Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Page 33

by Manda Mellett

  He sees me tense. “You sure you’re going to be able to keep your hands off her parents if you see them there?”

  “I’ll try, VP. I’ll fuckin’ try. But when I think they gave her to that brute, groomed her for him, and how they don’t seem to give a damn where she is or how she’s being looked after.” I shake my head, baring my teeth in anticipation of what I’d like to do to them.

  “You’ll do more than fuckin’ try,” Wraith snarls. “You gonna have a problem, then you stay the fuck away. I’ll go with Drummer.”

  He’s not going to be doing that. I started this. I’m damn well going to finish it.

  Wraith’s glare softens, but only a bit. “People like that are taken in by the likes of Hawk. They may have thought they were securin’ a future for their daughter. A pastor as a husband, for religious types you can’t get better than that. Hawk told them he’d look after her. They probably think she’s living the life of Riley somewhere.”

  Shaking my head, I let him in on something. “They knew he raped her. They thought that was okay.” I take a deep breath. “You do that to little Olivia? Give her to a man and knowingly let him abuse her?”

  His hands are around my throat before I finish speaking. “What you fuckin’ talkin’ about? Words like abuse and my kid never come out of your mouth at the same time together, you got it, Rock? You fuckin’ got it?”

  Croaking out a yes as well as I’m able, I show him I have indeed got it. Satisfied that the gleam from his eyes shows he’s caught up too. Why I’d put Becca’s parents in the ground with no second thoughts. No kid deserves to be treated like that.

  “That was Joker,” Drummer returns and says quietly. His eyes go to me then the VP, but if he notices the tension between us he chooses to ignore it. “He took over from Blade watching this Bo fucker’s place. Dude just came home. Young black guy, about five-foot-six. Sounds about right. He’s pretty certain he recognised him from that picture Mouse showed us. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  I’m shaking my head as we walk through the bar, noticing the glances thrown toward us. Wraith’s and my altercation hadn’t gone unnoticed, but mostly I read disappointment it hadn’t descended into a full-on brawl. This is a biker bar, after all.

  Once outside, Drummer pinches the bridge of his nose then looks at Matt, who’s still guarding the bikes.

  “Prez.” I catch his attention. “Thought we’d only land the guy who had their car stolen. Can’t believe we’ve caught the fucker himself first try.”

  Drum rubs the side of his nose. “Even Devils have to catch a break sometime. Let’s bring him in. See who’ve we’ve caught in our net.” He turns to Matt. “I’ll call Blade. Get him back to the compound to meet up with you. Then you two can grab the truck, go to the address I’ll text you and join Joker. Bring the package back. Blade should know immediately if it’s the right fucker or not. He saw him bring the car in.”

  Matt stiffens as he catches up. “The package being responsible for putting Slick in the hospital?” Prospect is certainly not slow on the uptake.

  When Drum replies with a quick nod Matt’s features tighten, then without another word he goes to his bike. Guess his quick retreat shows what he thinks of a man who plants bombs.

  I go sit astride my ride and lean forward over the tank. “Get what you want in there, Prez?”

  Going to his own Harley, Drummer gives me one of his stares. “Getting fuckin’ sick of this. More fuckin’ questions than answers yet again. But we’ve caught Chaz’s interest.”

  “They want those guns,” the VP says. “Just want to be careful who’ll they’ll upset if they take them.”

  “Wretcheds don’t give a fuckin’ damn who they’ll upset. They just want to know which direction they need to be facing.”

  So no one stabs them in the back. I know exactly what Drummer is saying.

  Back at the hospital, we arrive moments after the doctor has updated Ella. Jayden’s arm’s around her, Paladin’s holding them both. Murmured conversations discuss the news we’ve not heard yet.

  Drummer’s making a move toward Ella, Sam comes over and heads him off.

  “Slick’s out of surgery.”

  “He’s still with us.” Prez sighs with relief.

  “With us, yeah. Out of the woods? Not quite yet.” Sam looks drained. She’s been holding it together for everyone. Recognising it, Drummer pulls her into his chest. She allows herself a moment of comfort, then tells us the rest. “They’ve stopped the bleed on the brain, but he’s got a hairline fracture of the skull. A linear fracture they called it, so it should heal up fine. But they’re keeping him in an induced coma to keep the swelling down.”

  My eyes flick to Heart. Docs did something similar with him. Trouble was, he took a long time waking after they withdrew the medication keeping him under. Then I look at Ella. Christ, I hope to fuck the same thing doesn’t happen again. Ella’s pregnant, she needs her man awake and to be here for her.

  As though she feels my eyes on her, Ella pulls away from Jayden and comes across.

  “Ella, darlin’.” Sam steps aside as Drummer pulls Slick’s woman in for a hug. “He’s gonna be fine, sweetheart. If anyone’s got a hard head, it’s Slick.”

  She seems to take strength from the prez. There is something that’s worrying her though. After a few seconds, she asks, “What if he can’t ride again, Drummer?”

  “What the fuck?”

  Sam takes over from her old man. “Ella, sweetie. The docs said nothing about that, or any brain damage. Just said he might suffer headaches for a while.”

  “If he can’t ride,” Ella sobs, ignoring Sam’s words, “then he won’t be able to be in the club. That would destroy him, Drummer.”

  Drummer pushes her away and holds her at arm’s-length so he can use the full force of those steely eyes on her. “Now you listen here, Ella. Slick’s going to stay a brother whatever happens. He got hurt for the club. You really think I’d turn him away after that? And don’t you be worryin’. Time’s what he needs.” He lowers his gaze for a moment, then looks back up. “Seems you’ve got an important job to do for your man. You’re growin’ his baby, and that’s what you need to be concentratin’ on. Try not to worry, darlin’. Your man’s going to be fine, and you’ve got all of us behind you.”

  With a final sob, Ella seems to pull herself together. Her hands rest lightly on her stomach. As if being reminded of her duty to the child growing within her gives her backbone, she nods, thinks for a moment, then states, “Slick’s going to be okay, isn’t he Drummer?”

  “Sure as fuck he is,” Prez retorts.

  I just hope that he’s right. But Ella needs to think positively, and I reckon he’s going the right way getting her started.

  Knowing there’s no point in all of us staying, Slick won’t be coming round anytime soon, Ella, Jayden, and Paladin say they’ll be waiting here, the rest of us going home.

  “You takin’ Becca, or want me to?”

  “Thanks, Peg, but I’ll bring her back on my bike.” I grin at the sergeant-at-arms. “Just got to drag her away from Beef.” I’m looking forward to seeing him myself. Fuck, it seems a long time ago that I set out this morning thinking I was coming here to see my old friend. Instead, we had to deal with an explosion.

  I hear laughter as I approach Beef’s room, but entering, the smile slides off my face. Beef’s normally ruddy complexion is paler than it was last time I saw him, and he’s hooked up to the machines and drip once again. But he’s chuckling at something Becca must have told him.

  He reaches out his hand. Going over, I clasp it. “Been keeping the shiny side up, Brother?” he asks.

  I grin as I confirm, “And the dirty side down.”

  A nod of acknowledgement, then, “How’s Slick?”

  I update them, making the news as good as I can.

  “Hey, Becca. Be a doll and do me a favour. I could do with a coffee. Anything for you, Beef?”

  As Beef shakes his head, Becca take
s my money and heads off to the cafeteria. As soon as the door closes behind her, Beef narrows his eyes. “Spill.”

  “Think we’ve got the person who planted the fuckin’ bomb,” I say succinctly. “Joker and Blade should be bringing him back to the club now.”

  He rolls his head back, then his eyes find mine again. “Wish I could fuckin’ be there. Make him fuckin’ hurt.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that, Brother. He ain’t gonna die easy, you can be fuckin’ assured of that.”

  He nods, but even that seems an effort.

  “You okay, Brother?” My eyes narrow in concern.

  “Just another damn infection. Pumping me full of antibiotics again. Just can’t wait to get out of this fuckin’ place, Rock. I wanna go home.” It’s a heartfelt plea.

  Resting my hand on his shoulder, I give it a light squeeze. “Can’t wait to have you back at the compound, Beef. Place doesn’t seem the same without you.”

  Suddenly his eyes seem to brighten. “That little girl you’ve got. One in a million, you know? Come through what she fuckin’ has?”

  Drawing up the chair to be closer, I sit down. “You don’t need to tell me that, Brother. Fuckin’ know it. She’s doing great. Settling in well at the compound.”

  “She don’t need nothing to set her back.”

  Acknowledging the sharpness in his tone, I reassure him. “I ain’t gonna do nothing to hurt her, Beef. You know me better than that.”

  “You claimed her?”

  “Going to,” I admit.

  “Get your patch on her, Rock. Sooner rather than later. She needs that.”

  “I’m not sure, Beef. I don’t want to be another Hawk to her…”

  He tries to sit up, but collapses back. “Fuck, feel so damn weak.” He sounds annoyed with himself. “Look, Rock. She knows you’re not Hawk. But I know she’ll always need a strong man behind her, it’s the way she is, not just the way she’s been brought up. Give her choices, but help her to make them. You get me?”

  I get him. “I’ll ask her to be my ol’ lady. I’ve already told her she’s mine.” I grin.

  “Make sure she understands what that means. You watch out for her, you hear me?”

  It’s an easy promise to make. “I hear you, Brother.”

  Beef mumbles something. I lean closer and ask him to repeat it.

  “Said I’m fuckin’ going to miss sharin’ a woman with you, Brother.”

  The thought of sharing Becca, even with him, turns my stomach. But her aside, I can understand where he’s coming from. “Just got to get you out of here, Brother, and we’ll find you a woman for yourself.”

  Weak he may be, but Beef’s face fills with horror. “I’m no one woman man, Rock. You know me better than that. Keep to one pussy? Nah, that’s not for me.”

  I grin again. Yeah, I thought that way too. Until I met Becca.

  Chapter 33


  “It wasn’t me! What are you doing? It wasn’t fuckin’ me.” The words alternate between anger, pleading, and then even punctuated by a sob. “It’s wasn’t me. Get it?”

  Last night, when they’d brought him back, Blade had confirmed we had the right motherfucker, definitely the man who drove the car onto the compound. But still he denies it. I’ve got here early, Bo’s been hanging around all night. Well, strung up to the rafters. If it was anyone else I’d have sympathy knowing how that felt. But him? I hoped he suffered.

  My brothers are trailing in around, only Lady approaches Bo, watching him shaking his chains, almost seeming disinterested as though he’s nothing more than a specimen at the zoo.

  As he walks in to join us I go over and stand next to Peg. “He must know why he’s here.”

  “Yeah,” the sergeant-at-arms answers. “But we haven’t said anything. Which makes what he’s saying so fuckin’ interesting. Leave him strung up there long enough, he might give it all away by himself.”

  I stretch my hands, audibly clicking my fingers. “Where’s the fun in that, Peg? I want my hands on him even if no one else does.” I might have said fun, but I meant retribution. Unless we’ve got it very wrong, and from Blade’s identification that would only be if he had a twin brother, he’s the man responsible for putting Slick in a coma, and his old lady Ella in pieces at a time when she needs to concentrate on her health.

  “Jekyll! Thank you.” Prez’s voice comes over the rest.

  It catches my attention, and I turn to see Hyde and Jekyll appearing, Jekyll bouncing a hammer off his hands before holding it out to Prez.

  We seem to all be here now, and brothers are in various states of preparation. Blade’s sharpening one of his favourite knives, Viper’s got something that looks like a vice, Bullet’s got a bat. Me? I’m happy to just use my fists, they’re my go to weapon of choice. Each blow I strike will be for my injured brother.

  “It wasn’t me! I didn’t do nothing! Look, whatever you think I done, it wasn’t me!”

  Drum notices my arrival and nods. Then glances around, checking who else is here. Every member is, except, of course, Slick, Beef, and Paladin. Our youngest member being best placed to watch over Ella and Jayden.

  As the prez steps forward, conversations die down. He approaches the man hanging, stopping without speaking when he’s directly in front. Like everyone else, I watch, waiting. Drummer’s a master at this.

  Bo stops protesting. Visible tremors betray his fear, as does the shiny sheen of sweat running down his black skin.

  Now it’s Drummer’s turn to bounce the hammer in his hand. He studies it for a moment before examining the man he’s about to make hurt. Bo’s so much shorter that even strung up, his face is the same level as that of the prez.

  “So, Bo. We got ourselves a problem.” Bo doesn’t protest his name as Drum continues. “See, someone matching your description brought a car belonging to you onto our compound yesterday.” He steps closer, his reasonable tone turning into a roar. “Car was full of fucking explosives!”

  Bo yanks at the chains. “I don’t know anything. I didn’t know it was there. Why would I be driving around with a fucking bomb in the car? You think I’m stupid?” Christ, he’s all but admitting it. Dumb fuck.

  Drum regards him impassively. “Don’t much care whether you knew about it or not. Fact is, the car exploded, and we got a brother in the hospital with a cracked skull.”

  “I didn’t know. I didn’t fucking know!” Bo’s screaming, his eyes roaming the room looking for sympathy. “You can’t hurt a brother for not knowing there was a bomb in his car. For fuck’s sake, if I’d known I wouldn’t have driven it.” I notice he’s stopped denying it was him.

  “Your car. Your responsibility. And I ain’t your fuckin’ brother. You’re going to pay for bringing it to us.” Drum bounces the hammer again. “This here? This is gonna break your skull open, just like the bomb broke my brother Slick’s.”

  “Fuck, he’s pissed himself already.”

  “Usually takes them longer than that.” Blade agrees with Heart.

  “But I’m not going to use the hammer,” Drummer informs him casually. As Bo looks like he’s starting to relax, the brothers around me begin bouncing on their heels. We all know the prez too well. “No, I’m just showing this to you so you can start praying. Praying for this hammer to kill you and stop the rest of your pain.”

  Bo’s eyes widen. Perhaps it’s only now he realises just how much trouble he’s in. Prez gives a signal to Viper, who’s standing behind the hanging man. He doesn’t see it coming, has no time to prepare, as in the same way the blast knocked into Slick. Viper swings a bat at his kidneys.

  The pain takes a split second to register, then there’s a shocked howl and Bo’s head drops forward.

  Prez wraps his fingers in the dark hair and pulls his face up. A face contorted by agony. “You talk to us, and this will go easier.”

  Bo’s having difficulty breathing. Fuck, he only took one blow to his back and the man’s darn near incapacitated. I’ve ha
d harder hits than that in the ring. My look of disgust is mirrored on my brothers’ faces.

  “Who paid you? I want all the details. Every fuckin’ thing you’ve got to say.”

  Bo’s still gasping, but he’s recovered enough to shake his head. “He’ll kill me.”

  Drummer yanks back on his hair again. “And what d’you think we’ll be doing if you don’t? Takin’ you on a fuckin’ picnic?”

  It takes a moment for him to process that. Fuck me, the man’s crying. Motherfucker. Does he think tears will cut it with us?

  “If I tell you, I want, I want…protection.” Bo stammers the words out.

  Fuck me! Is he really telling us he came onto the compound with the intention of killing some of us including, quite possibly, Prez’s old lady if we hadn’t have had a warning, and now he thinks we’ll protect him?

  I exchange an incredulous look with Heart, standing beside me, who asks, “What the fuck kind of dude we got here, Rock?”

  “Pretty damn stupid one, Brother.”

  Without answering his question, Prez asks one of his own. “You ever seen a dismembered body, Bo? Ever seen what a bomb blast can do? Ever been in the fuckin’ services and watched men blown up?”

  Of course he hasn’t. He’s a fucking coward.

  When Bo shakes his head no, no one’s surprised.

  “Well, then, this here’s going to be an education.” Prez waves Shooter forward, who’s come armed with an axe. “Hyde, Marvel, hold his arm, will you?”

  “I’ll do this.” Road steps forward. “Got a bit of practice in in the summer chopping down trees.”

  Before Bo can process what’s happening, Hyde and Marvel have untied one of his arms, are holding him steady, and his arm’s pinned on a bench which Shooter has brought up. Road takes a swing…

  “Stop!” he screams. “Stop! I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  Road manages to divert the swing at the last moment. Disappointing. Blade extinguishes the blow torch he’d lit to cauterise the wound. Didn’t want him to bleed out before we had a chance to talk to him or have him make too much of a mess on the floor.


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