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Pendelton Manor

Page 12

by B J Wane

  Adrian downed the large sandwich Sophie had made gratefully when they returned. This morning he had dreaded the clean-up awaiting them as much as he had dreaded facing Sophie’s expectations after last night. But, again, she had surprised him by coming right out and saying she had no expectations, which had completely thrown him off his game all morning. Seeing how hard she worked alongside them without complaint, listening to her laugh even as she blushed crimson at some of their wilder, raunchier stories and watching her goof off with Adam had him imagining all the different ways he wanted to fuck her, and for the first time since he had seen her stumble through his front door and stand rooted in surprised fascination at the scene she had walked in on and felt himself instantly attracted, he didn’t resent that attraction.

  Now that he knew Sophie didn’t expect any more from him than Nora or Rachel did, ignoring the nagging reminder of his instant irritation when she had assured him she had no desire to form any attachments, he was looking forward to later today and this evening when he could show her some more erotic pleasures she had obviously been missing out on. Maybe if he got some of this pent up sexual frustration out of the way, he could concentrate more clearly on rooting out Nicole’s lover.

  As Adam drove off with the remainder of the clean-up efforts, Adrian’s arms wrapped around Sophie from behind and drew her back against him until her buttocks cushioned his hard cock. “This time I didn’t wait for you to back into me,” he murmured in her ear, his arms tightening as he felt her shiver.

  Sophie was tired and chilly, especially since the sun was already making its descent and taking its meager warmth with it, but Adrian’s body felt warm, and hard, so hard her fatigue quickly fell away to be replaced by expectant arousal. “I’ve learned to look before I back up, so I’m glad you didn’t wait on me to make that mistake.”

  “If I recall correctly, your moves weren’t a mistake at all. Come on. A nice hot shower will warm you up as well as clean you up.” Dropping his arms, he grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

  Sophie followed him inside and down the hall, but when he passed the elevator and entered the solarium instead, she asked, “Where are we going? I thought I was getting a nice warm shower.”

  Adrian threw a grin at her over his shoulder as he replied, “You are. But these showers are better equipped for what I have in mind.”

  Sophie’s pulses leaped with excitement as well as a touch of trepidation. This house was filled with hidden bondage implements that, thus far, she had only observed. She had never been restrained in her life and wasn’t sure she wanted to be now. While she had enjoyed all her new sexual experiences over the past few weeks, including the shocking arousal she got from an erotic spanking, there were some lines she had no wish to cross.

  Even though there were two separate bathrooms, each identical except for the one with urinals, neither entrance was designated for gender unless Adrian and his cousins were hosting one of their company parties. As Adrian led her into the nearest one, Sophie pulled on her hand. Instead of releasing her, he simply turned and raised an inquiring brow.

  Looking into the large, open shower with its multitude of shower heads and the low marble bench long enough and wide enough to accommodate at least four people, she couldn’t make out anything that could be used to restrain someone which made her even more reluctant to get in there with him.

  “Where are they?” she asked accusingly.

  She was a smart one, Adrian thought as he gazed down into that wary face and accusing eyes. A little anxiety was good, he thought, but willing was essential. “I could play dumb and ask what you’re referring to, but you’ve been here long enough to see a lot of our camouflaged equipment, so I won’t insult either of us with pretense. Yes, there is a way to restrain you in the shower and yes I intend to use it. You have my word, Sophie, that I’ll release you whenever you want. All I ask is you give it a try. It’ll just be your hands and just briefly.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, Sophie nodded, wondering if she was being a complete fool in trusting this man so much. If she didn’t want to feel his hard body filling hers again so badly, feel those orgasms he was so good at bringing on so badly, she’d simply decline politely and run upstairs to the privacy, and safety of her own shower. But right now, alone didn’t hold near the appeal that together did.

  “Okay,” she agreed, the allure of easing the chill from the cool day and cleaning the grime from working outside all day in the muddy yard coupled with the way Adrian was looking at her out of those dark eyes too much to resist.

  Adrian gripped her windblown hair and tilted her face up to meet his lips. Kissing her with ruthless intensity as he used his other hand to push her hips against his hard, straining erection, he showed her without words how much he wanted her. After endless seconds of devouring her plump lips and exploring the inner recesses of her warm, wet mouth, he released her and commanded, “Strip,” before turning towards the shower and turning on several nozzles.

  His voice was pure intoxication and since his lips and the feel of his hard cock had left her mouth burning with fire, her nipples marble hard and her pussy spilling its cream, Sophie had no desire to ignore his command. Quickly stripping off her damp shirt and dirty jeans, she had to remind herself he had seen her naked the other day in the solarium, saw her riding that fake cock as she enjoyed the feel of Adam and Ash’s hands aiding in her arousal as she removed her bra and panties.

  Adrian turned from the shower, the sight of her completely naked giving him a jolt. Last night he could barely see the shape of her body in the dark, but he vividly remembered the feel of every inch of her. Her breasts were slightly more than a handful and the temptation to pull one of those taut rosy nipples into his mouth again was almost too much to resist. Forcing himself to stay on the agenda he had mentally been preparing all day, Adrian put his hand on her ass and gave her a push into the now steam filled marble stall.

  “Warm up a minute while I get undressed then I’ll warm you up.” Quickly stripping off his own dirty clothes, he stepped in behind her and once again wrapped his arms around her, only this time it was to feel his cock nestle between her naked cheeks, the feel of their plump softness folding around him almost enough to make him say to hell with his plan. Quickly, before his little head overruled his big head, he pressed a small button just inside the shower and listened to her gasp with surprise as a small compartment opened up above them, dropping down a rust proof chain with wide, terry cloth, and Velcro strapped ties attached on the end.

  The feel of Adrian’s naked body blanketing hers from behind had momentarily distracted Sophie from his purpose, but as he took her wrists and slowly drew them over her head, her unease returned.

  “Adrian,” she whispered shakily as he wrapped the soft terry cloth around both wrists, securing them snuggly with the Velcro strip, “I’m not so sure I want to do this.” With a tug, the chain retracted until he stopped it, her arms now stretched tautly above her, her body free to move around at will.

  Turning her face towards his, Adrian cupped her chin and held her eyes with his. “When you’re absolutely positive you don’t want to stay restrained, let me know. In the meantime, I’ll give your body, and your mind, something else to think about.” Reaching up, Adrian adjusted two jet sprays until both were aimed on her body, one raining down on her from the neck down in front, the other covering her back and ass with its warm splash. Cupping her breasts, he rolled her distended tips between his fingers before kneading her soft flesh until she relaxed and, with a moan, leaned back against him trustingly.

  Kissing her neck, he whispered, “Now that I have you relaxed, it’s time to show you the different ways water can add a little spice to your arousal.”

  “I don’t need any more spice, Adrian; I just need you to fuck me.” Sophie had never been so outspoken when it came to sex, but she seemed to have learned a lot from watching the other couples and refused to shy away from voicing her needs, especially if it meant he would make he
r come sooner.

  “Not yet, Sophie. First, I need to punish you for taunting me with this nice ass of yours all day.” He released her breasts and slowly glided them down her torso, around to her back and down to those cheeks that had been begging for the touch of his palm each time she bent over to pick up broken limbs or trash from the yard.

  Sophie shuddered as he cupped her buttocks in his hands then kneaded those plump mounds while the warm water cascaded over her front and back, the soft spray hitting her sensitive flesh adding to her swiftly escalating senses. Sophie knew what was coming, ached for it, braced for it and yet, when the first slap landed, she still gasped aloud at the shock of instant pain induced arousal.

  “That’s my girl,” Adrian chuckled as she pushed her ass back in a silent plea for more which he gladly gave her.

  The next swat was harder, her reaction higher as she bit her lip against the consuming build- up of heated pain and throbbing pleasure. Over and over he slapped her ass, sometimes lightly, sometimes hard enough to have her gasping and moaning with the onslaught of pain induced pleasure building within her. His slaps on her wet skin felt sharper than the previous spankings, her skin more sensitive and tender from the water, her reaction deeper and faster until she was writhing in her bonds, her hips thrashing back and forth, meeting each swing of his arm before retreating as the painful connection made her automatically move out of reach only to willingly return for more.

  The sight of her red buttocks, the sounds of her gasping moans and the knowledge of her acceptance of the pleasure she received from the pain all worked to spike his own arousal until he had to force himself to move on to the next step before he gave into the temptation to plunge into her now.

  After rubbing the flesh he had just abused, Adrian moved around to face her, taking note of her glazed eyes, stiff nipples and hitched breathing. “I knew from the moment I set eyes on you that you’d be difficult to resist. I was right.” Taking her mouth in a hard kiss before she could respond, he kissed her until he could get himself back under control, forcing back the instant spurt of anger that filled him whenever he admitted to this unaccustomed need she brought out in him. After he was sure he had his emotions safely locked away where they belonged, he released her mouth and reached for the pump soap on the built in shelf behind him.

  Lathering up his hands, Adrian ran them down her arched neck, took his time soaping up her breasts, rubbing his palms around her nipples before taking each peak between his sudsy fingers and rolling them around and around until she was writhing against her bonds, arching against his hands and moaning in arousal.

  “There you go,” he said softly, letting his voice show her his approval.

  As he pumped more soap into his palms and moved them down her waist, over her stomach and down her legs, Sophie found her hips automatically reaching for his hands, her body demanding more as her mind adjusted to the way being restrained was heightening her already out of control arousal until she was whimpering in frustration. Her buttocks had that delicious swollen feeling, the water sluicing over the burning skin eliciting tiny sparks of pain that speared straight down to her pussy.

  “Adrian,” she pleaded as he moved back up her legs and cupped her pussy with one slick hand. “Please, touch me.”

  “I am, just not the way you want, at least, not yet. Lift your leg onto the bench, Sophie.”

  Why did she find that deep, commanding voice so arousing, she asked herself, as she did as he ordered without a qualm? But as he lathered up the tight curls shielding her folds then opened a new razor, she felt her body turn cold despite the warm steam rising from the sprays behind both her and him. “Uh, I don’t think so, Adrian.”

  Making a move as if to lower her leg, Adrian quickly placed a broad palm on her thigh, halting her rejection. “If you want to play with me, you’ll do so with no barriers between us. Have I, or anyone else here, done anything you haven’t enjoyed?” he asked sternly.

  “No,” she reluctantly admitted. “It’s just, you’re moving awfully fast. My previous sexual experiences were very limited. We’re talking missionary position only, Adrian,” she answered tartly despite the flush she felt stealing over her face.

  Cocking his dark head to the side, he asked blandly, “Don’t you think it’s time you experimented a little then? Or are you content with staying on the sidelines or fucking in the dark while life goes on around you?”

  Since her daughter’s death, she had indeed been content to let life go on around her, preferring to wallow in the darkness of her grief rather than allowing herself to feel any pleasure. Unexpectedly, she had found indulging in pleasure, especially the pleasure she had found here, with this man, had given her a much needed reprieve from her sorrow, a reprieve she really wanted to lose herself in again.

  “All right, just be careful.”

  “Sophie, sweet, I’m always careful.”

  Chapter Eight

  Adrian soaped up her curls as well as everywhere between them and her anus before running the razor smoothly over her mound. The soft tug of her curls coming off was surprisingly erotic, or was it the way his fingers constantly ran over her smoothly bared skin? When he moved between her legs and proceeded to pull her folds to the side, scraping off every scrap of hair, she tried hard not to squirm in mortification. Having his face so close to her pussy in the dark had been one thing, here, in the brightly lit bathroom, he was slowly baring her completely, leaving her more exposed and vulnerable than she had ever felt before.

  “Be still.”

  Adrian’s dictate was accompanied by a sharp slap on her thigh, the slight sting sending shards of pleasure to her already over stimulated senses. Her arms ached with the need to touch him, or herself, and her hands were clenched in tight fists as she resisted the effort to jerk against the restraints. The feeling of helplessness being bound gave her seemed to enhance her already heightened arousal and she was beginning to see why Nora and Rachel enjoyed being tied up, or down as the case may be.

  “There, all done.” Adrian rose and set the razor on a shelf before grabbing one of the handheld sprayers. Grinning mischievously down at her flushed face, her tight nipples added proof of her excitement, he said, “Tell me how you like having a bare pussy.” Strategically aiming the warm water directly on her now bare folds, he used his other hand to hold her raised thigh spread wide as he slowly washed away all the soap and hairs until her skin was pink and glowing and her hips were arching towards him.

  “Oh, my God.” Throwing her head back, Sophie closed her eyes, relishing the new sensations washing over her as thoroughly as the warm water was washing away every soapy residue and hair follicle. It was amazing, she thought, how much more she could feel, how quickly her slick labia swelled and her pussy filled with moisture as her clit throbbed in need of direct stimulation. When Adrian turned the nozzle to a pulsing spray instead of the soft mist, spread her lips, baring her clit and took aim, it was like striking a match to fuel. The pulsating beats of warm water against her aroused flesh was more than she could take and she erupted into pleasure so intense she screamed as her body shook from head to toes with the contractions coming from her pussy.

  It had been a long time since Adrian had gotten so much pleasure from bringing a woman to orgasm, a long time since he had felt desire so strong it nearly brought him to his knees and a long time since he had wanted more from a woman than sex. Sophie’s response was so open, so real and unguarded it moved him in ways he couldn’t describe and simply didn’t want to contemplate. He would fuck her, bring her enough pleasure to temporarily ease the pain she lived with on a daily basis, but he refused to explore these unwanted feelings she continued to draw out of him. It wasn’t the memory of Nicole, the wife who had betrayed him and killed any love he had ever felt for her that drove him so relentlessly, but the memory of a younger, more innocent and carefree girl that he had befriended in high school, welcomed into his home and into his bed as they all got older that he remembered and swore he would av

  As Sophie slowly came back to her senses, Adrian returned the sprayer then turned all the shower heads on them so they were both under a soft spray of heated, misting water before reaching up to release her hands. Her warm, soft, pliant body fell against his, her beaded nipples stabbing his chest, the soft bare folds of her pussy easily felt against his hard thigh. Pushing her against the wall, he once again drew her leg up to rest on the seat, spreading her thigh to expose her completely to his gaze.

  “Feel yourself, Sophie,” he rasped as his cock wept with the need to fuck her. Drawing her right hand down, he pushed her palm against her flesh. “Feel how good it can be, you pleasuring yourself while I pleasure both of us.”

  Sophie’s arms ached as she lowered them and damn if that telltale sign of her submission to this man and his alternative sex didn’t add to her already erotically overwrought senses. Without hesitation, she felt the softness of her bare folds first then the warm slickness of her inner sheath as she slipped a finger inside herself, the hard look on his face as he wrapped his hand around his cock and watched her spurring herself on despite the flush that crept up her neck and face. Looking down, she saw her exposed clit, saw and felt how swollen it was, how that small bundle of nerves ached to be touched.


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