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Page 5

by Bear Matthew

  “Wow, really?” Micah asked.

  “Yeah, my dad really wanted me to become pro but I doubted it.” Parker said.

  “I think you could. I have thought about it before. My parents were both pro for sometime but then stuff happened and yeah, there not pro anymore.” Micah told her.

  “Oh really, what do they do now?” Parker asked.

  “Nothing, they died when I was little.” Micah said. Parker knew she just put her foot in her mouth.

  “I’m sorry. I did not know. I’m sorry.” Parker told him.

  “It’s cool.” Micah said. “You ready?”

  Parker nodded, “Yeah”.

  Micah served again and they kept it up. Parker felt bad for him but this was the court rights they were fighting for after all, and she would do just about anything to get it all to herself. They hit it back and forth between each other until Parker got the point. She was not as happy as she was before – at least she was not showing it. Something about Micah intrigued her.

  “You’re good too,” Parker told him. They both shyly smiled at each other.

  Micah served again, the ball came huddling towards Parker, and she knew it was going to be a perfect return. She hit it and it came back to Micah, only it did not. Parker hit it right outside the line of the court. “Out” Micah said.

  “What?” Parker did not think it was out. “That was in!”

  “It was out.” Micah said. “It’s my point.”

  Parker was pissed. She could not believe she was feeling sorry for him. “Just serve again!” she told him. He served and got an ace. Parker was off her game now.

  “Do you need any pointers?” Micah joked. Parker was not in a comedy type of mood. She shot him a look and he took the hint. He was enjoying this. She was the type of girl he could fall for, someone who would fight back with him, who was just like him, and for some odd reason he felt normal around her. Micah had his secrets, but so did Parker. He served again.

  Parker hit the ball back to him and got the point. Yes, she said to herself. One more point and Parker was getting to call the court all her own. “One more point and this is all mine.” Parker said to Micah.

  “You won’t get the point.” Micah said.

  “Watch me” Parker smirked. Micah served and the ball kept going between them. They were equally just as good as each other were. Parker hit the ball and it came back to Micah. He could see Parker in the corner of his eye. She wanted this and part of him wanted her. He went to swing for the ball but missed it, on purpose. Parker screamed for joy. Micah was not so upset. Letting her win could have its own advantages.

  “Good game” Micah said to her. They walked up to the net on their sides and shook hands. He was shaking her hand and they both felt something between them. Micah looked into Parker’s eyes and she saw his. He dropped his racket to the ground and pulled her in for a kiss. Parker just let it happen, not fully understanding what was happening – but did not want to stop it either. He slowly stopped kissing her and removed his lips from hers. She was stunned and he was smiling. “Good game” he said again. He picked up his racket, grabbed the rest of his stuff, and headed out of the court. Parker just stood there. Still letting it all sink in. Then she said, “Good game”.

  She waited for Micah to go inside before she went in. She did not want to see him again, afraid of what she might do. A few things popped up in her mind; kiss him back, rip his clothes off, push him against the lockers, make him never remember another girl’s kiss again. They were all plausible but not responsible. She opened the door and checked the hallway to the locker room. He was not there, so she hurried inside the girl’s locker room.

  The locker room was empty when Parker came in. she quickly rushed to her locker when she brushed up against another locker. That is when it started to happen and there was no stopping it. Parker’s premonitions came at her like a fastball, knocking the wind out of her. She started to feel lightheaded and then she started to see darkness, and then her vision went. It was not like the one this morning. In fact, they were hardly like each other. She started to see Faye; it was not in the future but the past. She saw her this morning, opening her locker without a combination. She witnessed Faye use her magic first hand – or second.

  Parker started to come back to reality. She held steady onto the lockers and started to get her vision back. She was still alone in the room and nobody saw her have her premonition. She went over to her locker and opened it. She dug through her bag and pulled out her phone. She went to Savannah’s number and sent her a new text. She typed in; I have changed my mind. I will go to the party. It will give us all a chance to talk to Faye about you know what. I will talk to you after school. Parker sent the text to Savannah and closed her phone.

  Parker could not believe she was right. They were all witches, with magical powers. She put her phone back in her bag and could not help but smile. She was not smiling because of what she saw, or what she now knows, but because of the kiss. She had not kissed like that since – well forever.

  Chapter 9-

  Savannah and Parker pulled in behind a slew of other cars that had lined the streets outside of the beach house of whoever was throwing the party. Parker turned to look at Savannah and said, “We’ll just wing it. She’ll understand… won’t she?”

  Savannah looked at her and said, “Yeah, why wouldn’t she. Everyone these days wants to either date or sleep with a vampire or werewolf. Well she is a real life witch; she will get a ton of guys. Just tell it like that.” Parker and Savannah shared a little laugh. They were both hoping that this would turn out okay and not disastrous.

  They got out of Parker’s car and headed towards the loud music. This was the nicest area in all of Charm Harbor – the elite of the elite live here. Houses lined the beach with a perfect view of the ocean. They were ten times bigger than Parker and Savannah’s houses combined. They started to reach the party when they saw kids making out and chugging beer – your average high school party.

  Parker and Savannah seemed to be out of their element. Neither one of them were party girls. Savannah had not been to a real party since leaving Charm Harbor. The army base she lived on did not exactly like to see underage teens drinking and partying. Parker on the other hand just never found a reason to attend one of these types of parties. Everyone in town knew she was the sheriff’s daughter and she was a “goodie good”. She also would never attend one of these without any of her best friends by her side, in case she drank too much and threw up, or in case she did something, she would regret in the morning. Parker did not have good enough friends the last two years that would do that for her so she did not go.

  They weaved through crowds of horny and drunken teenagers to look for Faye, but they were not having any luck.

  “Maybe we should split up and find her. Then text the other if we find her.” Parker said to Savannah. The music was so loud she could barely hear Parker but she agreed. They went their opposite ways to find Faye.

  Savannah started to look around when she get distracted by two teenage boys who were seeing who could chug more beer than the other could. “Go, Go, Go” the people around her were shouting. One of the teenage boys looked like he was about to puke. Savannah was standing right in front of him. His mouth started to expand. He was drinking more beer than he could swallow.

  In a split of a second, his mouth opened and out came the beer. Savannah was about to become the target of it when suddenly before she could even do anything she was being whisked away. She spun around – out of the way – and when she looked to see who had just saved her from having to throw out a perfectly good shirt, she saw Sebastian standing there, still holding her. His grip was tight but Savannah did not care. His touch had something special about it. It felt like a powerful healing sensation on her skin. She felt safe in his arms.

  “Whoa there” he said with a grin on his face. Savannah looked up at him.

  Confused and a little unnerved, “How did you… do that?” she asked.
br />   He smiled at her. She felt her body just giving away. He looked like a masterpiece, a tall dark mysterious gorgeous masterpiece. “Well I guess I just have the magic touch.” He said.

  Magic, why would he use that word of all the words, It is weird, Savannah thought.

  “You certainly do.” She said to him.

  “It’s Savannah right?” He seemed to play dumb. He knew her name, he knew much more than that.

  “Yeah and you’re… Sebastian?” Savannah had not forgotten his name. She was thinking about having it tattooed on her so she would never forget it. He nodded.

  The party was raging while Savannah and Sebastian just stared at each other. He seemed to be a man of few words and Savannah was okay with that. He let go of her arms. She was safe now – from the drunken teenage boy.

  “So what are you doing here?” Savannah asked him.

  He looked around, searching for something – or someone. “Who can turn down a good party?” He said. “Do you wanna drink?”

  “I would love one.” Savannah said with a smile. He grabbed her hand and he took her with him. They made their way through crowds of kids, when Sebastian bumped into a rowdy drunk teenage boy.

  “Whoa assholes watch where you’re going.” The boy said. The boy saw Savannah and tried to turn on his smug charm. “I’m Nick and you must be?”

  “I’m not interested.” Savannah told him.

  “Excuse me what did you say bitch?” Nick said.

  “Watch your mouth” Sebastian came to her defense.

  This was another big part of why Savannah never went to parties. Drunken boys were even bigger assholes then they were when they are sober.

  “And what are you gonna do about it?” Nick took a drink of his beer and just laughed at Sebastian. “You’re not gonna do anything!”

  Sebastian used his free hand, pulled Nick in real close, and whispered into Nick’s ear. Savannah tried to hear but could not. She watched as Nick’s face went blank. Suddenly he did not seem so drunk anymore. He was pale and looked sick. Sebastian then let go of him and gently pulled Savannah with him through the crowds.

  They stopped at a table full of alcohol. “What’s your preference?” Sebastian asked Savannah.

  Savannah just looked at him. He seemed to be unfazed by what just took place. She wanted to know what he whispered into Nick’s ear but was not sure if she truly wanted to know. He looked at her, smiled and said, “Are you still with me?”

  “Yeah I’m sorry. I prefer anything. You choose.” She told him. He looked around, picked up two cups, and handed one to Savannah. She took a sip and almost gagged it back up. “The strong stuff” she said with a laugh.

  “Yeah I like the hard stuff best.” Sebastian said as she took a large swallow of the stuff in his cup. He took a hard swallow and said, “That’s the good stuff. I’ve missed it.”

  “Missed it?” Savannah asked.

  “I’ve been away for a while. I haven’t been able to have any.” Sebastian said.

  “Oh that sucks. Where were you?” Savannah asked.

  “Here and there, no where important” Sebastian said. Savannah liked the whole few words thing, but she hated the completely coy thing. “What about you?”

  “I just moved back here. I grew up here until two years ago.” Savannah said.

  “How’d you like California?” Sebastian asked. Savannah gave him a, what the hell look. How could Sebastian know that? Savannah asked herself. She was about to say something when she spotted Faye. She headed inside… alone. This was the perfect time.

  “I have to go.” Savannah said as she traced Faye’s footsteps. Sebastian just watched her leave. She could not stop thinking about how Sebastian could have known where she lived for the last two years.

  Faye went inside. Savannah got to the door at the same exact moment Parker did. “She just went in.” They both said at the same time. They both rushed inside after her.

  “Faye” they said as they saw her walking down an empty hallway. She turned around to see Parker and Savannah walking towards her. Just great, she thought to herself.

  “What do you guys want?” Faye said.

  “We need to talk to you.” Parker told her.

  “It’s important.” Savannah added.

  “Can’t you just leave me alone?” Faye said and as she started to walk away, Parker grabbed her arm and stopped her.

  “Give us five minutes and then you can leave us.” Parker told her.

  “Fine, five minutes.” Faye said.

  Parker looked around and saw a door. She went over to it and turned the door handle. It opened and was empty. They went inside, Savannah next, then Faye. Parker closed the door.

  The room was a study. A large dark wood desk sat in front of a wall, with bookshelves that lined the walls full of books and things. It was your average rich person’s study. You could smell the cigar smoke in the room.

  “What do you guys want?” Faye impatiently asked.

  “We need to talk to you about something serious, something that is life or death.” Parker said.

  “Way to get started” Savannah said.

  “Well did you have a better idea to explain how serious this is?” Parker asked Savannah.

  “No but you don’t have to be such a downer.” Savannah said.

  “Just spit it out!” Faye bellowed.

  “Fine, I know about you Faye.” Parker said.

  “You know what?” Faye asked.

  “I saw you! I know.” Parker told her.

  Savannah was not fully following. Parker had not told Savannah yet about her premonition but was going to… eventually.

  “What do you know?” Savannah butted in.

  Parker glanced at her and said, “I thought we were on the same side here.”

  “I would like to know what side that is first.” Savannah said.

  “I’m out of here. You old ladies can bicker all you want.” Faye said as she went for the door.

  “I saw you unlock your lock without a combination. You used your mind!” Parker blurted out, trying to make Faye stop. It worked. Faye turned around.

  “How do you know I didn’t just put in my combination? Nobody was in there.” Faye said.

  “Because, I know,” Parker said.

  “And how is that? You weren’t in there!” Faye said.

  “I saw it. I saw you frustrated and suddenly your lock just opened.” Parker was starting to freak Faye out.

  “There’s no way you saw that!” Faye said.

  “There is a way, one way,” Savannah said.

  “And which way is that?” Faye wanted to know.

  “Parker can see…” Savannah started to say, but Parker cut her off.

  “Wait! I’ll tell her.” Parker said. “I have premonitions. I can see the future or sometimes the past.”

  Faye did not believe her. “Yeah and I have the power to fly. Get real. You had to be in there.”

  “No I didn’t. This afternoon I was in the locker room and I must have brushed past you locker and when I touched it I saw you. I saw what you did.” Parker told her.

  “She’s telling the truth. She has the power of premonition. She is a witch. We are all our own type of witches.” Savannah said.

  “Oh yeah then what magical power do I have?” Faye said sarcastically but actually wanted to know.

  “Telekinesis, you have the ability to move things with your mind. It’s actually pretty cool.” Parker told her.

  “And how do you know this?” Faye asked Parker.

  “Because I’ve done research, I have the power of premonition and you have telekinesis.” Parker said.

  “What about you Savannah? What power do you have?” Faye asked Savannah.

  “I have the power to blink.” Savannah said. She realized how pathetic that sounded.

  “The power to blink, this is a joke.” Faye said. “Show me and maybe I’ll believe you.”

  “I can’t just blink on demand.” Savannah said.

  “Exactly, you guys are pathetic. Making up some lie about being witches with magical powers.” Faye said.

  “It’s not a lie, watch!” Parker said.

  She scanned the room for something. Found a letter opener and picked it up. Before anyone could do anything, she charged at Savannah. Faye screamed “no!” but Parker was not listening. Savannah looked at Parker and as Parker lifted the letter opener to stab Savannah with it, suddenly she was gone.

  “What the hell!” Faye said under her breath, unable to believe what was happening.

  Suddenly Savannah reappeared a moment later, head pounding, still afraid that Parker was about to stab her.

  “See I told you we weren’t lying.” Parker said. Faye was in shock. She literally just watched as Savannah vanished through time and space for a few moments. One second she was there another she was gone.

  “How did you…” Faye started to say but was lost for words.

  “How did I blink? I really don’t know.” Savannah said. “We don’t really know why we have this but we think we might know how we got it.”

  “How, tell me?” Faye desperately wanted to know.

  “Remember right before Hayley died we found that old book. It suddenly opened and stopped at a page that read spellbound.” Parker said.

  “Then we read what it said out loud together at the same time. Then it all happened… Well what we read was a spell, and we are sure that it made us, well, like this. It made us witches.” Savannah said.

  “You really think we’re witches, with magical powers?” Faye asked.

  “Yes” both Savannah and Parker said at the same time.

  “Then where’s the book? Let us undo this. Like right now!” Faye said.

  “We don’t have the book and were not going to undo this. It is what is supposed to happen. Undoing it could cause our lives to become endangered.” Parker tells Faye.

  “Seriously, you think it’s your decision if were magical witches or not? I don’t want this and if you won’t undo the spell then I won’t be part of this.”

  “Wait Faye” Savannah said as Faye headed for the door.


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