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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

Page 11

by Cara Albany

  "Unfortunately, yes," Mia replied. She glanced at the food on the table. "But, I'm starving, and I'd like to have some breakfast before I even think of anything else."

  Rafiq smiled. "Won't you join us?" he said looking at Sayid and Naima.

  They looked at each other. "I suppose we can accept your hospitality," Sayid said.

  They all sat down at the breakfast table. Mia could sense that the bubble of tension had been burst. For the moment.

  She wondered how long the temporary peace would last.


  After breakfast all four of them wandered into the garden. Rafiq and Sayid drifted away from Mia and Naima, leaving the two women to roam side by side through the beautiful garden. Mia wondered if Rafiq had done that deliberately to give Mia a chance to speak privately with Naima. Mia wasn't sure she relished such an opportunity. Naima had been spiky and edgy during the breakfast, and it had taken all Mia's tact to maintain the hard won peace at the breakfast table.

  Mia wondered if the apparent harshness of Naima's manner was something that was a permanent feature of her character. If it was, she couldn't imagine how Rafiq would have survived being married to Naima. It struck Mia that Rafiq needed a different kind of woman, one that understood him, was sensitive to the depths of Rafiq's character. Naima didn't strike Mia as that sort of woman.

  How had she ended up marrying Sayid? Mia didn't understand the finer details of arranged marriages. The whole idea seemed so alien, so strange to Mia that she couldn't fathom the reality of being married to someone just because others deemed it convenient or expedient.

  Mia and Naima made their way along the expertly cut pathways through the trees and bushes that had been laid out in tasteful geometric arrangements. The garden was as much a dream as the palace. The early morning air was fresh and the grass was slightly damp beneath her feet. Mia could hear birdcalls in the near distance and she wondered what kinds of birds could possibly exist in a place like this.

  Mia sensed that Naima was becoming noticeably less nervous the longer they walked together. To begin with, the two women chatted casually, discussing their respective lives, Naima's new marriage, living in Qazhar, and Mia's fresh start in London.

  Mia learned that Naima was not Qazhar born. In fact, Naima was from a neighbouring kingdom and had plans to return there as soon as she could persuade Sayid to do so. However, he was resistant to the idea of settling in Naima's kingdom. Naima's parents had rejected the idea of their daughter returning to establish her new life there. They preferred that she settle in Qazhar which they deemed her rightful place, by her new husband's side. But Naima seemed determined to return there. It was as if Naima had some unspoken, hidden purpose behind the desire to return to her homeland.

  As they walked side by side, Mia's mind drifted to Rafiq. She wondered what he was discussing with Sayid. Was Rafiq telling Sayid about Mia? Was he sharing what had passed between them in the last few days? She hoped not, especially after what had happened the night before. She still hadn't been able to come to terms with it.

  Of course she'd had to rebuff Rafiq's advances. Even as her body had betrayed her, succumbing to the intense pleasure of being with Rafiq, Mia had known, deep down, that she couldn't make love with Rafiq. How would he have reacted if her had found out she hadn't been with another man? Would he have been shocked? Or would his passion have cooled immediately, causing him to reject her? Mia drove the questions out of her mind even as she strolled through the idyllic garden landscape.

  "How long have you known Rafiq?" Naima asked suddenly.

  Mia was taken aback by the personal question. Naima was examining Mia carefully. Had she seen the change in Mia? Had Naima even noticed the subtle signs of attraction between Rafiq and Mia? It was hard to disguise such things from another woman, especially one who had already had some kind of relationship with Rafiq.

  "We met, briefly, a few years ago. As you know, my brother Brad has connections with Rafiq," Mia explained.

  Mia saw Naima's brows rise, while at the same time the woman seemed to try hard to disguise her true level of interest.

  Surely Naima already knew this, Mia thought. Why was the woman suddenly interested in Mia's possible closeness to Rafiq?

  "I am aware of the work Brad does for Rafiq. Sayid is kept busy by much of it," Naima said.

  Defensively, Mia pushed back against Naima, asking her: "And you? How did you come to marry Sayid?"

  Naima's dark eyes narrowed and a thin smile stretched across her lips. She sighed and seemed almost amused by Mia's question. "Sayid and I have known each other quite a long time. It is a very small circle of people that we all move in, you understand."

  Mia nodded. "The rich of Qazhar."

  Naima nodded. "Unfortunately, my own kingdom has not prospered quite so well in recent years. Too much political infighting," she explained glancing at Mia as if she expected the pretty English woman to already be familiar with the politics of the region.

  Mia prepared herself to ask the one question that really burned at the front of her mind. Then she took the plunge. "Weren't you and Rafiq engaged to be married?"

  Naima's entire body stiffened and her features became suddenly taciturn, her lips a thin, tight line.

  The two woman walked a little further and Mia began to wonder if Naima was even going to reply.

  "Did Rafiq tell you that?" Naima asked in a flat voice.

  "He did mention it," Mia replied.

  Naima's brows furrowed. "It would be best that such things are not discussed. Now that I am Sayid's wife."

  But Mia wasn't going to be put off quite so easily. "I believe it was an arranged marriage?" she queried. She knew she was pushing the limits but, for some reason she couldn't fathom, she felt she had to know what Naima thought of her separation from Rafiq. Did that mean Mia had to admit that Rafiq had found a place in her heart? She couldn't answer that question. Not right now. Not with his former bride-to-be walking alongside Mia.

  Naima's jaw tightened and she kept her gaze locked firmly ahead. "It was intended to be an arranged marriage. But, it wasn't destined to come to pass," Naima said and sighed. She forced a smile at Mia. "Rafiq is a very difficult man. But, perhaps you already know that, Mia," Naima said with a sarcastic grin.

  Mia felt her face color slightly. Had it been that obvious at the breakfast table? Had Naima noticed how Mia and Rafiq had exchanged looks?

  "I know that he is a strong man," Mia said. "Even a good man."

  Naima let out a guttural grunt of dismay. "Good? I don't think so. Not when it comes to doing what is right in this region. He has a very narrow mind as far as helping others is concerned," Naima said.

  Mia frowned at Naima. "What are you talking about?"

  Naima sighed and shook her head. "Nothing in particular. Let's just say, that Rafiq doesn't like his money being used for things other than the benefit of his own kingdom. Irrespective of the nobility of the cause."

  Mia stopped walking and peered at Naima, who also had paused and was facing Mia head on. Why did this suddenly feel like a confrontation, Mia asked herself. Naima looked suddenly defiant, as if the cryptic description of Rafiq she had just provided Mia with was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "Are you accusing Rafiq of something?" Mia demanded.

  Naima's dark eyes were filled with more than a glint of resentment, even hatred.

  "I cannot go into any more details," Naima said firmly.

  "You know the real reason why I'm here, don't you?" Mia asked.

  Naima shrugged. "If I had to give my true impressions, I would have to say that you are Rafiq's latest conquest. Nothing more."

  Mia felt a sharp bolt of indignation rise within her. "Conquest!"

  Once again, Naima shrugged indifferently. "You're not the first, and you won't be the last, I can assure you," Naima said acidly.

  Mia felt heat rush to her face, and she couldn't resist the urge to clench her small fists into tight, dangerous balls. "I am not the first
of anything, Naima," Mia cried. "Especially, I am not one of his...conquests. I am here on business. Nothing more. Rafiq and I are merely acquaintances," Mia roared, her voice cracking slightly.

  She was momentarily taken aback by the volume of her voice, especially the way it echoed across the flat grassy area. She wondered if she had been overheard. The face off continued.

  "Of course, you are, my dear. Acquaintances," Naima snorted acidly.

  Fury surged through Mia's body, but she knew she had to contain that anger. She wasn't going to let this woman rile her, was determined that Naima wouldn't have the pleasure of getting under Mia's skin. How dare she suggest that Mia was nothing more than Rafiq's latest casual lover!

  Mia thought about the previous night, her rejection of Rafiq, and wondered what Naima would say if Mia told her what had happened. But, of course, Mia knew she couldn't disclose such a thing.

  Mia took a step forward. Naima leaned back, her eyes widening as she watched Mia bear down in her. Mia dug her heels into the soft grass and glared at Naima. "The real reason I am here has already been spoke about at the breakfast table. Don't you remember? Perhaps now is the time for some answers, Naima," Mia declared firmly.

  Naima's face was fixed into an uncommunicative rictus but Mia could see the anger boiling behind Naima's dark eyes.

  "Money was taken by your husband, Naima. What do you know about it?" Mia demanded.

  Mia saw Naima's jaw clench. What did this woman take Mia for? Did she think that, because she was English, she wouldn't demand to know the truth, that she would be so anxious to maintain a polite demeanor that she wouldn't challenge Naima?

  Well, Naima was in for a shock.

  Mia cocked her head and raised a questioning brow. "Well, Naima. What do you have to say? We have the evidence. Rafiq already knows, and once I go through the papers from the main Qazhar office I'm sure I'll be able to get to the bottom of it."

  Naima lowered her head and gazed at the green grass. She seemed to be lost for a moment, deep in thought, and Mia wondered if she had indeed gone too far in demanding answers. But, she knew she'd had no other choice. Mia tried to be professional in everything she did, and now was going to be no exception. She owed it to Brad and to Rafiq.

  "Nothing is being hidden," Naima murmured without looking at Mia.

  "That's not how it looks to me, nor to my brother. You know how serious this looks," Mia said firmly. "If the money isn't accounted for, in full, we are talking fraud. Embezzlement at the minimum."

  Naima lifted her head and glared at Mia. "You cannot be serious. Sayid is my husband. He has privileges," Naima blurted.

  "Those privileges do not include theft," Mia said, defiantly meeting Naima's acid gaze.

  Naima's face turned red. "My husband is not a thief. How dare you say such a thing. You are nothing but a plaything for Rafiq. And you dare to stand there and accuse my husband of wrongdoing," Naima ejaculated. Her voice cracked with emotion and Mia feared Naima might try to strike her at any moment such was the emotion overtaking the other woman.

  "Then, how do you explain the discrepancy, Naima?"

  Naima's lips fixed once again into a tight, pale line.

  "Unless you can give us a full and complete accounting of the situation, then I'll have to refer it to the authorities," Mia said.

  "You cannot do that," Naima said abruptly. "Such a thing would bring shame down on our house. And on my family's kingdom. Especially when it is known what that money was needed for."

  "So, you admit the money was taken?" Mia asked eagerly.

  Naima turned her back suddenly on Mia, taking a few steps away and then pausing. Mia saw Naima raise her head and look upward to the sky, as if beseeching the heavens for strength or even guidance.

  Naima turned back to Mia. "If I tell you why that money was taken, and what it was used for, can you give me your word that no harm will come to my beloved husband?"

  Mia sighed. "I'm not sure I can give those assurances, Naima. That will be Rafiq's decision, not mine."

  Naima nodded. "That is just as I suspected."

  Naima came to Mia and laid a hand on Mia's arm. Mia could feel Naima's hand shaking and the look in the woman's eyes had been transformed from fury to fear.

  "Despite what I said to you Mia, you seem like a woman who is wise beyond her years," Naima said. "If I tell you the truth, can you at least promise you will do your best to persuade Rafiq of the worthiness of my actions?"

  "Your actions?" Mia asked.

  Naima nodded. "Sayid had nothing to do with the money going missing."

  Mia frowned at Naima. "But his signature is on the documents."

  "I persuaded him to sign that, believing that the funds were intended for the normal transfer destination. But, it was not the case," Naima said.

  "What are you talking about?" Mia demanded, incredulity creeping into her voice.

  "The money was transferred to my family. I arranged it without Sayid knowing," Naima said.

  Mia squinted at Naima. "Your family? Why?"

  Naima sighed and all the tension seemed to drain out of her body. There was an air of weary defeat about the woman now, and Mia felt a tug of sympathy in her heart. Naima's features had softened. Gone was the confrontational expression, to be replaced by a look that spoke of absolute surrender.

  "I hinted at the political problems back in my country," Naima said.

  Mia nodded.

  Naima continued: "Well, one of the consequences of those problems was that there were many worthy social programs which had to be curtailed or even halted completely. Politics is a dirty game and it has its costs. It affects the lives of too many people, for my liking."

  There was a sudden resolute quality to Naima's voice now, as if a raw nerve had been touched.

  "I saw the suffering that instability has caused and I made my mind up to do something about it. I asked Sayid to approach Rafiq and seek help, but Sayid was reluctant. It appears Rafiq is not well disposed toward me after the cancellation of our marriage," Naima admitted. "I suppose I can hardly blame him," she said wearily.

  Mia felt something clutch at her insides at the mention of marriage.

  "So, you arranged for funds to be transferred to your kingdom?" Mia asked seeing how the pieces fitted together.

  Naima nodded. "Sayid knew nothing of this. It was my doing and I am sorry it has caused this trouble to come down upon him. But, I felt it had to be done."

  "Why didn't you just ask Rafiq?" Mia said. "I'm sure he would have been happy to assist, if you had given him the details."

  Naima rolled her eyes. "It appears you and I have different views of what kind of person Rafiq is, Mia," she said.

  Mia gasped and shook her head. "I can't believe that Rafiq wouldn't have seen the merit of your request," she said.

  Naima grinned softly. "That's the thing, Mia. I wasn't brave enough to make that request. Not after what I did to him. I turned him down at the request of other people. He will never forgive me for doing that," Naima said.

  "I don't believe Rafiq is so bitter that he cannot forgive. I know him. I know he is capable of forgiveness," Mia said said. "I just know he is," she added emphatically.

  Mia suddenly realized what she had said, that she had admitted to a knowledge of Rafiq that went way beyond the merely professional. Naima glanced at Mia, and smiled.

  "What can be done about this?" Naima asked.

  Mia frowned and shook her head. "I don't know. Can the funds be returned?"

  Naima nodded gravely. Now she did look defeated. "I believe they can. If it is necessary. However the good causes they were intended for will suffer."

  Mia thought hard for a few moments. There had to be a simple solution to this situation. Mia felt in her bones that if she could only explain things to Rafiq he would be willing to forgive and enable the assistance to go ahead.

  "You know this was wrong, Naima. Don't you?"

  Naima nodded. "I do. All I want is for the harm to be undone."

  "Leave it with me," Mia said. "I'll speak with Rafiq."

  Naima's eyes brightened suddenly. "You will?" she asked eagerly.

  "I'm sure I can persuade him to see what's the right thing to do, under the circumstances," Mia said.

  "He can be difficult to persuade," Naima said. "Rafiq is a law unto himself."

  "I already know that, Naima," Mia said with a weak smile. "But I think I might be able to get him to see things my way."


  Sayid and Naima left soon after they all returned to the palace after the walk in the garden. There had been an awkward silence between the four of them, and Mia couldn't help wondering what Rafiq and Sayid had talked about during their walk in the garden. Friend talk, she supposed. Or perhaps more business discussion.

  Mia speculated whether or not Rafiq had been able to get any answers out of Sayid. It would have been unlikely, she told herself. Naima had really been the one behind everything.

  On their way back to the palace, Naima had told Mia all about how the funds were to have been used. So many cutbacks had been made in her kingdom, and the one which had pained Naima the most had been the cuts to medical support for children. It seemed that there was a center in her home city which had been pressing for extra funding for vitally needed medical equipment, only for the requests to be turned down. So, the funds provided by Naima had gone some way to plugging the gap.

  Mia couldn't help feeling slightly ashamed of herself for assuming the worst. The funds that had gone missing were being used for a truly good cause and she was sure she was going to be able to help Rafiq see the good sense in letting things stand as they were.

  Unsure how to broach the subject with Rafiq, Mia had decided to spend a few hours going over the paperwork. She needed a chance to think things over. What she really needed, though, was some time away from Rafiq. The memory of the previous night still lingered and Mia had to admit that her body hadn't forgotten the sensations Rafiq had evoked in Mia.


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