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His Secret

Page 21

by Brisa Starr

  We turn to the casita, and she walks me to the front door.

  “You don’t have to go, you know?” she whispers.

  “Look, I’m trying to be on my best behavior. But I might not keep my promise if I stick around much longer. Listening to the two of you tell all your stories and shit.”

  She looks up at me. “Stop it. Don’t be silly.”

  She sees I’m not being silly at all and adds, “You better get a friggin’ lasso on your jealousy, Adron. Billy is part of my life. A big part. And you have to learn how to get along with him if you want to be with me.”

  “You went to prom with him?” I say, too low for him to hear. “Is there something else I should know about?” My tone lets her know I’m not fucking around.

  “No,” she says and chews the inside of her lip before adding, “Well, not really.”

  My lips tight and fists clenched, I ask, “What do you mean not really?”

  “Well, um. Hmmm, well, I guess you should know that we kissed at prom.”

  “You guess?! You what? You bring a guy you’ve been romantic with over here?” Part of me is relieved they never fucked… I believe her. The other is pissed at her... pissed that she would invite this snake into our private little Eden. Everything was perfect, and it was totally unnecessary. I feel like she doesn’t honor our relationship enough to protect it, no matter how small the risk might seem. She might know what’s in her heart, but she will never know what’s in Billy’s with absolute certainty, no matter what he says. I know how guys can be. I’m one of them.

  Billy sees something is amiss and says, “Hey, Alyson, actually, I’m tired. I’m gonna head in.” He’s smarter than I’ve given him credit for. I turn back to Alyson.

  “I’m waiting, Alyson. When were you going to tell me that?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think it was important. God, it was, like, ten years ago, when I was a kid. Was I wrong? Besides, you didn’t let me finish!”

  I feel like darkness is surrounding me. I’m outraged.

  She continues, “We realized that it wasn’t romantic between us. And it never went beyond that.”

  “I am not happy about this news, Alyson. You should have told me.” I go into the casita, closing the door before I do or say something I regret.

  She doesn’t follow me. I secretly hoped she would, but I’m also relieved that I have some time to blow off steam. What the fuck? He’s had his tongue in her mouth? I’m so fucking pissed. I pace back and forth in My Cave, ready to throw Billy out on his ass.

  But, shit, that would destroy what Alyson and I have just begun. I can’t believe she didn’t tell me until now. She should have shared that detail with me before he came. Like the tiny detail about my inheritance that I’ve kept from her?

  I dive into my work, directing all of my dark thoughts into my music. But it’s not helping like it usually does, and after a while, I lean back in my chair, spinning my ring. I get up and take off my shirt. I see the tequila on the counter and help myself to a shot.

  Hm. That’s better. It takes the edge off, but it’s not enough to douse the fire burning inside me. There’s only one solution for that. Her.

  An hour later, I’m heartened to hear a knock at the door. I’m surprised she didn’t just come in, but she saw how pissed I was earlier, and I guess she’s respecting my space. I open the door and step aside, gesturing for her to come in.

  “Look, Adron, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Billy and my history. I should have. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I was wrong.”

  “You sure let my imagination run wild. The asshole is good-looking, and you’re hot. Do the math. You’re telling me that the attraction hasn’t lingered between you guys longer than you let on?”

  She looks at me, and I know she has something to say, but she stays silent.

  “What? Speechless again, Alyson? You talk a mighty good game of honesty, and yet you leave out some very important details.”

  “I didn’t know how much to tell you because I was afraid you’d be… like this. A raging alpha. And it meant nothing, and means nothing, to either of us. Yes, we flirted when we were teenagers, but then we realized it was nothing. And so, you have to believe me when I say there is nothing there, and I never would have invited him here if it were the tiniest bit otherwise. I belong to you. He has never looked at me the way you do, and vice versa. Trust me when I say there is nothing there between us. Did you not see the sparks between him and Sammy?”

  I cross the room and grab her hand, pulling her to me. “You’re right about one thing,” I say to her, then whisper in her ear, “You are fucking mine, Alyson.”

  She closes her eyes and exhales heavily upon hearing this, and I feel the desire and heat rising in her body.

  “Yes,” she says breathily. “I’m yours, Adron. Always.”

  I turn her around and bend her over my desk. I pull her dress up to her waist, and she’s wearing a sexy, hot pink thong, baring her ass cheeks to me. I reach down and press my fingertips into her meaty labia through the fabric of the thong, and she moans with desire.

  “You. Are. Mine.” I say, rubbing and circling her clit. She arches her back up to me, wanting more.

  I rub her ass smoothly and then surprise her with a hard slap on her ass cheek. She gasps and moans. I run my finger under her thong and find my way into the folds of her juicy cunt. She’s gushing wet. “Tell me you’re wet for me, and only me.”

  “Yes, Adron, only for you. You drive me crazy. I love you.” She breathes heavily, grinding her hips, whimpering for more.

  I grab a condom from my shorts and toss it on the desk. I shove my shorts and my boxer briefs down to my ankles. Not bothering to kick them off, I stick my finger in her juicy cunt and she moans.

  “You want rough?”

  “Yes. Please.” She moans and arches her back, presenting her cunt to me like a gift. “I need you.”

  My cock is hard as a rock. I’m so consumed with desire that I fear I’ll come with a single thrust. I lean over and grab the condom, tearing the package open with my teeth, quickly rolling it down my erection, just in time to slam my stiff cock into her wet, quivering pussy.

  “You’re mine,” I groan and thrust hard. “Mine, do you understand?” I fuck her harder, pounding her tight pussy, not giving her a chance to recover between thrusts, turning her moans into a staccato of rapid grunts – “Yes!... unhh, unhh, unhh,” she grunts, over and over.

  “Yes, yes! Oh my god, yes!” She takes me, all of me, and lets me take dominion over her body.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, Alyson, you won’t be able to sit for two days.”

  She moans, hot for it. Hot for me. And her pussy is gushing. I bend over and rub my fingers on her little clit, and she bucks harder, meeting my thrusts, slamming back into me as much as she can.

  “Yes, make me come, Adron. Own my body, take me. I love you so much.”

  I’m ready and I need to explode inside her, but I won’t until I make her come first, so I keep fucking her, loving her, worshiping her back side, rubbing her clit in a frenzied blur of my fingers until she starts to scream, “Oh my god, I’m gonna come. Now! Oh my god, yes. YES!”

  In a rush, she comes all over my cock and I keep thrusting as deep as I can, in and out, shattering her in wave after wave of pure pleasure. I finally let myself explode, and a gut-wrenching spasm rakes through my whole body as streams of my seed shoot out of me, filling the condom in her womb. “Fuck, I love you so much,” I say as I finish unloading, my cock still convulsing as it squeezes out the last few spurts.

  I collapse on top of her, spent, our breathing slowing before I pull out. I take the condom off and toss it into the garbage can by the desk. I help her up and turn her around, taking her into my arms, loving her, longing for her, drinking her, smelling her, not wanting to ever be without her. Ever.

  We stumble to the bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms, perfectly happy and content.

br />   Alyson

  Wow, that was some powerful lovin’ last night.

  What an evening!

  A cheerful smile spreads across my satisfied lips. I’m in love. Never thought I’d see the day, but Adron showed me otherwise. Everything is simply perfect.

  And it’s so great to see Billy. My heart sings with joy that he made it to Arizona for my birthday, because it’s been too long since we’ve seen each other. Adron didn’t handle it as well as I’d hoped, but it could’ve been worse. That man has a jealous streak as long as the Nile River.

  Hm. He’s something else, that’s for sure… playfully good and sexy bad, shiny light and shadowy dark. I plan to tame that jealousy though, despite finding it hot, in a primal, caveman sort of way. I turn my head to look at him as he sleeps. Damn, he’s gorgeous.

  I have to admit, his protectiveness makes me feel secure. He’s such a loyal, no-bullshit kind of guy, and that calms my jittery heart. It gives me peace in these early and shaky days of new love.

  He must have sensed me looking at him because he peeps one eye open and looks over at me.

  “Hey, lovely,” he says as he rolls over and possessively puts an arm on me. My little butterflies flutter again. Like I said, I like his possessive arm. A contented hum vibrates from me. Is this how wonderful it could be for the rest of my life? If so, I’m never leaving. Ever.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks, a thick eyebrow raised.

  I kiss his arm. “I was just thinking about how much I like waking up with you.”

  “Get used to it,” he answers fiercely, his eyes glinting like steel.

  He gives me a quick kiss on my lips, then pecks on my cheeks, forehead, and chin. He throws the covers off and gets out of bed, and I admire his rock-hard body. All of it.

  He catches me ogling him and smiles in return. “I tried not to stay up too late last night so I would be awake for your birthday soiree later, but I’m gonna take a piss and hop back in bed to catch a few more Z’s.”

  “I’ll miss you,” I say.

  He pours himself a glass of water, and I drag my naked lazy ass out of bed and stand, stretching my arms toward the ceiling. The clock says 5:00 a.m. “I’m gonna go take care of the animals. Billy is probably still asleep. When he wakes up, I’ll have coffee with him and talk about our plans for today.”

  I look at Adron to gauge his reaction to my mention of Billy’s name. He doesn’t appear to bristle. Maybe he’s not fully awake yet. Or maybe he’s warming up to the idea that our houseguest isn’t a threat. A girl can hope.

  “OK, love,” he says. “I’ll see you later. I’m looking forward to giving you your birthday present,” he says, a blue twinkle dancing in his eyes.

  “Birthday present? You got me a birthday present?” My heart glows and I bounce on my tiptoes.

  “Of course I did.” He takes a sip of his water and looks at me suggestively. I blush.


  That kind of gift.

  “Hmmm, well, I can’t wait to have you, err, I mean, it,” I reply, matching his seductiveness.

  “Oh, you’ll get the royal treatment… I promise you that. But your actual birthday gift is not happening in bed.”

  I leap over, toppling him, and I knock him to the floor, straddling his waist. I give him a huge sloppy kiss, and say, “Yippee! I can’t wait!” He chuckles in appreciation and looks down at my naked muffin planted firmly on his manhood. He looks back at me with a quizzical expression, wondering if I meant to start something sexy right now. The thought crosses my mind as I feel him getting hard right against my clit. Alas – the animals. I slide off him with a smile and a shrug, and he gets up and chuckles as he goes into the bathroom.

  I get dressed and call through the bathroom door to him, “OK, Sex God, I’ll see you later.” I leave the casita and head to the main house, whistling an off-beat tune as I skip. I’m going to have the best birthday ever.

  It’s a typical summer morning in Arizona. Bright blue sky, no clouds as far as the eye can see, and a blazing hot sun that promises to hate you by midday. I’m liking it all more and more though, as I consider permanently living here.

  I tend to the animals, and I’m sitting in the kitchen when Billy comes in stretching, yawning, and his hair standing on end every which way. My buddy. I adore him. He’s been there for me during the most difficult times of my life, and I can’t imagine my life without him. I hope he finds the kind of love I have with Adron, because he deserves it.

  “Good morning,” I chirp.

  “Back at ya, birthday girl.” He walks over and ruffles my hair. I smile, though I’m glad Adron’s not here to see that... he wouldn’t appreciate it. I may have to set a few ground rules with Billy to let him know what’s appropriate.

  “How did you sleep?” I ask as I hand him a coffee mug from the cupboard.

  “Great. I dig all the geodes in the house. What’s the deal with all the crystals, anyway?”

  “Jenna, the woman who owns this house... well, she’s got some groovy voodoo goin’ on. I guess you could call her an intuitive. She believes crystals have certain powers, and I can’t say I totally disagree. Besides, they’re beautiful. She even instructed me to put rose quartz in the four corners of my room. I’ve since learned that rose quartz is for love. I think she saw this thing with me and Adron coming a mile away. In fact, I know she did. She pretty much orchestrated the whole thing.”

  Billy looks at me and raises his eyebrows. “And?”

  Not wasting a second, I fire back, “It worked. A hundred percent. I’m in love.”

  “I could’ve told you that, I didn’t need to ask. But what I mean is… tell me more. Are you serious about the voodoo, or whatever?”

  “I tried to fight it, Billy. I did everything I could to keep my heart protected and to not fall for him. You know my situation. But, well, like the damn sexy spider tattoo on his back, he weaved a web for me. I couldn’t resist. Now I’m trying to make a plan to live here in this little town, or maybe down in Scottsdale to be closer to Adron. I like Carefree, though. It’s more my speed. I want to be in Arizona with him, so I’m planning my next moves.”

  Billy pours himself some coffee.

  “I should act like the protective best friend,” he says. “I should ask, ‘Are you sure?’... But I already know the answer.” He pauses to take a sip from his mug. “I know you well enough that, once you have your mind set on something, there’s no turning you around. But more than that, damn, I see the way you two look at each other. It’s so intense, like lightning’s about to strike.”

  “Exactly!” I say. “That’s how I feel, too, and the crazy thing is, it’s how I felt the first time I locked eyes with him. He was scary and enigmatic at the same time. A total mystery, but his swirling gray and black intensity drew me in.”

  “Damn, girl, listen to you, waxing all poetic.” He takes another sip of his coffee. “I have to admit… if I thought love could be the way you’re describing it, I’d give it a chance myself.”

  “It requires meeting the right person, and my guess is that you just haven’t yet. Well, not until last night...” I let my voice trail off to gauge his reaction. “I sensed your own little baby lightning sparks when you met Sammy,” I say, peppy, and nod my head rapidly in hopeful affirmation.

  “Baby lightning… is that what that was?” He gets a goofy smile on his face and looks out the window at the beautiful desert. I give him a moment to reflect and let the coffee fuel his brain. Who among us isn’t smarter after a cup of coffee?

  OK, he’s had enough time to reflect, and I say, “I think the biggest thing for me is that I trust Adron. I trust him with my heart, my soul, my body. And that’s why I’m throwing caution to the wind and jumping in headfirst.”

  “I’m absolutely thrilled for you, Alyson. You deserve it so much. You’re the most amazing women I’ve ever known. I never felt like you needed to shut yourself off from possibilities because of what your parents did. They’re them, and you’re you
. I’ve always thought you should just say fuck it, and put yourself out there, and go for it. You deserve it.”

  “You know, Billy, you’re my best friend for a reason,” I say and give him a huge hug. “Damn, boy – whooweee – you stink.” I plug my nose. “You’d better shower before Sammy comes over.” I slug him on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go get showered and changed myself, so I’ll see you later.”

  “Will do,” he says. “And then I’m going to the store to get ingredients for my magical margaritas.” His green eyes glitter with mischief, and I chuckle.

  “Goofball,” I holler over my shoulder as I leave the room.

  Adron, Billy, and I are hanging out on the patio enjoying the beautiful view, waiting for Sammy to arrive. It’s hot, but we’re all seated in the shade, comfortable on Jenna’s fancy, gray wicker patio furniture with white cushions. There’s a matching wicker table with a huge, citrine crystal geode on it, and reclining sun loungers. Adron and I sit close together on the couch. Too close in this heat, and our legs sweat where they touch, but we like it. Billy relaxes on a recliner wearing his shades, like any self-respecting beach bum.

  “I’m gonna grab a cold beer,” I say and stand up. Adron reluctantly lets go of my hand, giving it a brief squeeze first, and my stomach flutters. I go into the kitchen for my beer, but I’m really leaving them alone to get to know each other. Adron has cooled his jets around Billy, and I want to take advantage of this opportunity.

  I kill some time and get out margarita glasses and plates for dinner. I plug in the blender and make sure the ice maker is full. I peek out the window and see them talking.

  After giving them another ten minutes to bond – or that’s what I hope they’re doing – I join them. As I walk outside, I hear they’ve found some common ground in music, of all things, which is great because it means so much to Adron.

  “Yeah, dude, you’re right on – I get chills from his falsetto crescendos” Adron says. He’s sitting up and leaning toward Billy, fully engaged in the conversation.


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