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Viper (Bones MC 4)

Page 6

by Marteeka Karland

  “Hold still,” he snapped. In response, she pulled him up to her for a kiss, sliding her tongue against his in a sensual glide. She moaned into his mouth as if he were a delicious treat she couldn’t get enough of. “Fuck.” He gave up.

  Reaching for the dresser beside the bed, he opened the drawer and snagged a condom. He barely managed to roll it over his aching cock before she was reaching for him, guiding him to her wet little cunt.

  “Viper,” she breathed. She looked up at him, her blue eyes bright with lust and need. She looked so innocent but acted like a wanton. Viper was caught between the desire to give her what she wanted and the need to know how much she could take.

  “How many lovers have you had?” The question came out harsher than he intended, but he was on the verge of losing himself in her quivering body and a primal need to punish any man who’d touched her before him.

  “I -- one,” she said, confusion tempering some of her lust.

  “Fuck,” he swore again. Sweat broke out over his body as he shook his head to clear it. She’d maneuvered his cock to her entrance where the head had just pressed against her. He was inches away from heaven but was terrified of hurting her.

  “What? So I’m not a virgin. Big deal!” She blushed from her cheeks to the roots of her lovely hair, to her breasts, her skin hot with either anger or embarrassment, Viper didn’t know which.

  “Stop squirming!” He put every ounce of command into his words, needing her to stop wiggling before he came without even entering her.

  “Let me up!”

  “Woman, stop it!”

  “You stop it!” she screamed at him, tears brimming where before there had been only a dazed gleam.

  Viper took a calming breath, not moving off her in any way. His cock ached like a motherfucker, but he didn’t enter her either.

  “I need to know how much you can take, Lil’ Bit,” he managed to get out. “I don’t want to hurt you. One lover, while much preferred to fifty, might not be enough for you to take me.”

  She lifted her chin but settled beneath him. “We had a lot of sex, big guy. I’ve only had one lover, but I’m far from inexperienced.”

  The second the words he needed to hear left her lips, Viper slid into her as far as he could go. She gasped, her lovely eyes widening, but there was no pain on her face. She was tight. Too tight. But she didn’t seem to be in any discomfort.

  That settled, Viper moved inside her. Slow, steady strokes at first. Then faster. Deeper. Darcy met him thrust for thrust, raising her hips to meet him, digging her heels into his ass to urge him to move faster.

  It wasn’t long before Viper panted as he pummeled into Darcy, the feel of her gripping sheath threatening to unman him.

  “Fucking hot little piece,” he growled. “Trying to take my cum before I’m ready?” She whimpered, her nails scoring his back like little spurs. “That’s it, Lil’ Bit. Tell me what you want.”

  “Fuck me,” she whispered. “Oh, God, fuck me hard, Viper!”

  “You need to come? You want to milk me dry?”

  “Yes! Oh, God!” Her words were punctuated by the slapping of skin on skin as Viper fucked her.

  He crushed her to him, needing to get closer. No matter how tightly he held her, no matter how much of her skin touched his, it wasn’t enough. Would never be enough. Viper had known she would be an addiction for him, but never thought it would be this all-consuming. His need of her was something he knew in his soul would never be quenched. He would always be Darcy’s as long as he lived. No other woman would do for him, and he didn’t even want to try.

  Her cries grew louder, her nails digging deeper into his skin, the bite of pain an erotic stimulus. “Do it, Lil’ Bit,” he whispered to her, the devil in her ear. “Give me your cum. Do it! Do it!”

  She did. She gave a shrill scream, and her limbs tightened around him nearly as much as her cunt gripped his cock. Her contractions rocked him, threatened to steal his control. He’d intended to let her have her orgasm, and then slow down a little and take her the way she deserved, but the second her pussy gripped his cock in a stranglehold as she came on him, Viper knew it was over.

  He held out until the last spasm released her, and then Viper shouted his own orgasm. His cock throbbed inside her in hard, aching pulses as he emptied himself into the condom. Both of them were breathing hard, sweat now cooling their heated skin. Both were clinging to each other. Viper nuzzled her neck, kissing and licking her pulse, praising her body for the pleasure it had given him.

  Neither said a word, simply lay there with Viper still buried inside her. She didn’t try to push him off her; rather, she still clung to him. It gratified Viper to know she didn’t want him to leave her. He knew she’d soon be uncomfortable though.

  Carefully, he withdrew and pulled off the condom. She whimpered against him, her limbs loosening from around him, reluctantly slow. Viper knotted the condom and tossed it into the wastebasket beside the bed. He pulled her with him to one side while he fought to get the covers turned down. When he finally managed it, he got them both between the sheets and pulled Darcy snug against him. Her fingers curled into his shoulder, still clinging sweetly to him, but she didn’t say a word.

  “You OK?” he finally asked. If he’d hurt her…

  “I’m wonderful,” she sighed. “I’ve never… Viper, that was so wonderful.”

  Viper wanted to pound his chest and howl to the ceiling. “Good.” So much for the suave, experienced older guy he was. He had no words for her. Not now when he was so raw with the pleasure he’d experienced with her. Instead of speaking more, he kissed her forehead and held her close.

  After a while she asked in a drowsy voice, “Will you be here when I wake up?”

  “I will, Lil’ Bit. I’ll be right here with you.”

  He wasn’t certain if she heard him answer because her breathing was even and deep. Fast asleep in his arms.

  Where she belonged.

  Chapter Six

  Darcy woke, screaming as an incredible orgasm seized her body. She was naked on her back, her legs spread with Viper’s dark head buried between them. He growled and snarled, slurping loudly as she continued to come helplessly.

  “Viper!” Her hand flew to his head where she’d intended to push him away. Instead she found her fingers curling in his hair, holding him to her as she ground herself on his mouth.

  “Jesus, you taste good,” he snarled. “Never get enough of this.” When she shuddered, whimpering before she could stop herself, he flashed her a decidedly wicked grin. “Come for me, Lil’ Bit. I want to hear you scream again.”

  She did. Long. Loud.

  Darcy took a much-needed gulp of air, finally pushing Viper away and closing her legs slightly, whimpering, “No more. Give me a second.”

  He crawled up her body, forcing her knees open before blanketing her with his bigger frame. When he kissed her, she tasted herself on his lips. His tongue. She clung to him, her nails digging into his back as she held him to her. He was an incredible lover, way beyond her experience. This was more than mere lust. It was raw. Primitive.

  Unable to contain the sensations building inside her, Darcy surrendered to Viper. He was the one in control. Anything he wanted, she would give him willingly. It never occurred to her she should resist him, that the very earth-shattering pleasure she craved from him was a direct result of his vast experience where she had relatively little. Before Viper, sex had been pleasant. Fun. This was an all-consuming burn she had no hope of containing.

  Somehow, Viper had put on a condom. She knew not because she saw him, but because she felt the barrier between them when he slid inside her. One arm was securely around her while he rested most of his weight on the other one until he was firmly seated inside her. Then he wrapped the other arm around her and found her lips with his once more.

  There were no other words between them, only the steady, erotic slide of their bodies speaking for them. Darcy knew this was a moment that would change her f
orever. She had no idea if she actually loved Viper. She didn’t think so. Not yet. But she knew she’d forever crave his touch. No other man would ever be able to satisfy her in bed.

  The breath left her lungs in little staccato gasps in time to his jarring thrusts into her body. Whimpers escaped, and she didn’t even try to hold them back. He seemed to purr deep in his chest, his satisfaction with her radiating out from the inside as she felt those little growls through him where she was mashed so wonderfully against him.

  The moonlight filtered gently through the curtains so his eyes glimmered down at her when he raised his head. There was definite lust shining there, but also a possessiveness that took her breath away. She swallowed as he continued to move inside her with slow but powerful strokes. The rhythm of his body was as mesmerizing as the carnal look in his eyes.

  “You’re mine, Darcy,” he whispered. “You know you are.” All she could do was stare at him, wide-eyed, much like a kitten might look at a hawk bearing down on it. “You’ll stay here with me. You’ll let me protect you. You’ll confront your mother and stepfather only when I tell you to. When you do, you will look to me for strength when you need it.” When all she did was stare up at him, he stopped moving, making her tilt her hips for more. He stayed her with his big hand griping her ass. “Want an answer, Lil’ Bit.” When she only nodded he rolled them slightly so he could deliver a stinging swat to her butt cheek. “A verbal answer.”

  “Yes,” she managed to squeak. “I… yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  The sensations were so much her mind was muddled. “What was the question?”

  He grinned at her, caressing the little smack he’d given her ass. “Just say you’re mine and I’ll let it go. For now.”

  “I’m yours, Viper.” Her voice was a breathy sigh as she arched her back so her nipples once again rubbed along his hair-roughened chest. “Just…”

  “What, Lil’ Bit? Just what?”

  “Don’t break my heart.” She made the little demand in almost a whisper. She was giving entirely too much away but couldn’t seem to help it. She wanted Viper. Wanted to belong to him. And him to her. But how did she communicate that without sounding clingy? He probably had women like this all the time. She, with her one lover, was a rank novice.

  Instead of answering her, he started moving again, this time rolling them over so that he surged up inside her while she lay on top of him. His bent knees placed his feet solidly on the mattress and he used the leverage to power inside of her with seemingly little effort. She cried out weakly as an orgasm washed over her. Viper’s big arms circled her body, holding her to him tightly as he pumped into her again and again.

  Finally, he let out a long, strangled groan, his cock throbbing inside her as he emptied himself. A small part of her regretted it hadn’t been inside her pussy instead of the condom, but that was just crazy. She was caught up in the moment. Yet, both times they’d had sex, it had been Viper who had remembered to protect them both. What did that say about her?

  With one last squeeze, Viper rolled them back over, slipping out of her as he did. He kissed her temple, her forehead, her eyelids before settling on her lips for several long moments. Then he removed the condom and disposed of it in the wastebasket beside the bed before pulling her into his arms once again.

  “Nearly time for me to go. You sleep as long as you need to. When you’re rested, come to the common room. There’s always somethin’ to eat.”

  “Where are you going?” Darcy bit her lip as soon as she’d asked the question. It wasn’t her business, and they both knew it. Instead of scowling at her, he gave her a cocky little grin before answering.

  “Have to meet with the rest of the club. See if they found anything new on your folks.”

  “Did you find them?”

  “Oh, yeah. We’re resourceful like that.”

  She wanted to ask where they were, but decided it didn’t matter. They were there. She was here. As she preferred it.

  “Look, Lil’ Bit. I’ll keep you in the loop as much as I can. They’re currently in Vegas, and we think your mother and stepfather are selling your stepsisters as prostitutes.”

  Darcy gasped. She’d always been so caught up in her own problems she hadn’t even thought about whether or not the older girls were going through their own problems. “I never even considered that. Oh, God!”

  “Does it surprise you?” He looked at her carefully, waiting her answer.

  Darcy took her time, really thinking about her time with the other girls. “I wasn’t around them much. We lived in the same house, but I mostly kept myself barricaded in my room so I didn’t have to deal with anyone.” She shrugged helplessly. “No? I guess it doesn’t really surprise me, but I never paid any attention to them. They’re older than me, but not by much. A year. Maybe two. This is awful! How could I not have seen it?”

  “Because you were trying to look out for yourself? Let it go, baby. This isn’t your fault and I refuse to let you feel like it is.” He kissed her gently. “I’ll keep you informed. If I have to leave to help retrieve them, you’ll stay here with your dad. He’ll look out for you when I can’t.”

  She raised her chin a little. “Do I need looking after? Thought you guys weren’t mean to women.”

  He gave her an impatient look. “We’re not. But there are still women here who would love to test you. While I have no doubt you can take care of yourself, I’d feel better if someone specific had your back. Data is the logical choice. Until you learn the rules and the chain of command, you need someone to guide you.”

  “What rules? What happens if I break one?”

  “Are you looking to pick a fight? ‘Cause I gotta tell ya, sparring with you makes me hard as a motherfucker. You go against me, I’m gonna be fuckin’ you night and day just ‘cause of the hard-on it gives me.”

  Darcy’s breath escaped her in a rush. “Oh…” Just that fast, she was turned on beyond belief.

  He flashed her a cocky grin, pulling her to him. “Too late.”

  “Who says I want to fuck you again?”

  “No one said you’d be fuckin’ me, Lil’ Bit.” He flipped her over to her stomach as he rolled on another condom. When she automatically went to her knees, Viper shoved her back down, spreading her legs and urging them up so that she lay with her bent knees spread wide and her belly flat on the bed. Viper slid his hands under her knees to pull them even further up until she was completely open to him. His cock found her entrance easily and slid home. He put his mouth right by her ear, whispering wickedly. “But I’ll damned sure be fuckin’ you.”

  “Viper,” she whimpered, arching her back as best she could to meet his thrusts. He smacked one cheek of her ass.

  “Hold still!” When she whimpered again, continuing to move on him, he smacked the other cheek. This time, she cried out but kept arching her back, moving her hips up and down. Riding him shamelessly.

  Viper gripped her tiny waist, pulling her so that she was draped over his thighs, her ass slightly in the air, but he took her weight, her legs still spread wide. Once situated the way he wanted, Viper started to fuck Darcy hard, pulling her back onto his cock in vicious yanks. She cried out, her head turned to one side so that her face rested on the mattress. Her arms were bent, her hands curled by her head. Other than the way her face tensed with her cries, her body was completely limp, letting him do as he needed, passive beneath him.


  “You’re such a little wanton,” he growled as he fucked her in ever-increasing intensity. “I think you like it when I spank your ass.” To punctuate his statement, he smacked her ass again, the cheek reddening beneath his hand in a satisfactory display. Darcy surprised herself by rewarding him with a gush of moisture, her orgasm hovering just on the edge. “Fuck, woman! Just… fuck!”

  “Viper,” she moaned. “Oh, God! Gonna… gonna come!”

  “Do it! Do it, baby! Come all over my cock! Right… fucking… NOW!”

  She did. Somet
hing inside Darcy exploded, her whole being laid bare at Viper’s feet. There was no way to hold herself back from him. No way to guard her heart. How could a woman receive such extreme pleasure and be expected to hold herself in check? She knew she certainly couldn’t. Whatever he wanted from her body, she’d give it to him because of this one moment. He’d taken her three times. Every single one of them had been a revelation to her. It was more than just sex. To her, it was… everything. Viper engaged her entire being when he fucked her. She lost her mind and just let him have whatever he wanted. There hadn’t been a second she’d regretted any of it, either. If he left her today, she’d be devastated, but she wouldn’t have missed any of this for the entire world.

  Viper gritted his teeth, groaning loudly as if he were trying to hold off his own orgasm. The second her cunt ceased contracting around him, he blanketed her body with his and fucked her mercilessly, driving his cock into her with brutal force. Splayed out as she was, Darcy could do nothing but lie there and take the pounding he gave her. And embrace the orgasm washing over her again. Her cries were sharp and sounded as desperate as she felt. The pleasure rushed through her with dizzying force and speed before leaving her completely spent, limp and passive beneath him. When Viper came, it was with a deafening roar to the ceiling. She felt him pulsing inside her, his cum spilling inside the condom, his cock stretching her with each aching throb.

  They lay like that for several minutes. His heavy weight pressed her into the mattress. Sweat clung to both of them as a result of their exertions. Viper’s breath was heavy in her ear, his beard tickling her shoulder as he kissed and praised her over and over with little nips and licks.

  Finally, he groaned and rolled off her, pulling her with him. Again, he curled his arm around her, holding her to him. His big, hair-roughened body was pure magic. He was a big man, all strength and brawn. She felt safe in his arms. Cherished, even. It was a fantasy, she knew, but one she readily embraced.

  “What the fuck am I going to do with you, Lil’ Bit,” he murmured. “You take my breath away.”


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