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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 13

by Alan VanMeter

  I merely close my eyes, waiting to be released from this life.

  “No, you are needed to help me understand the significance of this find.” He starts walking back around the perimeter of his hostages.

  Suddenly there is a muffled shout from the cave. Gary turns and shouts up, “What is it?”

  A muffled response comes, “You won’t fucking believe this!”

  Gary grins wide and laughs. Then he goes right up to Vicky. “You, such a pretty, tiny young thing. You surely won’t be much help in moving the treasure.” He grabs her arm roughly, and yanks her to her feet, dragging her away from the group.

  Vicky is instantly screaming for help, and Larry gets up and runs to her, knocking Gary’s hand off her arm, and shielding her with himself.

  “NO! I won’t let you!” Larry is loudly defiant.

  Gary takes a step back, and laughs at Larry. “Oh what do we have here now? A motherfucking hero?” He laughs boisterously some more. Then he quickly raises the pistol towards Larry’s head, “You will do then pig.” He fires a single shot into Larry’s face, and blood sprays from the back of his head all over poor Vicky.

  A number of us scream in horror at the sight, as Larry’s corpse falls to the ground with a slight thud.

  Gary steps up to Vicky as she shakes in terrified shock, while the blood of her lover drips down from her head and hair. “Now, your turn my pretty.”

  Just then a loud report issues from the cave above, instantly followed by another, then yet another. I see Gary’s men dropping dead with their heads blown to hell. The firing continues quickly, and now all but Gary and two of his men are standing, the others are quite deceased. One of his men makes a run for it into the jungle, while the other sprays automatic fire into the cave entrance in response. Gary grabs Vicky, and pulls her in front of him. I hear another shot from above, and the man who fired into the cave wrenches over backwards, also now dead. Gary fumbles to put his pistol into its holster, and he grabs for his shoulder slung rifle while keeping Vicky as a shield. I kick his knees with a side thrust, and grab Vicky from in front of him. Gary goes down, and she is in my arms. I roll on top of her to protect her from that evil ass-worm. A single shot rings out from above us, and I look back to see Gary slumped over with blood pouring out of his dumbass dead head.

  “Stay down!” Nicki yells from the cave.

  Then a single shot, and a second later another one. A man screams in pain from off in the jungle, and then a continuous roar of fully automatic weapon fire blares from the undergrowth, raking the cave entrance, and then even sending rounds over our heads. We all hug the ground tightly as the chaotic spray of death zips with the promise of painful hell just above us. Then another single shot from above silences the maniacal machinegun fire. The agonizing screams from the jungle are gone now, then we hear Nicki yell again, “Stay down!”

  Of course we are all hugging the insect infested earth at this point, and yet I turn my head to watch Nicki seemingly defy gravity as he slides down the rope ladder in less than a second, to come to the ready again with his assault rifle. Then he begins to creep towards the downed men of Gary’s command. Within another few seconds he is off into the jungle, and I merely tell everyone to stay quiet, though many are crying and trembling with raw fear.

  “It’s alright, Nicki has this under control. He has saved us.” I tell them, and then again.

  Poor Vicky is shuddering with sobs, moans, and even out right screams of horror. I pull her close, and kiss her head, while stroking it too.

  Nicki calls out to us as he returns from the jungle, “It is over! They are all dead. You can… stand up now.”

  I am the first to rise to my feet, but quickly followed by Kelly, Roberta, and then the others, all except Vicky. She is beside herself with grief and trembling tears. Larry, her lover, lay quite dead just meters away. Kelly, Roberta and a couple of the other girls go to her, holding her with tender loving caresses, and wiping the blood from her face. I go to make sure our captors are all dead, and begin to collect their weapons. Nicki comes back into the small clearing at the base of the cliff.

  “Thank you my friend.” I give him a nod.

  “I just wish I could have been a second or two quicker.” He looks to Larry’s corpse, and then to Vicky, who is still shuddering with sobs.

  “You did save the rest of us.”

  “Da.” He nods. “I should have killed them before, instead of letting them go free.”

  “Hindsight is twenty, twenty.” I shrug. “So, what do we do now?”

  “Now we have to dispose of the bodies.” Nicki frowns.

  After covering Larry’s body with a couple of our rain ponchos we drag the others unceremoniously to a mutual pile, including the two in the cave. Then Nicki and several of the men, myself included, begin to dig a large pit just off in the jungle. We switch off with the two shovels we have, and when we are about a meter deep, shouting and crying catches our attention from the clearing. It is Vicky, so I go to see what is going on.

  “NO! You can’t just stick him in a hole out in the jungle! He saved my life!” She bawls.

  Kelly pulls her close into a warm embrace. “There, there baby, what else are we going to do?”

  “But he loved me! I… I loved him! We have to take him back… his parents!”

  I kneel down next to her, right by Larry’s covered body. “She’s right, Kelly. He deserves better than that. He did sacrifice himself for her.” I say softly.

  Vicky pulls from Kelly and looks at me with such sad tear stained eyes, then she lunges at me, latching on and hugging me with sobs.

  “Thank you Victor…thank you. You saved my life too.”

  I wrap my arms around her and soothe her with kisses to her head.

  I ask the girls take Vicky up to the cave to let her rest, and I go talk to Nicki. When I tell him we have to do something different with Larry’s body, he nods and says he has another plan. He will have a body bag sent out when the boats arrive, and we will take the body onboard the sub. Then we will have to bury it at sea, but with a proper ceremony. It is the only reasonable thing we can do, so I agree. Now I’ll just have to explain it to Vicky.

  We are exhausted by the time the mass grave is big enough for the eight men, and then we fill it up again. No ceremony, or even words for the thugs. Then we go back to the cave and have a meeting with Kelly and the others, with the exception of Vicky who is sleeping.

  “Okay, we must hurry with loading all the tablets, no more translations until we get the Library to a safe location.” I inform them.

  “Our benefactor has offered to let us use an old mining facility to store the tablets, until you get them translated and you publish. He has told me that once you do go public, more than likely the Belize government will sue to get the tablets back, and they will win.”

  “Yes, but before then we will have them verified as authentic by numerous independent sources, so they won’t be able to sweep it under the rug.” I state.

  Kelly jumps in, “Do you think any of us might face criminal charges? Especially seeing that we will have to tell them of the murderers who came to steal the Library.”

  Nicki says, “I would suggest not telling of the unfortunate events of today, ever.”

  “But what about Larry? What will we say happened to him? His family will have already contacted the FBI by the time we go public, I’m sure.” Kelly asks.

  “We say that he was swept overboard during a storm, unbeknownst to any of us.” Nicki has the solution.

  “As long as none of us ever say a peep of the truth to anyone, I’ll go along with it.” She looks around at everyone.

  “There is another option.” A young man named Rick says. “We could go to the authorities right away and explain everything.”

  Hector shakes his head. “No, we would all be put in prison for even tampering with the artifacts, and to shut us up.”

  “Not only that, Captain Voronov would not let us do that. Our benefactor is not so
meone you ever go back on your word to. He would have us all killed.” Nicki explains.

  “He’s quite correct, I have known him for years, and he is trusty worthy, yet not to be crossed, ever.” I agree.

  Rick nods, “Since you put it that way… I agree. We all have to keep silent about this completely.”

  Everyone else nods and agrees.

  “What about you Hector?” Kelly asks. “Will you be in any danger by your government? When we go public they will know you aided us. You should come with us back to the States. Oh crap, what about your family?”

  “I have only a brother that is alive, my parents passed away years ago.” He tells.

  “No wife, or children?” I question.

  “I was married for a little over a year, a long time ago, but we divorced as I was always out on an expedition somewhere or other. We had no children.”

  “How will we get him a Visa?” Kelly looks to me.

  “That would be no good. When we go public Belize would demand him to be extradited.”

  Roberta queries, “Does the US have an extradition treaty with Belize?”

  Hector nods. “Yes.”

  Nicki states, “He will need a new identity then. Our benefactor can arrange this easily enough.”

  “Damn! That means you won’t be able to help take credit for the discovery.” Kelly shakes her head.

  “I hadn’t thought about that.” Hector sighs. “Well, that’s just the way it is then.”

  “When he turns up missing, won’t the Belize Government demand to know what happened to him?” Roberta sees this other problem.

  Nicki rubs his chin for a moment, then says, “Perhaps he was washed overboard as well.”

  “No, already I see another issue. Captain Guillermo, and his crew. They may not talk, but we will surely get them in trouble with the authorities.” Kelly worries.

  “They left us as soon as they found out about what we were really doing.” I suggest. “Larry went with them when he also found out our deceit, but when he came up missing they decided to keep quiet, and not go to the authorities.”

  “Hector could have gotten washed overboard as well, as he was returning to report us.” Nicki adds.

  “Why wouldn’t they have just radioed for the police to come get us?” Roberta asks.

  “We smashed their radio set, so they couldn’t.” I see the obvious answer.

  Everyone is quiet, thinking of possible errors in our story.

  “We have to smash the good captain’s radio, and they have to leave as soon as possible, yet not too soon that we will still be here when they arrive in Belize.” Kelly nods.

  “Then they have to go to the authorities and tell this tale right away. They can’t stay silent simply because they are scared. That won’t work.” Roberta puts in.

  “It looks like the plausibility of our entire efforts will rely on them.” Nicki grows a grimace. “Can they be trusted?”

  I know he has another option in mind, one that doesn’t sit well with me, as the Captain and his crew have been so helpful, and I like them.

  “Yes. I have given them enough gold to have them do as we ask, and they are our friends.” I immediately vouch.

  Nicki nods.

  Just then Vicky comes over to join us.

  “I heard the plan, and it will work. We have to bury Larry at sea though. His body must be weighted down so that they will never find it.” She surprises us all totally, obvious from the gaping mouths on nearly everyone’s faces. Then she further blows all our minds as she sits right next to Nicki, and rubs his crotch. “Nicki, you saved my life today. I’ve never seen anyone shoot so accurately before. You must have been in the military.”

  “Da, I mean yes.” He groans with pleasure from her touch.

  “Tell me.” She coerces him with her randy touch.

  “I was in GRU Spetsnaz for ten years.” He breathes heavily.

  “That’s special forces, right?” She coos.


  “Cool, I never sucked a special forces cock before.” With that she unbuttons Nicki’s pants and pulls his very large cock free, only to immediately start giving him a very wet blow job right in front of us all.

  “Vicky! You need rest, this isn’t a good thing.” Kelly goes to her and strokes her head with tenderness.

  Vicky pulls of Nicki’s cock, and says, “Either eat my pussy, Kelly, or shut the fuck up. He saved my life today, and so did you, Victor. Get over here NOW!” She curls her finger at me.

  I am powerless to resist, and in just a moment she is switching off sucking both of our cocks. Kelly shrugs, and pulls Vicky’s pants off to dive her tongue into her wet pussy. In just a few more moments everyone is disrobing and an orgy between the whole damn crew begins. It didn’t take much to instigate, and it goes on for hours.

  We hear someone shouting from outside in Spanish, and we realize the boats are back for the next load. We all hurriedly get dressed, and then start loading the containers which should have been ready by now. Nicki and I go to talk to the Russian boat pilots, instructing them to start twenty four hour operations, using the night vision equipment to navigate with. We need to hurry now, with all possible haste. With the next load I go back to the Reina with Kelly and Roberta for the night. Mostly so I can explain our new plan to Captain Guillermo, but also we can all get cleaned up as well. Well once we are showered, Kelly and Roberta get us all sticky again in a naughty three way. That’s okay, as we will shower again in the morning before heading back to Pusilha, and the cave.

  It takes us just over another week to get all of the tablets safely on board the submarine, and as the last containers are loaded we say good bye to Captain Juan, and his crew of the Reina. They have their gold, the radio set is smashed, and they promise to play their parts well. I think they will do exactly as they said. One thing I have always been good at, is reading the subtle intentions in people’s mannerisms. I sure hope I am correct this time, as all of our asses are hanging way over the edge on this one.

  The morning after the Reina makes way, we do also, all of us tightly packed into the submarine. Captain Voronov has assured us that we will stealthily make the secret base of our benefactor without incident. I am sure that any Coast Guard, or other agency which could detect and stop us have been bribed to look the other way. This is how the Boss operates, always has. Since the voyage is long, as we stay submerged during the day time, only using the snorkel device at night to recharge the batteries from the diesel engines, all of us who able to translate more of the tablets do so with the time we have.

  Tablet thirteen of the Kingdom of Babylon: I am Bumaburiash, King of the great Kassite Empire. There has been a quite alarming report from my friend in Egypt. Pharaoh Thutmose the third has sent word that someone has found the dreaded, and previously hidden Finger of God. The man who is in possession of it is said to be the grandson of the Pharaoh himself. This is a most troubling development, as The Finger of God has supreme power with one who can use it. The Pharaoh’s envoy said that this man, Thutmose the fifth, had demanded that his people, the descendants of Seth who call themselves ‘the ones who crossed over the river,’ be given to him. Then when the Pharaoh refused he used the Finger of God and brought many plagues upon the people of Egypt, even killing the Pharaoh’s first born, and only son. It seems that Thutmose the fifth, who now goes simply by Moses, took his people into the great desert of the peninsula. I will send spies to keep an eye on this new threat.

  It has been a few years since my spies were sent, and their first report is quite strange. It seems the man Moses has been forcing his people to undertake forced marches through the harsh desert, and that many of them have died because of this. He has also formed an army of considerable size. My spies tell that he is of obvious Anunnaki, or Anakum descent, just by his size alone. Recently he had released his army on the peaceful descendants of the Igigi in the land they named Midian, conquering their land and slaughtering many thousands with no mercy. Now I know that thi
s ruthless new player will need to be dealt with, so I am ordering an army to be raised to guard our frontier to the southeast.

  Oh, here we go. I guess Moses was real enough, but it looks like he had some ET technology to perform the miracles with. As soon as we have an internet connection again I must look up about this Finger of God, or the Rod of Aaron as the Hebrews called it.

  I tell Kelly right away, “I just came across mention of Moses and the exodus.”

  “What? From the Babylonians?”

  “Yup, King Bumaburiash.”

  “That’s strange, I haven’t seen peep one from the Egyptians about him. It didn’t happen to mention what time this was by any chance?”

  I shake my head. “According to the biblical time line it was fourteen forty six BCE, but I’ve seen that quite a few scholars put it more accurately at fourteen ninety one BCE.”

  She calls up some of her notes on her computer. “Let’s see that would put in anywhere between the Pharaoh Thutmose the third, and…”

  I interrupt her, “It actually said it was Thutmose the third who sent a messenger warning King Bumaburiash that Thutmose the fifth, or Moses as he took the moniker, had found the Finger of God.”

  “That is the thing which Osiris, and Horus mentioned.” She cocks her head. “Hey, I don’t think there was even a tablet entry by Thutmose the third.” She goes back through some of her files. “Nope, it’s like he was skipped.”

  “Yup, pretty sure that Finger of God is what Moses called The Rod of Aaron.”

  “Didn’t they say that was given to them by the Rae, to rule with?”

  “Yeah, it sure seems to be some sort of ET technology.”

  Kelly grows a frown on her pretty face. “I wonder what it does.”

  “Bumaburiash said that it caused many plagues as related by the Egyptian envoy from Thutmose. As soon as we have internet again, I’m going to research as much as I can on it.”

  “Good idea.” She pats my arm. “Try to find out why Moses called it the Rod of Aaron too.”

  “Of course.”


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