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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 12

by Alan VanMeter

  Well what do you know, the poems are embellished considerably, and for good reason too. That is not nearly as epic, or exciting. Oh good, there is one more tablet by Gilgamesh.

  Tablet thirty of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Gilgamesh, King of Uruk. My wife, the Goddess Inanna, has born me a son, who we named Ur-Nungal. He will become the next King of Uruk. The people were in famine for a year before the crops would begin to grow again, as Inanna had not stored enough grain for the full seven years of sterility the land was subject to. Quite a number starved to death, but now things are well again, and we have no looming threats from Kingdoms nearby.

  It has been quite a few blissful years since our son was born, but I suppose something had to occur which brought angst back into my life. It started one day when I made the mistake of bedding my good friend, and often lover, Enkidu, in Inanna’s and my marital bed. This was the first time we coupled there, and it was only due to utter convenience as our passions had been ignited unexpectedly. Of course Inanna discovered us in the midst of heated throws, and she became angrier than I have ever seen her before. It confused me as I have as many consorts as I wish, and she even has women consorts as well as many men, and gods. Her father even visits every now and again with the express purpose of bedding her down. Why she would get so incensed at Enkidu and I being lovers is beyond me.

  It wasn’t long until Enkidu became ill, and sunk to the very lowest depts. Inanna told me that the Council of the gods had decreed that one of us, either he or I, had to pay for our sins. I know it was her doing though. Not long after, my greatest friend, and lover died. Now I have no reason to live.

  The next couple of tablets are written by Gilgamesh, and Inanna’s son, Ur-Nungal. They are pretty much boring, and I am getting tired. Thankfully dinner is announced just then. Tonight we have a special treat, and oh am I so glad to see it, but mostly to dive in and eat a bunch.

  “This smells great! What are they, tortellini?” Roberta asks as we are served.

  “Pelmini.” I tell her.

  “What’s that?”

  “Russian style… tortellini, for lack of a better explanation. Make sure to get some sour cream and horseradish to mix on top of them.” I smile as my stomach rumbles with eager anticipation.

  “What’s in them?” Roberta is still curious.

  Nicki answers, “A mixture of ground beef, ground pork, some onions, garlic, and spices.”

  “I take it we can thank you, and Captain Voronov for this special treat.” I give thanks to Nicki.

  “Da, after tasting what you all were forced to consume, I thought a little taste of home might be nice.” He grins.

  “Thank you Nicki.” Roberta flashes him a bright smile.

  “Yes! Thank you.” Kelly joins in, as does Vicky, Larry, and Hector.

  “You are all friends of Victor, so you are now friends of mine. Think nothing of it.” Nicki says.

  Roberta leans over and gives him a sweet kiss on his cheek.

  That brings a big smile to Nicki’s face. “With a response like that, I will treat you more often.”

  “You can treat me any time you want, however you want.” Roberta winks at him, a nicely sexy wink.

  After a delicious dinner we translate until well past dark, then Kelly explains what she has learned, while showing us her transcriptions.

  “Okay, so after the second Pyramid war I told you how the regions of Earth were divided up between the Anunnaki factions who had a vested interest in their descendants achieving superiority.”

  She looks around at all of us to make sure we are on the same page. We all nod, except Nicki, who just shrugs.

  “Don’t worry Nicki, you’re one of us, and you can read our translations anytime you wish.” Kelly beams him a broad smile.

  “Is good.”

  Kelly goes on, “Well, they sure didn’t stop fighting after that second war, but mostly they directed their part human descendants to do the fighting. This goes on for ages, but finally culminates in a big showdown between nine Kingdoms. Five on one side allied together against four on the other. Basically it seems to have boiled down to the same base sides as the second pyramid war had, but with mostly human armies supplemented by those of part Anunnaki blood, or of the gods lineage. These were giants, and Enlil’s side seemed intent on wiping out those of Enki’s bloodline. The Kingdoms that were of Enki’s descent lost the big battle where they all had come together to have it out in the valley known as The Valley of Grease to the Egyptians, but is known in the Bible as the Valley of Siddim. Those of Enlil’s descent took advantage and moved to consolidate their victory.”

  “Wait a minute! Do you mean to tell me that the Old Testament is true?” Hector shakes his head.

  “Parts of it anyhow, but we haven’t got to the real crazy time of Moses yet. Yes, I’m just as curious, and worried as you are Hector.” Kelly raises her brows.

  Hector sighs deeply, almost like a groan.

  “Okay, so here’s where it gets pretty wild again. When the Kingdoms of Enlil’s bloodline made their move to consolidate their victory, they installed their own people in the Kingdoms that were conquered. Including the key strategic points north of the Valley of Siddim. Now Enki’s side was plenty pissed off it seems, and Enki himself gave permission to Horus to use the rest of the nuclear missiles that he had hidden from Alalu’s cruiser long before.”

  “Oh my god! Sodom and Gomorrah!” Vicky spouts, seeing it.

  “Yup! That’s not all though, they also nuked the main cities on the approach to the Indus.” Kelly is clearly excited.

  “Mohenjo-daro, and Harappa!” I am certain.

  “Exactly!” Kelly seems like she just won the lottery by her excitement.

  “Well, that’ll be a number of points taken away from the Anunnaki popularity, when this comes out publically.” Larry has wide eyes.

  “Word! I don’t like these damn nuking gods at all.” Vicky agrees.

  Kelly goes on, “They used the last big nuke as an air burst over Sodom and Gomorrah, and they said it was a big one! Then they only had some smaller dirty bombs left to use on the other two.”

  “Wait!” I interject. “The tablets actually spelled that out?”

  “That they did. Thoth was the one recording when all this happened.” Kelly gives me a smug grin.

  I just want to pinch her nipples for that, it is quite endearing.

  “Then what happened?” Nicki asks.

  “Well, Thoth recorded that Anu got really pissed off, sorry… very angry at his children for causing such calamity on the people of Earth, and he recalled most all of them to Nibiru, most especially all the main players in the wars. From what he related, Enki got a severe punishment, death, for his role in the nuclear holocaust of… about two thousand and sixty BCE. Give or take a century.”

  “That’s a shame.” Vicky giggles.

  Larry laughs outright, but the rest of us stay quiet.

  “What? It was just a joke.” She defends, still giggling.

  “Nyet.” Nicki shakes his head. “Never joke about a god being killed, is bad karma.” He looks as serious as can be.

  That calms both Vicky and Larry’s outburst.

  Kelly says that is as far as she’s gotten on her translations, so then it is either Hector and Vicky next, or myself, but I insist they go first, as I want to save my juicy stuff for just before Kelly, and Roberta take me to the back aisle as promised for some great sex!

  Hector clears his throat before he begins, “So far we have only reached the era of the pre-Incan civilizations. The texts are clear though that the God Viracocha is of extraterrestrial nature. He came down with two hundred of his children to give humans the genetic modifications, and then base knowledge to someday grow into a star faring race themselves. He does not describe himself or his offspring as being from the planet Nibiru, but rather from what we relate to as the Pleiades star cluster. Now it is also told in the tablets that Viracocha and his kind had to move there from a nearby failing star s
ystem, perhaps in the Draco constellation. Anyhow his mission on Earth was to assist with other races who had also come here for the same purpose. Their first point of landing seems to be Lake Titicaca, and they established a space port nearby, my best guess is Puma Punku.”

  “Was this predeluvian?” Kelly asks.

  “Yes, most certainly, as the texts later tell of its destruction in a great upheaval and flood.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Kelly shivers.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” I ask, rubbing her shoulder.

  “It’s just… so goddamn much!” She shivers again.

  “Da.” I let my Russian slip inadvertently.

  She stops quaking and looks into my eyes with pure lust. What can I say, Russians have a way with women.

  Hector goes on to tell of many of the places that the star gods had built, many of which are still standing today, and only because they were built with technology from the stars. Like the ability to soften hard stone to where it morphs into shape to form a wall that will last for eons. The great road of the Inca as well as all the old cities of wonder were built long before the Inca came along, just as their own legends tell.

  “So what happened to the Inca, and where did the Mayan originate?” Kelly asks.

  “I’m not up to any of that part yet… give me time.” Hector breathes in deep.

  “Okay then, now for your report Victor.” She gazes at me with expectant intensity.

  “Goody.” I giggle, and call up my files.

  I pretty much just read the text of my translations as they gather around to read them also, because there is no way I can give an accurate synopsis of the very personalized records.

  “Oh my god!” Kelly exclaims as I detail the bestiality of Inanna. “That girl was way over the fucking deep end!”

  “That Goddess you mean.” I correct her.

  “Whatever! She’s fucking goats!”

  “Sheep, or rams actually.” I again set straight.

  “And her son was jealous?” Roberta half-laughs in disgust.

  “I sure wouldn’t want to be the priestess to clean up that cream-pie.” Larry busts up.

  Vicky adds, “Or the poor cuckold watching.”

  Nicki just shakes his head, but stays silent.

  Soon they are all silent as I recount the part of the flood of Gilgamesh, and how Inanna brought the machine to fix the land.

  “The Bull of Heaven was a … bulldozer!” Kelly exclaims with pure insight.

  “Of sorts… Yes it does seem so.”

  “A highly advanced terraforming bulldozer.” Larry sees it.

  “Da!” I nod.

  Nicki chuckles at me.

  I did used to correct him all the time when he first came to America, on the use of English, and not Russian after all. I can only shrug.

  After I go over all the juicy details of Inanna’s palace of orgies, and the famous history of Gilgamesh, who the Greeks called Hercules in their version of these epics, Kelly is thoroughly ready to go, so she grabs Roberta by the hand, and me, while Roberta grabs Nicki, and they take us to the back aisle for another bout of some serious fun. Tonight I watch them take each other to heaven for a good long while before I let them include me. I like to watch. Amazingly my old heart is still beating afterwards, and I am pretty pleased with my decrepit old body, regardless of whether the girls are, though it sure seemed to give them some pleasure once again.

  Nicki can only laugh at me, and give me a kiss on the cheek, saying, “You virile old orangutan, Victor! You will always have it in you!” he laughs with delight.

  “Just be glad I didn’t have it you too, this time my friend.” I raise my brows suggestively.

  “My ass is yours any time my brother, and uncle.” He kisses me again.

  Just then Vicky leans around the end of the aisle, “If you all are still ready for some more, Hector, Larry, and I would love to get in on the fun!”

  Nicki waves her over, and I can only sit back and watch as the horny orgy between them takes place, but I do hold the flash light for us all to see by.

  The boats are back by early morning again, and we already have the next load ready for them, then they head back to the submarine. The pilots told us that they are keeping the containers on the Reina until dark, when they will load them on the sub, as it is now staying submerged during the day after an over-flight from an unknown aircraft the day before. With every trip up river to our camp the boats bring more shipping containers, and then the students of Kelly’s go to work packing more of the precious tablets right away, as we need to hurry. However Hector, Kelly, and I continue to translate as fast as we can.

  Chapter 9

  Six of the crew will go back to the Reina with the last load of the day, so they can shower and clean up, as we have been rotating the crew back as planned. Tomorrow it will be our turn to have this luxury. Right after breakfast we get our laptops, and start back to our task. As Larry starts to head out of the cave, Vicky asks him to go with her to use the bathroom, or the jungle as it were. He chuckles and takes her by the hand leading her out. Nicki comes over to us thanking Kelly, and Roberta for a wonderful time last night. Just as he is about to head out of the cave we hear some shouting and screaming from outside. He starts to run for the entrance but one of the other girls of the crew comes running inside at that moment.

  “There’s a group of crazy looking guys with guns outside!”

  “Who are they, Laurie?” Kelly asks. “Soldiers?”

  “No, they aren’t in uniform.”

  Nicki grows a mean scowl, “Local drug runners I bet.”

  “I heard them shouting in English, they sounded America.” Laurie tells.

  Nicki looks to me quickly. “Gary and his crew! Fuck!”

  Suddenly we hear someone shouting towards the cave entrance from outside, “Everyone in the cave, come out unarmed, or we start killing your friends. DO IT NOW!”

  I recognize the voice, it’s Gary alright.

  “What do we do?” Kelly panics.

  “You all go out like he said.” Nicki calms her with his deep, even voice alone. “I’ll hide in here, and when they come to inspect their brand new treasure, I’ll take them. They don’t know I am here.”

  I nod. “There it is then. Let’s go everyone, hands in the air to show them we are unarmed.”

  It takes us quite a while to get down from the cliff, and the whole time we are covered by Gary and seven of his men that I can see, all with American design assault rifles. Each of us is herded by rifle point into a group, kneeling with our hands over our heads, as one by one we climb down the rope ladder we’d set up.

  “Any of you get foolish to cause us trouble, and I’ll murder the lot of you!” Gary barks.

  When I finally get down, near to the last of those of us on top, he personally comes up to me while another of them holds a rifle barrel in my back.

  “Professor Dorozney, you made a big fucking mistake pal! You and your Russian friends will now pay for it.” He smiles with pure contempt on his angry face.

  “Would you have expected me to just let you go on with your wild goose chase then?” I ask.

  “You should have, obviously!” He laughs.

  “Yes, you are right.” I sigh.

  He comes close and sneers in my face, “You mistake was in having your Russian friends double cross me.”

  “I see your point.” I try to ease his tension.

  “Because of your friends, I lost two of my friends!” He growls.

  I look and realize they are indeed two short of the ten Nicki had mentioned.

  “One of my loyal friends was bitten by a damn viper while we humped it through the goddamn jungle here. The other… well his loyalties lay elsewhere.”

  “He had it coming, Gary!” The man behind me says.

  “Damn straight! We are in this together, or not at all. Same as it always is.” Gary turns to shout at his men, and they all growl their approval.

  I notice they are all di
rty and weary looking, and I know their trek through the jungle must have pissed them off to no end. “I was merely doing what you would have done in a similar situation, Gary” I let him know.

  “You are abso-fucking-lutely right Professor… but I am not you, and now you are eating shit, motherfucker!”

  His men all laugh.

  “Look, we will be glad to help you in any way, just in return for our lives. There is plenty of gold in the cave, and the true treasure as well.” I make like I am begging.

  “Oh, you all will help us, and maybe we will spare your lives.” He grins. “Now get on your fucking knees with the rest of them, hands over your head, and shut the fuck up!” He roughly pushes me down with our group, and I do as he says.

  Once we are all helpless in our herded, captive group, Gary orders, “Gerald, Greg, check out the cave. Make sure there aren’t any lollygaggers. If there are, throw them off the cliff.”

  Two of his men go to climb the rope ladder to the cave, slinging their rifles over their shoulders as they do. This may be our saving grace, as I know full well Nicki can easily take them out, but if even one gets a shot off, we may be done for. As soon as they are both in the cave, Gary shoulders his rifle, and draws the pistol sidearm he has.

  “Now I must make myself exceedingly clear to you all, that I am more than willing to kill any, or all of you. So, now it’s puking time, crying time, and hate my fucking ass time.” He lets that sink in to us for a moment. “Yup, now I am going to murder one of you mother fuckers, just so you know that I will.” He laughs, but his men don’t follow suit. Instead they all raise their weapons to cover us.

  “Let’s see, who shall it be?” Gary asks as if himself as he strides arrogantly around our perimeter.

  “Gary, there is absolutely no need for that. We will all do exactly as you tell us, and no one will cause you any trouble.” I protest.

  “Perhaps you will make a good example then, Professor.” He comes to me, and points the automatic pistol at my head.


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