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His Secret

Page 20

by Brisa Starr

  “Is that your way of telling me you love me, too?” I ask.

  She looks at me, mischief dancing on her face, and she opens her mouth. Then she closes it. I see she’s toying with me by not answering right away. She sees I’m on the edge of my seat, like a child waiting for his parents to wake up on Christmas morning. My spicy vixen prolongs my suffering as I wait to hear the words from her beautiful lips.

  “Speechless? You? I never thought I’d see the day.” I chide her. “Come on, tell me exactly what you feel, Ms. Honesty.” I cock my head to one side and try to calm my pounding heart.

  “I love you,” she says and exhales. A whole new, fresh glow surrounds her as I watch her soul brighten like a full moon on a cloudless night. Her shackles broken, her heart is healed and free to be given. To me.

  She jumps up onto me and wraps her legs around my waist. I kiss her, love her, and hold her tight, relishing this moment, burning it into my brain. Whoa. We’re in love. This will work.

  Everything is going to work.

  Reluctantly, I set her down after a moment and say, “Well, I told you.”

  “Told me what?” She narrows her gaze at me and purses her lips, fighting a smile.

  “I told you this would happen, between us.”

  “Uh-huh. Yeah, you might’ve said something like that,” she concedes and scruffs my hair, giving me one more kiss before picking up her laptop and papers. “Well, I have stuff to do before Billy gets here, so I better get to it or I never will.”

  I grimace and she looks at me, wagging her finger like I’ve been naughty. “Now, we just professed our love for each other. You are not allowed to be jealous,” she snaps.

  “The hell I’m not. Now I’m more protective than ever,” I snap back.


  I hold one hand up, a half-surrender. “Fine. I’m not making any promises, but I will try very hard not to punch him in the face. He’d better be ugly though.”

  She gasps, horrified, and then realizes that I’m mostly joking. “You’d better not!” she screeches, and continues, “Adron, you better be on your best behavior, because I want him to like you as much as I want you like him. He’s part of my life. You’re a much bigger part, and you have nothing to fear, but he’s very special to me.”

  I’m still not happy about this, but I love her. With everything so new between us, I feel like we’re a baby foal wobbling as we learn to walk, not ready for any real challenges. Such as telling her my secret.

  My darkness fights for control of my mood. The good news is that I have her. Now, all I have to do is keep her, and hope she stays with me when I tell her something that she might think I should’ve told her a long time ago.

  “Well, I have to run to Scottsdale for a few hours to meet with a client, so I’ll see you tonight.”

  “OK, handsome,” she says. “I... love you.” She lights up her face with an ear-to-ear, sappy grin, still getting used to saying these monumental words. “I just wanted to say that again. I like the way it feels.”

  Damn, she’s cute. I can’t believe I found her. The one. Grandpa would be proud. I lean down and kiss her. “See you later, sweetheart. I love you, too.” I cup her womanhood in my palm and give it a little squeeze.

  She blushes, and I leave before I can’t.



  Another late night of working, and I wake to see that Alyson has already awoken and left the casita. I look out the window and see another car in the driveway. It must be his rental car. Shit. He’s here. I slept too late.

  I’m not quite ready to meet him though. I take a piss and brush my teeth. After a quick espresso, I still want to work off some of the testosterone that’s building in me at the thought of another guy in the house with my woman.

  I do my bodyweight workout indoors today. Jealousy fuels my workout, and I’m able to hold all of my calisthenic positions an additional two minutes each. My muscles are pumped, and I take a cold shower and do a little deep breathing before going to see them. I’m not looking forward to this reunion of theirs, but it’s Alyson’s birthday tomorrow, and that’s why he’s here. I don’t want to spoil that.

  I might as well get this over with and go meet the fucker. Correction, her “best friend.” I will try to see him as a good thing.

  I take an extra minute in the mirror though, to make sure my hair looks good, and I put on my spinner ring. I also put on a T-shirt because, well, I don’t want to make the guy jealous. That said, I choose one of my more form-fitting T’s, and I look pretty fucking huge in it.

  I head across the driveway to the main house. Once inside, I hear them talking in the kitchen. I stop in the hallway to eavesdrop for a second, and they’re laughing. My throat tightens – I’m not sure I’ve ever heard Alyson laugh that hard from anything I said. I walk into the kitchen, and they both look up as I enter.

  She’s wearing a violet summer dress, and it hugs her tiny waist, has thin straps over her shoulders, and flares out until it stops at her knees. She lined her eyes in violet, and her lips are full and ruby-colored. She looks hot as fuck. Did she get all spruced up for him?

  Alyson runs over to me and throws her arms around me. Her back is to Billy and I’m facing him.

  Fuck me, I groan inwardly. He’s a good-looking guy. Like, model handsome. Really tan, too. So good-looking, I’m not surprised that Alyson left out that little tidbit. She knows I might’ve put the kybosh on him even coming here. Billy stands up to approach us. He’s tall. Fuck. Not taller than me, but still tall. Sandy-blond, surfer cool-dude hair. Fuck. He has green eyes, and he’s in good shape. Fuck and fuck!

  I show none of my concerns. I’m cool as a cucumber, on the outside.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I give her a kiss for good measure. She lets go and turns to face Billy. I put my arm possessively around her shoulder.

  “Adron, I want you to meet my best friend, Billy,” she says, all smiles and giggles. “And, Billy, I want you to meet my…”

  She looks up at me, and I answer for her, “Boyfriend.”

  The way she looks up at me when I say this, I feel ten feet tall, and it’s like we’re the only ones in the room. It’s a flash of utter adoration, and I can’t take my eyes off hers. We share a moment, and I’m not upset that he witnesses it. Just the opposite; let him see us in love. My burning jealousy from earlier dissipates. A little. For now.

  I hold out my hand, and Billy shakes it.

  The dude’s got a firm grip. But not so strong that he’s trying to prove something. Guys who shake with a death-grip are always – always – compensating for some insecurity. Billy’s grip says self-assurance. Shit.

  “Nice to meet you,” he says and looks at me a bit longer than I’m comfortable with.

  Is this fucker sizing me up?

  “Yeah. You, too,” I reply, lacking enthusiasm.

  I let go of Alyson, and she sits back down in her chair. Billy sits on the other one, and I’m left standing alone, so I move to the other side of the counter where I can see them both. Observing is my usual M.O. in groups of more than two.

  “Billy is a vagabond at heart,” Alyson says. “And I think it’s he who inspired my house-sitting tour when I saw him living such a life of freedom.”

  “Is that so?” I ask dryly, and Alyson squints her eyes at me, a warning.

  “Yeah, I follow the seasons, split my time between surfing and snowboarding. I can always find work at any oceanfront area or in the mountains at ski resorts. Gives me lots of options, so I just pick where the airfare is cheapest.”

  Alyson adds, “He’s really good at both.”

  Billy holds up his hands, trying to be humble. “Now, come on, Alyson, don’t brag about me.”

  “Billy, somebody’s gotta a brag about you because you’ll never do it yourself,” she says and adds, looking at me, “Really, he’s amazing.”

  I don’t comment. She turns her attention back to him, picking up where they left off when I came in. “So, are you
leaving women heartbroken all over the world?”

  WTF, Alyson? She’s calling him out on his good looks. That doesn’t sit well with me. I’ll have a talk with her about that. I accidentally let out something like a growl, and they both turn to me. I clear my throat like that’s all I was doing.

  They resume their conversation, and Billy says, “Well, you know how it goes, Ally.”



  Oh, this just gets better and better.

  Has he got her name tattooed on his ass, too?

  “I don’t stay anywhere long enough to get tied down to anyone,” he continues. “And to be honest, no one’s been worth it so far. I’m not sure I could live my life not doing both sports – I crave surfing and snowboarding.”

  Alyson says, “I’m sure there’s someone out there for you. You never know. Heck, maybe she’s into the same stuff.” She winks at him. Aw, hell no. I don’t like her winking at anybody but me.

  Alyson brings me into the conversation and tells Billy about my business, songwriting and mixing. I puff up a little when she brags about my talent. It feels good and I’m smiling again. I’m not about to downplay my accomplishments in front of surfer dude.

  “Yeah, I’ve worked with a handful of A-listers, nice guys, most of ‘em. That’s my true passion. Music is it for me.”

  Billy asks, “Is that what you do full-time?”

  “No, I have a day job as a data scientist.” This is true – I only call it data analyst when I’m downplaying it. I say data scientist when I want to intimidate people. Like unruly clients, or competitive surfer-dude males. “But in the not-too-distant future, and I think that all might change. Maybe a year or two.”

  Alyson looks at me, eyebrows raised. This is news to her. I’m careful about what I say, but in my mind, I’m already planning to do music full-time, once I get my inheritance.

  Alyson changes the subject. “Are you boys hungry? I was thinking we could go into town to get a burger. We can give Billy a little taste of the Southwest.”

  It’s not a bad idea, but I can only fit two people in my car, which means we either have to drive separately, or take Alyson’s car, stuffed with shit, or we need Billy to drive us in his rental. I’m wondering who the third wheel is here.

  “That’s a good idea,” I say. “Billy, do you mind driving so we can all go in one car? The restaurant is only a couple miles away.”

  “Sure. No problem,” he says.

  We’re in the middle of eating dinner, and Billy and Alyson are sharing stories, going back and forth about growing up and the trouble they used to get into as kids. Turns out, they went to prom together, too. Up until that revelation, it was easy to pretend they had always been platonic friends. Now I’m seriously wondering what they’ve done together. I can’t help but crack my neck and sit up straight, rolling my shoulders back to dispel the urge to clobber the dude.

  I’m guessing that would upset her.

  Irritated, for not the first time this evening, I take a deep breath and try to settle my nerves. It hits me how close they actually are, and she’s been laughing nonstop. It’s kind of a gut punch… I like that she’s having a splendid fucking time, but I want to be the one making her laugh.

  “Oh! Billy, you are the funniest,” she says, and I missed what was so funny, but I doubt it was as funny as she thinks. She slaps him on the shoulder and rests her hand there for a second too long. I draw the line at physical contact, and my gut instantly fills with rage. And now, not just directed at him. When is this fucker leaving?

  She removes her hand, sees me looking at her, and immediately puts her other hand on my leg, trying to soothe the situation that she herself is making worse by her behavior. I appreciate her effort to calm me down, but it’s not helping much. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Hearing them share their history, I still can’t help but wonder if they were ever romantic. He’s a good-looking guy, she’s a hot little goddess. He’d be an idiot not to have tried something with her. I shift in my seat as the anger mounts inside me, a volcano about to erupt as I let this story run wild in my head.

  My lack of contribution to the conversation wouldn’t surprise Alyson; I am a man of few words, especially in social situations. But Billy might think I’m dumb as a box of rocks if I don’t participate. Data scientist or not.

  I clear my throat. “So, Billy, where are ya off to next?” I’m thinking to myself, he can’t leave too soon.

  “Well, I’ll head back down to Mexico and work my way down the Baja Peninsula. Cabo is epic through August, one of the only spots on the planet with swells from the northern and southern hemispheres, just an hour’s drive apart, so there’s always waves. You ever been?”

  “No, I haven’t, but I hear good things about it. My parents have been there a few times.”

  There. I’ve been polite and contributed.

  “You guys should visit. Summer is great down there. It’s hotter than shit, but you have the ocean, and if you’re already sweating your ass off here, might as well pop down, would be a great little getaway.”

  I mildly appreciate his invitation and give him a nod. Although, he could be angling to spend more time close to her.

  I’m still eager for this showtime to end, so I can take Alyson back to the casita and fuck the hell out of her. I’m eager to remind her who she belongs to. But just then, Sammy comes up to our table.

  “Well, howdy, y’all,” she says and bumps me in the arm with her hip, a little harder than necessary. “What are y’all up to?”

  Thanks, Sammy. Was that bump a hint that I’m being a jackass? Or am I just overthinking things because I already know I’m being a jackass?

  Alyson’s eyes dart from Billy to Sammy, and no doubt noticed they were checking each other out. I see a bit of mischief pop into Alyson’s eyes, and she says, “Sammy, this is Billy, my best friend from high school.” She looks at Billy and says, “And, Billy, this is my new best girlfriend, Sammy.”

  Sammy lights up at that label, “I sure as shit am! We go way back, well not as far as y’all, but we’re about a month into our friendship, and we’ve already been line dancing at the local bar, she’s won first place in a hot sauce contest, and we have regular coffee dates like old ladies. So, yeah, we go back.” She didn’t take her eyes off Billy the whole time. She adds, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Billy.”

  “The pleasure is definitely mine, Sammy,” he says as he stands up and shakes her hand.

  Well, hell, I’m witnessing something that makes my heart sing. I’m seeing little hearts with arrows flying back and forth between the two of them. I believe this could be interesting. I sit back, relaxed for the first time since Billy arrived, and I look at Alyson. She flashes her eyebrows at me and purses her suckable lips. My cock stirs as I think about those lips around my cock later tonight.

  Alyson clears her throat to get the lovebirds’ attention, and they bring their eyes back to us. Billy sits back down, and Alyson says, “Sammy, you should join us. We’ve already eaten, but we’re still having drinks.”

  Sammy blushes and says, “Oh no, I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve got plans. I’m sorry, though. It’s a shame I can’t join you guys.”

  And that’s when I have a brilliant idea.

  “Sammy, it’s Alyson’s birthday tomorrow…” Alyson looks shocked that I know. “How about you come over to the house tomorrow night and we’ll have a party. You bring your best steaks – put ‘em on my tab – and we’ll whip up some drinks.”

  Alyson hops up and down in her seat, excited about the idea, and I mentally pat myself on the back for playing matchmaker to distract Billy. Plus, it’ll be a great way to make Alyson happy on her birthday, which is all I really care about.

  Billy takes the bait and adds, “That’s a great idea. I’ll make my famous margaritas, a recipe I learned in Mexico.”

  Easy there, killer, I telepathically tell Billy. He has no idea he’s sitting across the table from a tequila connoisseur.r />
  “That sounds amazing,” Sammy says and claps her hands. “You got it. What time should I come over?”

  “The sooner the better,” I say. “How about we start the party at 4 p.m., and we’ll have steaks in the evening?

  Alyson jumps in, “Ohhh and we can play games! Billy and I love to play charades! We’re undefeated!” She must see my eyes glow red because she quickly adds, “Of course, we don’t have to be partners. I’ll team up with Adron.”

  Charades? What the ever-loving fuck? Can’t we, like, just eat and call it a night? What have I gotten myself into? Games. Not my thing, but whatever makes her happy.

  “Well, it sounds like we have a double date then,” Billy says, not taking his eyes off Sammy.

  Sammy blushes again. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her blush. “See y’all tomorrow,” she says and saunters off.

  “That will be so fun,” Alyson says and winks at Billy.

  “I might be asking this a little late,” says Billy, “but I take it Sammy’s single?”

  “Haha, yes. Single and available,” says Alyson.

  We finish our drinks and drive home. We walk toward the main house and I’m feeling like I’m the third wheel here. Not cool.

  “Hey, Billy,” Alyson says, “what do you say we watch an old black-and-white movie before you turn in? Like old times?” She turns to me. “Adron?”

  For fuck’s sake. Could it get any worse? It’s almost like she’s doing this on purpose. But she’s not like that, she’s just trying to show her guest a good time.

  “Um, yeah, no. I’m heading over to the casita to do some work.” Alyson can see I’m not a happy camper. But I do have work to do, and I don’t know, maybe I’m better off somewhere else to blow off some steam. My tequila is calling me. I pull her over to me, not giving two shits that Billy is standing right there, and I give her a kiss for her to remember. Like a good girlfriend, she returns the kiss passionately, not caring about our audience.


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