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Bondage on the 4th of July

Page 2

by Bonnie Bliss

  “Well, Brad’s taking me to his club. We should meet up.”

  “Oh God yeah. Tell me when, I’ll tag along.”

  Over the next few minutes the two of them had offers galore. Brad had to turn them down.

  “Sweet Jesus Brad, I didn’t know this many babes could live in one neighborhood.”

  “That makes two of us. I don’t know half of them.”

  “I want to apologize for earlier bud. Last thing I wanted to do was upset you. I can see the bond you and Millie have.”

  “Yes, we do. Its okay, I guess I’m just protective of her. Old habits right?”


  All the time they had been in the yard, Brad had watched her. She was over by the back door, still bringing out food, talking with her mom and Brad’s, handing stuff out. Her mother whispered in her ear and he watched her disappear to the far side of the yard. Brad moved, Kenny followed as Millie sat behind a table and prepped her face painting gear, ready to entertain the many young kids.

  “Truth is Kenny, I love her to bits.” Kenny looked at him. he was always a good listener. “I have always wanted to take it further but it just never happened. Plus I have a lot of respect for her and her family. Tom protects her, I protected her. We were like a little gang. We got into a few scrapes.”

  “I bet you did. So you never got intimate?”

  “No, the opportunity never arose. I know I felt things for her, what hot blooded male wouldn’t? You only have to look at her.” Kenny nodded. Brad watched her, sitting opposite a little girl, painting a beautiful tiger face. She was talented too. “As for her being submissive, I don’t know, she could be. She was a follower rather than an instigator. Tom and I did the decision making, where to go, and what daring things to try and do.”

  “Shame though, a young pretty woman like that. Two Doms like us, we could have shared her, if you’d agreed of course. I can see you want her for yourself.”

  “Oh, I’d have shared, if she was into the lifestyle.” Kenny smiled. Brad was just being nice.

  Kenny mingled, making new friends. Brad just watched Millie as he moved around trying to keep her in his line of sight as much as possible. As she moved about, smiled, and bantered with the children, Brad knew that he couldn’t hold back. This time around he would have to have her.

  But how?

  Their relationship had always been friends and partners in crime. It had never been sexual except for that one time after football practice. He felt his cock grow under his jeans and he adjusted, not really caring who saw.

  A couple of beers later he slowly approached the table. Seven face paintings later, Millie had a respite. she looked down at her phone. Her fingers flicked expertly over the glass, moving things around.

  “Hi Millie, can you do me some camo flashes on my cheeks?” It was a crap line but he had made the move. “I’d like your number too, if you’d be happy with that?”

  Chapter 2

  The voice slid over her flesh like wet silk--cool, damp, but altogether appealing when confronted with it. Her fingers wiggled, tiny tremors took over her body and her phone slipped right from her hands into the grass. Millie hadn’t looked up yet. Her throat contracted to get rid of the abundance of saliva that filled her mouth. Her gaze shifted to see the large, callused hands that picked up her phone before disappearing from sight. Visibly shaken by his sudden appearance, she gave herself a firm mental reprimand, and allowed her gaze to travel up his body. His jeans encased firm things, a tight t-shirt covered steel like abs, and broad shoulders that could keep her safe for the rest of her life. Finally, her eyes locked with his. The devastating smile that decorated his masculine features made her want to sigh like some virgin in a Harlequin novel. He was perfect. For her, he was everything she wanted in a man, and that would never change. To be with any other man would be settling for second best. She didn’t want to settle. She wanted him, and this time around she would have him.

  Get it together, Millie.

  Pressing her lips together, and rising from her chair, she launched herself at Brad. He caught her easily, with a deep, rolling chuckle that made her heart beat faster, and wetness to seep between the now swelling slit between her legs. It was so much, it was overload, and she could feel her skin start to heat with a blush. His thick arms wrapped around her back and waist and she buried her face in his shoulder.

  “I’m missed you, dummy.” She nearly purred against the bare flesh of his neck.

  “Missed you too, kid.”

  It was like ice water between her legs.


  She wanted to scream, cry, and then punch him in the face. Her nipples were like hard pebbles poking through her tank top and against his chest, and he didn’t feel that? Kid? Her inner musings were shut down as he loosed his grip and started to slide her down his body. She avoided eye contact.

  “I’m glad your home. Food is over there if you want any.”

  She was abrupt and wanted to get away to plan a new form of attack. Maybe she needed to change into a skirt with no panties.

  God, you’re not a slut, Millie.

  No, she wasn’t. But she had seen him laughing and flirting with those other girls from the neighborhood, and they were all in micro minis and tube tops. She was the cute girl next door with shorts and a tank top.

  “Millie I—“

  “Hey, buddy, aren’t you going to introduce me to the infamous best friend.”

  Millie couldn’t stop herself from darting her gaze up to the guy that had tagged along with Brad on his trip. She had seen him show up, and he was just as handsome, if a little rougher around the edges. He had a few days old scruff, dark blonde hair, rested an inch shorter than Brad, but he was broader. Millie chanced a glance towards Brad and realized he had tensed, his mouth was set in a firm line, and he gripped his beer with iron in his fingers. She was worried it would shatter in his palm. Her little pink tongue darted out and brushed over her lips. A groan emitted from between Brad’s friends lips and he shook his head, tsking at Millie. She was taken aback. ‘Til her eyes met his. His eyes were filled with a mixture of lust and mischief.

  “If you are gonna lick your lips like that, sweetheart, be prepared to follow through.”

  There was a grunt and a whoosh of air as Brad elbowed him in the gut.

  He laughed as he rubbed his stomach.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, just letting you know what you do to a man.”

  She felt heat again. It travelled the full length of her body ‘til it reached that soft slit, and moisture spilled, and she had to rub her thighs together.

  “Are you both hungry? I haven’t eaten yet, and you know our mothers will tie us down and force feed us if we don’t do so before night.” She winked at Brad and the other guy and started to walk, hoping to God they would follow. She heard one of them jogging up behind her till they matched her pace.

  “I’m Kenny by the way. I’m stationed with Brad overseas. I don’t have much to come home to so he dragged me along like a sick pup.” He had his hand extended and she reached out and took it.

  His hand was warm, his grip firm, and all she wanted to do was feel it all over her body.

  Where the hell did that come from?

  She had only ever been attracted to Brad her whole life, well other men had appealed to her, she had had sex with other men. But it always felt cold, as if it wasn’t enough. But Kenny’s mischievous eyes and playful smile did something to her insides. If Brad wouldn’t bite, maybe Kenny would. He seemed to want her, or at least was playing at it.

  “I’m Millie, Kenny, it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad you decided to come. Don’t worry there are enough moms here to fill any shoes that are missing in your life. They pull in people like animal shelters pull in strays from the street. Only the food is better and so are the beds.”

  He gave her a hearty laugh as they came to the grill a few houses down. Brad stepped forward and grabbed a plate for himself and Millie. She looked up at him. His smile was
back and he nudged her in the shoulder.

  “How you been, kid?”

  She grit her teeth.

  “Please stop calling me that.”

  He nodded and she saw something pass over his expression. Almost as if he was warring with himself. Feeling sympathy for him she grabbed hold of his bicep and squeezed.

  “I missed you so much. I missed the last time you came and I don’t plan on letting this time go to waste. I hope we can sit alone together, talk. I have so much I need to tell you before you go back.”

  He smirked and she almost turned to a puddle right there.

  “I’d like that.”

  Satisfied that she would still be able to seduce her best friend of—her whole life, she allowed Brad to get her burger and a few other things and get the three of them seated at a long bench. She was in the middle and both of them were on either side. Being here with him again made her remember the instant she had fallen in love with him. She would sit and wait for him after school, watching him as he played football. Her nose was generally buried in a book. When Brad played football though, it was the biggest distraction. He was power and grace. Millie’s gaze flicked from the pages of her book, to the arousing show in front of her. She pressed her glasses up her nose and tried her best to keep focused on The Great Gatsby. Her book infested mind always wished she was a character in her stories.

  That practice had gone like any other. When he walked out, he came up the huge bleachers and sat down next to her. He grabbed the book from her hands and started to scan the pages.

  “I love this book.” Brad mumbled.

  Shock had to register on her face at that point. She felt the air stream into her open maw as she watched his huge, masculine hands flip through the pages. He closed it and pressed it between his palms. His elbows resting on his knees as he stared at the field before them.

  “Tom is in the library today, I guess it will be just you and me?” Millie’s voice trembled. Her palms rubbed on the pant leg of her shorts. She got sweaty when she was nervous, how horribly unattractive was that? Looking down at her feet, she didn’t notice Brad turn towards her. His strong frame seemed to cast a shadow before she looked up at him. The look in his eyes, she tried to move back, and he slithered an arm around her waist. He pulled her in closer and pulled the eye glasses from her face.

  “Your eyes are so pretty.” Without another word he leaned down and kissed her.

  He tasted like cinnamon, salt, and pure sin. Her body got hot. She whimpered against his mouth and desperately clung to the front of his damp t-shirt. If she pulled him in closer, he would never leave her.

  “So, Millie, Brad tells me you were stuck together like glue growing up, yet you managed to never hook up. Between the two of you I’m not sure how that was possible. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.” The rumble of Kenny’s voice shattered the day dream.

  Millie glanced over at him and smiled, her cheeks a little pink.

  He took a huge bite of his burger and gave her a large closed mouth grin. She was used to loud mouthed men. She grew up with men. He was after something. Lowering her eyes at him, she watched his throat contract as he swallowed and moved back jokingly.

  “Easy girl, just asking.” He winked and she swore that her pussy contracted at the little flirt.

  A throat cleared next to her and she turned her attention to Brad.

  “I emailed you as much as I could. I wanted to do a video chat, but it was usually busy, and when I got the chance I found out I got leave approved and decided to wait.”

  Millie shrugged. He looked so tense, and he kept looking around like he was nervous about someone seeing him. All Millie knew was at the moment, pressed between these two men, she had never felt more heat, more need, or safety, than now. Deciding to be daring she dropped her hand under the table and squeezed his thigh. He tensed, and then relaxed, moving in closer to her. She grinned at him and gave him the side eye look she gave when she wanted to get flirty.

  “Oh, its ok, Brad. I figured you were busy writing and video chatting with all your other girl friends from home.”

  He poked her in the side and growled.

  “You’re the only girl I want.”

  His tone shocked her, his voice was feral and dominant and it did something to her insides that made her lower belly tighten. Her body leaned back into Kenny in auto response. An arm snaked around her waist, hot breath spilled over her ear and neck.

  “Shh, sweetheart, nothing to worry about, we got ya.”

  Her heart was pounding so hard, she swore that it was going to burst right from her chest. Kenny’s hand had smoothed up her stomach and come to rest just below her right breast. His lips brushed over her earlobe and his hot breath was like fire against her flesh. Brad leaned in and both his hands gripped her tight and started to move higher, and higher. If anyone looked over at them, they would see Kenny hugging her from behind, and Brad just leaning in like he was whispering to her. It was still scandalous, the neighbors would talk, her brother would see. Oh, God, but she didn’t care in the least. Blocked from view Kenny’s palms cupped both her breasts, her tight buds stabbed into his palms and he growled into her ear and nipped her earlobe. Millie whimpered, a tiny plea slipped free. God she would let them both have her any way they wanted.

  “Please, more.” Just as the fingers from Brad’s right hand slipped into the legs of her shorts, the tips brushing over the silk covered cunt, a voice broke through her moment, and she could have screamed.

  They were gone. Both had turned away from her and were eating in silence. Well, Kenny was laughing and shaking his head with a mouth full of burger.

  “Um, hey Millie.”

  It was Rick Tanner. They had all gone to school with him, and as of late he seemed to take a liking to Millie.

  Maybe that’s because he had already gone through all the other girls in town.

  Daring a look over at Brad, who glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and smirked. One hand dropped under the table, and resumed the torturous trek up to cover her cunt. Millie took a deep breath, just as Kenny’s hand gripped her other thigh. Unable to turn around, she just turned her head till she could see the handsome blonde that smiled at her with his too perfect white teeth, and bright blue eyes.

  “Hey, Rick. Happy Fourth of July.”

  One pair of fingers reached the hem of her shorts and snaked up through the leg. One digit pressed firmly against her slit through the silk of her panties.

  “What do you need, Rick? I have to go help my mom once I eat.”

  “I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch the fireworks with me?”

  A finger edged into her panties, she squealed, Kenny laughed and took another bite of burger, and she knew that it was his fingers that dared beyond the border of her panties and was now trying to find her pulsing clit.

  “Yeah, I think that sounds good.”

  Millie had no clue what he just asked her. But she felt the answering pinch on her clit and a deep protesting curse from Brad.

  “I mean, I’m busy,’ her eyelids fluttered. “Sorry.”

  Disappointment and anger at being rejected colored his expression. He looked over at Brad and nodded.

  “Hey, welcome home. How’ve you been?”

  “Great, couldn’t be better.”

  Rick’s gaze darted between them all, and without another word, he walked away. Relief flooded Millie, just before both men leaned in close. Brad whispered in her ear.

  “Do you want to come, Millie? Is that what you need?”

  Her eyes closed, an almost inaudible sound came from her lips. She was trying to scream yes please, but she knew if any sound came out, it would draw attention.

  “Tell us, sweetheart.” Kenny demanded. “Tell us now that you want to come or we won’t let you.” The pressure on her clit was intense.

  Millie was mildly aware that anyone could see this and know what was really going on. She knew she should pull away, take them both to her room
and demand they fuck her raw.

  God, what has gotten into me?

  Her lips parted, her pussy was leaking so much cream she knew she would have to change her pants after this.

  “Please, I need to—“

  “Hey guys, what’s going on.”


  They were both away from her body that quick, and eating as if nothing had happened when her eyes flashed open and shot daggers at her brother.

  “I’m good Tom, how are you?”

  Brad stood up, she watched him brush off his hands on his pants and shake her brother’s hand. She vaguely realized that they both had had their fingers against her seeping cunt. Taking a deep breath she continued to glare at her brother. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Is everything ok over here?” He looked at Brad like death would come if the answer was wrong.

  Just as Brad opened his mouth to answer, Millie broke through.

  “We are just fine here, Tom. You can go away now.” She stood up on shaky legs. She wanted more and she was intent on getting it. Kenny rested his hand on her lower back and eased her retreat from the table.

  “Whoa, there sweetheart, be careful.” He winked and allowed her to work her way around the table to her brother.

  She crossed her arms in front of her and looked up at Tom.

  “Is there something else you need?”

  They were at war. It would be worse than any battlefield Brad or Kenny had seen if Thomas didn’t back off now.

  “Just talking to my friend too, Millie, is that a problem?”

  “No, but be careful. I’ll go get mom if you aren’t careful.”

  She moved away from the men and headed back toward her house. She needed time, she needed to get her breath back and come to terms with the knowledge that she was totally sexually aroused by Kenny, whom she hardly knew. She was like the filling in their damned Twinkie. She wanted them both to fill her and complete her so much that she would get down and beg on her knees. As she headed up to her house to hide in her room for a bit, her mother cut across her path and grabbed her shoulder.


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