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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 15

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  Nick had the sense to look sheepish. “He promised me this time, Jack. Said he'd do it for you."

  The admission made the old man's eyes dim and Jack felt bad for pushing the issue, but he couldn't leave some poor mortals in Noel's hand. Not without checking on the situation with his own eyes.

  Noel had good intentions, but in his desire to grab his father's attention, things might slip past his notice.

  "It's all good, Nick. I'll just check to see if your boy needs a hand. We'll go out for some holly beer after. I'm sure everything is fine and under control,” he assured the other man. He tried to make his voice light, but frost coated his words the minute they left the relative warmth of his mouth.

  With a wave and half-hearted smile, Nick backed away to the door and walked inside.

  Jack's heart sank. He knew Nick was worried about his only son. And he was sorry to add more worry to those broad shoulders, but Jack couldn't let someone else take over his calling.

  With a heavy spirit, Jack called the cold wind to carry him south where the fishing vessel waited.

  As the frozen land flew by beneath him, Jack let his thoughts drift back to Krista. His one perfect thing in a world he no longer understood.

  Someday, Krista would no longer be content to spread her vitality and warmth only through the holiday season. She would want to spread her wings and spirit all over the world. Unlike her other sister, Chrissy, the CPA, who only spread around IRS reports and audits. Not much on cheer, that one.

  Yep, sooner or later Jack would lose Krista to the world outside the frozen north, but until that time he'd capture every memory he could.

  With the eye of an eagle, Jack saw Noel sitting on the edge of an ice burg and dove down to greet him.

  Chapter Two

  "So Krista, it's time for your wish."

  Her father's cheery voice came from behind and startled Krista into spilling her eggnog.

  "Sorry, Dad, guess I was lost in the dreaming.” She explained away her nerves.

  With a shrewd look and outstretched hand, Nick Claus guided his youngest daughter to the large leather chair snuggly positioned by the roaring fireplace.

  Sitting against his leg, with her head rested on her dad's bent knee, Krista looked up at the man she'd admired and loved her whole life.

  "Have you ever made a mistake, Dad?"

  If her question surprised him, Nick didn't show it. “I'm breathing aren't I?” he answered.

  She gave a little laugh. “Yeah, that you are, but what if you can't correct what you've done wrong?” She pushed desperately wanting some guidance without having to come straight out and ask for it.

  A large calloused hand stroked gently over her long mink colored hair. “Well, now Krista, I can't say I understand exactly what you're getting at."

  Those blue eyes that always saw more than she was comfortable with pierced her now.

  She forced a laugh. “It's nothing, really. I'm just playing a game with myself is all."

  He humphed and sat back in his chair. “So you ready to tell me this year's heart wish?"

  Courage, she whispered to herself. She could do this. She would ask for the very thing her heart begged for. Oh and she'd make another pass at the whole world peace thing but that never seemed to work out.

  With a steadying breath, Krista turned her face up. “I know what I'd really like this year.” She was surprised at her moderate tone and kept going. “I'd like the world to have peace."

  Her father crinkled bushy white eyebrows at her. “And that's the extent of your wish?"

  This was it.

  "No,” her voice dropped, “I'd also like ... well if it wouldn't be too much trouble...” Darn it, why couldn't she get the words out?

  Gentle hands nudged her chin back up. “Out with it, Princess. I'd like to share your dreams, if you'd let me."

  Seeing the caring and concern in his eyes, Krista blurted it out.

  "I want love, Father. I want a man to love me beyond my perky nature and glass half full outlook. I want to be seen as a normal woman. I want to be able to curse and laugh and drink from the carton.” Getting caught up in the moment, Krista pushed to her feet and paced in front of the warm fire.

  "I need someone to see me not as you do. But as the woman I am. A woman with desires, needs and dreams of a family. I want what you and Mom have.” Her voice dropped to pleading at the end and she hated herself for it.

  Wishes from the heart were supposed to be made with conviction and certainty. Instead hers came out like a toddler begging for the last cookie.

  This would never convince her father.

  Again, rough fingers gently tilted her chin up and Krista was shocked by the emotions swimming in her father's face. Joy, sorrow and pride glowed from his bright blue eyes.

  He dropped his hand from her face to tightly grasp both her hands in his. “I knew this day would come, Christmas. I just never expected it to be so soon. First Chrissy coming to me and now my baby girl."

  Nick pulled her into a tight hug and pressed a kiss on her temple.

  Krista was stunned. “How did you know?” she asked, pulling back enough to see his face.

  He gave a small shrug. “The way a father always knows, I guess. I've had you to myself for well over two hundred years. It's about time you wanted a home and family of your own."

  She could only nod her head as tears gathered in her eyes.

  Nick pushed Krista back to clasp her shoulders. “Now then.” He cleared his throat. “You've made a heart wish that's strong and true. I'll be granting it for you."

  His words caused her heart overflow with happiness and nerves. She was ecstatic her father believed in her enough to grant the wish but nervous because it was something she'd only dreamed about.

  "Just remember your dear old dad every now and again,” he whispered, pulling her close once more.

  Krista flung her arms around his waist and held on tight. “How could I forget the first man I ever loved?” she whispered back.

  And they both held tight to each other knowing things would never be the same once Krista's wish came true.

  Chapter Three

  Bright blond hair pulled Jack away from his thoughts. It shouldn't have been this easy to find Santa's only son, but maybe Noel had been expecting him.

  The cold north currents set him gently down a few feet away. His feet made no sound when they landed on the packed snow. Jack made his way quickly to where Noel sat looking over the American's rescue.

  "No hot date tonight?” he teased the other man while taking a chilly seat next to him.

  The other man shrugged. “The hottest date of all ... my wife

  The words coming out of the other man's mouth surprised, pleased and angered Jack. He was truly happy Noel had found happiness and pleased with the things he'd heard of the woman so far. But his stomach clenched in green envy that Noel had found someone to share his heart and life with.

  He hated to ask. It made him uncomfortable to pry in other's lives. On the other hand Noel had done him a favor. “Something on your mind?"

  Noel shook his head, opened his mouth, closed it then shook his head again. “Nah, I'm good.” He finally managed.

  Letting out a quiet breath of relief, Jack turned his attention to the scampering men below. “Thanks for catching this for me."

  "Not a problem."

  Damn, it was awkward sitting here trying to make conversation without the benefit of beer involved.

  "So,” he started again. “Who's your favorite in the reindeer games this year?"

  Noel glanced at him in surprise before answering. “My gold is on Donner. Mom's been babying the others and over feeding them thanks to that winter bug. Ole Donner will win by sheer speed alone over the rest of the fat bellies."

  Okay, so he could do this. It wasn't a total loss. “Yeah, I noticed Dasher looked a bit hefty there in the barn."

  "You went to the barn?"

  At the question, Jack pulled back. Damn polite
conversation and double damn him for trying to make it.

  "I was wandering that way as I walked to the house."

  Ice blue eyes pinned him to the ground. “That's kind of the long way to the house."

  Jack refused to blush, assuming he could. It had been a number of years since his body had made the attempt. “Not like I'm in a hurry.” He finally responded.

  With a final knowing look in his shrewd blue eyes, Noel turned away. “Yeah,” he agreed. “You've got nothing to rush for, right."

  Then a smile broke through his reserve. “Although Candice said she had a special surprise for me if I'd hurry home."

  The light of contentment, love and happiness in Noel's eyes caused a lightening bolt of pain to slice through Jack's heart. He shrugged it off and offered his congratulations to the other man.

  "I heard about your marriage, man. I think it's great.” His voice was steady, no hint of the green demon showing through.

  If possible the blond's smile got wider. “Yeah, ain't love grand?"

  Jack wanted to kick and curse; instead he forced himself to nod. “I'm sure it is."

  He wouldn't know a thing about being in love. That implied two people sharing the same emotion, together at the same time.

  Jack had never even touched a woman let alone persuaded her to fall in love with him. But that didn't stop his heart from reaching out. That organ was held securely in the dainty white palms of Christmas Spirit. Nick's daughter and Noel's sister.

  "You know something?” Noel broke through Jack's thoughts. “I learned something when I fell in love with Candy."

  Oh, please, do not let Noel be about to give him lessons on love.

  "I'm sure you did.” Jack tried to cut him off but the other man ignored his words.

  "Love is all about taking chances. If you want something bad enough, you've got to be willing to sacrifice for it. That includes your pride and ego, unfortunately.” A rueful smile crossed his face.

  Jack wasn't sure how to reply. Did he thank the man for his unwanted and unasked for opinion? Or merely nod his head and get the hell out of there?

  He settled for a bit of both. “Oh thanks, Noel. I'd better get going."

  "She loves you, you know."

  The immortal heart within Jack's chest stopped beating. “I beg your pardon?"

  "Christmas, my sister? She's in love with you.” Noel repeated before adding. “And call me Noll, my family does.” And a satisfied smile curved his mouth.

  For the second time in as many minutes Jack didn't know what to do. “Noel-Noll, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I do know your sister wouldn't appreciate you talking about her with a stranger."

  Noel, Noll gave him a stunned look. “Stranger?” he questioned. “Jack, we've known you our whole lives. You've been to our home for dinners, lunches and everything in between. Hell, man, you were invited to my wedding. Not that you showed up."

  The thought of being included in that big noisy loving family made Jack's heart speed up. It was a nice thought but a false one. “It's kind of you to say so, Noll, but..."

  But what? But he'd love to be a true part of the family? Earning his place at the table and tree by marrying the Clauses youngest child? A woman he'd never touch, never give her the children he knew she yearned for?

  No, that was a silly snowflake dream. The dreams kept him company on cold nights but melted in the reality of the morning's harsh light.

  Surprisingly Noll dropped it. “Like I said, love is all about taking risks."

  Jack rose to his feet. “Yeah ... uh ... I'll be around then."

  Great mistletoe, he wouldn't try this again anytime soon. Men and bonding didn't mix without sports and alcohol.

  Still Noel was sharper than Jack had given him credit for. If he hadn't opened his big mouth about Krista and love, Jack would have stayed and tried to cement a friendship with the young man.

  Instead he was flying over the vast frozen land of the north trying to beat down the small kernel of hope that had lodged in his heart.

  Chapter Four

  "Are you sure about this, Christmas?"

  Her mother's worried voice was muffled by the trunk's lid. Surely her long coat had been stored in this trunk? With a sigh of regret, Krista lifted her head and the rest of her body out. Maybe it was in the downstairs closet?

  "Krista?” her mother's voice called out to her again.

  "Sorry, Mama, what did you say?"

  Mary Claus propped her tiny hands on her small waist and glared at her youngest child. Uh oh, Krista knew that look well. She wasn't going to like what came next.

  "I asked if you were sure about this scheme you and your father cooked up?"

  Krista gave her mother a sunny smile while her stomach jumped with a thousand flying reindeer. “Of course I'm sure, Mamma. It's time for me to try the world outside the Pole,” she assured her mother. “Papa wouldn't have agreed if he didn't think I was ready for it."

  Mary jumped in. “How can you throw away a perfectly good male, like Elvin the wagon wheel maker, for only a chance at a life you aren't sure you want? Elvin won't be single forever you know."

  Krista crossed the room and took her mother's hand into her own. “Elvin, however stable he may be, can't give me the life I want. Not the travel or adventures I'm seeking. Look at the way Noll stares after Candy. The way Chrissy and Nic play and laugh together. I'm so happy they all found love but now it's my turn to try and grab the brass candy cane."

  Tears filled Mary's berry blue eyes. “Of course you do, my dear.” Loving arms wrapped tight around Krista's waist. “I've forgotten how wonderful finding that life can be and how scary."

  With another quick hug, Mary dropped her arms and stepped back. “Now, what are you going to pack to start this new phase of your life?"

  Tears threatened to overflow Krista's eyes at her mother's acceptance. Did she really want to go and leave the security of her family's love for the unknown?

  Of course she did. Romance and love were in full bloom throughout the Claus household. Her brother was happily settled down to a wonderful warm woman. Chrissy and Nic were already talking about starting a family. Holly was so in love with her new husband, her eyes glowed with happiness.

  With everyone but Joy and herself settled down, Krista knew this would be a good time to ditch her snowshoes and try out her wings.

  And the first place on her agenda was warm and sunny Key West, Florida.

  "I'm not going to need too many things from here, Mama,” she said, thinking of the shorts, tank tops and bathing suits she intended to buy once she reached someplace warm enough to buy them.

  An indulgent smile bloomed on Mary's face. “Now, Krista, don't go throwing away all your old things. There is a chance, a slight one mind you, that you won't like the humid hot weather."

  Not like hot weather? What wasn't there to like? She wouldn't be dressed up like a polar bear twelve months out of the year. She'd actually be able to have a tan. Most important she'd be able to stay outside for more than an hour at a time.

  Granted being an elf made it nearly impossible to die from exposure but her magical blood didn't prevent her from freezing.

  She patted her mother's arm. “Don't worry, Mama. I'm not throwing anything out. Just packing things in boxes. You'll need this room sooner or later for one of the grandkids bound to come along."

  Joy lit Mary's eyes brighter than the lights on the tree. “Oh do you think so? I wonder..."

  Krista let her mother wander off in a hazy daydream of babies and plans.

  Two more trunks lined the walls of her mint green and pink bedroom. It was fussy and overdone but she had loved it as a child. Now she couldn't wait to get out and decorate her new place as an adult.

  There were so many places to see and experience; she couldn't wait to get started. And if her heart wilted a little at the thought of seeing the world alone, she pushed it aside. Krista was determined to have only happy thoughts. For once she was determined to live
up to her name.

  Chapter Five

  "Not a snowballs chance in Texas, Nick.” Jack said in a determined voice. His jaw clenched tight to prevent further discussion.

  Nick, as usual, heard only what he wanted to hear. “Now, I know I could have brought her with me then dropped her off but it wouldn't be fair to Krista. She's so anxious to get started with her plans. I didn't have the heart to make her wait."

  More like he lacked the courage to break his little girl's heart, Jack thought. “I can't take her. I won't take her. That's final, Nick."

  It was ludicrous. To think Nick wanted him, Jack Frost, to snow fly Krista all the way to LA. From there she would catch a plane to wherever her final destination was.

  Oh he would have loved for Krista to fly anywhere with him but that would involve touching her. Something Jack could and would never do.

  Nick would be forced to give up on this one.

  "Now, Jack,” Nick protested. “Why should I make her take a commercial flight all the way by herself to Juno? Then have her hop on another plane for a six hour trip when you could get her to LA in a shorter period of time."

  Mouth open to refuse, Nick started again. “Just think of the worry you'll save her poor old mother. Mary ain't as young as she used to be."

  The last part his friend whispered as he looked around the room.

  "What's the matter, Nick? Afraid the poor old woman will hear that comment and bash in your head with her eggnog bowl?” He teased.

  Chest puffed up in pride, Nick winked. “Darn tootin, son. That woman throws a mean punch bowl."

  Before Jack could settle back down in the brown leather armchair, Nick was back poking.

  "You know I wouldn't ask unless it were important, don't you? I mean she is my baby, my youngest child.” Nick came to sit beside him in the matching chair “Krista's never been more than a few hours away from home. Never ridden a plane, never driven a car. I'm afraid for her, Jack."

  Oh that was too much. “If you're so bloody worried about the girl then refuse to allow her to leave."

  That was a fine plan. If Nick forbade Krista from moving, Jack would have more time to gather memories of her smiles and laughter.


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