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Pendelton Manor

Page 13

by B J Wane

  The awe on her expressive face was his undoing and Adrian tightened his hand around his cock and slowly pushed the broad head of his penis past her folds until just that part of him was embedded inside the warm, wet haven of her pussy while her finger lightly caressed her clit.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said harshly.

  Lifting her eyes to his, she admitted, “So do you. Fuck me Adrian. Please.”

  “Rub yourself against me, Sophie, show me how you like to be pleasured.” Adrian entered her a little further before pulling back until just his cockhead remained snuggled inside. With one hand still wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, he gripped one round, wet, still warm buttock with his other hand and pushed her towards him until she enveloped several more inches, her finger moving rapidly over her clit as he moved with short jerky stabs in and out of her.

  Sophie whimpered from the dual pressure on her clit from both her finger and his cock rubbing over her sensitive flesh and when his broad hand kneading her ass moved to her crack and he slid one finger into her anus, she simply let the bombardment of sensations overtake her. Endless, unstoppable, overwhelming pleasure filled her, so intense she had to release her clit and brace her hands on Adrian’s broad, hard shoulders as she rode it out with body jerking convulsions.

  Adrian pulled her towards him with his finger in her ass, allowing his cock to be completely enveloped by her cunt as she climaxed. The spasmodic clutches of her slick walls around his dick set off his own climax, and with her breathless whimpers egging him on, he followed her into bliss.

  Sophie barely had time to run upstairs and dress before Adam, Nora, James and Rachel arrived with pizza. Her body still humming with pleasure, her now softened nipples still aching and her pussy and ass still throbbing from Adrian’s use, she couldn’t prevent the silly grin on her face as she went back downstairs. She didn’t kid herself about Adrian’s demeanor making a drastic one eighty since they were having sex. On the contrary, she had watched the familiar mask of indifference descend on his face as he dried her off, wrapped the towel around her and shooed her upstairs as if she was a pesky child he had finally lost patience with. But she was getting to know him better now and she knew that cold indifference he showed to everyone hid emotions he didn’t want to face or explore which was fine with her since she preferred leaving any emotions out of their relationship. Employee and occasional fuck buddy was all she was interested in.

  Good natured teasing, laughter and the aromatic smell of freshly baked pizza drew her into the kitchen, the loud rumbling from her stomach heralding her arrival.

  “Good Lord!” Rachel exclaimed with a wicked grin. “Didn’t Adrian feed you this afternoon after you spent your day off helping out?”

  “She fed us, Miss Smarty pants,” Adrian replied coolly as he stepped into the kitchen behind her. “But not near enough, so I hope you brought plenty.”

  “Hey, Adrian, you’re getting to be a regular social butterfly lately. It’s about time you came out of your self-imposed exile and joined us again. Dare we hope you’ll follow us into the den later?” James tossed three large pieces of pizza on a paper plate and handed it to him with a wicked grin.

  Taking the plate, Adrian simply said, “Thanks,” ignoring the rest of his comment. “How’re the roads?”

  “They were completely cleared by the time we headed here. By tomorrow, you’ll never know we were hit that badly.” James handed a plate to Rachel who thanked him by reaching up and giving him an open mouth kiss. “Keep it up, woman, and our pizza’ll get cold.”

  “Ah, you’re so romantic,” Rachel sighed dramatically as she took a seat.

  “Romantic is definitely not an adjective I’d apply to any of these guys,” Nora said as she pulled Sophie down to sit next to her.

  Adam tapped her on the back of her head before sitting on her other side, retorting, “You wouldn’t like us so much if we were sappy and you know it.”

  Nudging Sophie just as she took a bite of gooey meat lover’s pizza, Nora asked, “Which do you prefer, Sophie? A sensitive, romantic boyfriend or a dominating, hard ass lover?”

  Sophie practically choked on her pizza and grabbed the glass of water Adrian slid over to her with a smirk with both hands. After washing down the wad stuck in her throat, she lifted watery eyes to Nora’s mischievous face. “Uh, I don’t have enough experience with either type to have a preference.”

  “An evasive answer if I’ve heard one,” Rachel quipped.

  James tugged her hair, hard, before saying, “Leave the girl alone. She’s still adjusting to all of us while trying not to piss off her taciturn boss, and she’s doing an admirable job of it.” Winking at Sophie, he bit into his pizza with relish.

  “He’s not that bad,” Sophie defended Adrian. “I mean, he’s got a lot on his mind. I don’t need him to treat me with kid gloves.”

  “And he appreciates that, Sophie,” Adrian drawled, secretly pleased at her defense of him even though what James said was true. “Now, can we talk about something else?”

  Sophie mostly listened to the conversation going on around her, participating when addressed or she felt compelled, but otherwise content to sit back, listen and enjoy the easy way these people got along. Sammy jumped in her lap, and she ignored the good natured teasing when she fed her little bites as she tried to keep her eyes from shifting to Adrian across the table too often. As the pizza boxes emptied and suggestions were made about whether to watch a movie or play cards or simply play with each other, she held her breath waiting to see what Adrian was going to do.

  Adrian hadn’t mentioned getting together again before sending her upstairs to dress earlier and gave no indication tonight if he was going to go to his suite or join them in the den which left Sophie in a quandary about what she wanted to do. If he didn’t join them, did she want to go back to watching again or would she welcome being included with one of the other couples? She was really hoping Adrian wouldn’t leave her to make that decision, but, as usual, she couldn’t read anything from him, let alone see any kind of reassuring warmth in his bland look.

  As the girls gathered up the paper plates and empty boxes, Adrian took a long draw on his beer, looking over the tipped bottle at Sophie. For over a year, he had avoided the get-togethers unless his need for a climax other than from his hand drove him down to seek relief from Nora or Rachel, or both. Since he had already broken his self-imposed abstinence from intercourse, he figured he might as well go all the way and start playing again. Besides, the nagging thought of Sophie playing with one or more of the others without him participating, or at least watching, wasn’t sitting well with him. Just one more niche in his armor that had him questioning himself and his commitment to find out if Adam or Ash had been the one to betray him.

  His own inspection of the generator hadn’t turned up anything suspicious, thus lending credence to Adam’s conjecture that kids or a simple accident had caused the gas to become disengaged. As much as he hated his suspicions, he couldn’t help wondering if Adam, who was the only one here last night besides himself, had done something to it and, if so, for what purpose? Damn, he thought with a surge of self-disgust, now he was suspecting his cousin of acts of sabotage that had no basis or reason. He really was going off the deep end with his distrust and maybe joining in wholeheartedly with the group would help set his mind on a more reasonable course.

  Before he could change his mind, he rose from the table and surprised everyone by saying, “I vote for playtime then a movie.” Coming around to where Sophie sat, he simply held out his hand and let her make the next move.

  Surprise kept everyone quiet until Sophie’s widened eyes lit with pleasure and she took his hand, her body already swelling with expectant desire as she rose and followed him into the den, relief filling her that he would make all the choices for her tonight and all she had to do was follow his lead. As he led her to the den, Sophie was beginning to love the way Adrian took control when it came to sex, leaving her no time
to worry if he wanted her, no time to ponder on whether this was right or wrong, not even time to debate whether she wanted to do this or not.

  When Adrian dropped her hand, casually ordered her to strip before walking over to a cabinet that she knew held their sex toys, Sophie didn’t even think about refusing. She was more than ready for more of those experiences that took her mind off her grief and reminded her that life was still worth living. For the first time, Sophie wasn’t concerned about her nakedness in front of the others as she slipped out of her clothes, James and Adam’s low voices and Nora and Rachel’s answering laughter coming from behind her as the men led them to the fold out benches.

  “You are a lovely woman,” Adrian told her when he turned to see her slipping off her panties before lifting to face him with a hint of shyness and an abundance of expectation. Taking a seat on the same large, stuffed arm chair she had masturbated in a few weeks ago while watching the others, he set the toy he had chosen for tonight on the small end table and drew her slowly down across his lap. Resting his hand on her vulnerable ass, he asked, “Are you sore from earlier?”

  With her head down, hands braced on the floor, Sophie could only shake her head and admit softly, “No,” while her body prepared for the shock of that first slap.

  Adrian chuckled when her buttocks clenched under his hand. Since the bare folds of her labia already glistened with the evidence of her arousal, he had no doubt about how much she was anticipating another spanking. Probably almost as much as he wanted to deliver it.

  “Tell me how much you enjoy this,” he demanded as he swatted her ass lightly. “Tell me how it turns you on.” The next slap was harder, the imprint redder, her gasp louder.

  Sophie couldn’t bring herself to do that but wriggled against his hard thigh instead as a loud smack followed by a cry from Nora came from above her. Turning her head, she saw both women strapped face down on the benches as both men stood to the side and struck their white cheeks repeatedly just as Adrian was subjecting her to. The room echoed with the sound of slapping flesh and cries of pain filled arousal as the swats increased in speed and strength.

  Biting her lip, Sophie stifled the urge to plead for release as Adrian raised a heated, pain induced arousal throughout her body. Unconsciously, she lifted for the next blow, winced as it struck with enough force to have her moaning, then shuddering as that sharp pain and throbbing heat went to her aching, empty sheath. What was it about this abuse that she derived so much pleasure from? Granted, the vulnerability of being laid across Adrian’s lap, her ass on display and available for him to torment as he pleased was definitely a turn on, but why the sting from his hard hand connecting with her tender flesh seemed to send her arousal soaring, she simply couldn’t explain. And, as he ceased his torment and lightly ran that calloused palm over her sore cheeks, she found she didn’t care.

  Lifting into his caresses, she surrendered to her body’s demands and pleaded, “Please, Adrian. Please touch me.”

  Adrian was enjoying the feel of her hot skin under his hand while contemplating whether to continue to add to the pretty red flush he had raised when she finally gave in and pleaded for her release, a plea he found difficult to ignore.

  “I am touching you, Sophie, and may I say, enjoying the feel of your soft, warm ass very much.”

  Turning her face up to his, she shoved her hair aside and glared at him. “You know where I mean, damn it.”

  Adrian smacked the top of her thigh sharply before replying, “Be more specific if you want my cooperation.”

  Sophie closed her eyes as that slap added to her already heightened state, swallowed her reticence and whispered tremulously, “Please, Adrian, touch my pussy. Make me come.”

  So sweetly spoken, how could Adrian resist? “Much better.”

  Sophie barely registered that Nora and Rachel’s cries of pain had been replaced with moans of pleasure as Adrian sank two fingers into her pussy. To both of their surprise, one small glide over her clit had her splintering apart, crying out in pleasure that exploded so fast and enveloped her senses so strongly she had no time to enjoy and prepare for the intensity with which it consumed her. Her body convulsed over his lap as he continued to finger fuck her ruthlessly before pinching her clit between thumb and forefinger and milking that small knot of nerves until she lay completely spent.

  Adrian lifted her damp, shaking body and leaned her against him, tucking her head into his shoulder as he gave her time to recover. Both Adam and James were still wringing climaxes from Nora and Rachel using fingers and mouths. When he noticed the dildos sitting to the side, one anal, one vaginal, he smiled knowing they were of like mind tonight. Even though his cock was hard and aching and he was hoping Sophie didn’t take too long in recovering, he tightened his arms around her and didn’t rush her.

  Sophie finally became aware of the hard muscles under her sore ass and thighs as well as the hard arms wrapped around her, holding her against a hard chest. Nora and Rachel crying out in release got her attention and she looked over to see both men with their faces buried between their legs. When Adrian slid one hand down to rest lightly on her denuded folds, she gasped from the instant pleasure his simple touch aroused on her bare flesh, making her wonder how much more intense the pleasure would be if he used his mouth.

  Adrian divided his attention between watching the other couples and watching Sophie’s expressive face as he softly, intimately explored her folds without entering her. His blushing housekeeper was beginning to become quite a delight to watch and fuck, an acknowledgement that once again had him questioning how deeply he wanted to become involved with her. Shoving those unwanted thoughts aside, he concentrated on the here and now and how he planned to wring every ounce of pleasure from her this evening as he could.

  “Now do you see why I wanted to shave you?” he asked, turning her face towards his as his fingers continued to glide with light exploration over her mound and between her spread legs, committing to memory the shape and feel of every inch of her outer flesh.

  Sophie widened her thighs as his finger moved further down to caress between her cheeks before moving back up over her damp slit, barely slipping between before running a now wet finger over her folds. “Yes,” she admitted as she felt herself slowly arousing to another climatic state. “That feels so good, Adrian.” Her body vacillated between wanting him to continue with those soft strokes that felt so good and needing a deeper, harder stroke inside her empty pussy to ease the ache he had built up.

  “Yes, it does,” he agreed. “You’re so plump and soft here,” he glided over her labia, “and so warm and wet here.” His finger again barely dipped inside her. “And here,” he said as he moved that finger down to dampen her puckered back hole, “you’re so tight and mysteriously enticing.” Slipping his finger just inside her rectum he held it there a moment, his eyes holding hers before he slowly pulled back. Her shudder made him smile and anxious for the next step.

  Sophie couldn’t believe how badly she wanted his finger back inside her rectum, only this time deeper than before, caressing all those sensitive nerve endings she never knew she had until he had showed her. To the point of desperately needing release again, she didn’t hesitate when he stood her up and faced her towards the other couples. As a testament to how much she wanted him again, she didn’t even hesitate when he instructed her to spread her legs, bend over and clasp her ankles.

  Ignoring the rush of blood to her head, Sophie bent, glad her hair hid the bright blush of mortification that spread across her face at the decadent position and knowing her whole crotch was on display in front of his face. That embarrassment however, did nothing to tamp down her rising excitement and when he probed between her swollen lips, taking his time coating two fingers liberally with her juices, she knew, and looked forward to what was coming.

  Adrian drew his soaking fingers from the temptation of her cunt and pushed them past the tight resistance of her anus until both were embedded deeply in her ass. Her swollen clit pe
eked out at him, enticing him with its cherry red, puffy need, so he wasted no time coating the dry walls of her rectum with her own juices before withdrawing and squirting some lube deep inside her.

  Sophie gasped at the cold feel of the lubricant shooting inside her, her hips automatically swaying away from the torment. A hard slap on her ass had her holding still and tightening her hands on her ankles.

  “Good girl, Sophie. Now that you’re sufficiently greased, I’m going to insert an anal vibrator, which is significantly larger than my fingers but smaller than my cock. Someday soon, I’m going to fuck this pretty ass of yours and I need you prepared.” Having that pretty ass so open before him, her cheeks spread to entice him with the twitching small hole that he longed to penetrate, the pink, glistening inner walls of her pussy visible with this pose was almost too much temptation for him to resist. But he knew he had to because she wasn’t physically ready to be taken there yet.

  To show how far gone she was, how she was dying for another orgasm, Sophie simply shook her head, going along with his dictate without reservation. At least for now. Second thoughts plagued her as the feel of a hard phallus wedging its way past tight resistance almost had her toppling over. Pain filled her backside as it slid in making her cry out. “Stop, Adrian! It’s too much.”

  Adrian ran his hand up and down her thigh and over her buttock while keeping a tight hold of the vibrator with the other. “Relax and push out, Sophie, and the pain will ease momentarily. You have to trust me on this.”

  Thankful for his stern tone that brooked no argument, Sophie forced herself to do as he asked and surprisingly, it worked. The vibrator slid the rest of the way in smoothly, adding to the pain, but within seconds and with Adrian’s patient coaxing, it ebbed to a dull throb within seconds.


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