are shaking as she tries to bring the cup to her lips and she sloshes the liquid over the edge so that is drips down onto her jeans. “Connie, please take me up to our room?”

  Strong arms surround her and she’s hoisted into the air in less than a second. Conall’s scent wraps around her, the pine and woodsy aroma soothing her nausea and easing her mind.

  “Please don’t leave, I’m just gonna change, see if it makes me feel better,” she assures her guests, waving to Cassie and Sylvia from over her mate’s shoulder.

  It seems as if Conall’s feet don’t even touch the carpeted hardwood as he escorts her up and into their bedroom. He sets her on the edge of the mattress and kneels in front of her, grasping her hands. She can feel the worry flowing through him, his wolf on edge and his eyes just barely glowing the bright green.

  “You sure you’re okay, love?” His stare bores a hole into hers, burning with concern. She runs her hands over his rough, stubble filled cheeks and traces his lips with her thumbs.

  “Yeah, just let me grab my pajama pants and I’ll be back down.” Kissing him on the forehead, she stands and moves towards her dresser. She can feel his stare on her back and she tries to give him a smile in the mirror. “Really, I’ll be down in a minute,” she winks at him and makes her way to the bathroom door. He winks back and trots down the hallway, but she can still feel his worry radiating throughout the room.

  Siofra shuts the door and plops down on the closed toilet seat. What is up with me? she thinks. I haven’t felt like this since being pregna…..

  “Whoa,” she says out loud, as a slight panic fills her system and her fingers grip onto the seat cover beneath her.

  Fear replaces the panic and it runs through her as she kneels to rummage through the cabinet below the sink. She always keeps a pregnancy test on hand in her bathroom; call it paranoia, but at least she is prepared. It’s a habit from her high school years when all of her promiscuous friends would come to her house when they needed a friend to help them, instead of being easily tattled on when buying a test at a local store. No one ever questions the Alpha’s children.

  Readying herself to take it, she mumbles, “Here goes nothing,” and administers the test, trying not to pee on her shaking hand.

  Setting it on the counter, she slips on her paja
ma pants and paces the tile floor, waiting the three minutes it states on the package. It seems like only yesterday, but it was really just over a year ago she was doing this very same thing; only Kyle was sitting on the closed toilet seat, assuring her that everything would be okay.

  Closing her eyes and picking up the tubular shaped plastic, she takes a deep breath in and opens just her right eye. Two positive signs stare back at her and she can’t help but scream at the top of her lungs. She doesn’t know whether it’s from shock, happiness or fear, but she’s shaking as she holds the proof in her hand that she is pregnant. Footsteps are pounding down the hallway towards her and she shoves the test into the top drawer.

  “What’s wrong?” Conall bursts through the door with Jason and Cassie close behind. His eyes are wide and his breathing is heavy, a low growl rolling through his chest as his wolf prepares for a fight. He’s on edge and afraid at the same time and Siofra’s heart breaks just a little knowing she is doing that to him.

  “Nothing, love, really,” Siofra mumbles, rubbing his arms up and down slowly, feeling how the hair is standing on end. Up on her tiptoes she kisses his lips lightly, but now confusion rolls off of him and he raises one eyebrow at her.

  “You screamed bloody murder just now and nothing’s wrong?” Grasping her elbows he shakes her a little, giving her an unbelieving look. She places her palms on his chest to stay the motion.

  “Stop,” she mumbles, gripping his shirt. “Just let me talk to Cassie for a few minutes.” Siofra looks to Cassie for backup, begging her silently to go along with her. “Cass, will you get Sylvia? I just need some girl talk.” Nodding, Cassie takes off towards the stairs at full force.

  “Okay?” Conall gives her a sideways look and starts to back from the room. A hand on his shoulder makes him spin around. She can tell he doesn’t want to leave and that he’s confused as hell at her behavior, but she just gives him a little smile.


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