Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College
Page 10
All my interactions with these girls had a few things in common:
Make out at initial meeting
At least get a BJ by the 2nd face to face interaction
Little communication between interactions except for setting up meet ups
Fast sexual escalation
These are good indicators that a girl will end up riding your dick.
So, how did these interactions stack up with the formula?
1.) Find DTF Girl: Check. All these girls made out with me at the initial meet—1 was in my bed by the end of the night. Also, when following up on the number they didn’t put any obstacles to meeting up.
2.) Isolate her: Check. When they’re in my house it’s easy. At the bar it’s a bit harder, but doable.
3.) Relentlessly push the interaction towards sex: By not getting caught up telling the perfect joke or story or building comfort etc. It was just raw sexual attraction. Attraction+DTF girl= Notch in your belt.
4.) Bang
Is getting laid all the time as easy as following this formula? No, but it can be. Again, I can’t believe how much time I wasted all for just 3 bangs. If all you want to do is get laid, then don’t beat around the bush.
Here is the formula broken down:
Step 1. Find DTF Girl:
a. These girls are often dressed to impress.
b. They’re frequently looking around to see who’s looking at them and sizing up potential suitors.
c. She’s drinking, but not obnoxious amounts.
d. She’s receptive to your opener.
e. She laughs at your jokes.
f. She holds eye contact.
g. She touches you.
Step 2. Isolate her:
a. If she meets most of the criteria in Step 1 isolate her. You don’t have to pull right away, but at least get her away from her friends. This allows you to ramp up the sexual escalation and make out, plus it shows you if she’s willing to leave her friends.
b. If this girl won’t leave her friends say fuck it. Remember don’t waste time if you’re just trying to bust a nut.
c. After you make out (Not too much, she should be left wanting more) leave with her. Don’t ask, just do it. If she declines try to coax her a bit more, if not settle for a number (but don’t expect it to go anywhere).
Step 3 Relentless push the interaction towards sex:
a. Assuming you pulled her from the bar or you got her to meet at your place if you got a number, all your actions should lead towards sex.
i. Seductive eye contact
ii. Playful teasing
iii. Grabbing her ass, tits, hair
iv. Push her against the wall and kiss her
v. Put her hand on your dick and tell her it’s her fault and she needs to fix it
b. All of the above steps should be done in a “Two steps forward, one step back” method. This is so that the interaction will always be moving forward, but not too quickly and obviously so that it gives her an opportunity to reject your advancements.
c. Move to the bedroom. Start making out and keep following the 2 steps forward, 1 step back until she’s in her birthday suit.
d. If she puts up protest which is almost always inevitable, just ramp it down a bit. If she’s in your bed she is already attracted to you, duh! Maybe she won’t bang, but if you’re persistent enough she will. She realizes sex is on the table and it’s just a matter of how long till you fuck her. Could be minutes, could be weeks (if it’s weeks you probably shouldn’t waste your time though).
e. Keep pushing the interaction unless
i. She gets up and leaves
ii. She calls the cops
iii. She finishes you with a BJ
Step 4. Bang
a. You take it from here chief…
That’s how I did it. And while I can’t speak for others that is how most guys get laid in college.
College girls are in the prime of their life. They’re 18-22 and although they may have shitty diets and don’t exercise, many of them still have pretty tight bodies. Their faces are youthful and their makeup only enhances it. Their revealing outfits only add to the allure.
College girls also realize that they’re in college which means that they have to “experiment” and “find themselves” which is often done through hooking up. As a guy the way that you hook up with these girls is to exploit this fact. You have to be the guy that is going to step up and give her the college experience she is looking for.
Okay so she’s not just here to ride some cock, but she is looking for fun. That’s why all of these players I’ve highlighted were so successful. These guys always wanted to party and drink and were often the center of attention at these parties and thus the reason girls would gravitate to them.
While these guys may be smooth talkers, there isn’t really any “Game” as many of us have come to understand it. I believe that game is essentially the freedom to express one’s sexual desires. All men want to bang pretty girls, but not all of us can. The ones who are most successful are the ones who are shameless and proud of their sexuality and are not afraid to show it. Women are absolutely drawn to this and it what defines a successful player, especially in college.
While I am truly fucking awesome, I would be lying through my pearly whites if I said that I didn’t have flaws. When it comes to flaws, I had more than any of the other players I wrote about. In fact, I basically put myself in the worst possible position to get laid out of nearly everyone in my frat! A bold statement, but I think it’s true.
Like I just mentioned the most successful guys are the ones who are the party animals. I wasn’t anything close to a party animal. Sure I loved to go out to bars, but I would baby sip (to quote Kendrick Lamar) the whole night. I rationalized this by saying to myself that, “I don’t need alcohol to get laid, I want to be able to do it on my own.” That proved to be a fatal move.
Chapter 16: How to Talk to College Girls (In General)
Understanding these concepts is much more important than learning ‘Pickup’. The guy who embodies these behaviors (i.e. Being the center of the party, drinking, being sexual etc.) is going to get a lot more girls than the guy who sits in his room reading books on seduction.
Like I mentioned earlier, using ‘lines’ and ‘techniques’ is going to get you nowhere. And if you haven’t internalized the right mindset and behaviors, you’re going to come off as creepy.
Here’s a great explanation from Mark Redman in Conquer Your Campus:
Look, interacting with girls, and college girls especially, is not something that should follow a logical script. When you’re being logical, you’re not communicating with emotion, and that is how college girls communicate. Remember when I was telling you about how I’d approach a girl I saw in class? Like, “Dana, what the fuck is going on. God, you are the hottest thing I’ve seen in the last 24 hours, come here, talk to me love…” Does any of that strike you as “game‐y”?
College girls want to be feeling gooood when they’re around you. And what are the two things that will create good feelings in girls? (HINT: this is the how in, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”)
1.The positive energy you share
2.The dominant masculinity you project.
Really internalize that. This is how you should always be communicating to girls in college. Always be communicating these two elements whenever chatting to them.
Bring her into your world. Have fun, and leave the techniques and lines to the guys on internet forums.
Actually having this persona and interacting with women this way is more difficult than this. If you are introverted by nature, this is going to force you out of your comfort zone, but it’s the only way to succeed.
Another reason this works so well is that it communicates abundance. You don’t come off as desperate like other guys trying to get in her pants. You can say whatever the fuck you want and just have fun, and just show you’re having fun and don’t care
what she thinks of you.
What to Talk About
Over your four years of college you’ll come to notice that you have the same conversations over again:
“Where are you from?”
“What’s you major?”
“What sorority are you in?”
These are common questions that will inevitably come up in conversation. However, if you want to build attraction with women you can’t have the same boring, old back and forth like it’s a job interview.
Because you want to give off good, fun vibes you need to make these conversations more engaging and memorable. You want to throw in jokes, stereotypes, misinterpretations and other forms of teasing.
For example, there are two approaches to having a conversation about someone’s major: Serious and playful. Serious conversations are great, but for building attraction playfulness is the way to go. When a girl tells you her major, have fun with it. Most guys don’t do this.
Their conversations go something like this:
Bro: So, what’s you major?
Girl: English!
Bro: Oh, so… you must like reading.
Girl: Yeah, I guess. (Pause) I’m going to get another drink.
Lame! Try something like this (Credit to Mark Redman):
Bro: So, what’s you major?
Girl: English.
Bro: Interesting, because you seem to have a pretty good grasp of it already. I mean, unless you’ve got on of those little earpieces like in 24, and a friend of yours is feeding you things to say. (now puts his hands on her shoulders, turns her gently to either side, and peers in her ears). Hmm, no bug. Ok, so why English?
Girl: Haha, well… I don’t know. Maybe in the future I want to be a journalist.
See how this works? Chit-chat is not sexy. You must always be building attraction, and you can use this playful misinterpretation as a tool to do so.
I don’t like delving too deep into scripted lines. They’re hard to remember and prevent you from immersing yourself in the conversation. This is a good example though.
And here are some other threads to talk about:
Travel (Summer vacations, Spring Break)
Drinking Games
Greek Life
Subjects you want to avoid include:
Politics (Poli Sci majors and others may try to drag you into a debate. Don’t fall into their frame!)
Student Loans
These subjects are important to know. However, don’t be too rigid with your conversations.
Because we want to have fun and immerse ourselves in the environment, focusing externally on certain concepts can drag us away. Just memorize some of these threads, insert them into your next few conversations and they will stick in the future.
I’ve gone back and forth over the years whether guys should dance as a means of getting laid. The conclusion I’ve come to is that dancing is a valuable tool, but should not be an essential part of getting laid. In other words, if you’re in an environment where there’s a raucous dance floor, then dance!
The reason for this is that dancing is a great way to escalate. It allows you to get physical in such a short period of time.
The best way to use this dance floor is not to approach girls dancing, but rather to drag girls to the dance floor. After you’ve opened them and chatted with them briefly, you can get them to dance with you to really build attraction.
To do this effectively, you don’t need stellar moves. Rather, you just need to be having fun and a sexual vibe.
Grind up on her. Put your mouth to her neck. Grab her hips and ass.
If you really want to get down and dirty, you should start fingering her on the dance floor. Try and slip a finger down her pants and gauge her response. If she doesn’t object, keep going.
One memorable night at a bar had me and three of my frat bros at a bar. We approached a group of girls, and paired off on the dance floor. After twenty minutes we regrouped and found out that we had all fingered our girls! That was a fun night.
Chapter 17: Seth’s College Party Guide
For those of you that live in, or intend to live in, a decent sized house during college, throwing your own parties is a definite way to guarantee that you have an abundance of girls and fun. Here’s a basic guide on how to throw a sick college party.
Find a suitable location to throw a massive rager.
Secure a DJ to perform at the event.
Invite 20 cool guys (or less) and 40 cute girls (or more for taste)
Purchase the alcohol (Store a liquor bottle in your room to isolate girls, and to get them up their when he booze runs dry).
Start the party
Mingle with guests. Act like you own the place because, well you do.
Hit on girls
Take girls to your room to take part in alcohol (or drugs if that’s your thing)
Voila, Pussy!
Remember, in college you want to be the ‘Facilitator of Fun’. If you’re the one throwing the parties, then you’re going to be the one getting the most attention from the ladies. Plus having your own parties is fun! Sure they’re a mess. Sure you have to deal with the cops sometimes, but overall they’re definitely worth it.
You don’t have to do this every weekend, and not even every month for that matter. You can also tone down the size a bit. Maybe limit it to around 15-20 people for a small party or pregame. But keep in mind a lot more people will show up then invited.
There is really no better way to have girls and a fun social life on lock then by having your own parties. I didn’t have to worry about this because we did it through my fraternity, but I had buddies who liked to throw down on the reg and this is exactly what they did.
Chapter 18: Bar/Club Game
Turning 21 is a magical day. At this point, young Americans can finally drink legally for the first time. At this point in your life, you’ll likely have grown tired of parties, even your own frat parties.
Of course, you won’t give up parties forever. Halloween, mixers, gamedays etc. will keep you heading to parties. But there’s something about college bars that just sucks you in.
My fraternity had large frat parties 1-2 times a semester. I went to house parties every few weeks. And I was at bars 2-3 times a week my last semester of school. I wasn’t even a big drinker, I just loved going out.
Being the ‘lord’ of your frat house is great, but it can also be replicated at bars. This is done by getting a bar on lock.[15] The benefit of this is that you open yourself up to more possibilities and a greater pool of women.
What I have laid out is a pretty basic guide to meeting girls at college bars. Don’t get too caught up in the nitty-gritty, rather try and take away the main talking points, but most importantly take action.
Openers and Approaching
Rarely will girls come up to you and initiate conversation. I’m a pretty good looking dude, but it was rare for me to have a girl initiate conversation with me. Oftentimes they will give you indications either through body language or positioning that they’re interested in you, but you simply cannot rely on this alone to get laid.
Approaching a girl you’ve never met to solicit sex from is a daunting task. It can induce approach anxiety, which is the fear of being rejected by a girl as a result of trying to talk to them. Approaching at a bar is more difficult than at a house/frat party because you’re not in the immediate social circle of the guests. However, at college, everyone is really in one big social circle. Keep that in mind.
So let’s pretend we’re at a campus bar. You’ve preselected the bar because you know it will be a good time and there are bound to be plenty of cute girls there. You just arrived with a few buddies. It’s 11 PM on a Friday night. There’s about 60-70 people in the bar; a good amount, but not overwhelming.
At this point you should have a shit eating grin on your face. It’s Friday ni
ght! Time to party! Time to blow off some steam from classes and get down. This is the mindset you need to have. Don’t go into predator mode and start preying on girls.
Make your way to the bar, grab a round of beers and post up. Shoot the shit with your bros for a bit. Don’t focus on getting laid. Focus on having fun. However, if a girl happens to come within a few feet of you at the bar (which is likely) say something.
“But what do I say you ask?”
Good question, it’s now time to get into openers.
What exactly is an opener? An opener is a statement or question that is used to initiate conversation with girls that you’re not yet acquainted with (i.e. breaking the ice). What I will lay out is not revolutionary. The lines are simply there to help you initiate a conversation.
So back to the scenario at the bar, the best option here is to say something about buying drinks. This is because it is relevant to the scenario at hand. You wouldn’t ask her how her classes are or about the weather. This girl doesn’t know you. Why would she want to discuss these topics with you? Here are a few examples of what to say: