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Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College

Page 9

by Seth Rose

  Okay I’m just giving them a hard time. Again, it’s hard to categorize such a large group of people. Sure in some of your sororities you will have the rich, stuck up girls, but there are girls in every house who are sweethearts. In fact, most sorority girls are just like any other girl. They may be a bit more inclined to gossip, or drink more, but at the end of the day they’re just 18-22 year old girls.

  You would think that understanding these girls is a challenge, but it’s not. What is a challenge is the drama that occurs in these houses, and how you may get caught in this bullshit when hooking up with these girls.

  To get an idea of what all this entails, I think it’s a good idea to get an inside peak inside a sorority house.

  I was in some form of a relationship with a particular sorority girl for well over a year. I’d say once a week or so I’d spend some time at her sorority house. The scene there was pretty typical. They would watch Television shows that I didn’t think anyone actually watched like The Bachelor. Other girls would be sitting on their laptops or phones, undoubtedly looking at some sort of Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest (I still have no clue what that is). There usually wasn’t much activity going on in the house, which leads me to my conclusion about women: They’re boring.

  They don’t have hobbies of any sort. Guys aren’t much better, but I feel like guys at least hit the gym or play videogames, the latter of which isn’t super productive but it’s something.

  *End rant*

  If you’re a frat guy, then the sorority girls you hookup with will be in the sororities that your fraternity has rapport with and socializes with. I look at it like this: Fraternities as a whole get friend zoned by a sorority, but on an individual level hookups will happen with the friend-zoned fraternity.

  For example, when you have a social event together, there is really no “cold approaching” involved, you’re there to socialize. At mixers I would introduce myself to nearly every girl and have a little chat. It’s not a sexual chat, but a friendly one.

  Then I would go back to ones that I found cute. The ones that were overtly interested in me would become targets. Throughout the event I would rotate back and forth between the girls whittling them down. I would either collect some numbers or pull a girl. A lot of times I’d do both.

  Unfortunately, being in a fraternity does not entitle you to hookup with just any sorority girl. If you’re in a middle of the pack frat like I was, getting a girl in one of the “top tier” sororities was a pipe dream. I shouldn’t say that as I don’t want to discourage you, but it is an uphill challenge.

  Girls in these sororities are pretty much exclusive to the guys in the top tier frats, which is why if hooking up is your top priority in a fraternity, then there is no question that you want to join a fraternity that associates with these sororities.

  While being in a fraternity will afford you many more opportunities to getting sorority girls than not being in one, it is really no problem getting a sorority girl.

  Again keep in mind that the hottest sorority girls are all but impossible unless you’re in a popular fraternity, an athlete, are exceptionally good looking with good game to boot, or a Big Man on Campus. So if you haven’t yet reached the point where you’re a BMOC, fret not as the majority of sorority girls are like any other girl. In fact, these girls are more prone to going out drinking, partying and hooking up so your odds are actually higher!

  Gaining Approval from Her Peers

  One of the worst things you can do when it comes to sex and dating is to seek approval from the women you’re trying to bed (or already fucking). Seeking approval, in any aspect of life, conveys neediness and low value.

  This is why you should never brag to people. You shouldn’t ask permission, not ending every request with a ‘pretty please’.

  When interacting with women, you’re the boss.

  That said, oftentimes you’re going to have to deal with a girl’s friends.

  Whether her friends are a direct cock block or judging the possibility that she’s going to fuck you, a girl’s social circle has a big influence on her social life and choices of hook-ups.

  Penetrating these social circles, and becoming ‘one of them’ is often necessary.

  Finding your way into the good graces of a girl’s group of friends or sorority sisters is just part of being a high-value, Big Man on Campus. If you’re a fun, handsome guy with a lot of social currency, why would any girl’s friends look down on her decision to sleep with you? Jealousy is an obvious answer, but that’s a different concept.

  If you internalize the practices and principles we laid out earlier as a top-tier man, you can’t fail.

  Not All College Girls are Sluts

  If sleeping with college girls was super easy, there would be no need for me to write this section.

  Although living on their own leads girls to being more open to sex, they’re not going to give it up willy nilly.

  Think about this: Throughout a girl’s four years in college, she’ll get hit on by hundreds, and even thousands of different men (10 dudes per week is 2000 over 4 years).

  Now, if a girl sleeps with 20 guys in college that may seem like a lot. But if you do the math, she’s only sleeping with 1% of the guys out of the 2000 that hit on her. That’s astonishingly low, compared with men who would fuck 95% of girls that offered up their pussy.

  I don’t like the idea of girls sleeping with a ton of guys—it lowers their value in my eyes. But when you look at the statistics, it puts things in perspective.

  The hard part in this is becoming that 1% of guys who fucks her.

  Being a 1%’er sounds harder than it is. But what this really takes into account is the number of approaches you do, plus your status.

  There are a lot of reasons girls turn down guys. Even if you are a super good looking dude with tight-game, you will never fuck every girl you talk to. That’s insane. Never believe anyone who tells you otherwise. College girls, like women at any age, turn down guys for a number of reasons:

  He is not attractive

  He has bad game

  She has a boyfriend (one that she really likes)

  She isn’t horny

  She is on her period

  Her friends are with her, judging her every move

  He’s in a fraternity that isn’t cool

  He’s not in a fraternity at all

  He’s in a fraternity with douchebags.

  Just because a girl is in college doesn’t mean conventional wisdom and beliefs go out the windows. Girls don’t want to be called sluts. They don’t want to be perceived as sluts by men or women—it lowers their value.

  Moreover, it only increases the risk of getting an STD and pregnancy. Of course, birth control options are available, but it is still a massive risk for women to take.

  Chapter 15: College Game

  This section is probably what you came here for right? How to hook up with tons of girls in college. Sounds awesome and it truly is. Unfortunately if you came here looking for a magic bullet there isn’t one (at least I wouldn’t consider it to be). However, what I have laid out ahead is a pretty thorough analysis of college game. If you take the time to read it and implement it, you will do really well.

  The most important thing though is that you take action. That is literally the most important sentence in this book. Without action, you’ve just wasted your time reading this book.

  Player Profiles

  Before I hop into specifics, I think it’s important to understand the types of guys who get laid in college. Below you will find four “Player Profiles” which will analyze the lifestyle, behaviors, appearance etc. of four guys who got tons of ass in college. The first three are fraternity brothers of mine, and the last is yours truly. What you’ll notice is how different we are all from one another, but how we all share some common characteristics. Try and figure out what those traits are (even though I’ll discuss them shortly).

  Also, out of the four guys pick t
he one that sounds most in line with your personality, and if none seem to fit than pick the one that seems most feasible to replicate.

  Player Profile #1: The Godfather.

  That’s what we called him, or at least I did. I dubbed him the godfather because was older than everyone his last year by at least a year, he was at one point President, he was somewhat mysterious, did some crazy shit and got more pussy than anyone I’ve met in my entire life. The Godfather topped out at well over 100 girls by the time he graduated college. Sure, he told me he paid to bang two strippers, and I’m sure there were some other pros thrown in there too, but regardless his ability to get girls was impressive.

  I didn’t know him too well my freshman year, but Sophomore year we lived together in the frat house. The first few weeks in the house he was constantly having his buddies over as well as cute girls to party. And when they partied, they partied. He bought lots of people drinks and drank himself into a stupor most nights. The first time I saw someone do coke was when he and his buddies were nonchalantly doing it one night during a fairly serious conversation.

  And of course when it came to getting girls he didn’t disappoint. His conquests ranged from the freshest freshman pussy on campus to 38 year old cougars caked in ungodly amounts of makeup he met at the bar. Don’t get it twisted, the quality of the girls he took home we’re remarkable. For years I would walk into bars and clubs and wonder what type of guys the hottest girls were banging. I’m not talking just about cute girls, I mean the top-tier girls. The ‘Bad Ass Bitches’: Heels, tight dress to fit their tight bodies, hair done, and makeup to further enhance an already gorgeous face. You know the type.

  He was a pretty good looking guy, but what exaggerated these looks were his style. He came from an affluent family, which explains the bar tabs and the coke fix. He had nice shoes and nice shirts. A typical outfit of his was dress shoes, designer jeans, a v-neck or button down and gelled/waxed hair (I never knew the difference). If it wasn’t his looks that got him attention, it was the ruckus him and his boys were making at the bar.

  So where did he fall short? He never really came to fraternity social events with sororities, but when he did he failed. His game was geared towards club rats. His money and sleazballness was not an attractive quality to the middle-tiered sorority girls we often partied with. Also, his bank account and reckless, partying lifestyle are not suitable to 95%+ of college males.

  Player Profile #2: The Pretty Boy

  The best looking guy I’ve ever been friends with (no homo). He was tall, good looking, and at one point in time had a unique, hipster-esque vibe going on. Like the Godfather, the pretty boy had a pretty big party habit. He drank and did drugs too, but less frequently than the Godfather (okay maybe he did more coke).

  When I met him he was about 21 and had banged twenty something girls. Pretty impressive numbers, but apparently the quality of the girls was quite low and he gave zero fucks. While his quality of girls would improve, he would hit the occasional walrus. My most notable memory of him doing so was one night I went to his room with a recruit, as he had left his backpack in there. I go to the door and he opens the door butt naked, lights on, dick at full attention. Lovely. In the background was a girl who I had seen him with earlier in the night. She was large. If she lost about 80 pounds or so she’d be cute. He woke up the next day and he had blacked out only to realize his great sin.

  He would pull lots of cuties though, and his quantity and quality would fall short to only the Godfather’s. While he had a pretty good knack for getting laid, that wasn’t enough. He wanted to be the best. He enrolled in some expensive PUA endeavors. While he thought highly of them, I thought it was a preposterous investment. He didn’t need any tips and tricks. He simply needed to just improve the working skill set he had. These endeavors did nothing to improve his game, and probably hurt it.

  He had strong game overall and easily surpassed the half-century mark (50 girls) in college. His desire to incorporate PUA-style game was one weak point, but another weak point was the lack of social circle. His game was essentially lone-wolf style, either always cold approaching or meeting a girl through a sorority event. Admirable definitely, but it could’ve got him a lot more pussy had he expanded his social network.

  Player Profile #3: The Party Animal

  He came into the fraternity off a somewhat recent breakup. When he told me about his relationship he came across as a typical supplicating beta male. However, once he moved into the house I realized I couldn’t judge this book by its cover.

  He was a good looking guy, although quite a bit less than the aforementioned guys. Although, it was notable that whenever a group of girls came in his presence, there always seemed to be one craving his dick big time! I doubt this was purely because of looks. He had an alluring personality. He always brought you into the party whether you liked it or not. He would make you do 10 shots in less than an hour making you puke your guts out at 9 PM (That fucking asshole!) He craved loud music. He was an engineering student, but when the weekend came around he was raring to go. He was one of the most extroverted, idealistic and loud mouth people I’d ever met in my life. Almost my exact opposite.

  His personality was like the Godfather’s although he was more inviting which is why people loved to party with him. He had arguably a near perfect personality for college game because he would give girls what they wanted: Fun experiences with a cool, good looking guy. That’s what nearly all college girls are looking for.

  He also had a vast social network, but mostly because he went to high school close by which is a benefit of going to school in-state. This helped big time.

  As for his weaknesses, he never really got with sorority girls. He was a bit thirsty at times too. He also couldn’t get the top tier girls, but that is more a matter of appearance and status.

  Player Profile #4: Yours Truly

  What is most astounding to me is that all the PUA stuff I had read over the years amounted to nothing. All of my successes were not some lengthy, drawn out sequence. Rather, they were lightning fast. There often weren’t slick pickup lines, witty banter, or engaging stories. I simply wanted to get laid and all my actions revolved around that desire. If you read my article “My First…Bang”, you’ll see how I lost my virginity. Nothing special. I just simply kept escalating and escalating until I was balls deep.

  So how about my second bang? I remember it like it was yesterday…(cue dream music):

  It was a chilly January night. We had just returned home from a mixer with a sorority and had brought back most of the girls to our place for an after party. I was pretty drunk and I stumbled into the front room where one of the brothers was trying to set up the music. There was some girl standing in the middle of the dance floor and I ask her what’s up? We chat briefly all the while I have my arms around her hips like we’re slow dancing. Next thing I know we’re making out. We fall down on a couch and rather than continue I pull her upstairs. I don’t remember there being any foreplay, but next thing I knew I was jack hammering away. Winning!

  Unfortunately my boner subsided after about 30 seconds. It was one of my friends’ fault. I still can’t remember whether it was Jack, Jose, Johnny, or Jim. I tried to go at it again, but my dick wasn’t having it so I just laughed it off. She ran off embarrassed and I never heard from her again.

  How about my next hookup? Right after having sex with that last girl I walked downstairs to enjoy the party some more. Literally within 5 minutes of the party ending I ask some girl about her outfit. We chat for a minute and then I drag her to the dance floor. Boom, make out. I grab her digits and she ends up coming over the next weekend for one of our huge parties. We dance for about three and a half minutes and then we go upstairs. Within about 20 minutes my dick was in her mouth.

  I could go on and on to recount the tales of my hookups. While they’re mildly entertaining, the most important thing I learned from them was that every interaction I had with a girl who I either banged or got a BJ from follo
wed the same pattern. Here are some excerpts from my article, “My first… three bangs” that highlights this pattern.

  1.) Find DTF Girl

  2.) Isolate her

  3.) Relentlessly push the interaction towards sex

  4.) Bang

  I never consciously followed this formula. Rather it just happened that way. It’s no coincidence this formula is the most effective way to GET LAID. That’s all that matters, so that’s all I’m going to discuss. I have no idea how many women I made out with between the time I lost my virginity to my 3rd bang. Nor do I have any idea how many phone numbers I got. All I know is that all the jokes and stories I told, all the drinking, all the nights going out and trying to get laid didn’t matter. All that matters were the bangs. The above formula is how I did it.

  I can’t say that every girl I’ve ever banged I followed this formula. The 4th girl I had sex was a virgin, so it took a little more time which is why I end it at my first 3 bangs.


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