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Bondage on the 4th of July

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by Bonnie Bliss

  Bondage on the 4th of July


  Bonnie Bliss


  Irish Wolf Publishing

  Bondage on the 4th of July

  Copyright 2012 by Bonnie Bliss

  Content Advisory: the below may contain graphic material of a sexual nature, adult situations, sexual reference, explicit sexual description, and depiction of alternative lifestyles.

  Bonnie Bliss. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover Design by Defy Gravity Designs

  Formatting by The Dude

  Irish Wolf Publishing

  Also by Bonnie Bliss


  Chains and Chocolate

  Whips and Wax

  Kitten’s Fantasies

  The Postman

  Lilly and her Wolves

  Lilly and her Pet Wolf

  Lilly’s Christmas tale

  Double Trouble

  When Lilly met Bryn

  Devil and the Diamond

  Twisted Oz

  Twisted dreams

  Bondage on the 4th of July

  Chapter 1

  Millie Newton squatted down in front of the large front window in her living room. Living in the little suburban Illinois town had made her quite the busy body over the years. This time, it wasn’t about who was getting into a fight on the front lawn, or who was catching someone’s husband having some torrid affair. She was watching as Brad Cooper exited the air port Skycab, slung his olive green duffle over his shoulder, and started up the steps. He had brought home a friend this time. Last time he was on leave, she had missed him. She was in the city with her brother and his new fiancé staying at their new high rise apartment. She could have kicked herself for missing him last time. Her mother had said he had asked about her. To say she wanted to cry herself to sleep every night till his next stint of leave, was an understatement. A week after he left, an email from him was waiting for her. He had offered to do a web chat with her for a couple of hours because he missed his ‘little sis’.

  She chewed viciously on her bottom lip and looked down at her very womanly figure. Millie was all grown up now and he had no clue. The last time they had been face to face was when she was seventeen and graduating high school. Now, six years later, at twenty three years old, she was fully grown. With ample breasts, wicked curves, and a body that she took care of out of habit really. Take one nutrition course in college and you are ruined from any sort of fun foods for the rest of your life. Millie was tearing at her bottom lip, worrying it into a bloody state when she felt the metallic taste overwhelm her taste buds.

  “Shit.” Looking back up, she watched as the two men disappeared into the house.

  Rising up, leaning her forehead against the cool glass, she hoped she could still see him somehow from her vantage. Unfortunately, the window didn’t open so she couldn’t dangle half her body out in the hopes she could see him through his own front window.

  To say she was infatuated with the man was an understatement. She was crazy in love with him and had been since they were in high school. He was a year older, had taken a year off and then decided to enlist. She had cried that day he told her. Even cried on his shoulder and worked herself into a state thinking the next she heard from him, it would be his mother coming over to tell Millie some road side bomb had taken him out. But after six years in Afghanistan, he looked like he was safe and sound. She even got emails from him twice a month.

  Forever the kid sister to him.

  Maybe it was just as well, she had heard things about him. From women that had indulged in that year he had taken off. That he liked to tie women up, forced them to submit, and control them till they were screaming in pleasure. Brad had ruined a great many women from this sexual Dominance. When she looked up Dominance and submission, it scared her. Yet she found the tight slit between her legs getting wet with arousal as she watched the videos of men totally controlling their ‘submissives’. She tried it once, with an eager boy friend. It was exciting and different, but the guy had too quickly removed the silk ties and wanted her on top.

  She never got off when she was on top.

  Millie didn’t realize that she had pressed the whole side of her face and her palms against the glass till the deep rumble of her brother’s words crashed through her wicked thoughts.

  “What we looking at, sis?”

  Her whole body jumped at the sound and her head slammed into the window with an echoing thud.

  “Fuck, Tom!” She pressed her hand to her forehead, turning around with tears in her eyes as she looked back at her handsome, yet annoying older brother.

  “You could see that I was nosing. You couldn’t come up slowly, or open a door loud.”

  She rubbed at her forehead and whimpered at the thrumming pain.

  Thomas Newton came over to her, sympathy reflected in his blue eyes. Grabbing her over the shoulder and pulling her in for a hug, he quickly kissed the top of her head.

  “Sorry, but I couldn’t resist.” She could hear the laughter in his rich inflections.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Millie shoved at him and turned back to the window and sighed. “Doesn’t matter, what I was watching went away.”

  Tom rocked back on his heels, shoved his hands into his khaki shorts. His gaze held mischief. She knew that look. He was planning.

  “What were you looking at, Millie?”

  He was quite handsome. He was just over six foot, and in such great shape you could see through his simple white t-shirt that hugged his muscular chest. His brown hair was cut in a sweeping style, short but modern, a stray piece would often fall onto his forehead when he wasn’t paying attention or straining himself. He had strong, masculine features like their father, and the same blue eyes as her. He was a good man, often encouraging her in anything she wanted to do. And the man could see right through her.

  Shifting from one foot to the other, she looked away from him, and a deep pink bloomed on her cheeks. He would know instantly. Tom, Brad, and Millie were friends all through school. The three of them caused trouble till they were too old to, then it turned to them going out and getting drunk together for the first time, then getting caught. They were all also grounded for a month together after that episode. But for some reason, when Millie started to make it clear she wanted Brad for her own, flirting with him innocently, Tom had started to discourage her advances. Saying that she didn’t know what she was getting into. When she would probe, Tom would shut down and just tell her to find a guy that wasn’t so in charge. Brad would only get all of them into trouble if he got hooked up with her. Didn’t matter, Brad would go through women like M&M’s and left the broken hearts scattered all throughout town. Millie knew one thing. She didn’t want to be just another broken heart. So she gave up, and stuck to being the little sister till he left.

  “Mrs. Jenkins, she was talking to someone I didn’t know, he looked dangerous.” She shrugged and started to walk past him at a fa
st pace.

  She knew better than that. His hand shot out and grabbed her around the forearm. He looked down at her with concern.

  “Brad came home didn’t he? Mom told me he was going to be in town.”

  She snatched her arm from his hold, glaring at him.


  Tom stabbed his fingers in his hair, and something knowing passed over his expression before that same hand he had used on his hair, scrubbed down his face.

  “We talked about this, Millie. You and Brad would be like oil and water in a relationship. Do you really want to ruin that friendship? It would ruin all of us. We could never be together all at once ever again!”

  Her glare was like daggers as she looked at her brother. The one person that had given her anything she wanted in the world was now trying to deny her the one thing she wanted the most.

  “I don’t know what you know that I don’t, but just remember, in locker rooms, girls talk too. Maybe more so if you get some liquor running in the conversation. I’m a big girl now, not some doe-eyed teenager trying to chase a man that only went after women.” She clenched her fists at her side. “You can’t tell me what to do, Thomas. He’s only here for a week, and I’ll do what I want in that week.”

  They both were so engrossed in the staring contest that was being dished out, that they didn’t notice their mother enter the room.

  “What’s going on you two? We aren’t going to fight on the fourth are we? Brad is home with a friend and we can’t have you two in a tussle, then the three Musketeers reunion would be a disaster. Save it for after he goes home. Whatever it is, has to be silly nonsense.” She came between them, brushing their backs a moment before pushing them towards the kitchen.

  “I need help getting the stuff set up out front. Let’s all have a nice day and enjoy it, please.”With one final defiant glare at her brother, Millie mumbled “Ok, mom.”


  “Does this suit you bud?” Brad leant on the doorframe, watching Kenny as he dropped his Army issue bag on the bed.

  “You kidding, this is like a top notch hotel compared to the bunk in Afghanistan, and air conditioning, fuck man, heavenly. So who’s room is it, I’m not denying anyone am I?”

  Brad smiled. “No, it’s my older brother’s. He’s stationed in Germany. He couldn’t get away for the holiday. So wear it out, bust the springs.”

  Kenny laughed. They had a lot in common. Brad winked at him as Kenny unzipped his bag and unloaded his clothes.

  “How long’s he been in the army?”

  “He’ll be in his tenth year. He’s twenty eight. I’ll let you get settled in. I’ll be in my room opposite”

  “Okay, Boss.” Kenny nodded before Brad wandered the short distance to his own room.

  The nostalgia, the good feelings of longing and warmth hit him straight away. It had been nine months since his last visit. This time he was home for four days. It was hard enough getting home at all, never mind being allowed out for the fourth of July. Mom barely touched his stuff, except to clean it. All his high school stuff was on his shelves, the trophies from his short football career, the last group photo and his graduation photo. His chest went suddenly warm as he saw her, her arm around his waist, his around her shoulder. The photo was in pride of place on his bedside table. If Brad had any regrets the biggest was Millie Newton.

  Without hesitation he reached for it and picked it up. They always said the girl next door was the one you’d marry, the girl you always dreamt of. Millie was Brad’s dream girl but he’d never done anything about it. Always, Millie had been his best friend, the girl he trusted, the girl he cared for, helped out, never the one to go that extra step. That look in her eyes on the day he told her he’d joined up had almost killed him. It devastated his resolve. His cheeks flushed with regret, his body seemed to super heat with the stillness.

  Open the window, Brad.

  He put the photo back and went to the window and pushed it. A cool breeze brought him back to reality. The hardness in his pants fought back, his thoughts desperate to live out a fantasy with her.

  “So, you gonna take me to this club you never shut up about?” Kenny was in the doorway. Brad turned to look at him.

  “Sure, I think we both deserve a little submissive slave worship don’t you?”

  “God, yeah. It’s been too long since I had a nice American girl who likes to please her Master.” Brad laughed.

  Kenny was right. There wasn’t much chance overseas, nor much time at home for a dominant male to have a decent session when working in the United States army. These next few days were going to be their only chance for a while.

  “Won’t be tonight though, there’s a block party. Got to do our duty, Kenny boy.”

  “Sure, but tomorrow, you owe me.”

  “I’ll treat you, don’t worry. I still pay my membership fees.”

  “Good man.”

  Brad unzipped his bag and started to unpack while Kenny explored the room.

  “So who’s this, your sister and brother?” Brad looked over his shoulder. Kenny had found another photo of himself with Millie, and her brother Tom.

  “No that’s Tom, my best friend, and that’s his sister Millie, they live next door. Tom was my best friend since I was around six or seven. The two of us did everything together.”

  “She’s a cutie, did you two…?”

  “No, Millie was like my kid sister. She hung out with us a lot.”

  “You got a twinkle in your eye man, you sure she’s not your girl friend?”

  “Positive.” Brad grunted. The tone in his voice full of regret.

  It was that little confrontation in the alley behind the club that night that made him enlist. It was a spur of the moment thing the day after, signing those papers. Tom had made it very clear that night six years ago. Millie was off limits, not to even think about it. It hadn’t helped going to the BDSM club. Brad had enjoyed it, too much maybe. He’d realized it was something he wanted as part of his life. A year was enough to realize he wanted the control, the dominance. It gave him a renewed confidence, a positive streak in his lack luster life. Brad had taken the first step, taking a submissive masochist on stage and flogging her before an audience. He made her give him oral. The feeling of control, the many eyes watching him, it had been the ultimate thrill; taking Tom to the club and his reaction. there was no way he’d let Brad be with his sister, not after that night. Brad saw it in Tom’s eyes. Years of friendship teetered on the edge of a fine wire. Brad had chickened out and taken the easy option.

  “I wouldn’t want to put her through the worry of knowing whether I was alive or not on a daily basis.”

  “Yeah, I get you. it’s not easy in our line of work.” Kenny went to the window, a couple of minutes passed by. “So what is your Mom and Dad doing at this party?”

  “Oh no doubt Mom will be making the whole neighborhood follow orders. she’ll organize the whole thing. She’s a great cook though, loves baking. There’ll be no food left.”

  “And your Dad?”

  Brad grinned. “Dad does what Mom says, end of. He’s mom’s skivvy.”

  Kenny burst out laughing. “So is that Millie in the yard next door? It looks like her. She’s prepping food on a table.”

  Brad quickly moved to the window and pressed his face to the glass. Tom came into view then Millie, carrying trays of food.

  “Yeah, that’s Millie and her brother.”

  “Wow, she’s a little hottie man, forget best friend, she should be your fuck buddy.”

  Brad reddened a little, his eyes fixed on Millie. Whatever he thought, Kenny was right, she was hot. She walked barefoot in the soft grass. her hair almost flowing in the breeze, layered down her back, soft and silky. Those blue eyes gazed back at him in a distant memory, how he longed to look into them once again. The two of them watched her. She was dressed in white shorts and a red tank top. Her sinful curves made Brad hard. He could see her breasts giggling in her bra as she moved and swayed bel
ow. God, Kenny was seeing her too.

  “Imagine it, between us both, hands tied, begging us for more. Please Master, fill my tight holes.” Kenny said.


  “Do you think she’s a submissive? I bet she’d let you dominate her. Look at her, all innocent and sweet. That little girl ain’t a girl no more Brad. We should show her what a grown woman needs. We should make her our slave.”

  Brad pulled back. “What the hell, Kenny, forget those stupid fucked up ideas okay. She’s off limits. Don’t even go there, don’t even look at her. You need a cold shower man. we stink of airplanes and warm dusty sand. I’m going to get a shower, you do the same.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry man. Chill, okay? I didn’t mean nothing by it.” Kenny’s hands came up in a I’m gonna back off now gesture as Brad gave him his best stare then nodded.

  An hour later and they’d both cooled off. Both grabbed a Budweiser and stood chatting with the neighbors in Tom’s front yard.

  “Hey, Brad. Remember me?”

  Kirsty Jackson was a pretty blonde, with sweet curves and a full blown submissive. Brad remembered her alright. He’d tied her up to a St. Andrew’s Cross, flogged her, and had sexual intercourse with her. That was on his last leave. Brad smiled.

  “Hi Kirsty.” She giggled. Her body shook. Her sinful mounds threatening to pop out of the low cut T she wore. “This is Kenny, my best friend. He’s into the same things as me.”

  “Oh gee, really?” He watched her eyes roll to Kenny, they looked him up and down with a sexy precision, obviously taking in every detail.

  “Yeah, so you into the lifestyle, Kirsty?” Kenny asked. There was another giggle, along with more bounciness.

  “I have been known to dabble. I like men to take what they want, I like to please.”


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