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Viper (Bones MC 4)

Page 7

by Marteeka Karland

  She had no idea what to say to that. He more than took her breath away. She was already becoming obsessed with him, his loving.

  But that was the problem. Lust and love were two different things. If she were going to survive this with her heart intact, she needed to remember that.

  Finally, he turned her face to him, kissing her gently. There were so many things that kiss told her, but she was too afraid to read too much into it. For now, she’d take what he gave her and hope it would be enough.

  “Rest, baby. I’ll be back soon. If you want to go to the common room, I’m sure Suzie would love some help with the decorating. So would the women.”

  “They’re all really nice,” she managed. It seemed inane to say, but she was grateful they were treating her well. “Thanks for coming after me. I’d never admit it to my mom, but taking off like I did probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. But I really thought it was necessary. I couldn’t stay there another second.”

  Viper looked at her, seeming to see into her very soul. She wouldn’t put it past him and he’d probably succeed, too. She was so raw and stripped bare he probably could see her innermost secrets.

  “You gonna tell me what happened?”

  “I will. But not until you have them here.”

  “Why is that important to you? Why not just tell me and let Bones decide what needs to be done? We could save you the unpleasantness of having to face them again.”

  “That wouldn’t be fair. I’ll tell you and Data alone before I confront them. But not until you have them and my stepsisters here.” She looked away from him, a sudden overwhelming urge to cry blanketing her. “I left them, Viper. I was looking out for myself and didn’t even give them the option to go with me. What kind of person does that make me?”

  The second she started talking, Viper sat up and pulled her into his arms across his lap. “Look at me, Darcy,” he said, that commanding tone back in his voice. “You listen to me and you listen good, baby. None of this is your fault. If you’d known, you might have gotten them to go with you, but would they have survived like you did? Five days in the wild? Cold? No fire and little food? Did they even indicate to you they were in trouble? Did they protect you?”

  “I guess not, but that’s not the point. I should have looked into it more carefully.”

  “At any time did you think they were in trouble, Darcy? I’m asking you to really think back. When I told you that Rayburn character was selling them into prostitution, you looked as surprised as if I’d slapped you. So, I’m asking you again. Did they give you any indication they were in trouble?”

  She tried to pull herself together. Perhaps it was the fact she’d already been stripped bare emotionally. Perhaps she really hadn’t seen anything to make her think Rayburn treated his daughters badly. Finally, she just sighed. Defeated. “I honestly don’t know. Not that I recall. They were always smiling and laughing, but pretty much kept to themselves. I guess I just didn’t look hard enough.”

  “Or maybe they were embarrassed and didn’t want you to look too closely at them,” he said softly. “Did you ever think they were just fragile?”

  “No. Not like you mean. They were delicate and feminine, but I never looked at them too closely. I was too busy creating havoc for Rayburn and my mother. I hated Rayburn from the second I met him and was right to. He always gave me the creeps. His daughters, however, were just, I don’t know. Perfect. Straight A students. Cheerleaders. These beautiful, well-behaved girls everyone envied. They seemed so happy, I never thought it might be an act. Not once. As far as I knew, they were one big happy family.”

  “Good. Leave it there. After we get the girls, your mother, and their dad here, we’ll sort it all out. I can tell you unequivocally, though, you did the right thing. Besides, it all worked out anyway. Data sent us after you. Now, we’ll find the rest of them. Your stepsisters will be safe. And we’ll deal with the other two.”

  “Do I want to know?”

  “Probably not. And I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”

  “I see.” She cleared her throat, trying to shake off the guilt. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make the best of it. If nothing else, I can apologize to Serilda and Winter. Hopefully, they’ll understand.”

  Viper pinched her chin in his thumb and finger, forcing her to look at him. He held her gaze for several seconds, then said, “They will. It will all work out.”

  Once he left her, Darcy dressed and headed to the common room like he’d told her. Again, she found Stunner sitting in the same chair, same disgruntled look on his face. Glitter was everywhere, clinging to his clothes, beard, and hair, effectively turning him into a life-sized Christmas ornament. Suzie was happily chatting to him while she decorated. Darcy was about to offer to help with other decorations when a young man stomped toward the pair. He wore no identifying patches on his vest other than one that said “Prospect” on the chest

  “You’re disrespecting him, Suzie,” the guy said. “If another club came in here, Stunner would look like a fool and they’d laugh at all of us for allowing it.”

  Instantly, Stunner’s eyes were on the prospect, his gaze hard and cold.

  “I’m just decorating, Pig,” Suzie said, her voice not nearly as strong as Darcy had heard her in the past. Clearly, the girl was wary of the prospect. “Stunner didn’t say I couldn’t.”

  “You know that fucker never talks! Besides, he lets you do whatever you want. I’m tellin’ you, it’s time for you to grow the fuck up! Stop actin’ like a kid! If you want to stay here, you gotta act your age.”

  “She’s only twelve, Pig.” Daniel and Cliff had come up behind the prospect. “She’s had it hard. If she wants to be a kid a while longer, no one minds. Especially not Stunner.”

  “She’s a brat! A disgrace to the club!” He turned back to Suzie. “You’ll never be any use to anyone here! I don’t know why Cain puts up with you! The only thing you’ll ever be good at is bein’ a whore!”

  Stunner stood abruptly, knocking the chair over. He was younger than Data or Viper, but there was a look in his eyes that said he’d seen more than he ever wanted to.

  “She’s making you look like a fool, Stunner,” Pig continued. Darcy winced. She could have told the dumbass he was in over his head, but figured he deserved it for what he’d said to Suzie. Even now, the girl looked beaten down, tears dripping steadily from her lashes as she looked down at the floor. “All that fuckin’ glitter. What the fuck, Stunner? You’re just sittin’ there lettin’ her do this to you?”

  With no further warning, Stunner launched himself at the prospect, tackling him to the floor. Once he was straddling Pig’s supine body with his much bigger one, Stunner proceeded to beat the living fuck out of the man. Blood splattered over the floor with each hit. It happened so fast, Pig didn’t have the chance to raise a hand in his defense. Stunner howled to the ceiling in rage before continuing the brutal assault. The veins and tendons stood out starkly, and his eyes were wild, those of an animal on a rampage.

  Darcy moved forward, but a woman’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. “Don’t interfere. The boys will stop it when it’s time.”

  She looked over her shoulder to find a young woman her own age. She was beautiful, but shy. Her long, jet-black hair was straight and hung over one side of her face. When she moved her head slightly to look at the fight -- or, rather, beating -- Darcy noticed a scar beneath the fall of hair that ran over her cheek before disappearing again behind her hair. Darcy could see enough to tell the young woman had tried to cover it with makeup, but it was deep, though completely healed.

  “He’s going to kill that man,” Darcy said.

  The woman shrugged. “Isn’t as if he doesn’t have it coming. Besides, Stunner isn’t the first one of us who’s wanted to off that bastard.”

  Darcy looked back at Stunner. There wasn’t much left of Pig’s face but splintered bone and meat. An older couple who had been introduced to her as Mama and Pops finally pulled Stunner off
Pig. Not with muscle, but with gentle hands. No one said anything. Arkham appeared in front of them all, standing over Pig, an unreadable expression on his face.

  Stunner was breathing heavily, blood splattered over his clothing, his hands covered with it. He looked at Arkham, the men locking gazes. Arkham sighed, then nodded at Stunner before picking the unconscious prospect up in a fireman’s carry and going deeper into the clubhouse. Mama and Pops followed him, but not before Pops hugged little Suzie and ruffled her hair. The girl looked heartbroken.

  Stunner met Darcy’s gaze, looking back and forth from her to Suzie. He wanted her to stay with the girl. When Darcy nodded, Stunner hurried out of the room.

  “Suzie?” Cliff came to her side and laid a hand on her shoulder. “You OK?”

  She nodded, not looking at the young man.

  “You know Stunner would never hurt you. Right?” Daniel made her look up at him before brushing tears from her face. “He just… well, he doesn’t like anyone being mean to you.”

  She nodded, but said nothing, her gaze returning to the floor.

  “Will she be OK?” Darcy had to know. Stunner had beaten a guy senseless right in front of the child.

  “She’ll be fine,” Cliff said. “She’s seen worse. At least this time, it wasn’t directed at her.” He met Darcy’s gaze. “That remark about her being a whore? The club we ran from was doing exactly that.” He spat on the floor in the direction they’d carted off Pig. “Bastard deserved what he got and more.”

  Exactly three minutes later, Stunner stomped back to his chair and sat motionless for long moments, his gaze shifting from Suzie to a spot in front of him. He looked to be freshly showered and dressed in clean clothes, his hair still damp, but no longer splattered in blood. Stunner grunted a couple of times, but Suzie didn’t move, just stood there with her head down and tears quietly tracking down her lovely face.

  Again, Stunner grunted. Louder this time. The man could talk, Darcy had heard him. Apparently, it wasn’t the norm.

  When Suzie still didn’t move, he put one hand on her shoulder and handed her the red glitter with the other, obviously wanting her to continue decorating him. She took the glitter, looking up at him, but didn’t do more. Finally, in obvious desperation, Stunner snagged the gold glitter and dumped it over his head, grunting louder.

  Finally, finally, the girl gave a faint smile. The longer she looked at the big biker, the wider her grin became until she giggled. The second the sound echoed throughout the room, the entire collective of big, badass bikers seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Many of them chuckled as they moved about their business again. Stunner tried to look disgruntled, but even he looked relieved. Especially when Suzie dried her eyes, sniffled once, then began to sing Christmas carols softly while continuing her work on his beard with the glitter.

  Darcy noticed two things. First, Stunner was completely devoted to Suzie. Not in a romantic or creepy sense -- like Rayburn -- but like a guardian. A protector. God help any boy who decided he wanted to date Suzie. Second, the entire group of men and women in the common room hadn’t lifted a finger to help their prospect, but every single one of them without exception were gratified to hear the girl start singing. One of them even turned up the volume of the song she was singing slightly until she matched it. When she was once again singing merrily, every single man on the floor had a wide, affectionate grin on his face. Well, except Stunner. The happier everyone else seemed, the more disgruntled he seemed. Darcy suspected his expression was solely to please Suzie. Like he knew she enjoyed using him as her own personal Christmas ornament only because he was uncomfortable with it and he was determined to keep up his act just to please her.

  This club wasn’t anything like what she expected. They were a family. A tight family. They looked out for each other and God damn everyone else.

  Darcy wanted that for herself.

  Chapter Seven

  The logistics in going after their targets had proved frustrating for Bones. As second enforcer of the club behind Bohannon, Viper felt his frustration mounting. It didn’t sit well with him to delay in getting an innocent out of danger, but then, his loyalties were divided for the first time in his life. His brothers were just as frustrated, but they didn’t have to look their women in the eyes every day and night and tell her they couldn’t go after her family yet.

  The problem was in the number of MCs in the Vegas area. They didn’t want to intrude on another club’s territory, but lacked a mediator. Cain had reached out to several, but so far no one was game to have another club on a run inside their territory.

  It had been four long days. Not long, but in an operation like this, an eternity. Who knew how long the Mills would be in Vegas? Or how safe those two young women were. Viper, Bohannon, Torpedo, and Cain had had heated debates about what to do. Viper, of course, and Bohannon were all for just riding in and doing what had to be done, but Cain and Torpedo were more level headed, knowing that wouldn’t fly. Bones was extremely territorial about its own area. Going into another club’s territory without express permission was just not something they were willing to do at this point. None of their own were threatened. Yes, there were innocents involved, but they couldn’t save everyone. It was a sore spot with Viper, but he knew Cain was right.

  Then came an enemy Bones had established a truce with. Viper didn’t know what to think, but anyone who could get them in was welcomed. Depending on what he expected in return, that is.

  “You ain’t gonna believe this,” Arkham said as he gazed out the window. “Do we even have spotters on the grounds anymore? Cause if we do, we got a serious problem.”

  “Shadow sent a text,” Bohannon said, readying a weapon and tossing another one to Cain. “Not sure what happened to the others, but we’ll be finding out.” He glanced up at Cain, his expression hard as granite. “That fucker has balls the size of Texas, I’ll give him that.”

  “We sure it’s him?”

  “Unless you know of someone else who’d ride into this country in a white stretch Rolls Royce limousine, yeah.”

  Cain shook his head and gave an exasperated sigh. “Fucker.” He raised his voice. “Sword, might want to get your woman out of the common area. Her daddy’s paying a visit.”

  El Diablo was somewhat of an enigma. He’d been a top enforcer of sorts in the upper echelon of organized crime over the world. During the beginning of his career, he’d met Magenta’s mother and begun an affair with her during which Magenta was conceived. They’d reached an uneasy truce when they’d last encountered El Diablo. So why was the fucker here now?

  A few seconds later, the elegant limousine Bohannon referred to pulled up nearly to the front door. Right behind it were two large food trucks emblazoned with “Machiallo’s Cuisine” on the side in big red letters. After that, several bikes followed, parking so that they flanked both the truck and the limousine. Every biker wore his colors proudly. Which meant they were here on business representing their club. El Diablo was impeccably dressed, as always, in a dark, charcoal-colored suit with a bright green tie. Fucker even had a little gem-encrusted Santa as a lapel pin.

  “Greetings, Bones!” His boisterous welcome was out of place given he had just waltzed into another club’s home turf. “I bring Christmas cheer to my daughter and her family!”

  Cain, Torpedo, Bohannon, and Viper stepped outside onto the porch. Sword stayed inside with Magenta, his ol’ lady. Unfortunately, Magenta was also El Diablo’s daughter. The man had been looking for ways to get Bones to accept him into their fold even though he’d taken over his own club, Black Reign, out of Florida.

  “What do you want, El Diablo?” Cain opted for the straightforward approach. Viper had learned from their previous encounters directness usually worked best with the other man. Though El Diablo had lived in Great Britain for a time, he hadn’t adopted the English trait of circling around the problem to find the path of least resistance, or the most diplomatic path. Though he was always unfailingly polite -- until he was
n’t -- he appreciated bluntness. Viper thought it was one of the things he found fascinating about Bones. They never bowed to him, no matter they knew the power he wielded.

  “Only to give my daughter and her newly found family a Merry Christmas.”

  “Not Christmas yet,” Bohannon said, stepping in front of Cain to better protect him if things went sideways.

  “Of course not,” El Diablo said, chuckling. “I know all of you likely have your Christmas all planned out. I simply wanted to give something to everyone, and this was the best thing I knew to do.” He waved at the catering trucks, a large, friendly smile on his face.

  More of Bones’ members filed out, curious now they were pretty sure there wasn’t going to be a fight.

  “What’s ‘Machiallo’s?’ Ain’t from Somerset.” One of the prospects, Kickstand, ventured closer to the Black Reign group, eyeing the offering with open interest.

  “Machiallo’s is owned by me. I employ only the finest chefs, who prepare only the finest foods.” El Diablo lifted his chin and puffed out his chest proudly. “I have brought you a feast fit for a king.”

  “Guess you don’t half do nothin,’ do ya?” Sword leaned against the doorframe, blocking Magenta from leaving the clubhouse. She pushed past him anyway. He growled at her, but Viper noted he didn’t stop her. Not something he’d be able to manage himself in Sword’s position.

  “If something isn’t worth doing right, it’s not worth doing. My daughter is certainly worth every penny spent.”

  “El Diablo,” Magenta said, stepping forward a little. “I think what the boys are dancing around is, while we appreciate the gift,” she looked up nervously at Sword. The large man smiled at her, nodding his approval as his hand reached to run the length of her long, blonde hair down her back to settle possessively on her hip. “We’d like to know what you expect in return.”

  El Diablo actually looked taken aback. “Nothing, my dear. This is a gift. No strings attached. I merely want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Is that so hard to accept?” He looked both amused and humble, neither of which seemed to fit the man himself. With his dark good looks and charming, charismatic personality, he normally looked anything but humble.


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