Valley Of Glamorgan

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Valley Of Glamorgan Page 22

by Julie Eads

  “Hey Mina,” came Knoll’s voice over the speaker. “I have bad news, Maggie is onto us and we are on our way home now!”

  “I thought I had at least a few more hours to get ready,” I barked at him, sounding grumpier than I intended. Having finished the call I rushed back to my room and searched through the well-organized closet. Although I liked the dress I was wearing it wasn’t really party worthy. Besides I had picked my dress out weeks ago and was very happy that I had. Feeling along the rail I found the special hanger the dress was hung on and pulled it down, picturing it in my mind as I slipped it on. The dress was a light, golden tan color with a deep v neckline, reflected at the front and back. Iridescent sequin accents fluttered across the bodice and a satin, empire waistline created a contrast between the bodice and the soft chiffon pleated skirt. The back also featured a keyhole cut out. It was truly a beautiful dress and I had fallen in love with it instantly; I just wish I could see how it went with my new haircut.

  Running my hand along the shelves of my closet I found the basket that housed my small hair pins. Carefully I slipped two into my hair, twisting them along the sides. Fortunately they made my hair look as if I had spent more time on it than just five seconds. Next, I slipped on a pair of black strappy heels; at least I hoped they were the black ones and once ready I carefully raced done the stairs. I knew I still needed to put makeup on but no matter how hard I tried that was something I still couldn’t do on my own.

  Gratefully I discovered Eleanor was still in the kitchen. “Oh, Mina Bear you look amazing,” she praised me as she grabbed my arm and spun me in a circle to get a full view of my dress.

  “I was hoping you would do my makeup please,” I asked. I felt a little awkward asking her to do it, especially after she had just cut my hair but if it bothered Eleanor she didn’t show it as she pulled me towards the small bathroom that was hidden away under the stairs.

  As we walked along she joked, “I know just the thing that will make that dress pop. Or at least I think that is what you kids are saying these days.” It felt strange trusting someone so much that I would allow them to have free range over the makeup I wore, not that I was ever big on wearing much. At least only on special occasions such as this one. No, normally I usually went around in more natural colors. Once done my face felt a little heavy with the makeup and I was nervous that she had made me look ridiculous.

  “I’ve done a simple cat’s eye with the light pink lip stick. But, don’t worry it will last 24 hours and Declan won’t have to worry about wearing it off,” she announced, being especially comical today. It wasn’t like she was never any fun; it was just that she tended to be the more, sterner parent; whereas my father was more of the joker. I wanted to ask her why she was being so nice, yet I hated doing so. It was strange that recently I had found myself questioning people’s motives.

  Leaving the small bathroom I could hear people coming in, seeming to rush to get to the ballroom in time for Maggie’s arrival. Joining the long line of people I was careful not to bump into anyone. Finally, having made it to our table I realized how much I wasn’t looking forward to small talk with Taya and Eirnan, whose voices I heard echoing near me. It wasn’t that I was angry with them but still, it stung a little that they had kept Thora’s plan to humiliate me to themselves for so long. Taking my seat I was happy to feel Declan’s hand touch mine. “You look breath-taking,” he whispered as he laced his long thick fingers through mine.

  Shortly afterwards the room grew quiet and before I knew what was happening everyone around me was shouting ‘Surprise!!’ Maggie had arrived and I wished I could see her face right now; as it was I just pictured her pale skin turning red as she was a very shy person. Then I heard her heels clicking along the floor as Knoll led her to their designated table at the front of the room. My mind pictured her stopping and looking around in awe, but especially at the large golden horse fountain that stood in the middle of the room. Sitting silently I suddenly felt tired. I was not looking forward to hurting Knoll and the loud chatter around me was making me feel disoriented. All of a sudden I was ready for the night to be over with.

  Suddenly everyone grew quite as Eleanor’s voice echoed throughout the room, “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight to celebrate my eldest daughter Maggie!” There was such adoration in her voice. Then she continued, “At this time,” she announced, “We have a few people who have special announcements to make before Maggie opens her gifts.”

  Silently I listened as groups of people made their way to the stage, praising Maggie. I only really tuned in to listen to those I felt were genuine; it just felt as if everyone wanted their moment in the spot light. When Willow began speaking I knew that she was one of those whose words I would take to heart. “Maggie has been like a daughter to me,” she started. “We have worked endless days and nights together; maybe not always seeing ‘eye-to-eye’.” She laughed before, with softness in her voice, she went on to say, “But I couldn’t ask for a better apprentice or a better friend. Maggie gal, you are an extraordinary person, enjoy this night. All of this is for you.” Willow’s speech was heartfelt and I could hear the love in her voice which showed how much she really cared for Maggie. I was happy that my sister was the center of attention for once. As for me, I wasn’t sure when I should make my announcement as Knoll hadn’t proposed yet and, I figured that maybe it would be best to wait until after he did.

  When Maggie began opening her presents, I asked Declan to tell me when she got to mine. Although I couldn’t see her open it maybe I would be able to hear her appreciation. As I waited I found myself lightly tapping my foot against the floor impatiently until finally Declan informed me she was opening my gift. I could hear the curious whispers all around me and the paper tearing as she ripped it from the painting. Despite my anticipation I was disappointed when I couldn’t hear anything, until all of a sudden a pair of arms went round my neck and my delighted sister was whispering, “Thank you so much,” in my ear. It was a better reaction than even I had expected.

  Suddenly Knoll spoke, “I have one more gift for you. Can you come here please Maggie?” This was it, he was going to propose and I waited as Maggie made her way back to him.

  “Maggie Roselyn,” he began, sounding a little nervous as he continued, “I have always known that this day would come, the day that just being yours wouldn’t be enough. The day that I would ask you, the most beautiful and kind hearted woman in the world to be my wife, so that I can love and protect you for the rest of our days together. Will you marry me?” In my mind’s eye I could picture every girl in the room wanting what Maggie had. Knoll was not perfect but it showed the depth of his feelings for her that he was willing to stand up in front of the entire village and announce his love so openly. Maybe that wasn’t much too some people, but I knew him; it was a lot for any guardian to admit that he had a weakness and for him that was Maggie.

  Maggie of course replied with a tearful yes, and everyone cheered except me. Oh, I was happy for them, wanting nothing more than the best for the couple, but it meant it was time. Now it was my turn to stand in front of everyone and be made a fool of; just so Eirnan and Taya could be happy together.

  Standing up from the table I could feel Taya who sat next to me tense as she knew what was coming next. I also knew that she still felt bad for lying to me, which admittedly made it a bit easier to continue walking to the center of the floor. “I also have a special announcement,” I spoke out with a shaky voice. “I have learnt a lot since I came to call this place home. One of the most important things I have learnt is that the guardians here sacrifice a lot, yet they ask for little in return.” I paused and swallowed before continuing, “Knoll, my good friend and soon to be brother-in-law, you have given up so much of your time. You have spent years searching for me and putting your life on the line to save mine; numerous times. For all of that I can never repay you, but this is a start.” Then taking a deep breath I went on, “Knoll, I am asking you to step dow
n as my guardian and to take the oath to Maggie, so that neither of you will have to put another person before the other ever again.”

  “And who will be your new guardian,” I heard a voice call from the audience and knew instantly it was Thora trying to bait me.

  “I will accept Eirnan as my new guardian, as long as he will have me,” I responded, trying to plaster a convincing smile across my face.

  “Eirnan,” my mother called him forward, “Do you accept my daughters offer? Will you become her guardian?” Quietly I waited whilst he joined me, bracing myself for the humiliation.

  With reluctance Eirnan spoke out, “I am sorry Princess but I have sworn my oath to another. Thora was kind enough to allow me to be Taya’s guardian, so we could know love and peace, the same as you have wished for Maggie and Knoll.” Although I stood trying to look shocked, I didn’t have to pretend to feel the hurt, because no matter what happened it still did.

  “Looks like the Princess is all out of choices,” I heard Thora snidely project through the crowd. She was having her moment of glory and intended wallowing in it for as long as she could. That is without the expectation of anyone saying anything, particularly my father.

  But Liam, who had been quiet throughout the entire time, suddenly chose to speak over the crowd. There was anger laced within his words. “Thora,” he called out, “I have had enough of your ugliness towards my daughter; you have been warned before by me about this attitude. From this moment on you shall no longer have a guardian! You will live alone, in fear with none of the guardians protecting you for as long as I am king! You have spread your hate and lies throughout this village and across my people for far too long. You are excused to return to your home.”

  “That is ludicrous! I have to have a guardian. It is my right,” she shouted!

  “I decide what rights you have,” responded Liam in an evil calculated tone. “Now this matter isn’t up for discussion, you will leave my home at once or I will have you escorted out.”

  Thora made no more comments and I heard her heels click angrily against the floor as she made her way to the door, slammed it loudly as she went and making me jump back a little.

  “Let this be a lesson to all of you,” declared my father, “If any of you try to strike against my family again you will suffer the same fate. Now please return to your homes; I am afraid this party is over.” This was the first time I had heard my father sound so dangerous, yet so protective but I knew that everyone would do as he said. It didn’t matter what they felt towards him, their fear was much greater and once again the thought of my ruling this village one day worried me. Especially if, the only way I would have control was to make people fear me.

  The sound of the room clearing was soon over leaving only my family and Declan that stood around me. It felt strange. Yet this evening I had seen a side of my father that reminded me of my pretend father, and unfortunately that saddened me greatly.

  “I will be your guardian Princess,” Knoll stated, being the first to speak out. “You cannot go unprotected.”

  “She will not,” announced Liam sternly, “And you will obey her wishes Knoll. You will start a life with my daughter and be happy. You have paid your dues to this family and now it’s your turn for happiness.” I could tell Knoll was irritated by the command but he wouldn’t argue with Liam, especially not in the mood he was in at the moment.

  Eleanor tried to lighten the mood saying, “Maggie, your father and I were going to announce your gift from us but the events that took place earlier didn’t allow us to do so. We have bought you a house. It’s the one you have always wanted; the one that is three houses down from the castle. We felt it was time for you two to have your own home.” Maggie was of course delighted and thanked our parents warmly before following Knoll out of the room. I could picture them in the mixed match, cobbled stone house that Maggie loved so much, maybe with a family someday.

  That just left me, Declan and my parents. “If you would allow me sir, I could be her guardian. I would protect her even if it meant giving up my own life,” declared Declan. His words hit me like a strong cool breeze on a hot day; it was a truly sweet and noble action, one that I knew my father would knock down the moment it was put forward.

  “Don’t be upset,” Liam began explaining, “But, you still have years until you are qualified as a full guardian. I can’t put Mina’s life in anyone’s hands unless I am confident that they won’t fail. However, I thank you for the offer,” he added warmly, hoping it would take some of the sting out of the insult.

  I was just about ready to have few choice words with my father when Eleanor chimed in, “Actually, I already have a solution to this problem. Mina, meet your new guardian.” And as she finished speaking I heard the door open and Declan draw in a long, deep breath before letting it out again slowly.

  “Greetings Banphrionsa. I am honored to be protecting you as your guardian.” The voice was one I didn’t recognize, having a thick Irish accent. Who could be standing in front of me?

  “Mina this is Lorcan; he is from the Isle of Dóiteáin,” announced my mother. Shocked, I had no clue who or what she was talking about nor any idea as to what Dóiteáin meant. This night had just been full of surprises, and at this very moment I wanted nothing more than to sink into Declan’s arms and forget everything that had taken place. My father, however, quickly stomped on that idea because he excused Declan from our home leaving just us three, and this stranger who was now my new guardian.

  As we made our way into the kitchen my father thankfully, retired for the night and I could now ask my mother what the hell was happening? “Mina I am sorry we didn’t tell you earlier,” she declared. “Liam told me what you were planning on doing for Maggie and Knoll, and all I knew was that the choice, as noble as it was left you unprotected. Not trusting Thora I decided to contact our friends on the Isle and they were gracious enough to send us one of their very own guardians.” Lorcan stood silently next to me. Although I could feel his presence he hadn’t spoken since his initial greeting.

  “Ok,” I said, feeling somewhat confused. “So, firstly what is the Isle of Dóiteáin? And why is it the first time I am hearing about it?” I asked.

  Eleanor stifled a giggle before answering, “Mina Bear, Dóiteáin means fire in our native tongue.”

  “Great,” I replied, not stopping myself from sounding a little sarcastic. I had a guardian from the Isle of Fire. He sounded fun.

  Eleanor avoided the question as to why I had never heard of the Isle before but I imagined her response would have been something like… ‘It’s difficult to give a history lesson when I am always being kidnapped.’

  After Eleanor had left the room I felt a little uncomfortable, despite her reassuring me that I would be safe with Lorcan. For some minutes I stood silently trying to find something, anything to say to my new guardian. Then Lorcan spoke, “I know this must be hard for you Banphrionsa, but I can assure you I am capable of protecting you.”

  “I never questioned if you could protect me or not,” I answered; perhaps a little too harshly. Thinking, but not saying that I was probably being petulant and childish; which was stupid as my family only wanted me to be safe.

  We continued sitting in an awkward silence for a little bit longer until finally Lorcan announced, “Eleanor told me that you would show me to my room, if you wouldn’t mind. It was a long journey to get here and I really could use some rest.” ‘Great!’ I thought. He was going to be sleeping next to me in Maggie’s room.

  Reluctantly I made my way up the stairs, stopping to show him into Maggie’s room before I turned and started to go back down the stairs; I desperately needed to see Declan. Just as I reached the third step someone grabbed my arm and I yelled, “What the hell?”

  “My apologies, Banphrionsa, but I cannot keep you safe if I am not with you. Please retire to your room for the night and I will accompany you anywhere you need to go tomorrow,” instructed Lorcan in his thick Irish Brogue. Even though he had ask
ed me nicely to return to my room I now knew he wasn’t going to let me just walk out of the door and so, reluctantly I complied, cursing under my breath the whole time before closing the door firmly behind me and clicking the lock in place.

  Thoughts rushed through my mind….. What the hell was that? Who on earth did he think he was? I was furious. I was the princess. There was no way I was going to allow him to be like this every day; telling me when I could sleep or where I could go. He could just go back to the Isle he had come from! Having undressed and finally calmed down I threw an oversized t-shirt on and climbed into the plush bed, throwing the blanket over my head before sinking into the warm darkness.

  Chapter 19

  I didn’t want to wake up. Today was going to be no different than yesterday had been or the day before. It had been nearly two weeks since Maggie’s party and the arrival of my new guardian and everyone still treating me as if I was a porcelain doll.

  As if that wasn’t the only thing keeping me hidden in my bed I now only had two days until my animal choosing ceremony. Both Willow and Declan were expecting me to fulfill some sort of prophecy that they had been told as a bedtime story. What would they do when they realized that I am not who they want me to be? What if I can’t save the world from people like my pretend parents? Hell, I couldn’t even save myself and would be dead if it wasn’t for Knoll rescuing me. How could they possibly think that I held the answers? Why couldn’t people just realize that I was a normal seventeen year old girl who wanted nothing more but to experience the normal drama most girls my age face, instead of which, I was expected to save the world! After much mulling over I finally made myself get out of bed and head for the closet; selecting a simple pair of blue jean shorts and a purple tank top. Today I just wanted to be comfortable.

  As I started down the stairs I felt someone behind me, causing me to lose my footing and slip down three stairs before I felt Lorcan catch me in his arms. They felt like stone and I almost wished I had fallen the rest of the way as it would have felt less awkward than lying in someone’s arms that I hardly knew. “Thank you,” I managed to say, as I finally got my footing back and continued walking more carefully down the rest of the stairs; this time holding on to the handrail.


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