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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three

Page 10

by Samantha McCoy

  With a heavy sigh, he turned away from the beauty wrapped in his sheet and walked to his closet. He needed clothes and a cold shower. A very cold shower. Maybe he should run downstairs and grab some ice.

  This is not how the day should have started, he told himself.

  Turning on the water, Diesel quickly removed his boxers and stepped under the spray. The shock of the coldness instantly killed his hard-on. Messing with the dials, he quickly warmed the water to stop the chills and shivers that had taken over his body.

  Reaching for the shampoo, he started his morning ritual. Shampoo, rinse, repeat; followed by conditioner. With his long hair, the task was tedious. He thought about cutting it once, but could never bring himself to do it. Since he was kicked out of the Army, Diesel hadn’t let a pair of scissors touch his hair, other than the normal trim.

  Grabbing his body scrub, Diesel was bent over washing his legs when he heard the bathroom door creak open.

  “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Rachel exclaimed, covering her eyes.

  “It’s okay,” Diesel chuckled, as he continued washing his body.

  “I was half asleep and didn’t even hear the water running,” Rachel explained.

  “Care to join me?” Diesel asked. “You can wash me and I’ll wash you.”

  “Um...,” Rachel stammered. “I’ll just go to my bathroom.”

  Diesel watched as Rachel quickly backed out of the bathroom, hand still covering her face.

  “Ouch!” she exclaimed, bumping into the doorframe.

  “If you would uncover your face, you would be able to see where you are going,” Diesel offered.

  “If I did that, I would see more than just where I’m going,” Rachel countered.

  “And that’s a bad thing?” Diesel asked.

  “No, it’s just...,” Rachel paused, flustered. “I’m just... Your... I mean...”

  Laughter exploded from Diesel as he watched the gorgeous woman before him fight to piece words together.

  “Rachel, it’s okay,” Diesel chuckled.

  “Yeah,” Rachel said quickly before slamming the door shut. Seconds later, Diesel heard the bedroom door close, too.

  You’re an idiot, he chastised himself. Way to make her uncomfortable, asshole.

  Diesel couldn’t help but wonder if he had just ruined all the progress he had made. He just couldn’t help himself. Knowing she was standing there in his bathroom with nothing under that shirt had his mouth working faster than his brain.

  Quickly, he washed off the soap that covered his body. His dick was standing at full attention again. This was not what he needed. There was no way he could go downstairs and cook breakfast like this.

  Taking himself in his hand, he stroked the full length; from base to tip and back again. His thoughts drifted to Rachel, the feel of her satin skin under his palm this morning. He knew the rest of her would feel just as smooth, just as soft. Image after image flashed in his mind like a movie. He closed his eyes and let it play. As each scene passed, his strokes grew faster, tighter. Within minutes, Diesel was grunting his release down the shower drain.

  “Holy fuck balls!” He said, leaning against the shower wall trying to get his breathing under control.

  Diesel had never come that quick, that hard from just an image in his head. Hell, he had never come that hard even during sex. And that thought alone had him wondering what it would really be like to bury himself deep inside of Rachel. To be so deep that they wouldn’t be able to tell where one ended and the other began.

  Taking another deep breath, Diesel turned off the water and stepped from the shower. Grabbing a towel, he speedily dried himself, slipping into his clothes, and walked out of the bathroom. He needed to get downstairs.

  No, you need to figure out how to repair the damage you caused, he reprimanded himself again.

  “First breakfast, then damage control,” he said, as he made his way to the door.

  Diesel was halfway through cooking breakfast when he heard Rachel approach. Quickly he moved over to the coffee pot and poured her a steaming mug of life-blood. Turning in time to see her enter the kitchen, he walked over to her.

  “Here you go, babe,” he said, handing the mug over to her.

  “Thank you,” Rachel smiled, taking the offering and walking over to the bar.

  Diesel went back to the stove to finish frying eggs and placed four slices of bread into the toaster. He had already cooked hash browns and bacon. These two items were the last on the list.

  The silence was heavy in the room. Rachel walking in on him in the shower had definitely caused tension. Of course, Diesel’s comments probably didn’t help matters.

  Fix it! His brain screamed at him.

  While he finished cooking, Diesel wracked his brain to figure out just how to do that. It wasn’t until he sat down next to Rachel at the bar and handed her a plate, that a thought finally struck him.

  “Have you ever been out in a boat?” Diesel asked.

  “I’ve been in a canoe,” Rachel answered, shyly.

  “No, I meant like a speed boat?” Diesel clarified.

  “Oh. No, I haven’t. Why?” Rachel asked.

  “I think that’s what we’ll do today. I haven’t taken the boat out all summer,” Diesel said. “And it looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day. Maybe we can take a picnic with us”

  “Okay,” Rachel said, continuing to eat.

  “If you want.” Diesel paused, not sure if boating was a good idea anymore. Rachel didn’t seem thrilled at all. “I mean, if you would rather not, that’s okay too.”

  “No,” Rachel finally smiled, but it looked forced. “I think a boat ride would be awesome.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Diesel inquired.

  “It’s just... Well...,” Rachel sighed. “I don’t know how to swim.”

  “Oh,” Diesel smiled. “That’s not a big deal. I have lifejackets and I promise to always keep you safe, Mi’ Lady.”

  “Okay,” Rachel smiled, this time it reached her eyes. “I trust you.”

  “Do you really?” Diesel asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Rachel smiled again, then gently bumped her shoulder against his. “I trust you with my life, Marcus.”

  Diesel sat there just looking at her. He wasn’t sure if Rachel realized it or not, but she had just given him the greatest gift in the world. Diesel didn’t think anything would ever top hearing those three little words come from her lips. ‘I trust you’ - Diesel was humbled. He knew what those words had cost her.

  “Thank you,” he said. Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

  “You’re welcome,” Rachel replied. “Now, eat. I want that boat ride.”

  They quickly finished their meal, packed a picnic, and cleaned up the kitchen. Once everything was done, they raced upstairs to change into swimming suits and met back in the kitchen. Together Diesel and Rachel walked out the back door, following a path that led them to a small boathouse next to the water.

  “Oh no!” Rachel exclaimed. “The barn is flooded.”

  “It’s a boathouse and it’s supposed to be,” Diesel laughed. “How else would we get the boat in the water?”

  “Oh shut up!” Rachel said, hitting him on the arm. “I don’t know anything about this stuff.”

  “I know,” Diesel replied, still laughing. “Come on.”

  Diesel led them down the small pier. When he got to the end, another idea hit him.

  “Come here,” he said, grabbing Rachel’s hand and pulling her in front of him.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “These are the controls that will lower the boat into the water, or lift it out of it,” he said pointing to the button on the left side on the control screen. “And this button opens the barn door.”

  “It’s not a barn. It’s a boathouse,” Rachel giggled.

  “I love that sound,” Diesel commented, placing a gentle kiss just under Rachel’s ear.

  “What sound?” she breathed. />
  “The sound of you giggling,” he explained. “It sounds like the sweetest bell chiming.”

  “Thank you,” Rachel said. Turning, she stood on her tiptoes, leaned in, and kissed Diesel’s lips.

  As quickly as the kiss started, it came to an end. Diesel wanted more, but he would take whatever Rachel gave, for now.

  “Now, you ready to lower the boat?” Diesel asked.

  “Me?” Rachel squeaked. “What if I break it?”

  “Yes, you,” Diesel answered. “And if you break it, then we won’t be going out on the lake today.”

  “Oh man,” Rachel replied, nervously. “Okay, I got this. What do I do?”

  “Just press the button to lower the boat.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Yep. That’s it.”

  Diesel watched as Rachel moved her finger towards the button, and then yanked it away like it was going to bite her. This happened several times before he stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Press the button, Rach,” Diesel whispered.

  “I don’t want to mess anything up and have you mad at me,” Rachel whispered back.

  “Oh, honey. I would never be mad at you,” Diesel answered, placing another kiss in the same spot as before.

  He felt the shiver take hold of her body. He loved that he could make her do that. Him. Marcus Briggs. Pride, and another feeling he didn’t understand, filled his chest.

  “Press the button, honey,” Diesel whispered again.

  Diesel watched with pride as Rachel reached up and pressed the button. The boat’s pulleys went to work, lowering the boat into the water.

  “I did it!” Rachel said, excitedly.

  “You did, but you’re not done. Now, open the door.”

  “Okay so I just press this button, right?” Rachel asked.


  Again, Rachel reached up and pressed a button. Sunlight began to flood the boathouse and more water filled the room.

  “Good girl,” he praised, kissing the spot that was now becoming his favorite place.

  As Diesel turned to walk to the boat, he heard a contented sigh leave Rachel’s lips. And the feeling that invaded his chest grew.

  Quickly, he unclipped the pulleys and gave Rachel the order to press the button that would cause them to rise. Once they were in place, he reached a hand out and helped Rachel into the boat.

  “Here, put this on,” he said, pulling a life jacket out from a storage box under a seat.

  Waiting until Rachel had herself securely snapped in, Diesel busied himself checking around the boat.

  Once he was satisfied that everything looked correct, he started the boat. The rumble filled the small house. Slowly throttling forward, Diesel maneuvered the boat into the open. When it was free of the house, he increased the speed until they were flying over the water.

  The smile that stretched across Rachel’s face told him she was having just as much fun as he was. Diesel pointed the boat towards an alcove that he knew would be a perfect place to relax, swim, and have lunch.

  About forty-five minutes later, Diesel slowed the boat as it entered the alcove. He wanted to focus on Rachel’s reaction, but that wasn’t possible. At the mouth of the alcove, rocks jutted up from the bottom of the lake. If he wasn’t careful, the formation could tear a chunk out of the underside of the boat.

  “This place is gorgeous!” Rachel said, turning back to honor him with the stunning smile that lit up her face.

  “Not as gorgeous as my company,” Diesel tossed back at her.

  Shaking her head, Rachel turned back towards the front of the boat, but not before Diesel noticed her smile spread even wider.

  “Okay, I am going to lower the anchor. This is as close as I can get without the boat getting stuck. Radar shows the water is only four feet deep here.”

  “Alright,” Rachel replied, still smiling.

  “I’ll hop out. Then you can hand me the picnic basket and I’ll help you out.”

  “Okay,” Rachel smiled, grabbing the basket.

  Diesel hopped on the side of the boat and splashed into the water.

  “Ahh!” Rachel screamed. “That’s cold. How in the world does Texas have cold water?”

  “It’s not really,” Diesel laughed. “It actually feels good.”

  “Okay, here,” Rachel said, handing him their picnic.

  Diesel took it from her and reached out an arm, “Just jump,” he told her.

  “One. Two. Three.” Diesel laughed as Rachel jumped into the water. “This really isn’t cold at all.”

  “Nope,” Diesel smiled, grabbing her hand and leading them to shore.

  Once on dry ground, Diesel pulled the blanket from the picnic basket and spread it out under a tall Live Oak. The shade would be refreshing, a way to escape the afternoon sun.

  “Feel like learning to swim?” Diesel asked.

  “What?” Diesel watched as Rachel eyed him, then the water. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “You said you trusted me, right?”

  “Yes, but...”

  “But nothing,” Diesel countered. “Today, you learn to swim.”

  Taking a deep breath, Rachel nodded. “Okay.”

  Diesel pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the blanket.

  “Come here. I’ll help you get the lifejacket off,” he told her.

  “Why am I taking it off?” Rachel panicked.

  “Well, for one you need to take off your shirt and shorts. And two, the water is only four-feet-deep, you won’t drown,” Diesel explained.

  “You are pulling me so far out of my comfort zone, Marcus. I hope you know that,” Rachel sighed, walking over to him.

  “I know,” he said, kissing her forehead. “And I am so proud of you for trying new things.”

  “Remember that when I epically fail at this,” Rachel laughed.

  “Oh, whatever,” Diesel chuckled.

  He unclicked all the straps and helped Rachel to shrug out of the life vest, tossing it to the same spot as his shirt. Turning back to look at Rachel, his breath caught in his throat as he watched her shimmy out of her shorts. The sway of her hips had him mesmerized.

  When Rachel lifted her shirt over her head, a gasp escaped his lips. Diesel’s eyes jumped straight to Rachel’s. He could clearly see the sadness and hurt fill them. Rachel quickly started to pull her shirt back down.

  “No, no, no,” Diesel said quickly, moving towards her to stop the movement. “Don’t do that.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rachel whispered, eyes turning to stare at the ground beneath their feet.

  “Don’t!” Diesel said forcefully, causing her eyes to meet his. “Don’t look away from me and don’t be sorry.”

  “I know I’m ugly. I guess I wasn’t thinking...,” Rachel’s voice thinned.

  “Look at me,” Diesel commanded.

  “I am,” Rachel said mid-hiccup.

  “No, really look at me,” Diesel demanded. “Does it look like I think you’re ugly?”

  “I... I don’t know,” she stammered.

  Reaching for her hand, Diesel placed it over his cock. “Look at me!” He repeated.

  Rachel’s eye widened, “You’re not disgusted?”

  “Fuck no!” Diesel admitted. “You are still the most stunning woman I have ever seen.”

  “Then why did you gasp when I lifted my shirt?” Rachel asked.

  “I wasn’t expecting what I saw,” Diesel said honestly.

  “Oh, I understand.” Rachel’s eyes turned towards the ground again.

  “And quite frankly, I want to track down the person you marred that beautiful skin, and kill him with my bare hands.” Diesel had never seen anything like it. Rachel’s upper torso was covered in patches. It was easy to see the burn marks that covered her flesh. Long ago healed, the coloring was still different, not quite a match to the creaminess of the rest of her.

  “The man who did this,” Rachel said, “Was the same ma
n who showed up at the compound.”

  That bit of news had Diesel barely controlling his temper. “Why the fuck didn’t you say something?” Diesel’s booming voice echoed off the rocks surrounding them.

  “Don’t yell at me!” Rachel yelled back.

  “I’m sorry,” Diesel said, taking a few calming breaths and pulling Rachel into his embrace. “I just hate that anyone so evil could be anywhere near you.”

  “I get that,” Rachel replied, hugging him back.

  “Here, let me help you,” Diesel said after a few minutes. Slowly, he removed Rachel’s shirt, adding it to their pile of clothes.

  Leaning forward, he placed a kiss on a burnt patch of skin over her left shoulder. He wanted to kiss every single spot, and one day he would, but today was not the day. Today, he would show her that blemishes or not, she was still the most stunning thing to ever walk this planet.

  Chapter Sixteen


  As soon as Diesel’s lips touched her skin, Rachel felt all the embarrassment drain away. It had been a long time since she allowed anyone to see her without a shirt, and never a guy. Diesel was the first, and he didn’t even know it.

  Rachel followed as Diesel led her by the hand to the water’s edge. She wasn’t sure which was scarier, letting Diesel see her scars or learning to swim.

  “You’ll be fine,” Diesel offered. “And if you get too overwhelmed, remember you can just stand up.”

  “Okay,” Rachel took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  “That’s my girl!” Diesel cheered.

  Stepping back into the water was a refreshing feeling. The water wasn’t hot, but wasn’t cold either. The alcove created a perfect temperature. Rachel bent down and splashed water over her arms and chest, then squatted down to wet her face and hair.

  “You ready?” Diesel asked.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Rachel shrugged.

  “You got this, babe,” Diesel reminded. “You’ll do great.”

  “I’m glad one of us has faith,” Rachel mumbled.

  “Come here.” Rachel stepped into Diesel’s outstretched arms. “First, you’re going to learn how to back float.”


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