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Disciplining the Maid

Page 3

by Zoe Blake

"Place yourself over my knee," he ordered.

  "Please don't,” Lily said in a small, defeated voice.

  "Do not make me any angrier than I already am, little one,” he warned, and Lily was strangely placated by the odd endearment. Knowing she could either do it on her own or be forced, Lily draped herself awkwardly over his lap, sobbing into her hands when she felt him lift her skirt to expose her naked backside. The red marks from Mrs. Oliver's spanking earlier that morning had faded. Rand stroked her left nether cheek with his right open palm.

  "I am doing this for your own good," he scolded. "You must learn to be more obedient." Lord Stockton raised his hand. The first stinging smack sounded like a whip crack in the silent room. Lily screamed in surprise and pain. Pausing only to watch as a perfect red hand print appeared on her white buttock cheek, Rand laid a volley of smacks on each cheek indiscriminately.

  "Stop! Stop!" Lily tearfully wailed. She tried to reach back, but he grabbed both her wrists in his large hand and held them against her back. Lily's bum jiggled and swayed with each blistering hit. She kicked and screamed, but the relentless punishment went on. Rand paid particular attention to her sit-spot and upper-thighs, appreciating the rosy glow that began to form there.

  "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Lily sobbed. “I’ll never do it again! Please!"

  The sound of each stinging slap echoed through the room. Her bottom was throbbing and hot as he forced his hand between her legs with his palm cupping her sit-spot. Rand could feel the heat radiating from her skin, but it was the wetness from her cunny that pleased him most. He had been correct; Lily was a submissive, though she was probably too innocent to even know it.

  Lily was too upset to even realize the punishment had stopped. It was not until she felt two of his fingers pushing their way into her tight passage she became aware. She started to raise her torso as she squeezed her legs tight.

  "Shhh....lay back down," he commanded as he pushed her back across his lap. "Despite your initially running from me," he gently admonished, "you took your punishment like a good girl and I am going to reward you." He slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her wet cunny. Lily squirmed and mewed but did not try to resist. Rand increased the rhythm as he placed the pad of his thumb over her tiny puckered hole and pressed, applying gentle pressure till her resisting sphincter gave and his thumb slipped in past the knuckle. Lily yelped and shot up.

  "Not there! Take it out!" she pleaded, hating the foreign feeling of having his thumb in her bottom, stretching open the small rosebud.

  He ignored her, burying both fingers into her pussy and his thumb into her ass until he felt her breath hitch and her hips move. Knowing Lily was close to coming, he increased the rhythm of his fingers, pushing deeper.

  Lily thought she might pass out. She couldn't catch her breath, having never experienced anything like this before. The spanking had sensitized her skin, making it feel hot and tingly. She could feel her pulse between her legs, the sensation coming in waves till it crested and overtook her. Lily screamed her release and fell limp across his lap, breathing heavily.

  Rand stroked her crimson buttocks before allowing her to rise. Grabbing her petticoats and drawers, Lily shyly glanced back at him before fleeing without saying a word.

  Rand watched her go, resisting the urge to capture her anew, to bury his cock deep into her pussy. But didn't want to rush her. Initiating Lily into the type of passion he would demand required patience. He wanted her to feel the intense release that only came after completely relinquishing control. It was a thrilling thought - to train an innocent young woman with no sexual experience to only come through complete submission. He craved to control every aspect of her body, mind and soul while protecting her childish innocence.

  Rand knew in the vulnerable but spirited little maid, he’d found a rare complement to his unique tastes. She had awakened his primal instincts to protect, fuck and dominate.


  Call Me Papa

  Lily raced down from the upper level servant's quarters to below stairs where the servants broke their fast. She was terribly late. Mrs. Oliver was going to be furious. Lily had lain awake most of the night replaying what happened in his Lordship's rooms. She still did not quite understand her body's response. She’d even tried to replicate the motion of his fingers in the dark of her room under the covers, but did not feel the same pulsing heat. There was just something about him. She’d finally drifted off into a confused slumber in the wee hours and had overslept for the first time since she’d entered service. She burst into the room just as the other servants were clearing away the remnants of their morning tea and bread.

  "Lily. In my room," Mrs. Oliver ordered. Lily reluctantly obeyed.

  "Are you under the impression you should enjoy special privileges under this roof?” Mrs. Oliver asked angrily. "That you may break your fast whenever you please?"

  "No, Madam,” Lily whispered her eyes downcast.

  "Speak up child!"

  "No, Madam,” Lily answered more loudly this time. “I am dreadfully sorry. It will not happen again.”

  "It most certainly will not or you will find yourself turned out without a reference - again,” Mrs. Oliver countered with a huff. "Now, to make certain it does not happen again…”

  Lily watched in horror as Mrs. Oliver produced a birch switch.

  "Oh please don't switch me! Please don't. I couldn't bear it!" Lily cried.

  "You have broken the rules and must be punished,” Mrs. Oliver continued as if Lily had not spoken. "You are late for your duties."

  "But Lord Stockton..."

  "Do not dare bring his Lordship into this conversation, you silly girl," Mrs. Oliver angrily countered. "Now lift your skirt and place your hands on the end of my desk before you make it worse for yourself."

  With a sob, Lily lifted her skirt and bent at the waist, squeezing her eyes shut when she felt her linen drawers being forced down to the top of her thighs, exposing her already bruised and red backside.

  "I see you saw the better side of his Lordship's hand yesterday," smirked Mrs. Oliver. "Silly girl. You will soon learn to behave and do your work or I fear you will spend most of your employment bent over with vulnerable buttocks."

  Mrs. Oliver raised the switch and prepared to administer her standard five switches. The girl was of no use to her if she was incapacitated for the rest of the day with welts and pain. Mrs. Oliver felt five got the message through while allowing the recalcitrant servant to go about their work. Lily's whole body began to shake in fear, her butt cheeks clenched tight in anticipation of the pain.

  "Relax your cheeks."

  The switch made a terrible whooshing sound before landing squarely in the middle of Lily's bum. She screeched in agony from the awful hot sting as a red welt appeared almost instantly. Mrs. Oliver swiftly added four more slashing welts, careful not to overlap, for she had no interest in causing the girl to bleed. Lily started to choke on her own sobs as she clutched her balled up skirt and petticoats to her chest as a feeble form of protection.

  "Stop your bawling, girl,” an irritated Mrs. Oliver commanded. "No silly girl died of a good switching. Now straighten your drawers and go prepare his Lordship's morning tray."

  Lily hissed as the linen of her drawers scraped against the welts on her backside. After casting Mrs. Oliver a mournful look, she headed back into the kitchen to do as she was bid. Taking the morning tray from cook, she reluctantly made her way to Lord Stockton' chambers.

  Rand was in bed reading the London Times morning edition when Lily arrived. He watched her approach with the heavy tray and bade her to place it on the table by the bed. He smiled when he noticed the prettiest blush on her cheeks, knowing it was from the memory of her naughty girl punishment the previous night.

  "Lily, look at me," he demanded.

  She kept her head down but peeked at him through her eyelashes. What she saw made her blush even hotter and cast her eyes quickly back down. Lord Stockton was naked from the waist up wit
h the bedcovers running low over his hips. Lily had never seen a man's bare chest before and was shocked by the broad and muscled expanse of it. It made him look even more powerful. She heard him get out of bed and approach her. Rand used his index finger to tilt her chin up.

  "I want you to look at me, little one," he said, his voice taking on a low, soothing pitch. "All of me." He took a step back and waited. Lily slowly lowered her eyes past his face and chest before she turned her head away in embarrassment.

  "If you don't look at my cock right now I will put you on your knees to make sure you get a good look,” Rand commanded, knowing Lily needed a strong, firm hand to force her to recognize her own sensuality.

  Startled, Lily looked at the thing thrusting out from between his legs. She was not so innocent that she did not know men were different from women down there, but having never seen a man's member before, the first look was frightening. It had a large, bulbous tip and looked long and hard jutting out between his thighs amid a nest of dark hair. She took a step back, but he grabbed her by the upper arm and forced her closer.

  "Take it in your hand,” he ordered gruffly. When Lily hesitated, he grabbed her hand and guided it to his cock, forcing her to grasp it. It felt hot and surprisingly soft, like polished wood covered in silk. Her small hand could not even close around its girth.

  "One day soon I will be putting my cock in your body.”

  Lily shook her head and tried again to take a step back. This time he let her, chuckling as he turned his attention to his tray, unconcerned with his nakedness. Lily's mind whirled with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. She stole a quick glance at his naked buttocks before once again staring at the floor, desperately waiting to be dismissed so she could sort out her conflicting emotions in solitude.

  "Lily, my dear, it seems we have a problem,” Rand turned a questioning brow on her. “You have forgotten the cream for my tea."

  "I'm sorry, my Lord." Dismayed, Lily tried to explain. "Cook prepared the tray. I...I thought everything was in order. I will go and fetch your cream.” She turned to leave, relieved to escape his masculine, naked presence.

  "Don't move," he said.

  Lily froze halfway to the door, having learned her lesson the previous night about trying to escape him. She felt his heat against her back. Lord Stockton placed a hand on her waist and as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, memories of their last encounter assailed her, causing her whole body to flush and tingle.

  "Once again, I find you derelict in your duties," he whispered softly as if it were an endearment. "I fear you must be punished. It is the only way you will learn."

  Lily whimpered softly as tears rolled down her cheeks. She did not want to be placed over his knee again. Her bottom still hurt from the spanking she’d received at his hands the day before, not to mention the switching she just endured from Mrs. Oliver.

  "Shhh....little one," he said as he stroked the side of her neck with the back of his hand. "I promise if you are a good girl for your punishment, I will give you a treat in the end."

  "Please, sir," she begged still not facing him. "Just let me go get the cream for your tea."

  "Oh, I'll still have cream with my tea," he chuckled.

  Rand gently took Lily by the shoulders and turned her so that her back was facing the end of the bed. He lifted her under the arms and placed her bum on the edge.

  "Lay back."

  When she hesitated, he gave her a warning look. Lily laid back. Rand grasped her ankles and placed her feet on the edge of the bed, forcing her knees up as he spread her legs.

  "Pull your skirt and petticoats up," he ordered. "Expose that pretty pussy to me."

  Lily started to openly cry but did as she was bid, slowly grasping the full material into her hands and pulling it up and over her knees. Rand could see her pussy lips peeking through the long slit in her drawers. Taking a handful of the thin linen material in each hand, he ripped her drawers in half, fully exposing her cunny. Lily cried out and desperately tried to push her skirt between her legs to shield herself.

  "Move your hands again and I will tie you to the bed."

  Lily stilled in fear.

  "Lift up your ass and place your hands underneath so you will not be tempted," Rand commanded and she obeyed. He took his time admiring her pussy - cute pink petals covered in soft downy hair. He decided he would have to see about shaving it so she would be smooth and bare for him. Rand spread the pink lips to expose her swollen clit which glistened with her dew. He could see a few red welts peeking out on the lower curve of her pert bottom cheeks - no doubt Mrs. Oliver's handiwork.

  Again he found himself marveling. What an adorable little submissive she was.

  "I'm going to spank your pretty little pussy,” he announced, desire deepening his voice to a dark timbre.

  "Oh God! Please, please, please don't," Lily pleaded through sobs. "Please! I promise I will be good. Please don't spank don't spank me there!"

  "Call me ‘Papa’ when you beg,” he corrected, barely restraining his own need to plunge his cock deep into the tight pussy so helplessly displayed before him.

  "What?" Lily asked confused and upset.

  "Call me ‘Papa’ when you beg,” he repeated.

  "Please...Papa...don't spank me,” she stuttered and he smiled. Rand liked when she called him Papa. He would make her call him that from now on when they were alone.

  "Say it again," he demanded, wanting to hear the name come out of that cute, doll-like mouth.

  "Please, Papa,” cried Lily.

  "Sorry, little one," he said in a tone implying he was not the least bit apologetic. "What kind of Papa would I be if I did not discipline my little girl when she was bad?"

  "But I'm not your...," Lily ended her sentence with a howl as the first smack to her vulnerable pussy came. Oh god, how it stung!

  Rand continued with a steady stream of smacks, each more painful than the last, each one hitting her soft cunny lips. Lily thrashed her head from side to side and tried to raise her hips to escape the pain.

  "Hips down,” he barked. Rand took one hand and separated her petals, exposing her clit and began to spank the swollen bundle of nerves in earnest. Lily wailed in hurt and humiliation. Her pussy pulsed and ached; each stinging slap was more painful than the last as his strong hand continued to punish her.

  "No! No! No!” she moaned.

  "Beg your Papa to stop punishing you."

  "Please stop, Papa! Please stop, Papa!" Lily wept.

  "Did my little girl learn her lesson?"

  "Yes, Papa."

  "Does my sweet Lily want her reward for being such a good girl during her spanking?"

  "Yes, Papa," she answered weakly, worn out from the pain and crying.

  Rand knelt between her legs. Lily whimpered when he once again spread her petals but this time he placed a soft kiss on her clit. She jumped at the sensation on the swollen and highly sensitive nub of flesh. She whimpered as Rand gently swirled his tongue around the base then applied pressure to the top. She began to squirm and Rand pushed two fingers into her tight, wet passage as he continued to tongue her clit in slow circles. Knowing her poor cunny would be swollen, Rand kept his fingers inside of her, not thrusting, but gently twisting and turning. The tingling heat from her pussy spanking began to spread a different kind of warmth. Eyes closed, Lily held her breath as the warm pressure built. She arched her back and screamed as light burst behind her eyelids. She felt dizzy and lightheaded, as if she were floating.

  As Lily lay on his bed spent, Rand retrieved a wooden box from his dressing cabinet. He took out a specially crafted anal plug about one inch wide and two inches long. When he’d seen it in a particular shop in London several months earlier, he’d known he would not regret its purchase, or the acquisition of several larger ones from the set.

  "I'm going to give my little one something that will help her focus and remember her Papa today,” he said as he approached the bed, showing Lily the strange oblong
object. “Stay very still."

  Rand opened a jar of ointment and scooped a generous amount on two fingers. Spreading open her butt cheeks, he ignored the plaintive whimpers from Lily as he swirled the ointment over her puckered hole. Lily grasped handfuls of the bedcovers and tried to stay obediently still. Rand pressed one finger against her hidden passage and Lily clenched, trying to force it closed, but her small puckered hole relented under the pressure of his strong finger. Rand pushed it in fully as Lily groaned in mortification and distress and twisted his finger around till he was certain her back passage was coated in the silky ointment.

  "Papa's going to push an anal plug deep into your bottom, Lily," he said as his finger pumped in and out of her tortured rosebud, opening it. "I want you to be a good girl and bear down for me."

  Lily started to weep in confusion and fear, but knew that further protest was futile. Rand placed the tip of the plug at her puckered hole, admiring how it twitched in trepidation. With the application of continuous pressure, her tight but well-lubricated back passage opened and slowly swallowed the plug.

  Forgetting her resolve to be a good girl and not anger him, Lily cried out. "It hurts! Take it out! Take it out, please!" She pleaded in agony as her muscles cramped and strained to accommodate the hard, foreign object buried in her bottom.

  "I told you to call me Papa when you beg,” he reminded her as he gave the plug another push. Lily moaned.

  "Please, Papa," she pleaded through her tears. "It's too big. It hurts."

  "It is not too big. We need to stretch your tiny hole if it's going to fit Papa's cock," he admonished as he gave the end of the plug an affectionate pat.

  "You cannot mean what you are saying?" Lily asked, alarmed.

  "I told you, your maidenhead was safe for now," he said, reminding her of their first meeting and his promise during his mortifying inspection. "I said nothing about your anal virginity."

  "'s not possible!" Lily’s poor innocent mind could not grasp the concept.

  "Well, it will require a great deal of effort and pain on your part, but I assure you, little one, it will be possible. No more protests from you or I will gag your pretty little mouth.” Rand gave gave her pussy another swipe with his tongue before allowing her to rise from his bed.


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