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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 16

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  The smiles Jack loved would be no more if Krista were forced to stay at the Pole. What reason would she have to smile if her body were in one place and her spirit another?

  It was the thought of Krista's unhappiness that made Jack's decision. “I'll take her."

  The world-renowned chuckle filled the room and Nick slapped him on the back. “I knew you'd come through for me son. Now, let me go tell Krista of our plan. Why don't you check out the new ornaments on the tree?” With those hasty words, Nick bolted from the room as fast as his red stocking feet would allow.

  Krista didn't know.

  If she didn't know he was her escort, it could be she'd refuse to go. After all, she didn't know him well. The journey alone with him might make her uncomfortable.

  Shaking the dreary thoughts off, Jack made his way to the large tree in the corner. As usual lights shone brightly off the tall pine but this time there were new ornaments decorating its limbs.

  The balls were sea green and brighter than the lights of the tree.

  He was drawn into the color and the wispy scene he could almost make out on its surface.

  It looked like a couple. One man and one woman locked in each other's arms, surrounded by piles of presents and toys wrapped in big red bows.

  The woman had silky looking mink hair, which trailed over the man's arm wrapped around her waist. She leaned her head against his chest, a look of love and happiness on her face.

  The man had icy blue eyes, jet-black hair and such a joy and contentment on his face; it took Jack a few seconds to recognize the man.

  It was he with his arms wrapped around Krista, surrounded by children's toys.

  He stared harder, willing the glowing orb to give him more information. He saw the mirage couple kiss until two children interrupted them. A boy with black hair and green eyes and a little girl with her mother's satin hair and her father's silver blue eyes.

  It wasn't until wetness dripped across his hand that Jack knew he was crying.

  Quickly he drew himself away from the happy scene. A quick look around assured him no witness saw his momentary lapse of control.

  There was no future with Krista and certainly no children of his loins.

  When he peered back at the ball again, he saw only his wistful expression.

  "Everything all right in here, Jack?” Nick called from the doorway.

  Hastily Jack moved away from the tree. “Everything's fine, Nick. Did you settle things with Krista?"

  Part of him wanted Nick to say no. Krista had refused to travel with Jack. Then he'd be off the hook through no fault of his own. The other part of him, his heart, sped in anticipation of being in Krista's company alone and prayed for a yes.

  Nick nodded his snow-white head. “Oh yes, she's upstairs packing now."

  "Packing?” jack questioned.

  He nodded again. “Yep, don't know what she needs to pack though. Not like she can use her winter coat where she's going.” Nick pushed away from the door and made his way to the tree.

  For a minute, Jack was terrified his friend would see the same image within the green globe as he had. But when Nick failed to make a comment, tension eased out of Jack's body.

  With a shake he brought himself back to the conversation and away from the damn tree. “Nick, you know I can't take anything else. Flying Krista with me will take all my concentration as it is."

  At once Krista's father agreed. “Oh, I know, son. Whatever she feels she needs will be shipped to her. I wouldn't ask you to drag a woman's baggage halfway across the country."

  "Now, Papa, you know I wouldn't ask Mr. Frost to drag both me and my stuff anywhere.” Krista spoke from the door.

  Both men looked up, startled at her sudden appearance. Jack drank in the sight of her. From the top of her silky brown colored hair to the tips of her sensible tennis shoes, she fed him like a beggar at a banquet.

  "You okay with traveling like this?” he asked, to give her one more opportunity to back out.

  Instead she smiled and made his heart speed and his pants tight. “Of course, I'm sure. I can think of nothing better than flying through the night with the stars surrounding me."

  "Um ... yeah ... that's great.” He managed to reply. He was glad one of them looked happy about the journey.

  Jack had a feeling he'd spend most of the trip trying to remember why he couldn't touch her and rip her clothes off.

  "Whenever you're ready,” he told her.

  Once again she beamed a smile at him that warmed his soul and raced his pulse.

  "I've got everything I need for now in my backpack. Is this okay to bring?” she asked, holding up a bright pink bag with shoulder straps. At least she had sense enough to get one she would have to carry.

  "Yes,” he answered her. “It should be fine."

  "Great.” Another million watt smile and Krista turned to her father.

  "Papa, come give me a hug and tell me you'll see me soon."

  Nick's voice came out husky. “Of course you'll be seeing me soon. Not like I could keep your dear old mother away."

  "Her dear old mother is going to bean you in the head with a candy cane if I hear that one more time."

  Mary Claus's voice preceded her into the room.

  At once Nick turned bright red to match his shirt and tried to back peddle. “Now, honey, you know I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

  A perfectly arched eyebrow rose. “Oh really? And exactly how did you mean it?"

  "Well now see ... I'm was just telling your youngest that you'd miss her. Figured if I threw in something about us being old ... well then she might reconsider this moving business.” He explained with great relish.

  His wife didn't buy a word of it. “You old fart,” she said with laughter in her voice. “You'll do the worrying between the two of us and you know it. Poor old woman, my ginger bread house."

  Jack looked back at Nick, surprised to see the color still high in the older man's face.

  "Yes ... well ... ah ... ahh ... ahhh ... CHOO.” Nick didn't get far before a fit of sneezing stopped him in his tracks.

  Mary was by his side in an instant. “Nicky,” she placed one hand on his forehead and another on his arm. “Are you feeling off? Maybe you're getting what the reindeer did?"

  Nick shook off her concern gently. “Nonsense, my dear, I'm fit as a fiddle. Besides, I'm immortal. I don't get sick."

  "Blitzen is immortal as well but that didn't stop him from tossing his sugar cookies all over the barn.” She reminded him.

  The words bleached the sunny color out of Nick's cheeks and he swayed.

  Jack remained motionless while the women rushed to Nick's side.

  He brushed off their concern and hands. “I'm fine the both of you. Garland to gingersnaps, woman, I told you not to mention that bugger of an ailment in front of me."

  Mary Claus looked amused at her husband's weak stomach but concerned with his lack of color. “Dear, why don't you ease my nerves and go see the healer?"

  The older man's response was a surprise to no one. “Don't need no cold fingered healer, Mary.” He spared Jack a glance. “No offense, son."

  Knowing Santa, Jack motioned away the apology. “No offense taken."

  Nick grimaced at his wife's fussing hands. “Mary, now you stop that.” He pushed her palm away from his sweat-beaded forehead. “I tell you it's all the fluffy smelling stuff you put around here."

  "Nonsense. I'm using the same things I've used for years."

  "Well, if you don't quit your fidgeting with me, you'll make the kids late."

  It had been a number of years, if ever, since Jack had heard himself referred to as a kid. He held back his smile at the term.

  "Oh dear, I'm so sorry, Jack, Krista. Your father keeps me in a tizzy half the time. If he'd look after his own self half as well as he does those reindeer...” she trailed off and linked her fingers with Nick's.

  Jack saw the small squeeze shared between the two and felt envy clawing its way past
his throat. “Yes, well, we do need to be going."

  Krista turned to him with a smile. “I'm ready whenever you are.” She assured him brightly. Her green eyes shone with anticipation.

  "You'll remember to phone when you land and before you board that plane?” Her mother asked as a question when they both knew it was an order. They made their way out of Santa's study, through the hall and toward the front door.

  Krista gave her mother a fierce hug. “Of course I'll call.” She promised with a quick kiss to Mary's cheek.

  "Humph, said she would, didn't she.” Nick mumbled as he made his own grab for his youngest child. Jack could see the sheen of tears in her father's eyes.

  In contrast to the hug she'd given her mother, this one was gentle and careful. “Love you, Papa."

  "Love you too, snowflake.” He whispered back pressing a tender kiss to Krista's temple.

  Jack watched as she stepped away from her parents. “Thanks for agreeing to let me tag along.” Krista eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

  For some reason Jack had to turn his own head away and clear his throat before he spoke. “It's not a problem."

  "Bye, Mama, Papa, give my love to everyone and I'll see you in a few months.” She waved while walking backward in the snow until her house and family were out of sight.

  "Oh, I do hope Papa will take care of himself.” She spoke in a low tone to herself.

  Jack forced himself to speak. “You can always delay your trip until you're certain of Nick's health."

  With startled green eyes, Krista met his gaze. “And have him complain that I was coddling him? No,” she laughed tightly. “I'll have to trust Mama to watch out for him."

  "Okay then.” Jack was at a loss for other things to say.

  Then they reached their destination. A low short cleared field empty of buildings, trees or shrubbery. The perfect place to call the north wind that would carry them on their journey.

  "Are you positive I packed light enough? I'm sure there are one or two things I could live without.” Krista gave a nervous glance to her backpack and him.

  "There is nothing in your small pack that would delay or jeopardize our journey. The north wind is coming and eager to carry us to our destination."

  At his words the wind picked up swirling around them, tugging at Krista's clothes and hair. She laughed as the wind surrounded her.

  "I feel like a child caught in a snow globe,” she told him.

  He didn't say anything just looked at her. The wind whipped color to her cheeks making them rosy and bright. Her eyes shone brighter than any evergreen and her lips looked juicier than any berry he'd tasted. And he was twice as hungry to taste the lushness of her mouth.

  He shook the dangerous thoughts away. Instead, he held out a wide leather strap for her to grasp. “Wrap this around your waist and fasten it securely.” He instructed her while double-checking the fastening on his end.

  When she did as he asked, Jack called forth more cold wind, asking for the right of transportation and giving thanks for the wind's generosity.

  As their feet lifted into the air, Krista's laugh rang through the night and sent shivers of desire up and down his spine.

  It was going to be a long night and an even longer journey.

  Chapter Six

  The land flew by in a blur of white wonder. Krista couldn't believe she'd lived in this place all her life but never saw the exact beauty of her home.

  "You are truly blessed to see so much wonder any time you choose,” she told Jack over the blowing wind.

  Though a greater distance separated them than Krista would have believed, Jack heard her words. He gave a small smile and turned his face back into the wind.

  What was it with Jackson Frost that fascinated her? He'd never so much as touched her hand but Krista was enraptured with him all the same.

  From the tips of soot black hair, to the ice blue of his eyes, Jack was every inch the alpha male she'd read about in her romance novels.

  He was decisive and carried an air of authority around his person as other men might an expensive coat. His word was such that no one questioned his orders when he gave them. Those were rare times indeed when his orders were questioned.

  The last time in Krista's memory was the great blizzard of 1874. Everyone had given up in defeat saying there was no way even Rudolph could guide the sleigh for Santa. The wind was too fierce, the snow too blinding and the sleet too heavy.

  Out of the blue, Jack showed up. He assured Santa and his team that he would guide the sleigh and control the wind for them.

  As impossible as it seemed, no one questioned his word. Everyone had jumped to obey his slightest order, even the moody Donner.

  Now she could see the strength and control it took for him to guide and control the wind. More than ever, Krista was amazed at his strength and determination. The man never gave up and never admitted defeat.

  There were other stories and rumors about him. Most told over low fires in hushed voices in the darkness of night where such tales made better entertainment.

  She'd never had much use for gossip, but Krista had gobbled up every word anyone had said about Jack. There were more tales of Jack saving the day or night. He'd come in where no one else dared and saved whatever situation he found.

  But now when she was alone with him for the first time in her life, Krista found words tangled in her mouth. She wanted to talk with him, to find out where he went when he left the Clause's house. No one ever seemed to know where he lived or spent his free time or if the elf even had any free time. Then again, he must or he wouldn't be flying Krista to LA.

  About the time she gathered her nerve to ask where he lived, the wind stopped and they started a fast tumble out of the sky.

  "JACK!” Krista managed to scream as wind rushed in her open mouth choking off her next words.

  The night tipped and flashed before her terrified eyes. Krista couldn't see Jack or the leather tethering them together. Her vision consisted of fast falling snow and she knew the ground rushed too quickly up at her.

  After minutes, which seemed like hours, Krista was roughly jerked up and strong hands grabbed for the tie around her waist.

  "Krista, hang on. I'll get us down. Hold on to my sweater.” Jack shouted in her ear past the rushing noise of the wind.

  She didn't ask what happened or why, Krista knew better than to ask questions Jack would answer later. For now she grabbed on to the back of Jack's soft black sweater and held on for dear life. In the midst of her fear, Krista took the time to inhale the soft piney clean scent of Jack's skin and was grateful for that one small experience of him.

  Instead of the snow covered land coming full force at them, they slowed to a gentle drift. When their feet were a few feet above the chilly dirt, the wind gave way and gravity dropped them down with a soft thud.

  Snow covered Krista from her snug leather boots to her cherry red scarf when her legs gave out and she slid on ice into a nearby snow bank.

  She sat up and spit cold snow from her mouth. All her parts seemed to be in working order. Caught up in her body check, Krista didn't notice Jack until she heard his harsh voice tremble with her name.

  "KRISTA” His voice held the faint note of panic as he ran from snow pile to snow pile, hastily throwing piles of the wet slush over his shoulders.

  She could see his gaze and the misery reflected in those beautiful ice blue eyes made her feel guilty for keeping silent for so long.

  Giving up her hiding place, Krista waved both arms in the air to gain his attention while shouting his name.

  "Jack, over here.” She stretched both arms to her side and fell back in the snow.

  He was at her side in seconds and ran lean, rough hands along her sides and down her legs. “Krista, love, where are hurt? Did you hit something when we landed?"

  Though his touch was fast and impersonal, Krista felt a shock of desire and heat race through her blood. If it felt this good when he wasn't even trying, how much better
would it be if he was bent on seduction.

  Shaking her head to rid those thoughts and answer him, Krista pushed herself back to a sitting position.

  "I'm fine, Jack. A bit on the wet side, but I'll live.” She was touched by the concern warming his normally frigid blue eyes.

  At her words, Jack immediately pulled away and stood. “I am relieved you are not hurt."

  Krista smiled at his formalness and held a hand up for assistance in gaining her feet.

  Instead of reaching for her, Jack took one look at her bare skin and backed away.

  "I ... um ... must scout our location and find out why the wind as deserted us this night.” He stumbled away in a rush.

  Grumbling to herself, Krista stood on her own, brushed the snow off her rear and glared in the direction her travel buddy had rushed off in. “Well, it's not like I really needed the help."

  The look of horror on his face irked her. “It's not like I've got cooties, you know.” She yelled to the path he'd taken.

  "Men, you can't live with them and you can't bake them into gingerbread cookies."

  Picturing Jack as a toasted cookie man went far in appeasing Krista's hurt pride. Yep, the first thing she'd do with her Jack cookie was bite the head off. Then she'd lick the icing off the chest until she reached his waist. There she knew the skin would be hot to her lips as she trailed her tongue down one muscular thigh and straight to his...

  "Stop it.” She muttered, hands in her hair. “Wrong direction and very wrong thoughts."

  Jackson Frost was not the man or elf for her. If he had been, he would have made a move or taken notice of her years ago.

  Kind indifference was the best way to describe Jack's treatment of her. He was tolerant and withdrawn most of the time. In no way could she take that to mean more. Anything else was a product of her own lust filled fantasies.

  But damn those images were making her hot in more ways than one.

  * * * *

  The wind had failed him. Such a thing had never happened in all of Jack's existence.

  He turned to face the North Pole, summoned the magic to call the wind and nothing happened.


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