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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

Page 10

by Cara Albany

  Mia thrust her fingers against Rafiq's chest and raked her nails down the front of his torso. His eyes lit up and his mouth creased into an animalistic smile. She heard Rafiq gasp and a madness appeared in his eyes.

  It was then that Rafiq reached down and she knew he had started to loosen his his pants. Mia felt his move, sensed him easing free.

  Suddenly, there was the voice she had heard at the door, the inner sanity that had tried to stop her in her tracks. That voice thrust itself into her consciousness, barking a stern, firm warning.

  In spite of herself, in contradiction to the impulses coursing around her nervous system, Mia felt herself stiffen, felt a sudden hesitation seize her.

  Rafiq pressed against her once more, and once more Mia arched her back, submitting to the wave of pleasure. In a few moments it would be too late, she told herself. She was surprised at the sudden clarity of her thinking. It was as if another part of her had forced its way into her awareness, dragging Mia back to reality, reminding her of just why she couldn't do what she was contemplating.

  Mia felt Rafiq pause his frantic, passionate resolve. She saw him glance at her and there was query in that look, an uncertainty that hadn't been there moments before.

  Mia dragged in a deep breath and let it out with a mixture of sigh and frustrated groan.

  Once more the voice in her head, that damned voice of reason yelled at her, vehemently denying her the only real pleasure she craved, even if it was one she now knew was impossible.

  Rafiq had stopped moving now and rose up so that his face was directly in front of hers. "What's wrong, Mia?" he asked softly. There was consternation in his eyes and she asked herself how on earth she was going to tell him. Could she tell him?

  Mia frowned. Rafiq reached up a hand and shifted loose locks of damp blonde hair away from the side of her face. "You can tell me," Rafiq said.

  Mia swallowed and dragged her gaze away from Rafiq. The emptiness of that side of the bed now seemed like the only safe place for her.

  Mia felt Rafiq's finger below her chin and he guided her face so that she looked at him. Their eyes met and Mia sighed. Rafiq's eyes narrowed and she could see he was desperately trying to understand.

  Mia shifted slightly beneath him and Rafiq understood what that meant. He shifted to one side, easing off Mia's body, propping himself onto his side. Now that he was no longer atop her body Mia felt suddenly vulnerable, abruptly exposed. She tugged at her dress, pulling it down to her knees and scooted away from Rafiq.

  When she looked at him she saw the consternation on his face. Mia sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees, aware just how defensive that posture must seem to Rafiq.

  Mia glanced at Rafiq. "I'm sorry, Rafiq. I can't."

  Rafiq's brows furrowed. "But..." he started to say.

  Mia cut him off. "I can't explain right now. I hope you understand."

  Rafiq sat up and slid to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge. "I thought we both wanted the same thing."

  "I thought so too," Mia said nodding. "But, it seems I was wrong."

  "Wrong about what?"

  Mia shrugged. "Everything. You. Me."

  She saw Rafiq frown, heard him drag in a deep frustrated breath. "But, things are different between us now, Mia. Aren't they?"

  Mia cleared her throat and frowned. "I don't know, Rafiq. It's too soon."

  "How can this be too soon? You saw how we feel about each other."

  Mia stared at Rafiq. "That was lust, Rafiq. Nothing else."

  Rafiq's eyes widened. He looked literally shocked. Maybe he wasn't used to women resisting him; perhaps the idea of a woman not finding his skills and charms irresistible was just too incredible to believe. But right now Rafiq looked like he couldn't believe what Mia had just said to him.

  "You think that was just physical?" he demanded.

  Mia closed her eyes and shook her head abruptly.

  "I don't believe that's what you actually think," Rafiq stated. "I saw how you looked at me, Mia," he added.

  Mia kept her eyes closed. She daren't look at Rafiq lest her resolve weaken.

  When she said her next words she knew they would have a devastating effect. The least she could do would be to look Rafiq in the eyes as she said them.

  "Please go, Rafiq. I can't be with you," she said in a calm, even voice.

  She saw the color of his face pale slightly, and his mouth dropped open. There was a long pause during which their eyes were locked upon each other.

  Then she saw Rafiq nod slowly and stand up. The sight of his torn shirt, his exposed chest, his powerful legs caused a final, futile surge of emotion to ripple through Mia.

  Rafiq looked down at Mia, turned and started to walk toward the bedroom door. Every step he took caused Mia's heart to sink even further, but she knew she hadn't had any other choice. She'd had no way of knowing how he would have reacted if he had found out the truth about Mia.

  Rafiq closed the door behind him and Mia was finally alone in her suite, able to begin to gather her thoughts. She flopped backward down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, trying to drive away the images of what it would have been like to have made love with Rafiq.

  But that was impossible.

  Wasn't it?

  She couldn't have just given herself to him. Not now.

  Because there was one thing Rafiq didn't know about Mia. One thing that might have changed everything. In spite of everything, despite being a woman of the world, independent, free, liberated in every sense, there was one thing that Rafiq might have found both incredible and a challenge to his feral masculinity.

  Rafiq had come close to the truth when he had teased her about being innocent. He hadn't known just how close he'd come to knowing Mia's secret. She'd even tried to hide her reaction to his casual accusation. She wasn't sure if he had noticed. Judging by his wild passion, he probably hadn't. But there was no getting away from the reality.

  Mia had never been with another man.

  Mia was a virgin.


  Rafiq staggered back toward his room, his body racked with frustrated sensation. Every nerve in his system vibrated as he strode along the corridors trying to understand what had just happened.

  Mia had rejected him.


  It was just the like the last time. Only now he hadn't been toying with Mia, hadn't been playing her with a cynical detachment. Now it was real. All too real.

  Rafiq had been shocked at the strength of his desire for his beautiful English treasure. He'd surprised himself with the power of the urges which had overcome him. But it had been so sweet to finally hold her in his arms, to feel the softness of her body, to sense her own eagerness to be with him.

  Rafiq raced along the corridor and felt like roaring out his displeasure, venting his frustration. But it wasn't merely a frustration born of physical rejection. Mia had claimed what had just happened between them was just lust, mere bodily need.

  But she was wrong. So very wrong. And, for the first time, Rafiq knew it, was utterly convinced that he and Mia belonged together. He had learned a truth tonight, something that only a few days ago he would have laughed out loud at.

  What was that truth?

  The thought flickered in his mind, barely articulated, but he knew it, recognized it.

  Could he admit to himself just how strong were his feelings for Mia? Dare he admit that to himself?

  Rafiq dragged in a harsh breath, needing to steady his nerves. He wasn't sure what he could do to calm himself. His thoughts in the last few minutes had been as ragged as his breath when he had lain across Mia's sweet body, crushing her, embracing her. He swallowed at the memory of the sensations that had rippled through his body.

  Now his mind was starting to clear.

  He wasn't going to give up without a fight. He never had been one for quitting. When he saw something he wanted he was ruthless in claiming it. That was the way he had been brought up to be. Merci
less in pursuing what he desired.

  Rafiq knew he desired Mia like nothing he had ever wanted before.

  But, why had she rejected him so suddenly? Their passion for each other was so clear, so obviously real and true. They had rocked each others worlds.

  But then, in a instant that had shocked Rafiq, Mia had abruptly turned away from him, and he'd felt the loss of the connection as keenly as anything in his life. It had been like a part of him had been wrenched from his body.

  Did she still not forgive him for his atrocious prior conduct? He knew he'd been bad, but he'd believed they had gotten over that, moved on to a new place. He felt it in his bones.

  Obviously he'd been wrong. He'd completely misjudged the situation. He'd been a fool.

  Rafiq reached his room and thrust open the door. He took off his torn shirt and examined it with a grin. There was all the evidence he needed. The ripped fabric was as clear a statement of Mia's passion for Rafiq as anything else he could obtain. Nothing else needed to be said.

  Rafiq stripped off and went into the bathroom. He showered quickly, savoring the harshness of the cold water that helped sane thoughts return to his mind.

  He dried himself and prepared for bed.


  The ache of missing Mia curled inside his belly as he lay down in bed.

  He needed a plan. He thought about why Mia was in Qazhar and how quickly the whole problem of missing money could be sorted out. Money meant nothing to Rafiq. He had enough of that to last a thousand lifetimes.

  What was more important to Rafiq were things like honor, integrity and even love.

  Images of Mia's beautiful face drifted into Rafiq's awareness and he felt his heart race, his body respond with a visceral urgency.

  Rafiq gritted his teeth and felt his resolve harden.

  Tomorrow he would act. Decisively and quickly.

  Once the situation with Sayid had been resolved Rafiq would be free to concentrate on the only thing that really mattered to him.

  Claiming Mia. Forever.


  Mia awoke to the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and staggered out of bed, pulling on her robe. The memory of the previous night still made her nerves quiver imperceptibly.

  Mia left her bedroom, went to the door to her suite and pulled on the handle. The door opened wide and Mia saw Rafiq standing in the corridor.

  "Rafiq? What's wrong?" Mia asked sleepily.

  Mia tugged the robe closer to her. She saw Rafiq's eyes widen. Mia realized she must look like a total mess with frizzed out hair, no makeup and a weary expression on her face. But, it didn't seem to matter to Rafiq because she could tell by the way he was drinking in the sight of Mia that it didn't matter what she looked like. He looked pleased with her disheveled appearance.

  Rafiq shook his head. "Nothing's wrong, Mia. In fact, from where I'm standing, everything's never been so perfect," he said with grin.

  Mia quirked a censorious brow at Rafiq, but he merely grinned back at her.

  It was as if the events of the previous night hadn't even occurred, Mia thought. Rafiq had regained his easy, composed manner.

  "What do you want, Rafiq? You know I have to get ready to go into town this morning," Mia said.

  "That's the thing," Rafiq replied. "You don't have to leave the palace."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I've arranged for all the paperwork to be brought here."

  "What!" Mia exclaimed.

  Rafiq nodded. "It's all downstairs. In my study. Waiting for you. It's everything you need. All the records of the last few weeks from this end. Minutes of meeting, emails, the lot."

  Mia shook her head, momentarily stunned that he would have done such a thing. "How did you make that happen overnight?"

  Rafiq shrugged. "I made a few calls. I've got amazing staff working for me in the city. They'll do just about anything for me."

  "Including getting up in the middle of the night and going into an office to collect paperwork?"

  Rafiq nodded. "As I said. They're amazing. Anyway, all you need to know is that the material is downstairs. After we've had breakfast, you can go over it all."

  "After we've had breakfast?" Mia asked. "We?"

  Rafiq smirked at Mia. "You're still a guest in this house. You wouldn't deprive me of the pleasure of your company at breakfast, would you?"

  Mia sighed. She'd deprived him of enough pleasure the previous night. She figured it wouldn't do any harm sharing breakfast with Rafiq.

  "I'll be down in a short while. Give me a chance to make myself presentable," Mia said.

  Rafiq's brows rose appreciatively. "You look just fine from where I'm standing," he declared.

  Mia rolled her eyes. "As I said. I'll be down soon," she said and closed the door on Rafiq's smiling face.

  She showered and got ready dressing in a plain white cotton outfit. A short while later she arrived at the entrance to the dining room, expecting to see Rafiq waiting for her at the breakfast table out on the porch.

  Mia halted in her tracks and peered out at the porch.

  Rafiq wasn't alone. There were two other people with Rafiq, a tall man the same age as Rafiq and a woman, dark haired and extremely beautiful, elegantly dressed in a pale cream, traditional Qazhar robe. The three of them stood by the table on the porch, and it was clear from their body language that all wasn't well between them.

  Mia paused at the door, realizing she hadn't been noticed by Rafiq nor the other two people. She could hear what they were saying. The tone of the conversation wasn't too pleasant, in fact the tall man sounded positively angry.

  "I told you the explanation is simple, Rafiq. It was an oversight. That, and nothing more," the tall man said.

  "Look, Sayid. I haven't made any accusations. And frankly you're overreacting."

  Mia held back the gasp that leaped to her throat. Sayid. This was Rafiq's business partner and friend. Although, judging by the tone of the conversation things weren't too friendly between them at this moment.

  "But you did make accusations, Rafiq," the woman said. "Otherwise, why would you have all that paperwork brought to the palace? You're clearly looking into something that is of no real concern."

  Her voice was firm and insistent. Rafiq glared at the woman and Mia could see the barely contained emotion in his eyes. "Naima. You know the sums involved. I'd hardly describe it as a minor concern."

  "If this is about money, Rafiq, then I'm sure we can explain," Sayid replied.

  Rafiq's eyes filled with emotion yet again as he stared at his friend. "It's not about the money, Sayid. It's about the trust. We've always been close. That's why I agreed to make you my partner in this venture."

  "And I have always been grateful, Rafiq. You know that," Sayid said resting a hand on Rafiq's shoulder.

  Rafiq sighed and nodded at Sayid.

  "I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship," Said added.

  "Then why can't you explain to me what happened?" Rafiq demanded firmly.

  Naima took a step toward Rafiq. Mia saw Rafiq's reaction to the woman's rush toward him. It was a visceral reaction that reminded Mia that Rafiq and Naima had history. Mia didn't know the details but right now she could tell that it hadn't been pretty.

  "Sayid doesn't have to account to you for everything he does, Rafiq. You don't control his life. Or haven't you forgotten you don't have that kind of power over him, anymore than you have it over me."

  Mia saw Rafiq grit his teeth. His eyes blazed and she could see him struggle to contain his rage.

  Mia could sense that things were about to get ugly. Perhaps the time for eavesdropping was well and truly over.

  Mia took a few steps into the room. The clacking of her heels caught everyones attention and all three turned to look at Mia.

  Mia stepped out onto the porch. She forced a broad smile and looked at Rafiq. "I thought we were having breakfast alone, Rafiq," Mia said. She saw Naima glare at

  She extended a hand and looked at Sayid and Naima. "I'm Mia. It's so nice to meet you both," she said.

  Sayid stepped forward. "You're Brad's sister?"

  Mia nodded. "That's me," she said forcing enthusiasm into her voice.

  "I thought you were based in London," Sayid said.

  "I am. But Rafiq invited me out to look into something. So, here I am."

  Sayid turned and looked at Rafiq. "Is this right? Brad sent his sister out here to look into this?"

  "We need to clear things up, Sayid," Rafiq said evenly. The two men locked eyes, neither of them willing to back down.

  Naima came to Mia. "I'm Naima. Sayid's wife," she said icily.

  "Lovely to meet you, Naima," Mia said shaking Naima's hand. Naima's grip was altogether too tight for Mia's liking, but she held the other woman's hand, determined not to show any weakness.

  Mia had to admit that Naima was beautiful. She had coal dark eyes that contained obvious depths of feeling. Her even features, and poised figure had an elegance about them.

  It wasn't an attractive face in the traditional sense, but Mia could tell that Naima's looks would appeal to men. There was a definite hint of passion in her entire demeanor, something that most men would notice and find compelling.

  Mia tried to push the thought of Naima and Rafiq together, well and truly out of her mind. She knew that they had not consummated their relationship. Rafiq had hinted as much. But Mia could understand why Rafiq had been so affected by Naima and the prospect of marriage to the woman who had ended up as his friend's wife.

  "What are your impressions of Qazhar?" Naima asked.

  "I don't know. Ever since I arrived Rafiq has had me captive in this lovely palace," Mia said easily. She glanced at Rafiq and saw his flinch.

  "Captive?" Naima replied turning to Rafiq. "You mean you haven't allowed Mia to taste the delights of Qazhar life, Rafiq?" Naima asked. There was an undoubted edge to her voice. What was she implying? That there were other delights she should be savoring. Mia already knew one delight she had firmly resisted.

  "She hasn't been here long enough. She's been too busy with other things. She's here to attend to a very serious issue. Isn't that right, Mia?" Rafiq asked.


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