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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

Page 13

by Cara Albany

  Mia wore a loose nightgown that barely covered her. In London she would have frozen to death in such an outfit, but here in this wondrous, strange, exotic land you could stand beneath the stars after midnight and feel nothing but a warm, comforting glow.

  Mia went to the balustrade and gazed down into the garden. Her suite was one floor up and she had a bird's eyes view of the garden. It looked eerily lit by the full moon, like something out of a fevered dream.

  And then, suddenly, Mia saw something that made her skin tingle with an abrupt chill. A figure was walking through the garden, strolling casually, head lowered as if in deep thought.


  Mia's fingers curled involuntarily around the balustrade. What was he doing walking in the garden at this time? Was this something he was accustomed to doing? Was it a nightly ritual?

  Mia's heart skipped a beat and she felt a curl of emotion in her middle as she watched Rafiq pacing evenly alongside the bank of trees that stretched away into the distance. He was dressed simply in white open-necked shirt and dark pants.

  From up here, the sheikh looked like he had emerged from out of another world, a vaguely insubstantial figure, almost unreal and yet very much the man she had come to know during her time in Qazhar.

  Mia thought about taking a few steps backwards into the shade of the balcony's awning. That way he wouldn't see her if he looked up in the direction of her balcony. But she did not move. Because she did not want to move. A part of her wanted him to notice her, needed him to see her standing on the balcony, watching him. She didn't know why that sudden thought had flashed into her mind, but she welcomed it in spite of everything that had happened earlier.

  Her heart still thudding, her throat tightening slightly with anticipation, Mia watched Rafiq moving through the garden. He moved easily, as if he possessed the space around him. His movements were lithe and elegant and confident. In spite of the turmoil that must be roiling around inside himself, he still managed to maintain that animal, feral quality she had found so compelling.

  He still hadn't looked up at her room, and he was now just a few yards away from beneath her balcony. Mia felt her pulse race and there was a thrumming noise in her ears.

  Then he looked up and his eyes widened. He froze on the spot. The breath caught in Mia's throat as she saw the smile that creased Rafiq's mouth. Even from up here on the balcony, she could see the burning desire in his eyes.

  Rafiq's mouth opened and she was sure he was about to say something, but then he paused.

  Mia looked down at the man who had so suddenly come back into her life, and felt that the only thing she could do was answer that smile. And that was what she did.

  Rafiq lifted his head and took a few urgent steps forward. His gaze locked upon Mia, and it looked as if he was drinking in the sight of her standing on the balcony. He looked as if he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

  Some unspoken exchange passed between them in that moment. It was a moment that transcended words because she knew that, ever since they had met, something had been forged, a connection that made a mockery of their past, a truth that could not be denied.

  Then she saw Rafiq's shoulders tighten, resolve coursing through his body, and his gaze flashed to the space beneath her balcony. Mia twisted her head and gazed down beneath her. She saw one of the carved pillars that decorated the exterior of the palace and realized what Rafiq intended to do.

  He raced across and leaped onto the pillar and began to haul himself up. Mia gasped and then suppressed a shocked squeal, covering her mouth like an excited schoolgirl. Surely he wasn't going to climb up to her room.

  Mia stepped away from the balustrade and rested a hand on one of the French doors. She heard the scrambling sounds from below and briefly considered calling out, demanding that he not come any further, but she knew that she didn't really want to say that.

  A moment later Rafiq's head appeared and he leaped across the balustrade, landing on his bare feet on the concrete floor of the balcony. He wasn't even out of breath as he stood there gazing at Mia. She didn't know what she should do. Warring impulses battled inside her and she felt her breath quicken.

  Rafiq's brows furrowed and his gaze locked on Mia, claiming her, rooting her to the spot. There was a question in his eyes, a need for permission, and her delayed reaction seemed to be all that he required because it only took a few moments for him to cross the distance between them and seize her in his arms.

  His mouth crashed down on hers as he enfolded her, crushing her body hungrily against his own. Shock surged through Mia, but she just as quickly felt the betrayal of her body, even as her hands rose, nails digging at his chest. The attempt to repel his advances was doomed to failure from the start. She knew it.

  She wanted to push him away, force that tempting male hardness as far away as she could, but she was being drowned by his attention, consumed by his expert mouth, his probing tongue. And it felt so good. It felt so right, here beneath the moonlight, with the warm air around them being set alight by their passion.

  Every nerve in her body lit up; every fibre of her being told her this wasn't what she wanted; but, at the same time, every ounce of her resistance faded to nothing as she sank into the urgent, yet tender embrace of this powerful, determined male.

  Her lips parted even more, granting him entry, allowing him to taste her even more deeply. She felt the roughness of his chin rubbing harshly against her face; she felt the strength of his tongue as it teased her, drawing pleasure from her, a pleasure she had never felt before.


  She gasped and ran her hands into his hair. Her mind emptied and all that existed was the here and now, her senses more alive than ever before.

  Rafiq drew her body against his and she felt his insistent hardness press against her belly.

  Rafiq's lips parted momentarily and he gazed into her eyes. She peered into those dark, passion-filled pools, and she could see the urgency there, the need that coursed through his entire being. "Mia. Habibti," he exclaimed breathlessly.

  She squinted at him, unsure about the meaning of the word he had spoken, but sensing its importance to him. She smiled at him and ran her fingers down the side of his face, tracing a line along his firm jaw. She could feel the incredible tension in his body. He was like a spring awaiting release.

  Then he suddenly bent down and lifted Mia off her feet and started to stride into the suite. Within moments they were in the bedroom. Rafiq laid Mia gently down upon the bed and stood tall and straight gazing down at her. She gazed up at Rafiq and something about the way she had looked at him seemed to trigger a reaction, because she heard him groan and then he was ripping open his shirt, the sound of tearing fabric competing with the sounds of their breathing.

  Mia restrained a gasp of delight at the sight of Rafiq's perfect, muscled torso, taut and bronzed. The even mat of dark chest hair traced a line down his perfectly defined abdomen. Mia's heart started to thud and she felt her blood course, a raging torrent through every vein in her body.

  Then Rafiq was upon her, easing his weight down onto her, the power of his body contained and purposeful. He was in control, he was in charge and she felt tension coil within her, felt the insane urge appear, the same urge she had fought so hard against the previous night. However, this time, it all felt so different. So incredibly urgent and inevitable. So necessary.

  Rafiq's expert hands soon had her gown open. Mia gasped as his lips descended upon her breasts. Pleasure coursed throughout her body settling at her core. Heat grew and she sank deeper into the softness of the bed. Desperate for more, refusing to feel guilty, she thrust Rafiq's head against her breasts, feeling him suckle on her hardened nipples. Fresh spasms of delight lit up her body and she groaned. The sound of her groans merely encouraged Rafiq even more.

  Rafiq lifted his head and gazed down at Mia. There was something in his eyes she hadn't seen before. No-one had ever looked at Mia like that, and she felt a rush of emotion overtake her. A flick
ering anxiety shivered within her and she reached up, seizing Rafiq's shoulders, feeling the awesome power in them. She had to distract him somehow, because that look was dangerous, and she wasn't sure how to react, except to seek more and more pleasure.

  Then his head swooped down and claimed her lips once more. His hips sank against her core increasing the heat there to an intensity she would never have believed possible. His hard chest crushed against her lips, the coarseness of him a sharp contrast to the softness of her. Their mutual nakedness felt stark and shockingly erotic.

  He consumed her utterly, making her lose all sense of the limits of her body. This man was claiming her with a decisiveness and a primal certainty.

  Then she felt Rafiq twist and one of his hands reached down and his fingers were exploring, teasing her inner thigh, seeking her heat. Finding her core, his fingers were expert and within moments she was groaning, grasping at his arm, imploring him to stop and continue all at the same time. Every subtle movement drew more and more intense pleasure from her core. Her breathing became faster and for a moment she was sure she was going to pass out. Mia closed her eyes and let the tidal waves wash over her.

  Then she felt him shift and she heard the sound of his pants being drawn down.

  Instinct kicked in and she felt herself freeze momentarily.

  That urgent voice she had heard before was an treacherous clamor inside her head.

  This couldn't happen.

  Could it?

  She had denied him once. Could she do it once again?

  Should she even deny herself this ultimate pleasure? The icy voice of reason became weaker with every wave of ecstasy that consumed her.

  Her body quivered with his every indescribable touch, every soft stroke of his fingers.

  Mia looked down at Rafiq. He had no idea. How could he? He must assume that she was not an innocent. It would be inconceivable to him that she would be anything other than that.

  Then Rafiq slid across her body, gazing into her eyes, his hands on either side of her face. She felt the heat and moisture of his sweat covered torso. He was utterly naked and she felt his firmness at her core, an irresistible temptation that drowned out the cacophony of reason in her mind.

  Mia's gaze met Rafiq's and, in that moment, every doubt, every reservation, every denial evaporated with a sudden, decisive affirmation.

  Rafiq seemed to sense that agreement. She saw the understanding flicker in his eyes. They gazed at one another as if their lives depended upon it.

  Then Rafiq eased slowly, filling her and she gasped, still refusing to wrench her gaze away from his. She felt a sudden spasm that wasn't pleasure, but neither was it discomfort, and then the sensations softened, a wondrous well-being overtaking her. She threw her head back and gasped out loud as Rafiq settled within her, beginning a gentle rhythm that sent Mia into paroxysms of ecstasy.

  This was an utterly new sensation, an impossible feeling, a closeness that was inconceivable.

  Rafiq's movements became measured and skilful, his pulsing need obvious in every fluid thrust.

  How could she have denied herself this for so long? She wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him as close to her as possible. She needed him, wanted him like she had never wanted anything in her entire existence.

  The pressure of her heels against his lower back seemed to drive him to new heights of determination. There was a feral tension in his body, even more taut than before.

  Every thrust made her gasp and made Rafiq strain harder to exert control.

  Mia raced toward a peak, barely visible, but promising so much. Rafiq moved effortlessly within her, snaring her with his expertise. Onward she was drawn toward the summit and she could feel the anticipation build like a wave gathering strength.

  Rafiq settled his weight upon Mia and claimed her mouth with a tender, forceful kiss. This time the kiss spoke of something new, something never previously said.

  And then, with movements that were primal and frenetic, but tinged with a selfless need, Rafiq claimed her core, bringing Mia and himself to the peak.

  They joined each other in that moment, claiming their place on the summit of that wave, and then welcomed the inevitable intensity of the precipitous tumble, the fall into ecstasy that had them clutching each other, greedy for one another.

  Finally, Mia felt her bones melt as she sank into a heavenly oneness with the sheikh who had, at last, taken her innocence.


  Much later, exactly when she wasn't sure to begin with, Mia awoke and wrapped her arms around Rafiq. He had his back to her. Mia ran her fingers through Rafiq's hair, savoring the coarseness of its dark thickness. His broad shoulders, layered with muscle were covered in a sheen of sweat. His chest rose and fell, his breathing like that of an animal in slumber.

  The sun was coming up and the gentle morning light was shining in through the high windows of the bedroom.

  After they had made love, they had fallen asleep in each others arms. Rafiq had held Mia as if he never wanted to let her go. His strong, muscular arms had held her tight, possessive and resolute, and she had slept a dreamless sleep of utter contentment.

  Last night she had given herself to him completely. In the end, it had been simple, even inevitable, and when she thought about the crazy dance they had led each other, Mia was amazed it had taken so long for them to admit the truth to each other.

  Nothing had been said, of course. No declarations. No emotional pronouncements. And that had disappointed her. Hadn't it?

  Mia silenced that voice. This wasn't the time for such thoughts. She was waking up beside this incredible man, this man who had teased her mercilessly so long ago. If only she had known, she might not have waited an eternity before finally seeing sense, seeing him for what he truly was.

  The most amazing man she had ever known.

  A sheikh with more erotic, feral power than any man could ever hope to possess.

  Mia almost shivered at the memory of what had happened between them. He had driven her to unbelievable peaks of ecstasy. He had changed her irrevocably. She wondered if he knew just how much he had changed her. Nagging doubt clawed at her.

  Mia turned away from Rafiq. Behind her she felt him shift and then his arms were around her, his mouth at the side of her neck, his lips exploring the skin behind her ear. She felt herself awaken again. His arm came around and his fingertips grazed across her nipples, and she felt immediate heat flare at her core.

  His hand drifted downward and then suddenly she felt him freeze.

  Mia twisted and looked at Rafiq. His face had a puzzled expression. She sat up and pulled the sheet up around her breasts. Rafiq peered at Mia. There was something wrong, she told herself. She knew that look. She'd seen it all too many times before. Rafiq wasn't much good at hiding his consternation. He was a man who wore his heart on his sleeve.

  "What's wrong, Rafiq?" Mia asked. Unwelcome nerves tugged at her middle.

  Rafiq didn't reply immediately, merely fixing her with an inquiring gaze. He seemed almost lost for words.

  He laid his head back on the pillow and thrust his hands behind his head. His eyes glazed over and she saw his jaw tighten.

  Mia leaned onto her side and rested a hand on the broad expanse of his bare chest. She tested him with a smile and playful scrunch of her nose, but he didn't respond, merely drew in a deep breath.

  Definitely something wrong, she said to herself.

  After a few moments during which they didn't speak to each other, Rafiq shifted suddenly and sat up on the side of the bed, his back defiantly turned toward her.

  Mia sat up and wrapped her arms across his shoulders, draping herself across his wide back. Instantly, Rafiq sighed and stood, heading for the bathroom.

  Mia sat alone on the bed for a few moments listening to the sounds of Rafiq. Then she got up, wrapping the bed cover loosely around her, and went to the bathroom door. Looking inside, she saw Rafiq facing the mirror. He was completely naked, his back to her.
The sight of his utterly exquisite male bareness almost made her groan out loud. Rafiq fixed her with a stern look in the mirror.

  He turned and strode past her and quickly put on his dark pants. He picked up the torn shirt and gave it a dismissive look.

  Mia squinted at Rafiq. "Can you tell me what's going on?" she asked.

  Rafiq turned to her. "I was going to ask you the same question," he replied.

  Mia frowned.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Rafiq asked evenly.

  "Tell you what?"

  Rafiq sighed and shook his head. "You didn't think it was important to mention, did you?"


  Mia took a few steps toward Rafiq but stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on his face.

  Rafiq paused and she could see the deliberation in his eyes, the search for the right words. She could see they weren't coming easily. Finally he spoke: "How was I supposed to know that you were a virgin?" he demanded bluntly.

  The ease with which he said the word took Mia by surprise. She felt her cheeks color and she instinctively drew the bed cover tight around her body.

  She was momentarily speechless, disbelieving that he could have been so bold, so direct.

  "What kind of a question is that?" she asked, emotion cracking her voice.

  "The kind of question any man would asked when faced with such a surprise," Rafiq replied.

  "Surprise!" Mia exclaimed. "What do you take me for?"

  "That's not what I meant," Rafiq said.

  "Did you expect something different, Rafiq? Are you disappointed?"

  Rafiq's gaze rolled upwards and she heard his sharp, indignant intake of breath. He shook his head but said nothing.

  Mia took another step toward Rafiq, this time with no intention to hesitate. How dare he bring up such a subject.

  "What exactly do you mean?" Mia asked. "Am I not good enough for you?"

  Rafiq gazed at Mia. Faced with Mia's reaction, Rafiq's demeanor had shifted imperceptibly. He looked at her and she could see he was trying hard to be patient. Did he know how those words had cut into her?


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