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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 8

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  "Enough about me. Tell me about your vacation. Is it hot? Tell me the sun shines all the time, and there are gorgeous men in swim trunks and bare chests playing volleyball on the sand."

  Chrissy thought instantly about Nick and couldn't wait to see him bare-chested, running on the beach. “Wow you've got quite the imagination, but I did meet someone last night.” She felt funny even telling her sister about it. Maybe it was guilt for knowing what she was planning on doing with Nick that caused her embarrassment.


  She shouldn't have said anything. It was bound to be all over Christmas Town as soon as she got off the phone. Krista was a notorious gossiper. “He's someone I met a long time ago at a CPA convention. His name is Nick."

  "Ohh poo, a boring accountant? Couldn't you meet someone exciting? An actor? Or a doctor?

  "He's very nice, and very good looking. He has property here on the island and he's going to show it to me today."

  "All alone? Chrissy, be careful. I mean, you don't know this guy and you're all alone there."

  "I'm fine. Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything that was dangerous. Now don't you have some more dolls to finish accessorizing?"

  "Yes, actually I do. I don't know how I'll ever be ready by the twenty-fourth."

  "You will; you always are. I gotta get ready for my date."

  "Did you tell him yet?” Krista asked lowering her voice.

  Chrissy frowned, “Tell him what?"

  "Does he have any idea that you are Santa Claus’ daughter?"

  "Yeah, well, that's not exactly something you share over drinks. I'm probably not going to tell him."

  "You're not?"

  "No. I'll only be here for two weeks and then I'm back home. It's not like he's going to be able to come see me at the North Pole."

  "It could be arranged."

  Chrissy closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “No. You don't understand how mortal men are. It's better to just not bring something like that up."

  "Well, what happens at the end of two weeks? That's it, thanks for the memories, see you around?"

  "Yeah, what's wrong with that? I'm going to have the time of my life, maybe with Nick, maybe not, but I'm not going to think about what happens after that. Whatever happens here stays here."

  "I think you're crazy. What if he's someone, you know, special?"

  Chrissy stood up ready to end the conversation. “Look I know this is hard for you to understand, but I can't bring a guy home to meet my parents. It's different for you. You're an elf; you date other elves. Elves know about flying reindeer and penguins for pets, but mortal men,” she closed her eyes as the hopelessness of her love life closed around her again, “Let's just say most mortal men barely believe in love, they certainly aren't going to believe in Santa or his daughter."


  "No Krista, I can't. Don't worry about it. Look I gotta go. Miss you."

  "Miss you too, can't wait until you're back home."

  "I'll be home before Dad leaves on Christmas Eve. Give Mama and Daddy a big hug for the others and me. And check on Dasher for me, he gets so depressed when I'm gone."

  "I saw him yesterday afternoon and he seemed fine. He was out practicing jumps with the others. Hey, Chrissy?"


  "Have a good time. Who knows, maybe the accountant has a wild side."

  "Good bye, Krista."

  Krista laughed. “Bye."

  She was still smiling as she stepped into the shower a few minutes later. Her sister's words rang in her ear. If Nick was interested, she was going to have a good time. She'd already made up her mind. For the next two weeks she was going to soak up some sun and some fun.

  * * * *

  "The only way to get to your property is by boat?” Chrissy was surprised when Nick led her to a private dock later that morning.

  "I should have told you last night."

  Chrissy looked down at her sundress and sandals. “Will this be ok? Should I have worn sneakers?"

  "I'll help you, you won't slip.” Nick jumped down into the boat and reached his arms up to her.

  Gingerly, she set one foot onto the seat of the boat and it swayed with her weight. Nick's hands spanned her waist as hers rested on his shoulders. He swung her down into the boat. Chrissy clung a bit more than necessary pretending she was off balance.

  "Ohh, I guess it rocks more than I thought."

  Nick's hands were still on her waist. She could have sworn he started to lower his head and then checked himself.

  "Have you been on a boat before?” he asked settling her into the seat next to his.

  "I guess I haven't, no.” Chrissy brushed her hair back. Nick walked to the back of the boat and leaned over pulling in ropes and some plastic looking items. Were they to protect it from hitting the docks? She didn't want to sound like a real idiot and ask.

  The boat shifted as he sat in the driver's side and turned the key. “Ready?"

  His brown eyes twinkled; she smiled back at him and nodded.

  He pushed a lever down and the boat moved backward out of the dock. Before long they were flying across the turquoise ocean. Chrissy raked her hands through her hair trying without success to keep it from whipping her face. Finally, she gave up and just let it fly as the sun warmed her skin and the wind kissed it.

  What an amazing feeling! It was almost as good as flying with her father in his sleigh. It was so freeing. The boat's engine roared making conversation impossible, but as she watched Nick he turned to look at her and words weren't necessary. He leisurely swept her body with his gaze and the smoldering look in his eyes made her temperature rise even higher. He was thinking about the same thing she was! They were alone and there was definitely a powerful physical attraction between them.

  It might have been only a few minutes or half an hour, but soon they were pulling up to a small cove. Several houses dotted the landscape spaced far apart. There was no one around and Chrissy watched as Nick expertly maneuvered the boat into a small dock slip and cut the engine.

  "Obviously you've been boating a long time,” she said, as he tied up the boat and tossed the protective plastic things over the sides.

  Nick nodded. “My grandfather had a place on the water. I grew up working with him on his fishing boats in the summer.” He walked back over to where she sat and held out his hand. “Be careful when you stand up, don't slip."

  She clung to his hand, stood up, and followed him to the side.

  "Hang on to the back of this seat while I get out. The boat will lurch a bit, and then I'll help you out."

  She nodded, and as he predicted, the boat swayed with his shifting. He reached down. Chrissy took his hands, stepped up onto the seat, and then onto the solid dock. Nick didn't release her hand as they walked up towards land. She reveled in the feel of his palm against hers and the natural way their two hands snuggled together. She hadn't held hands with a man in a very long time. With her other hand she tried to smooth her hair and Nick looked down at her. “You're beautiful."

  Chrissy felt color rise in her cheeks and found that she did feel beautiful. Nick looked at her in a way that made her feel as if she was the sexiest woman in the world. She pulled her gaze from his rich brown eyes. The property was definitely secluded and she could see where some land had been cleared. “Is that where your house will sit?"

  Nick dropped her hand and moved ahead. Standing in the middle of the clearing, he described where the front porch would be and the back deck. “And I want windows. Huge floor to ceiling windows that overlook the ocean."

  Chrissy crossed her arms over her chest and watched his face. He was so passionate about it. What would that feel like? To own something like this. Something you built yourself and could make it anyway you wanted to. Back home she had her own private quarters, but it never felt like her own place. Her rooms were like a small apartment, and she liked it, but she wasn't passionate about it the way Nick was about this piece of land and his dream.

  Nick cam
e back over to stand in front of her. He reached out, brushed a strand of her hair back. “What do you think?"

  Chrissy felt as if she'd known him a lot longer than she had. There was no awkwardness with him. She cupped his face with the palm of her hand. “Amazing,” she said softly, looking into his eyes.

  When his gaze fell to her lips, it was natural for her to part them. He lowered his head, looking once more into her face as if expecting her to stop him. She closed her eyes and leaned in to him. His lips were firm and she sighed as they covered hers. His arms slipped around her waist and pulled her close and she rested her hand on his shoulder. In his arms, she felt incredibly feminine and delicate.

  His lips lightly brushed hers, once, twice, teasing them with feather light strokes. She opened her mouth, inviting him to kiss her more intimately. He obliged and Chrissy's head spun. The sensation was much the same as flying across the ocean in his boat. Her insides dipped and swelled and she lost her breath which made her head spin. Nick tasted so good. Nothing in her life before could compare to the headiness of this kiss; it was a connection she didn't understand and wasn't about to question. His lips tenderly kissed her even as he seemed to be pulling away, but he went back for more as if unable to completely stop. Finally, when he lifted his head, her knees buckled.

  He caught her up against him. “Sometimes once you get off the boat it's hard to walk on land again."

  It was nice of him to give her an excuse, but she had to be honest. “I don't think my legs feeling like rubber has anything to do with the boat.” She looked up at him from under her lashes and saw the surprise in his eyes at her statement. But, as if he was trying to keep himself in control, he turned away.

  He led her through the clearing by the hand all the while talking about the house and how it would look. “It's going to take years, but there's no way to speed that up. I have to do what I can when I get here."

  "'How often do you think you'll get here? After it's done, I mean. It seems such a waste to have a beautiful vacation home you only see once a year."

  He sucked in a deep gulp of air and dropped her hand. “I haven't told anyone else this."

  They stopped walking and Chrissy hoisted herself up on to a large boulder that seemed as if nature had put it there just for that purpose.

  "I'm quitting my job.” Nick squared his shoulders and a hint of fear crossed his face. “I don't want to answer to anyone else again. I don't want to get two weeks vacation and some benefits. I want freedom. I want to have a life."

  "You don't have a life now?” The idea sounded crazy. Not work? How would he support himself? Was he going to become a permanent beach bum? He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would be like that. Maybe he wasn't what he seemed after all.

  "Not the life I want. I want to work when I want to work. I want to be free of rules and order. If I wake up and it's a gorgeous day,” he threw his arms out wide gesturing to the beach, “I want to be able to go boating or lay on the beach or even just turn over and go back to sleep. People work their whole lives to do that when they retire. I want it now."

  "How will you support yourself? I mean it's a lovely plan but the reality is that you'll need to eat.” Oh God, he wasn't planning on waiting tables or something was he? What a waste. From the conversations she'd had with him several years ago, he was a brilliant accountant. Still the passion in his voice was contagious and she found herself hoping that he had a good solid plan and could make it work.

  "I think I can make a go of a virtual accounting firm. It's a thought I've had for a while now and I think it can work. I'll get satellite out here. That way I can work when I want to, not between eight and five."

  "You know most small businesses take years to become solvent. Are you going to have enough money?” I shouldn't even ask him that. Chrissy chewed her bottom lip thinking he'd tell her to mind her own business.

  He ran his hand around the back of his neck. “My grandfather left me some money that I invested wisely. I think I can make it two years if I'm careful."

  "And you'll live here the whole time? You won't mind being alone here on this island for years?” That would be a nightmare. She was used to having people around all the time. Even dinner at her house with the immediate family made up close to twenty. This vacation was nice, but she found she missed her brother and sisters not to mention the hundred or more others that lived there.

  Nick ducked his head and looked chagrined. “I'm not much of a people person, to be honest. I like my solitude.” He shrugged and looked out across the water. “Besides, its not like I'm stranded on a deserted island. Anytime I crave company I can head into the mainland. Who knows maybe I'll meet someone who wants the same thing and we'll live here in our own paradise."

  An immediate image of Nick and some stranger wrapped in each other's arms floated before her eyes. She could imagine him whisking some other woman out here and making love to her on the secluded beach.

  Nick loomed over her all of a sudden. “You think I'm nuts. You think why would anyone leave a high paying successful job to take a chance like this?"

  His comment was pretty true to what she thought, but she didn't want to discourage him. Who was she to approve or disapprove of his dreams? His gingerbread colored eyes showed his misgivings. He'd just shared with her his plans and she was honored he'd opened up like that.

  She reached for his hand. “I think if you put your mind to it you'll make it work. I can see how passionate you are about it and you can do it, Nick, I know you can."

  He smiled and bent over to press his lips against hers. Chrissy framed his face in her hands and her heart raced. They were all alone on this island, and her sister's teasing about having fun rang in her ears.

  When he lifted his head and rested his forehead against hers he seemed to be trying to catch his breath. “I'm trying really hard to be a gentleman."

  Chrissy pulled back until he lifted his head to look at her again. “What happens in Greece stays in Greece?"

  He raised his eyebrow. “Lady, those are some dangerous words. Don't say them if you don't mean them.” His voice was deep and she shivered in reaction.

  Feeling flirty and desirable she slid her hands up to rest flat on his chest. “I never say something I don't mean,” she whispered.

  Nick crushed her to him so hard she slipped on the rock. A sharp pain shot through her where her upper leg scraped on the hard surface.

  "Ohh,” she cried out, clinging to him to keep from falling.

  Nick helped her down. “Are you ok?"

  Her printed sundress covered her upper leg, but she could feel the burning sting. Turning away she lifted her skirt to inspect the damage. High up on her thigh, an ugly red welt had formed and three spurts of blood trickled down.

  The blood was staining her new dress, but she couldn't hold her skirt up from it as the cut was up way too high. Nick handed her a tissue and she slipped it under her dress to press against the cut. “Thanks,” she muttered.

  "Does it hurt?"

  She nodded.

  "I can't believe what an idiot I am."

  She glanced at him. “You didn't do anything. It's no big deal."

  "Sure it is. Here we are, all alone, romantic as all get out. We share this kiss that rocks my world, and what do I do? Scrape you against a rock. That's me, Mr. Romance."

  The tissue seemed to have stemmed the bleeding, but to be sure Chrissy ripped off a piece of it and left it pressed to the wound. Poor Nick, he looked so embarrassed. “It was a very romantic moment, and a wonderful kiss.” She took his hand and squeezed it.

  The romantic moment was gone, but she didn't want him to think she was upset. “Tell me again about your house. You never said what you envisioned for the front yard. Will you have grass here? Or leave it natural like it is?"

  Nick searched her eyes before turning back toward the clearing. He slid his arm around her shoulders and she nestled against him as he told her more about his plans for his island retreat.

  Chapter Three

  Nick felt all kinds of a fool for ruining the kiss earlier. From the amount of blood that stained her skirt, he imagined the cut was pretty deep. It had to hurt. Once back in the boat, he watched as she inched her skirt up to inspect the damage. The sight of her milk-white skin caused his pants to tighten. He couldn't help it; she was so damn beautiful. When she looked up he darted his eyes away.

  "Did the bleeding stop?” He pretended a nonchalance he was far from feeling. It could be his imagination but he could swear he saw the hint of lace under her hand where she had bunched the material of her dress.

  He looked back at her.

  She pulled the tissue away and winced. “Yes."

  If only he knew her better, a lot better. He longed to get down on his knees in front of her and kiss it better. Actually he'd like to kiss everything until she felt better. Forcing his thoughts away from what that would be like, he focused on getting the boat ready to head back to shore.

  The sun was incredibly hot by now and he yanked his t-shirt off, and tossed it aside. The look in Chrissy's eyes as she stared at his bared chest was enough to make him hard again. He held her gaze and smiled letting her know without a doubt that he loved that she found him attractive. The wind whipped her hair, and her eyes glowed. It was obvious that she enjoyed the rush of the boat ride. It took every amount of effort he had to concentrate on speeding across the water. He'd much rather drop anchor and pull her into his arms.

  * * * *

  As Nick tied up the boat, Chrissy wasn't sure what to do next. How did she go about letting him know that she didn't want to go back to her room? Not alone anyway. She bit her bottom lip. Living where she did, at the North Pole, she was fairly secluded from mortals of the opposite sex. She'd dated some in college and she wasn't a complete innocent, although she was still technically a virgin. She'd even dated a few elf males, but her status at the North Pole as Santa's only mortal daughter always kept even the wildest elves from doing anything with her. It hadn't mattered much before, she'd never met a man, mortal or not, who made her want the things Nick made her want just by looking at her.


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