Book Read Free


Page 6

by Bear Matthew

  “Just leave me alone!” Faye says as she slams the door shut.

  “Just great, that went well.” Savannah said.

  “It went as expected. She will not come around until we find the book, until we learn our destiny. I know she will come around then. I just know it.” Parker said. Savannah could not decide if she was trying to convince Savannah or herself.

  “Why don’t you want to undo the spell?” Savannah asked her.

  “Because it’s our destiny to become witches, you don’t mess with destiny.” Parker said.

  “But how do you know for certain? Maybe it is not our destiny. Maybe we are not supposed to ever find that book or gain these magical powers. Maybe we are not supposed to change, lose a friend, or each other. Maybe destiny can screw itself.” Savannah said.

  “Trust me, I just know. When we find the book we’ll be safe.” Parker said.

  “Safe from what though?” Savannah wanted to know.

  “Danger, evil, whatever, the book will help protect us and everyone.” Parker said.

  “How do you know that there even is any danger, any evil? Huh?” Savannah asked Parker.

  “Because I do, I’ve seen danger. I have seen things that you could not even imagine and it sucks. So the only way to protect ourselves is with that book, so we need to find it.” Parker tells Savannah.

  “Is that how you know that Sebastian is bad? Dangerous or evil or whatever you said, because he doesn’t seem all that bad to me.” Savannah said.

  “How would you know, you spoke to him for like a minute and that was it.” Parker said.

  “Actually it wasn’t. I saw him here tonight and we talked for a few minutes until… until I saw Faye.” Savannah told Parker.

  “What!” Parker said. “He’s here, right now?”

  “Yeah he was just a few minutes ago.”

  Parker rushed out of the study, leaving Savannah all alone. Great, just great, Savannah thought to herself. She left the room and decided to walk home.

  Chapter 10-

  It was a perfect night to walk home in Charm Harbor. The moon was full, the stares were out, and Savannah loved it. She did not look at the stars to often-in California – it would remind her of Hayley. At night – during some of their famous sleepovers – Hayley and Savannah would go outside and just stare at the stars together. It seemed that the stars in Charm Harbor shined brighter than they did elsewhere.

  Savannah had been staring at the stars most of her entire way home and because of that she almost walked right past their house. She noticed it though before that happened. She looked to her left, and there it was, the Roads family home. The place the girls spent most of their summers at. Hayley loved to have the sleepovers at her own house and the other girl’s did not mind. It was fun to stay at Hayley’s, she had the best candy and her parents went to bed early. It was as if they could do whatever they wanted even that summer, just two year ago.

  The house did not seem to change much – just a little less taken care of. Savannah noticed the porch swing that they would always sit on. It looked as if they had not sat on it in years. Savannah looked around, all the lights were off, and she did not think anyone was around, so she decided to go closer.

  She walked up to the porch and for some reason she could not walk up the steps. It just felt like a brick hitting her chest. She wiped away her tears and slowly made it up the steps. The wood porch made a few cracks as she walked over to the swing. She traced her hands over it before she sat down. She held on to it to make sure it did not go anywhere when she sat down. It felt just like normal, as if it was yesterday that they would all sit on here with Hayley. Where they would blab about whatever crisis, they were having that day.

  Savannah found herself smiling, as she remembered. They were not all sad memories – though most of them were sad to remember. She lightly pushed the swing to move it back and forth. She made a small laugh as it worked.

  “Can I help you?” A familiar voice said. Savannah looked around and saw someone walking up to the porch. He stepped onto the porch and Savannah got a better view. It was Trey, Trey Roads, Hayley’s twin brother.

  “Trey is that you?” Savannah said.

  He walked up closer to her and saw who it was. He had not seen Savannah in two years, but it felt like longer. “Savannah?” He said with a surprise. They both smiled.

  Savannah got up and hugged him. She did not want to let go and neither did he. She was in love with him two years ago, her first love. Then Hayley died and Savannah could not handle it. She broke up with him the day she left with her father. She cried most of the way to California.

  He did not look all that different, just a little older, still super cute, Savannah thought. Savannah’s heart was pounding. She did not know when she would see Trey again, but she knew it was inevitable.

  “How are you?” Savannah asked him when they stopped hugging. He motioned for her to sit down – which she did. He sat down next to her. It was just like old times, yet they did not have to worry about Hayley seeing them and getting mad.

  “I’ve been okay, what about you? What are you doing back here?” Trey asked Savannah.

  “I’ve been good. I move back yesterday. My dad was shipping out and so he sent me back to live with Grams again.” Savannah told him.

  “Wow, I just… I just cannot believe your back. I’ve missed you.” Trey said.

  “I’ve missed you too.” She told him. “I heard about your dad, I’m sorry.”

  “Its fine, I got over it. It was not so much of a shock. They fought like crazy after Hayley” he paused, “anyway, you look great.”

  “You do too” which he did. His light brown hair pushed back kind of like Elvis. He was taller and stronger now.

  “I can’t believe it’s been two years. I still think about you.” Trey told her.

  “You do?” she seemed surprised. She broke his heart, right after his sister died and she did not even call. She thought he would have tried his hardest to forget about her.

  “Yeah, I just went to see one of those classic movies you loved. It was strange I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Trey said.

  “You did? When was that?” Savannah asked.

  “Just last week, I was on a date actually.” Trey told her.

  “You were thinking of me on a date?” She jokingly asked him.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t the best date.” He told her. They shared a smile.

  “That sucks, I guess.”

  “Actually it doesn’t. I was looking for a way to break up with her and when you popped up in my head I realized I didn’t like her enough, not enough to even stop thinking about you.” Trey knew exactly what to say to make her heart flutter.

  “Wow, Really?”

  “Yeah, in fact, there’s another classic movie marathon going on this Thursday, it would be fun to go with you again.” Trey said.

  “Are you asking me out on a date?” Savannah coyly smiled. She knew that is what he was doing but wanted to hear it the old-fashioned way.

  “Yeah, I’m asking you out on a date. Would you like to go see a movie with me on Thursday?” Trey said with a grin. He was charming, cute, and Savannah still had a thing for him.

  “That would be great.” Savannah told him.

  Trey leaned in for a kiss when Savannah’s phone buzzed, ruining the mood. “Saved by the buzz,” Trey joked.

  Savannah got out her phone and saw what time it was. “I have to go, but I’ll see you soon.” She said. They got up from the swing and he walked her to the end of the porch. She turned to him, gave him a kiss – causing old memories to rush back inside her – and she walked away. She would have kissed him on the check but she remembered reading somewhere that a kiss on the check – to someone who you have been in love with before – meant it was over and she did not want it to be over, not yet.

  Savannah headed home – passing house after house – with a smile on her face, until a chilling sensation ran across her body. She turned to see that she
was in front of the Blackwell Manor. The same house where Hayley died and they cast the “Spellbound Spell”. The same moment their entire lives changed. It was still as eerie as it ever was before. No lights were on and Savannah believed that no one has lived there or has even gone inside – since that day.

  She stared at the house for moment before she realized, the book could be in there. She looked around, checking for anyone watching her – the coast was clear – and stepped through the rundown arch that was at the start of the walkway up to the porch of the house. The moment she stepped past the arch, a window lit up. A light was on. SOMEONE IS IN THERE!

  Savannah froze. Someone was inside the house. She slowly started to move back when a shadowy figure moved passed the window. Her mouth dropped, eyes widened, and it felt as if her heart was going to pound right out of her body. She passed back through the arch when the shadowy figure reappeared in the window. This time not moving, just standing there, doing who knows what. Savannah suddenly felt her feet moving, the breeze of the air running across her face. She was running home and there was no stopping her.

  Chapter 11-

  “I’ve missed your cooking Grams,” Parker said as she ate another pancake.

  “Well you know you’re welcome over here anytime, you and your father.” Grams said to Parker. Savannah and George were also sitting at the table with Grams and Parker.

  “Thank you” Parker said in between bites.

  “Well I got to get to school,” George said as he stood up from the table. Savannah and George still have not talked since yesterday; they have barely even looked at each other.

  “Okay, have a good day.” Grams told him. He left with a “yup” and was gone.

  “Is something going on with George?” Parker asked.

  “He hates me.” Savannah said.

  “He doesn’t hate you. He is just a teenage boy. He’ll get over it.” Grams said. “You can’t blame him for being upset with you leaving and then coming back. Just give him time.”

  “Yeah time, that’s all he needs.” Savannah sarcastically said. Grams got up and started to clean up.

  “So we should probably go?” Savannah said to Parker. For such a little girl she could sure eat like a linebacker on a football team.

  “Yeah, we should.” Parker grabbed another piece of bacon and said, “Thanks again Grams for breakfast. It was delicious.”

  “You’re very welcome. Tell your father he should come over for dinner one night.” Grams said.

  “Will do” Parker said.

  “Bye Grams” Savannah gave her a hug and they headed for the door. They were far enough away from Grams to be able to talk freely. “So I need to talk to you about last night. I saw something.”

  Savannah opened the front door as Parker said, “What did you see?”

  “Faye” Savannah said.

  “You saw Faye? What do you mean?” Parker was confused.

  “I mean,” she opened the door wide for Parker to see, “Faye”. Faye was standing on the front porch, contemplating knocking and talking to Savannah.

  “Hi” Faye said softly. “Can I talk to you guys?”

  Savannah and Parker looked at each other and said, “Yeah”.

  “You can walk to school with us.” Savannah said.

  “How about I drive instead?” Faye said, motioning towards her small SUV. Parker and Savannah nodded in agreement.

  “I just wanted to talk to you guys.” Faye said as they drove to school. “I wanted to talk about last night. I was a little rash. I just…I like my life.”

  “Oh course you do.” Parker mumbled.

  “And so what if I do? Why do you care?” Faye asked.

  “Because you just up and left me for this new life. To become popular it’s like you sold your soul to the devil.” Parker said.

  “It’s not like that and you know it.” Faye argued back.

  “Then how is it?” Parker asked.

  “It was hard. I lost one of my best friends. We all did. I needed a change. You clearly do not care that Savi just up and left town. Why do you care if I became popular?” Faye said.

  “I care because we have been friends for our entire lives. Sure, I cared that Savi left but we all lost Hayley and were all forced to change and you left me just like Savi, I was left alone. I had to face everything on my own, my mom leaving and my powers! Everything, as I watched your perfect life happen. I care because you were my best friend. You were like my sister and it was as if you left me for a better crowd of people. That hurts!” Parker told Faye. She was fighting back tears.

  “It wasn’t like that. You were my best friend, my sister, and every time I look at you or we had a good time I was breaking on the inside. Hayley was dead and I felt like us having a good time was not right. I could not handle it. I had to move on and change and get past it.” Faye said.

  “You don’t think that I felt the same way? Instead of talking to me about it, you just stopped talking to me period. That hurt. I had lost everything and it broke me, when I lost you out of everyone.” Parker said.

  “I’m sorry,” Faye had finally said to Parker for the first time since they stopped being friends.

  “I’m sorry too” Parker said it back. “I just miss you and now that Savi’s back and we have this magic I just feel like it means we can get back to normal again.”

  “Normal, we have magical freaking powers. I can move objects; you can see the future, and Savi well she just blinks.” Faye said. It caused Faye and Parker to share a laugh at Savannah’s expense.

  “Hey, it’s a cool power. At least it’s active.” Savannah said.

  “Mine is active, just not in the same way.” Parker said.

  “Guys I don’t know if this will change everything. I do not want things to change. I like everything the same way. Becoming a witch, well, it just seems like a lot to handle on top of cheerleading and Crosby and everything. I don’t think I can handle it.” Faye said.

  “You can handle it. It is going to be a struggle but we will all get used to it. It’s what’s meant to be.” Parker said.

  “Meant to be?” Faye said.

  “Yeah meant to be” Parker said.

  “I have to tell you guys something. Last night when I left the party and walked home I saw something.” Savannah said.

  “What did you see?” They both said at the same time.

  “Well after I left Hayley’s house…” They cut off Savannah.

  “Wait, what?” they both said.

  “What were you doing at Hayley’s house?” Parker asked her.

  “I was walking by and I saw the old swing. You know the one, and I kind of decided to go and sit on it for a minute or two.” Savannah said.

  “What?” Faye said.

  “Yeah but that’s not all. I ran into Trey.” Savannah said.

  “You saw Trey? Was that awkward?” Parker asked her.

  “Not really. It actually felt good. It felt right. I guess.” Savannah told them.

  “So what happened? Did he hate your guts?” Faye asked him.

  Savannah chuckled, “No actually he asked me out.”

  “Like on a date?” Parker said.

  “Yeah like on a date, Thursday.” Savannah said.

  “Oh-my-gosh, that’s good news right?” Faye asked.

  “Yeah but that’s not what I saw. After I left Trey I walked past the Blackwell Manor.” Savannah said. Just saying the name, she could feel the chill of terror. Something about that house caused little kids to have nightmares. Sure, there were the legends but that was not the reason anymore. Kids were getting nightmares because you enter, you die, or at least that is what they think after Hayley now.

  “I try not to go by it, if I don’t have to. It still bothers me.” Faye told them. It was the first personal thing she had told them that they did not already know.

  “Me too” Parker said.

  “Well I saw a light turn on and… someone walk by.” Savannah told them. It was as if she was telling t
hem a scary story at camp or something. “Whoever it was they walked by the window and then came back to it and just stood there. Like they knew I was outside or something.”

  Parker and Faye freaked a little. “That doesn’t make sense. The place doesn’t have power or tenants.” Parker said.

  “Yeah and being witches makes complete sense.” Faye made a good point.

  “So what did you do?” Parker asked her as if she thought she went inside or something.

  “I got the hell out of dodge.” Savannah said.

  “You should’ve gone in. Seen who it was and vanquished their ass.” Parker said.

  “Vanquish? You mean like kill?” Savannah asked.

  “Yeah, kill them. If they were evil I mean.” Parker said.

  “And what does evil look like?” Faye asked.

  “That’s the tricky part. Evil can look like any one of us. It could be one of our neighbors, our teachers, or even our best friends. Evil can be anybody.” Parker said to them.

  “How do you know so much about this?” Faye asked her.

  “I did my research. You’d be amazed what you can find these days.” Parker said. “I’m like a witchcraft know-it-all.”

  Faye pulled into the school student parking lot and parked. She looked at Parker and Savannah. “If I agree to think about all this, to let it sink and then decide, will you guys promise me that my life won’t change. I can stay popular, stay cheer captain and future homecoming queen?” Faye asked them.

  They knew they could not promise that, but why not try. “Sure we can try.” Parker said.

  “Okay well then this is going to sound really mean but do you guys think we can keep our little friendship private for now. I just can’t afford anything to go wrong.” Faye seemed genuine. She did not want to hurt them, in fact she wants to be as it was, but that is impossible.

  “Yeah, private we can do that.” Savannah said.

  “Great, then just wait like five minutes before you get out of the car. I should be far enough away by then.” Faye said.

  Ouch, thought both Savannah and Parker. They nodded at her and Faye got out of the car.


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