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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

Page 14

by Cara Albany

  "How can you ask such a question, Mia? Especially after the night we have just shared," he said.

  Mia squinted at him. "Seems you got more than you bargained for," she blurted out.

  Rafiq reached out to Mia, but she took a few steps back. She caught her heels on the loose edge of the bed cover, and staggered briefly. She saw Rafiq's eyes widen as he reacted to the prospect of Mia tumbling to the floor, but she quickly regained her balance, tugging the bed cover tighter around herself.

  Rafiq froze as he considered the withering look written on Mia's face. "I can't believe it," she muttered, shaking her head. "Even after what we shared you're still playing games with me. Just like you did that summer."

  "It's nothing like that," Rafiq insisted. "Nothing like it at all."

  "That's where you're wrong, Rafiq. I can see you haven't changed one bit. Only this time you really had me believing you'd changed. You were a different person. Seems I was completely wrong," Mia declared.

  Rafiq took a step toward Mia but froze when she fixed him with another stern look. "You're wrong, Mia. Last night meant everything to me. It's just that..."

  "You didn't appreciate not having prior warning," Mia said regretting the defensive harshness of her tone. But it was hard to control the indignation she felt. It was sharp and bitter.

  "You don't understand," Rafiq said curtly.

  "I think I do. Better than you imagine, Rafiq."

  Mia started to move toward the bed. She threw the bed cover down onto the bed and turned to face Rafiq. She saw Rafiq's gaze darken, saw him gaze at her with the same intensity as he had looked upon her a few short hours before.

  An eternity ago.

  Mia grasped her gown and put it on hurriedly, eager to deny Rafiq of the simple pleasure of gazing upon her.

  Mia strode across to the wardrobe and thrust it open.

  "What are you doing?" Rafiq demanded from behind her.

  Mia started to grab the clothes that were hanging in the wardrobe. Clutching a bundle against her, she turned back to Rafiq. "I think I'd like to go back to London, please," she stated flatly.

  Rafiq's brows furrowed into a deep, disbelieving ridge. "What!"

  "I would appreciate it if you would arrange for my return to London. This morning."

  "But, Mia. You can't go now. Not after..."

  "After what, Rafiq. The shock of finding me different from what you expected?" Mia said glaring at him.

  Rafiq flinched at her words. Mia strode past him and went into the sitting area of the suite. She went to the door and jerked it open, turning to Rafiq who had followed her into the room.

  "I have business to attend to," Mia said defiantly. She tapped her bare foot on the marble floor.

  Rafiq shook his head and stared at Mia. "I've never understood you, Mia. Have I?"

  "It appears you haven't," Mia replied.

  Mia held the door open and locked her expectant gaze upon Rafiq. There was a very long pause during which they both simply gazed at each other, an interminable length of time, each awaiting the inevitable moment of parting.

  Then, Rafiq stepped slowly toward the door, his gaze fixed on Mia. There was confusion in his gaze, even consternation.

  At the door he was inches away from her and she caught his scent, as all consuming as it had been hours before.

  Rafiq did not try to kiss Mia; nor did he try to persuade her any longer.

  As he moved slowly past her, he peered deep into her eyes, searching for one last confirmation. Seeing it in her defiant glare, he finally nodded and spoke.

  "I'll have them prepare the plane for you. I'll arrange for you to be taken to the airport."

  His voice was flat, resigned to the inevitable, the unavoidable.

  Then, Rafiq stepped out into the corridor and Mia closed the door behind her with a resounding thud that instantly triggered an ache that soon transformed into barely contained sob.


  The drive to the airport seemed to go on forever. Or at least, that was how it felt to Rafiq. He sat beside Mia in the back of the limousine and tried not to look at her. It would be too hard to bear, given the simple fact that she was about to walk out of his life one more time.

  He gazed idly at the passing buildings as the limo started to make its way into the airport terminal. He thought about last night, the sheer unadulterated ecstasy they had shared, and wondered how it could have all gone so terribly wrong. When Rafiq had realized that he was, indeed, her first true lover it had shocked him to the core. He'd had no inkling that she was so innocent in that most profound sense.

  But, the more he'd considered it the more he'd recalled little exchanges with Mia, tiny hints that had pointed toward that amazing truth. It probably explained the suddenness of her rejection of him back in London; it explained her reaction to every mention of her lack of experience. He realized she hadn't always been thinking about her work every time he'd teased her about that.

  How could he have been so insensitive? Maybe Mia was right about him. Perhaps there was no hope for Rafiq, after all. He'd been exposed to be the insincere, superficial fraud so many people had accused him of being throughout his life.

  But, he was getting too old for this nonsense, he told himself angrily. It was time he accepted his responsibilities, fully and with complete maturity. Was he even capable of doing such a thing?

  He felt anxiety curl in his middle at the thought of what that would entail. Would he have to give up the life he'd enjoyed so much? Would he have to sacrifice the pleasures which had become such an integral element of his existence?

  He glanced at Mia. She looked so haughty, so incredibly attractive, sitting there with her chin held high, her back straight, her knees together, her hands primly set upon her lap. The scent of her perfume filled the small space of the limousine. Images of their shared passion flared in his mind and he dragged his gaze reluctantly away from her.

  He groaned inwardly and cursed himself for his stupidity. He wasn't used to this; was not accustomed to losing something that he valued beyond everything he owned.

  Mia was a prize worth fighting for. She was nothing like Naima. That had been mere custom, convenience that ignored feelings. And Rafiq was sure of one thing, above all else. His feelings for Mia were true and profound, more real than anything he'd felt his entire life.

  He had to try one last time to persuade her; had to show her just how much she meant to him, even if it took convincing her that he'd changed, that he'd seen the truth, and that Mia was the only woman for him, the only hope he would ever have.


  The car drew up by the side of the private jet. Mia felt relief sweep through her. It would all be over soon, she told herself. She'd succeeded in making it clear to Rafiq that there was no point in talking any further, nothing to discuss. He'd been very quiet for the whole trip from the palace to the airport. Too quiet, she thought, given Rafiq's history of refusing to take no for an answer.

  The driver came around and opened the door. Mia stepped out and felt the heat of the afternoon hit her like a physical blow. It was just as well she was wearing a plain cotton dress. Her heels clacked on the concrete. She turned and saw Rafiq emerge from the car and make his way toward her.

  This was going to be awkward, she told herself. She wondered how he was going to react to her simple request.

  They walked to the open door of the private jet and Mia paused, one foot on the bottom step of the little stairs that led up to the door. Behind Rafiq she saw the driver removing her bags from the limousine. This would have to be brief, she thought.

  "I'll get Brad to contact you about what we've found out," she said formally.

  Rafiq's brows rose. "Why can't you tell me yourself?"

  "It's best that it comes from Brad," Mia said firmly. "I've done my part."

  Rafiq's eyes narrowed. "Really? And what exactly has that been?"

  Mia squinted at Rafiq. "Let's not go into that, Rafiq. I don't think this is the pl
ace for that kind of discussion," she said gazing around the tarmac.

  They paused while the driver stepped into the plane, carrying the bags under each arm. Once he was inside, Mia started to make her way up the steps, but she felt Rafiq gently take her arm, holding her back for a moment.

  Mia turned and looked straight into Rafiq's eyes. She dared not tell herself what she saw there, and she tried to pull herself free of him, but he continued to hold her firmly.

  "You don't have to go, Mia," Rafiq said softly. He smiled at her and she felt her heart race, felt her pulse beat harder. Her resolve was as firm as she could make it, but she found herself wondering if it was going to be strong enough to see her through these next few vital moments.

  There was a look in his eyes, the same look she'd seen the previous night. She felt the memory of him at her core, and tried as hard as she could to suppress the fleeting sensations that threatened to completely undermine her, to betray her once and for all.

  She glanced down at his hand and he saw the way she regarded his grip. He released her quickly and a shadow drifted across his features.

  "I'm sorry it had to end this way, Rafiq," Mia said softly. "I truly am."

  "It doesn't have to be like this, Mia," he replied. "You know that."

  Mia shook her head. "We always were wrong for each other, Rafiq. Different worlds, I suppose."

  She heard Rafiq draw in a harsh breath and his nostrils flared. A low primal growl eased out of him and he advanced toward her and she saw he was about to say something, possibly declare something they would both regret.

  Behind her the driver appeared at the door and made his way down the steps.

  Rafiq stepped to one side letting the driver pass and Mia seized the opportunity to take the last few steps into the plane's cabin. She paused at the door and saw Rafiq start to make his way up the steps.

  Mia shook her head. "Please, Rafiq. I prefer to go home on my own."

  Rafiq's footsteps froze on the steps. His mouth opened into a shocked circle. "Alone?" he gasped.

  Mia nodded. "I think I'll be safe with your pilot and Alina will take care of me."

  Rafiq sighed and shook his head. After a few moments he nodded. "If that's what you want, then fine. Go back to London on your own."

  Rafiq stepped down onto the tarmac, gazing up at Mia. Alina, the cabin assistant, appeared at Mia's side. "May I close the door?" she asked looking at Rafiq.

  He paused and looked at Mia. She took one more step back inside the cabin and saw Rafiq nod wordlessly.

  Then Alina tugged on the handles that would close the door of the plane.

  Mia's last image of Rafiq was of him standing on the tarmac. He was gazing at her intently, the look of pure defeat consuming his features.

  With a resounding thud the door was shut and Mia turned and started to make her way to the seat, wondering why her legs were so unsteady, why her heart was racing like a train and why she had just thrown away the chance to be with the only man she had ever loved.


  "Aren't you listening to me, Mia?" Brad said for the second time that morning.

  "Sorry?" Mia responded.

  Brad frowned good-naturedly and shook his head. "I'm wondering if you've heard a single word I've said in the last half hour," her brother declared.

  The roar of London traffic made its way in through the open windows of the office. The only blessing was that at least it wasn't raining. That would have made things completely unbearable, Mia reflected. She already felt bad enough without that making things even worse.

  It had been a week since her return from Qazhar, but it had felt like an eternity. Brad had made a full recovery from his bout of flu and had been eager to put an end to the problem of the missing money. It appeared that Rafiq had accepted the explanation given by Naima. Sayid had promised that the whole situation would be rectified and had suggested that the money be returned in full. He hadn't known anything about how Naima had appropriated the funds to help the good causes back in her own kingdom.

  "The whole situation seems to have been resolved," Brad said wearily. He leaned back in his high-backed chair. "The only thing that held it back was Rafiq completely accepting Naima's explanation."

  Mia squinted at Brad. "And I suppose he isn't going to do that," she said expecting Brad to agree.

  But, instead, Brad shook his head. "No. In fact, Rafiq has agreed to fund some extra work in Naima's home country."

  "What!" Mia exclaimed.

  Brad nodded. "It seems that when the whole thing was made clear to Rafiq he simply accepted the explanation and even offered to set up a program to work with the foundation Naima runs back in her home country."

  "Really?" Mia asked stunned that Rafiq would do such a thing. Mia had assumed that once Rafiq had found out about Naima's involvement he would have put a stop to the whole thing and even reconsidered his friendship with Sayid.

  But, instead it seemed that Rafiq had had a change of heart. That didn't chime with Mia's impressions of Rafiq, especially the man who had said goodbye to Mia at the airport the week before.

  Since their parting Mia had tried to keep herself busy, determined to drive all thoughts of Rafiq out of her mind. Work healed all wounds, or at least that was what she kept on telling herself. It had worked to some extent. But, some wounds just didn't seem to heal. Activity could only make you forget during the daytime hours.

  But nights were a whole different ball game. Since returning from Qazhar her nights had been a torment, a continual struggle to find sleep, a battle with dreams of Rafiq, memories of his every touch, his sheer male presence. She was sure she looked ragged, and she had seen the dark rings beneath her eyes every morning in the bathroom mirror.

  Brad had noticed the change in Mia. She could tell by the worried looks he'd been giving her since her return, but he had refrained from asking any awkward questions. Brad had known all about Mia and Rafiq's encounter during that lazy English summer. However, just as before, her brother had been the soul of discretion and had never pressed her for an explanation.

  Brad leaned back in his chair. "I'm glad everything has been sorted out," he said. "And Rafiq is pleased, too. In fact, he so pleased that he's coming to London for a brief visit."

  Panic stabbed at Mia. "Coming to London?"

  Brad nodded. "It's strange. Last week, after you came back, he seemed strange. Not quite himself. In fact, I don't think I've ever known Rafiq to be so down." Brad peered at Mia. "I can't think what might have caused him to be like that."

  Mia lowered her eyes. "I can't imagine," she said quietly. "As you say, he's usually so upbeat about everything."

  "With his wealth and privilege I don't blame him," Brad said.

  Mia sighed. "If you don't need me, I'll be getting going."

  Brad frowned. "Where are you going?"

  Mia hesitated. "I have some errands to run. You don't mind if I take some time off do you?"

  Brad shook his head. "I do, in fact."

  "What do you mean?"

  Brad looked at his watch. "Rafiq will be here any minute."

  Mia leaped up out of her seat. "I have to be going," she said abruptly.

  The intercom buzzed and Brad pushed the button. "Yes?"

  "Mr Al Kharif is in reception, sir," the secretary said.

  Brad smiled at Mia. "Send him in," he said to his secretary.

  Mia felt her face flush, felt the rising panic start to overwhelm her. She had to get out somehow; had to avoid meeting Rafiq. But she knew she was trapped. She'd just have to face him down.

  Moments later the door to the conference room opened and Rafiq entered, his gaze sweeping the room quickly. He saw Mia and his gaze fixed upon her.

  Brad moved around the table, went to Rafiq and shook his hand. Rafiq glanced at Brad briefly and then turned his piercing gaze back upon Mia.

  "Rafiq. Good to see you," Brad said, seemingly oblivious to what was going on between Mia and Rafiq.

  Rafiq gr
eeted Brad but she could see the distraction in Rafiq's demeanor.

  Mia felt rooted to the spot. Rafiq looked so amazingly gorgeous in his dark suit. He looked powerful and his presence already filled the room. His eyes had a sparkle to them that lay in sharp contrast to the sadness which she'd seen in them as the plane doors had closed.

  Brad released Rafiq's hand and glanced across at Mia. She saw an understanding flicker in her brother's eyes. She saw him frown slightly and then glance back at Rafiq. After a few moments, Brad excused himself saying he had to go and speak with his secretary for a moment. Brad closed the door behind him and then Mia and Rafiq were alone. Once again they were together. There was no escaping him.

  Mia shifted awkwardly and tried not to meet Rafiq's powerfully intense gaze.

  Finally he took a few steps toward Mia. "It's good to see you, Mia."

  Mia glanced at Rafiq. "And to see you too, Rafiq. How have you been?"

  She heard him draw in a deep breath. He took another step closer to her. "I have missed you, terribly."

  Mia frowned. "Let's not begin that again, Rafiq," she pleaded. "Brad tells me you have set up a program to help Naima do her fine work in her own kingdom. Is that true?"

  Rafiq nodded. "It's true. Once things were explained to me, it seemed like the right thing to do."

  "That's good. I'm glad everything has worked out. Now, if you don't mind I have some things to attend to." Mia started to move around Rafiq but he blocked her path. Mia gazed into Rafiq's eyes and saw the passion in them, the familiar determination. It set off alarm bells and she knew she had to get out of the room before things went from bad to worse. But, that wasn't true, was it? It wasn't bad to see Rafiq again. In fact, it was quite the opposite, she told herself firmly.

  Mia looked at Rafiq's face. How could she have forgotten how handsome he was, how incredibly vital and alive he looked? Once again she was reminded that he existed in a different world, a world she would never know anything about. She'd had a taste of that world and she felt burned. She gasped quietly. If only that burning hadn't been so very enjoyable, she told herself.


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