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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 9

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  The thought of his hard body, that bronzed chest and those muscular legs made her insides quiver. Watching his powerful forearms bulge as he dealt with the boat was making her half crazy. What was wrong with her? She never felt this wanton before. Ever.

  She didn't dare look at him when he joined her and handed her the tote bag she'd left on the boat. “Thanks,” she mumbled, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  "So,” he started.

  But when he didn't finish she was forced to look up at him. Her heart palpitated and her mouth went dry at the fire in his eyes. He was thinking the same thing she was! She swallowed hard.

  "Thank you for a lovely day, Nick. I enjoyed the boat ride and seeing your island."

  He reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand, caressing her skin with his fingertips. “Is this a brush-off?"

  "What? No, I'm not brushing you off. I was thanking you. It was lovely and I did enjoy myself."

  His thumb traced her bottom lip and she parted her lips tasting the sale on his skin. “I'd love to invite you to see the sketches of the house but they're on my laptop in my room. I'd be worried that you'd think I'm trying to lure you to my room if I asked you to come see them.” He looked insecure, afraid of what she'd say.

  She swallowed hard and smiled up at him. “I'd like to see them. Maybe I could come by your room in an hour or so? I'd like to clean up.” She waved her hand at her skirt.

  He stepped back from her. “I'd almost forgotten about that. You should use some ointment on it. I'll get you some if you don't have it."

  She shook her head. “I'm sure there's some in the first aid kit I have in my suitcase."

  "Listen, why don't you stay in your room?"

  Her heart plummeted. Stay in her room? Didn't he want her to come to him?

  "I was going to say, how about I get my laptop and bring it to your room with some snacks in about an hour? It's too early for dinner, but I'm starving."

  Chrissy smiled and tugged her tote bag higher on her shoulder. She was starving too, but not for cheese and crackers. “That sounds good. I'll see you in an hour."

  With a small wave she started to turn to leave, but he caught her hand. She frowned until he pulled it to his mouth. It would have been a cheesy gesture from anyone else, but from Nick it warmed her all the way to her toes. He pressed his moist mouth to her palm and then closed her fingers over it. “Thanks for not laughing at my dreams today,” he said hoarsely.

  She knew her cheeks had gone red, and she didn't know how to respond. She nodded and he released her hand. Walking quickly away she kept facing forward, if she looked back, she might have thrown herself into his arms.

  All the way to her room her imagination worked overtime. Images of her and Nick falling into her room, her back up against the wall, him hot and heavy and impatiently tearing at her dress, her ripping his shirt over his head. She could hardly think clearly enough to get her card in the door lock and had to swipe it three times before it opened.

  Once inside, she was grateful that housekeeping had cleaned up the mess she'd left earlier. She tossed down her bag and stripped, hitting the shower. She reached for her favorite body wash letting the familiar scent of peppermint fill her senses and calm her. As her hands moved over her body, she realized every nerve ending seemed to be resting right below the surface. She couldn't remember another time when she anticipated something as much as whatever was going to happen with Nick this afternoon.

  Blowing her shoulder length dark hair dry and fluffing it, she frowned at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Why couldn't she have been blessed with more ‘on top’ like her sisters. Her mother always told her it was the elf blood that gave them their ‘little extra.’ “You'd think with Santa for a father he could work a little bit of magic,” she muttered, as she tore through her wardrobe trying desperately to figure out what someone wore to do this. Bathrobe? Nope, too obvious. Shorts and a halter-top? Hmm, maybe. She wished her sisters were around to advise her, every one of them had fantastic taste in clothes and knew exactly what to wear for every occasion.

  She chewed her bottom lip and settled her hand on a short black skirt her sister Joy had tossed to her a few weeks ago. “Its too tight on my hips,” her younger sister had complained.

  Chrissy eyed it speculatively. Not having the curves of her younger sister, she knew it would fit. It wasn't her usual style, it was very short, not mini length short, but several inches about her knee. Everyone told her she had gorgeous legs. Looking down she hated how white they were. Here in Greece all the women were bronzed and beautiful, she felt like she'd been indoors way too long. She held the skirt up to her; it had tiny snowflakes on it. She fumbled in her drawer for a pair of black lace panties, after stepping into them she dropped her robe and slipped into the skirt. Now for a top.

  She searched her closet again, but nothing seemed right. Returning to her dresser she pulled out a couple of t-shirts before snapping up a candy-cane red knit top. The front scooped low, but not too low, just revealing the swell of her breasts. She yanked it on over her head and turned to the mirror. Hmm. Cute. She turned this way and that deciding it didn't look bad without a bra, you could hardly notice anyway. A quick glance at the clock had her rushing back to the bathroom for make up and a quick spray of perfume.

  She hung up her robe and opened the door to the patio. Stepping out she inhaled the fragrant smell of flowers mixed with the ocean breeze. Leaning against the railing she closed her eyes picturing Nick coming in and wrapping her in his arms from behind. He'd press his hardness against her and fill his hands with her breasts.

  "Hardly filling them,” she muttered, walking back into her room.

  As she paced restlessly doubt began to creep in. Nick was sexy as all get out and remembering the passion that exploded when he'd kissed her, she had no doubt that if they did make love things it would be fantastic. But was it wrong to even think about doing this when it can only be a vacation fling? Absolutely no way for commitment or a future?

  "So what?” she asked her reflection. She lifted her head as if to convince herself that what she was doing wasn't wrong. Life isn't a fairy tale no matter where you live. It's not like Nick is the man for me anyway. He hates Christmas, family, and I'm even beginning to think he doesn't like to work for a living. No, definitely not husband material.

  "Am I looking for a husband?” she stopped in her tracks. She'd already convinced herself she couldn't ever be married, so where had that idea come from? Nick was sexy and fun to be with. The boat ride, the island, the kiss! She'd had a great time and whatever happened the rest of the day, she was going to stop worrying and simply enjoy herself. She inspected her outfit once more and decided she didn't look as if she was expecting anything. She could easily wear this skirt and t-shirt out for a walk or down to the café for an Espresso.

  The knock at the door made her breath stop. Pressing a hand to her stomach to calm the butterflies she walked barefoot across the carpeted floor. She opened the door to a scowling Nick.

  "Shouldn't you have asked who's there?"

  "I knew it was you,” she held the door open and he came in holding his laptop.

  "You shouldn't take chances like that. A beautiful woman all alone in a hotel is vulnerable.” He scanned her from head to toe and then back up again.

  Chrissy's nipples hardened under his gaze. Damn. Could her body be more obvious? Look Nick, no bra! I'm easy, come and get me. She turned around and shut the door.

  Nick walked out onto the patio and set the laptop on the small table. He pushed a few buttons and she frowned. Was he really going to show me drawings? She sighed and joined him, taking a seat in front of the computer. Nick stepped behind the chair, framing her body with his arms as he clicked keys. She felt completely surrounded by him. Hmm this isn't that bad. On the screen a three-dimensional drawing, much like a blueprint, popped up.

  He raised his hand to indicate a spot on the screen and his arm brushed against her shoulder. “See right here
, this is where we were standing in the clearing."

  He pointed out various places on the screen and with each movement the muscles in his arms would shift and bulge. Chrissy watched the screen, but she wasn't listening to a word he said. All she could do was feel. His body heat warmed her; his breath smelled minty fresh as if he'd recently brushed his teeth. Maybe because he was going to be doing some kissing?

  She shifted in her chair, casually leaning back until her head was pressed against his chest. He stopped talking and turned his head towards her. “I think I could bury the generator, um, over here."

  I could think of something to bury. Chrissy nodded and tipped her head hoping he might decide to kiss her neck. But Nick was back to talking about his drawings. She reached up to rest her hand on his arm, but at the same time he began to straighten and his hand came in contact with her breast.

  "Uh, well what do you think?” he asked as if he hadn't touched her.

  I'm thinking I want you to do that again only mean it this time. She laid her hand against his bronzed forearm. “I think it's wonderful,” she hoped her voice was breathy and sexy.

  For a moment she thought he'd ignore the way she looked at him, all but begging him to kiss her. Then he lowered his head and claimed her lips.

  Chapter Four

  Chrissy's lips were so soft and warm and he couldn't stop the groan that bubbled into his throat as they parted. Her scent, that unique Chrissy scent of peppermint and spice and something else he couldn't name surrounded him. He felt as if he had been given a taste of the sweetest candy on earth and he couldn't get enough. She made tiny noises of pleasure in the back of her throat, and he shifted them until the chair was facing him. He took her face in his hands kissing her harder. She bent her head back so far he was worried it would snap. He cupped her scalp in his hand and let her thick hair tangle in his fingers.

  Her hands slid up his chest and he kissed his way down her neck to the middle of her throat. Her pulse beat rapidly and he dragged his mouth across it knowing his own matched it in tempo. It was awkward leaning over her like this, he couldn't kiss her properly. He hauled her to her feet and looked into her eyes. The hunger he saw reflected spurred him on and he bent to scoop her up into his arms.

  He felt like a romantic hero from a movie when he swept through the patio doors. He really hoped someone on the beach below them had seen his moves and knew where he was taking this sexy woman.

  Chrissy's open mouth on his neck tortured him. She nibbled lightly, her breath hot and moist and making him nuts. He shuddered and tried to focus on walking without dropping her. An oversized chair was just inside the door and he sank into it, cradling her in his lap. No matter how eagerly she was kissing him, he had no idea if she meant for this to go further than kisses and he wasn't going to be so bold as to drop her on the bed. That would have been a quick way for this romantic interlude to end if she wasn't thinking like he was.

  Her arms looped around his neck as she settled herself comfortably in his lap and kissed him. Her t-shirt had ridden up and his hand encountered the soft bare skin above the waistband of her skirt. He flattened his hand and slid it under her shirt to caress her back. Encountering no bra made him groan and eager to feel those perky breasts bare in his hands. Chrissy pressed into him and he kissed her with all the passion he felt. He devoured her tongue, suckling it into his mouth and soothing it with a stroke. Chrissy mimicked his action and his head soared above the clouds at what she was doing to him. She twisted, and he slipped his hand around to her rib cage then upward. Her breast sat in his hand like a small ball and he traced his thumb across her already hardened nipple. Chrissy kissed his neck and he heard her breath catch as he molded her breast in his palm. She was as eager to touch him as he was her, and she shoved his shirt up and splayed her hands across his chest.

  Nick pulled her t-shirt up higher until her breasts were exposed. He wanted to see her—taste her. Chrissy arched her back and closed her eyes as he lifted her until he could take one cherry red nipple in his mouth.

  Ahhh, more peppermint and a sweetness that he couldn't even describe filled his mouth. She must wear a specially made perfume that made her taste this good. It was like licking the finest candy cane he'd ever eaten. He loved it and couldn't get enough, which was very strange since he normally hated Christmas candy. His hand molded one breast while his mouth devoured the other. Chrissy's fingers were in his hair and she pressed closer to him as he feasted. Nick slid his hand to the hem of her skirt sliding his finger underneath and reveling in the silkiness of her bare thigh.

  He lifted his head and looked at her breasts. They were swollen from his attention, and so perfectly formed he was surprised they were real. He swallowed hard. Chrissy opened her eyes and for a long second he just stared at her, loving how she looked with a flush on her cheeks and her eyes dark with desire. All for him, all because of him. He couldn't quite get his head around it. Chrissy Star, the cool accountant beauty was half naked in his arms and didn't look as if she wanted to be anywhere else.

  "You're beautiful,” he said.

  She smiled back at him and shrugged her slim shoulders. “I'm too small,” she whispered looking embarrassed.

  "You are absolutely perfect.” He lifted one small breast and pressed his lips to her nipple. She cried out and he suckled until she was writhing in his arms. He molded his hand to her bare thigh hoping he was going to find out about those lace panties when she winced. He immediately froze and looked up at her. Damn. He forgot about her cut. Strike two, Christopoulos. First your fumbling gets her the cut and then your fumbling hurts her again. What an idiot. He lifted the hem of her skirt to inspect it her leg.

  "Did you put something on it?” he asked not touching the spot, but caressing the soft skin around it. The bruise was nasty looking with a skinny red line through the center.

  "It's ok,” she said hoarsely.

  His gaze took in snow-white thighs, and black lace that covered or sort of covered a patch of darkness. Chrissy wasn't slapping his hand away so he edged her skirt up higher and looked at her. With her red t-shirt pushed up, he had a beautiful view of her bared breasts and her black lace panties. She lounged in his arms and he began to shake. He couldn't help it. She was so sexy. It was all he could do not to explode. What more could any man want? Especially a man like him. He was a nerd. He shouldn't even have a chance with a woman like this. But she was here, and unless he was very mistaken, she was warm and willing.

  Still, he wasn't going to seduce her and have her regret it later. With a huge amount of willpower he settled her skirt back into place and pulled her t-shirt down covering the delectable cherry points.

  Chrissy's face revealed her confusion. Nick gently set her away from him and stood up. His Khaki pants bulged and her eyes caught and hung there. He wasn't embarrassed for her to know how much he wanted her, but he wanted to make sure she knew they didn't have to go any further.

  "I really did come here to show you the drawings of my house. I didn't plan this.” He raked his hands through his hair.

  She scooted to the edge of the chair. Her head was even with his pants and he started to take a step back but she reached out and traced one finger along the ridge of his zipper. She lifted her face to look at him. “Nick."

  Her tongue snaked out to wet her lips and she seemed unsure what else to say. Her fingers reached for his belt and slipped it open. He couldn't move as she lowered his zipper.

  "I want you,” she said spreading his pants open until his erection peeked out from behind his boxers.

  Before she could reach for him he caught her face in his hands and kissed her hard. He pulled her to her feet and still kissing her walked with her to the bed. Chrissy shoved his pants down until they pooled at his feet and took hold of him through his cotton boxers. Clenching his teeth, he filled his hands with her breasts. He pressed them together through her t-shirt and lowered his mouth to the cleavage he'd formed.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed and lifte
d her shirt. He took her in his mouth and she wrapped her arms around his head pressing him to her. He licked one ripe nipple and then the other, back and forth. Chrissy pulled her shirt off. He pressed his face against her stomach inhaling the sweet wonderful scent of her skin.

  "Nicky,” she moaned.

  He drew his hand up her leg and under her skirt, this time cupping her wetness and loving the way she shuddered. He dragged his finger back and forth across the lace covering until she whimpered and then he pulled her panties down. It was pure male ego, but he loved the fact that she was hot and ready for him.

  Five years ago, he'd worshipped her from afar never even daring to dream about holding her in his arms, now he was about to make love with her. He had no idea what would happen when her vacation ended, if she'd ever see him again, but he knew one thing. She'd never think of Greece without thinking about him. He unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. The sight of her standing in front of him naked except for those black panties was like a fantasy come true. He stood up, took her hand, and led her to bed.

  * * * *

  Chrissy's head spun, her body was on fire! Nick kept starting and stopping. He touched her until she almost came apart in his arms and then he stopped. It was like the sweetest form of torture on the planet, but it left her all but begging him for more. She followed him to the side of the bed and watched as he drew back the white coverlet. He plumped the pillows and she wanted to scream for him to stop wasting time. But when he turned and looked at her, promising without words all that he was going to do to her, she shivered. Nick pushed his boxers down and climbed onto the bed and pulled her with him. His body was toned and hard without an ounce of spare flesh. He drew her up beside him and slid one strong thigh between her legs and kissed her. Chrissy kissed him back, prepared to give him everything she had to give. Finally she was going to make love and be made love to, by a real man. And Nick was sure a man. She reached down to find him hot and throbbing. She smoothed her hand up and down, exploring, touching the tip of his penis, and stroking him until he shuddered. Nick kissed her harder, groaning as he pulled her even closer to him. He inched his thigh upward until it was between her legs and pleasure coursed through her making her want more of what he was promising.


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