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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three

Page 11

by Samantha McCoy

  Rachel felt Diesel dip down into the water and lift her. At first the sensation was rather unsettling. She was not a small girl. She was a well-rounded, grown woman. But her weight didn’t seem to bother him, so Rachel just let the insecurity go.

  “Now lean back into the water and straighten out your legs,” Diesel instructed.

  Rachel did as she was told, feeling the water surround her.

  “That’s it,” Diesel encouraged, “Now just relax. Think of something peaceful and just let your body have itself. I’m right here.”

  Again, Rachel did as she was told. She listened to the sound of Diesel’s voice and let everything else fade away.

  “You’re doing great,” Diesel whispered.

  Rachel smiled to herself. This was something she never thought she would do. It wasn’t swimming, but it was close enough. Ever since she was a kid, she wanted to learn, but never had anyone to teach her. Her mother was never home and her grandmother was too old.

  The day continued much the same. After Rachel had mastered floating, Diesel taught her how to doggy paddle. The lesson caused Rachel to drink more lake water than she would have liked, but it was hard to laugh and swim at the same time.

  By the end of the afternoon, Rachel had laughed more in the few hours they had been in the water, than she had in months. It felt great. It was something she desperately needed.

  “Okay,” Diesel called from his place by the shore. “Let’s eat.”

  Rachel frog kicked closer to shore, then stood. She hadn’t realized she was starving until Diesel had said something.

  “Who would have thought learning to swim could make someone so hungry,” Rachel said, grabbing the towel Diesel offered from his outstretched hand.

  “Burning a lot of calories,” Diesel said, handing over a turkey sandwich.

  Rachel took it and sat on the blanket under the shade tree. Diesel had picked the perfect spot for them today. The scenery was beautiful and so was the company.

  “Why are you smiling?” Diesel asked.

  “I had a lot of fun today,” Rachel answered. “Thank you.”

  “It’s only the beginning, baby,” Diesel smiled back.

  Rachel didn’t know how to reply that. She didn’t know how to handle men like Diesel. He was so honest and upfront with what he wanted. It kind of threw Rachel off. She was used to men being more obtuse.

  As the day continued, Rachel and Diesel spent time exploring around the cove. Diesel pointed out the different wildlife, beautiful rock formations, and even a cave.

  “Geographical maps show that it stretches for about six miles underground in several directions,” Diesel explained.

  “Wait. Stop.” Rachel knew she was looking at him like he’d lost his mind. “You are into geographical mapping?”

  She was dumbfounded. Who was this guy? The more time she spent with him, the more Diesel surprised her.

  “Yes,” Diesel laughed. “I know a lot more than just dick jokes.”

  “I can tell,” Rachel smiled, placing a hand on his bicep.

  “I graduated Ranger school at the top of my class,” Diesel said. “I was one of the youngest to ever accomplish that. Then fucked it all up over a piece of ass.”

  “Marcus,” Rachel said, bringing his face back to her. “We all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from them.”

  Rachel felt her blood rush south when Diesel planted his lips against her palm. It may have been a simple gesture but it felt incredibly intimate.

  “I can’t help but wonder what my military career would have been like if I hadn’t slept with that woman.” Rachel’s heart broke for the man before her. She could hear the self-disgust in his voice.

  “Then you wouldn’t be here. In this moment. With me,” Rachel countered.

  “You’re right,” Diesel said after a moment of thought. “You’re absolutely right.”

  “Of course I am,” Rachel smiled.

  “I wouldn’t trade this moment or the ones we’ll create in the future, for anything in the world,” Diesel said, leaning in to place a soft kiss on Rachel’s lips. “Including my career.”

  Looking into his eye, Rachel knew Diesel was telling the truth. The evidence was written clearly in his gaze. The realization that Diesel would have chosen her over being an Army Ranger completely humbled her. And Rachel knew, in that moment, that she fell just a little bit harder for the man standing so strong and steady in front of her.

  Making their way back to the shade tree, they both helped to clean up the area. It was time to head back home. Neither wanted to be on the lake after dark.

  Loading into the boat seemed to be another lesson. With Diesel’s help, Rachel climbed back into the boat after what seemed like the hundredth try.

  “I’ll get a small ladder for next time,” Diesel offered, still laughing.

  “What makes you think there will be a next time?” Rachel countered, also laughing.

  “Oh, we will have several next times in our future,” Diesel said, sending a wink in Rachel’s directions.

  “I’ve never paid much attention to the future,” Rachel commented. “My life has always been about just staying one step ahead of my mother’s enemies.”

  “Hey,” Diesel said, crouching down in front of her. “Not anymore. We live. No more looking back. No more running scared. We stand and we fight together. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Rachel returned.

  “Good. Let’s go home,” Diesel said, leaning forward to deliver a quick kiss to Rachel’s lips.

  Home. That one word caused a heat to fill Rachel’s chest. Home. She hadn’t had one of those since she was a child. She always had somewhere to stay. Somewhere to sleep. But Rachel had never had a place to call home. The more she thought about it, the more she seemed to like the idea. Home, with Marcus.

  Rachel was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a motor humming. Diesel had pressed the button that was lifting the anchor. Once it was set in its place, he started the boat and headed for home. The day had been great. Rachel learned so many new things; she felt like a kid again. All the moments she missed out on, Diesel was creating for her and she fell a little more.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Maneuvering the boat across the lake, Diesel couldn’t help but reflect on the day’s events. He had learned so much more about Rachel. She may seem submissive and docile - but she was truly neither of those. The scars covering her torso proved that underneath outside appearances, Rachel Moore was solid steel. Diesel was beyond proud. Any child who could live through the horrors that Rachel had and not come out on the other side a full blown psychopath - that person had strength. And whether Rachel realized it or not, she was one of the strongest people Diesel knew.

  Steering the boat around the last bend that would lead them home, Diesel felt a shift in the power.

  “What the fuck?” he said, more to himself than Rachel.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “The boat,” Diesel began, as the boat lost all power.

  Turning the key to fire up the engine again, Diesel growled in frustration when nothing happened. No sound, no nothing.

  “Did we break down?” Rachel asked.

  “It seems that way,” Diesel responded, walking back to check out the motor.

  A laugh came from the front of the boat. Turning Diesel witnessed Rachel bent over herself, holding her stomach, in a full out belly laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “Okay, you really don’t see the irony in this?” Rachel said between chuckles.


  “Oh come on. The guy and girl go out on a date. The car breaks down. They spend a couple hours having sex. Then suddenly after everything is done, the car starts perfectly fine...”

  “Okay, I can see your point,” Diesel snickered. “However, this is not one of those times. We aren’t stuck on the side of the road. And something is actually wrong with the boat.”

bsp; “Really?” Rachel asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Really!” Diesel said. “Try starting it yourself.”

  Rachel walked over to the console and turned the key - nothing. Again turned the key - nothing.

  “We are really stuck out here?” Diesel could hear the panic in her voice.

  “Rachel, calm down. We will get home.”


  “If I have to, I’ll call Viper. He can bring his boat over and pull us back.”


  Diesel spent the next half hour looking over his engine. He couldn’t find a single reason why it would just die. There was plenty of gas. Plugs looked good. Everything seemed to be in working order.

  So why won’t the fucker start? He wondered for the tenth time.

  Grabbing his cell phone, he dialed Viper.

  “What’s up?” Viper answered.

  “I need you to grab your boat and come out to the lake. I need a tow back to shore.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Fuck if I know! We were heading back home and it just died.”

  “You have gas?”

  “Yes, asshole.”

  “Hey. Don’t be rude.”

  “V, just come get us,” Diesel sighed in frustration.

  “Alright. Give me about an hour. Where are you at?”

  “Leaving my house, we are at the first bend.”

  “Okay. Be there in a few.”

  “Thanks, man,” Diesel said, ending the call.

  “Is he coming?” Rachel asked.

  “Yeah. It’ll be about an hour,” Diesel told her.

  Walking to the front of the boat, Diesel sat down beside Rachel and pulled her into his lap.

  “Until then, how did that date night thing go again?” He smiled.

  “Well...” Rachel said, losing her train of thought as Diesel’s mouth caressed the sensitive skin of her neck.

  “You were saying,” he mumbled, still teasing the soft flesh.

  Diesel had no idea what possessed him to even start the make out session, but whatever it was, he definitely didn’t want to stop now.

  Slowly, Diesel lifted Rachel’s shirt over her head and tossed it on the seat next to them. He ran a hand down her neck and over the soft swells of her breasts. Leaning in, he placed tender kisses on as many of the scars as he could reach.

  “One day, I plan to kiss every single one of these,” he admitted, kissing more areas of the puckered flesh.

  “You don’t think they are nasty?” Rachel sighed.

  “No. I think they are a symbol of your strength. Of the struggles you endured. Just like you, I think they are beautiful.”

  Rachel turned in Diesel’s lap. Her plump ass slid over his dick, causing him to groan out loud. After straddling his lap, Rachel ran her fingers through his hair, using it to pull his head back. Diesel’s heart rate sped up when Rachel placed her lips on his. The kiss was like an inferno. From the moment their lips connected, the heat was intense.

  Everything was moving so fast. One minute they were kissing like it was their last, the next Rachel lay naked on the bench seat, with Diesel’s head between her legs.

  The first touch of his tongue against her wet folds, and Diesel knew he was done. There would never be another woman for him. With that one taste, Diesel found his newest addiction - HER.

  Rachel’s moans filled the evening sky. As the sun began to set on the horizon, Diesel lavished Rachel’s pussy with devouring kissing and possessive slides of his tongue. He was stating ownership. From this moment on, Rachel Moore was his.

  “Mmmm,” Rachel moaned.

  “I love hearing you moan. I love knowing I am the man causing them,” Diesel responded, not moving too far away from his treasure.

  “Please, Diesel,” Rachel pleaded.

  “What do you need, baby?”

  “Make me come,” Rachel answered.

  “My pleasure,” Diesel chuckled.

  Using his tongue, he swirled it around her clit, then nipped at it with his teeth. Rachel’s back bowed off the bench and her moans turned into soft screams, but that wouldn’t do. Diesel wanted to hear her screaming his name.

  Sucking the tiny bud in-between his lips, Diesel increased the pressure on her bud and inserted a finger into her tightness. And she was tight. The moment that realization hit him, Diesel’s balls grew painfully constricted and his dick hardened even more. Rachel had the tightest pussy he had ever felt. He couldn’t wait to sheath himself in her wetness, but he would have to. There was no way Diesel would fit inside of her without causing Rachel pain; and that was the last thing he wanted.

  Increasing her pleasure, Diesel licked, sucked, and consumed Rachel like she was his last meal. Her screams grew louder. Diesel grew harder. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

  Inserting a second finger, Rachel tensed, sucking air in between her teeth.

  “Relax,” Diesel cooed.

  “It hurts,” Rachel breathed. “This is my...”

  “Your what?’ Diesel asked, slowing the movement of his fingers, allowing her a chance to adjust.

  “First time,” Rachel sighed.

  “What?” Diesel asked, completely frozen.

  Virgin? Oh no. No. No. No. Please tell me I heard that wrong, he said to himself, repeatedly.

  “I’m a virgin,” Rachel clarified, raising up from the bench on her elbows.

  “A virgin?” Diesel asked. He knew he heard her, but suddenly he had gone dumb.

  “Yes,” Rachel answered.

  Diesel moved out from between Rachel’s legs, and ran a hand through his hair. Rachel followed his lead. Diesel stood there and watched as she quickly pulled all her clothes back on. When she was done, it was like nothing had ever happened between the two of them. That concept bothered Diesel straight to his core.

  “Rachel,” Diesel said to get her attention.


  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t say anything else. Nothing. Not a word. Just don’t.”

  “I...” He started to explain.

  “Marcus! I said don’t!” Rachel shouted.

  Diesel could see the walls building back up around her. He had no idea what he had done wrong. He tried to explain his reaction, but Rachel wouldn’t hear it. Second by second, his heart shattered as brick by brick Rachel cut herself off from him. He was just about to say something, when a boat motor echoed down the lake. Moments later, Viper came around the bend.

  “Bet you’re glad to see me,” Viper laughed.

  Diesel could see the wheels turning in his buddy’s head when nobody bothered to reply. Viper knew something was up. Instead of coming out and asking, Diesel was thankful when Viper just let it go.

  “Let’s get y’all towed back,” Viper said, handing Diesel a rope to tie to the boat.

  Thirty minutes later, Diesel was pulling up alongside the dock. After he quickly tied the boat off, he reached a hand out to help Rachel step out of the boat. When she grabbed his offered hand, Diesel thought maybe everything would be okay now. Things would go back to normal. But the second her feet touched the dock, she pulled her hand from his and headed straight for the house. All the hope Diesel had gained from that moment of contact, washed away.

  “What happened?” Viper asked when Rachel was out of earshot.


  “Bullshit. What happened?”

  “I fucking said nothing,” Diesel said turning back to his friend. “Let it go.”

  “You hurt her and I’ll beat your fucking ass,” Viper warned.

  “Like you stand a chance, fucker,” Diesel countered.

  “Listen,” Viper began. “Whatever happened, fix it.”

  Diesel stood alone on his deck as he watched Viper head for his truck.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow to grab my boat,” Viper called over the hood of his truck before climbing in and pulling away.

  “Fix it...” Diesel said out loud. “How the fuck am I suppose
d to fix it, if she won’t allow me to say a damn word.”

  In frustration, Diesel stomped his way through the backyard and onto the deck. Entering the house, he was met with total silence. Rachel was probably in her room. Heading up the stairs to his own, he stopped outside of her door. For a second, he thought he could hear her crying. Listening closer, the sound never came again.

  With a heavy sigh, Diesel walked the remaining steps and entered his bedroom. He was tired. Not bothering to remove his swim shorts, he flopped down on the bed. He had no idea how long he lay there staring up at the ceiling, but eventually, he fell into a fitful night sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Rachel sat in the middle of her bed, tears rolling down her face. The day had been amazing. Everything had been perfect, until she had to mention that she was a virgin. Rachel never thought Diesel would have the reaction he did. He acted like she had the plague. The rejection hurt. Rachel rubbed a hand over her chest. It really did hurt like a living, breathing thing inside her heart.

  Hearing the creak of the stairs, she knew Diesel was on his way up. Rachel watched, frozen as his shadow stopped in front of her door. Grabbing her pillow, she placed it to her face to muffle the sound of her crying. She had been humiliated enough for one day, she didn’t need or want him to see her crying, too. After a moment, his shadow disappeared and Rachel breathed a hiccupped sigh of relief.

  Being a virgin had never bothered her before. She had never met anyone she wanted to be with in that way. But now, she hated it.

  No, she told herself. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.

  Wiping the wetness from her face, Rachel walked into the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, Rachel could see the sadness in her own eyes. Of all the things to be rejected for, she never thought Diesel would freak out over her virginity. The burns and scars - yeah. But not her virginity. With a heavy sigh, Rachel knew what she had to do. There was no way she could face him in the morning. There was no way she could continue to live under the same roof with him. She needed to get out of here.

  Exiting the bathroom, Rachel grabbed her duffle bag and started packing her clothes. She couldn’t take it all, but that was okay. That was normal. Every time Rachel moved, she always left something behind.


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