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Disciplining the Maid

Page 4

by Zoe Blake

  She watched as he walked over and took a sip of his tea. "I cannot imagine a sweeter cream," he said, giving her a satisfied grin.

  Lily rose on shaky legs and gingerly took a few steps, blushing furiously. She could feel a dull throbbing discomfort where the plug stretched her bottom.

  "Come find me in a few hours and I will take it out for you."

  "Yes, my Lord,” Lily replied softly.

  "What was that?"

  "Yes, Papa."

  "Good girl."


  Turning Point

  Mrs. Oliver had been instructed to give Lily light duty that morning so instead of cleaning the upstairs bedrooms as usual, Lily was ordered to dust the front rooms. She was incredibly grateful, as every step, every movement reminded her of the plug in her bottom. Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment at the thought of its insertion by Lord Stockton. Yet, despite the soreness, it was strangely exciting. She could never remember a time she was more aware of her body.

  Papa had said this would force her to focus and think of him and he was right. She had thought only of him - his hands, his mouth - all morning. With a start, Lily realized she now thought of him as Papa. The word brought feelings of warmth and caring to mind. Having lost her parents at a very young age, she never had anyone to call Papa. She’d never had anyone show her much notice or care, until now.

  By the time she was called into Papa's study, Lily was more than ready to have the plug removed. Rand approached her as she entered the room. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he placed one hand over her bottom and patted the end of the plug through her skirt.

  "How is my little one's bottom?"

  "It's sore,” Lily answered in a small, soft voice, for she was still very nervous around him. He exuded power and strength over her, both physically and mentally.

  "Ask Papa to take the plug out of your bottom."

  "Please take the plug out of my bottom...Papa,” Lily asked shyly.

  "Bend over my desk." He motioned for her to cross the room and as he stood watching her movements, he could tell by the stiff sway of her hips that the plug had made an impact. Lily reached his desk and tentatively looked back over her shoulder. Rand’s raised eyebrow was all it took for her to immediately turn back and place her hands and cheek on his desk, bending over at the hips.

  Rand slowly lifted up her skirt and petticoats to see a fresh pair of linen drawers. Pulling the drawers down past her feet and fisting them into a ball, he tossed them into the fireplace.

  "Oh, please don't,” Lily exclaimed. “They were my last pair!"

  "I don't like when I cannot see what's mine, and your blushing bottom and sweet little cunny are mine," he admonished. "No more drawers for you. I want you to always be bare under these skirts. Now spread your legs."

  He made a mental note to change her entire wardrobe, not wanting to see her in long heavy skirts that he considered barriers to her body. "I want you to reach back and spread open your own cheeks for me." Lily did as she was told and Rand admired the view of her small puckered hole straining around the plug, nestled between her sweet blushing, red striped cheeks.

  Lily held her breath, both from anticipation and fear as he rested a soothing hand on her lower back and reached for the plug. Rand gave it a twist and pumped the plug in and out of her tortured hole a few times before fully removing it. Lily's breath came out in a relieved rush the moment the plug left her body.

  Rand went down on his haunches between her spread legs. Her little puckered hole had not fully closed. He gently blew on it and watched the goose bumps appear on her delicate cheeks as her rosebud clenched and trembled. Lily tried to close her knees in embarrassment. The movement cost her a quick smack to her upper thigh. She cried out in surprise but unlocked her knees like a good girl.

  "Stay still. Papa wants to play."

  Rand stroked two fingers along her pussy lips, then dipped them inside. Lily's tight passage tried resisting the intrusion at first, but her slick wetness eased his way in as he forced both fingers to the hilt. She was soaking wet. He thrust his fingers in and out of her untried pussy, riding his thumb along the sensitive strip of skin between her cunny and ass cleft to coat it with her juices. Lily gave a small moan and thrust her hips out in a silent, primal plea for more. Rand complied, plunging his thumb deep into her opened rosebud as he pushed a third finger into her sweet cunny. He drove his fingers without restraint in and out of her defenseless pussy and bum.

  "Come on Papa's fingers, little one. Come for Papa." As always, Lily obeyed.

  Lily lay spent, half sprawled on his desk. Rand pulled his fingers from her body and pushed her skirt and petticoats back into place, moving to sit in the leather chair directly in front of her. He lifted his dew soaked fingers to her mouth, brushing them along her full lower lip.

  "Open your mouth," he commanded in that soothing dark timbre that sent a shiver down Lily's spine. "I want to see you taste your own cream."

  Lily opened her cute little mouth and let him push his cum soaked fingers in. She tasted herself as he pumped them in and out.

  "That's my good little girl.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his other hand and Lily smiled.

  "You had better return to your duties before Mrs. Oliver misses you."

  Rand watched as she left the room, knowing something was going to have to be done and soon. He wanted unrestricted time to explore her body and to finally get his own release. There was so much he wanted to teach her. Rand was going to have to find himself a new maid. Lily was going to be too busy pleasing him, and for that he needed a few things from a particular shop.

  Perhaps it was finally time to set up his nursery, he thought, and he warmed at the image of his little one in a childish pink dress with frills, her doll-like mouth stretched wide around a cock shaped pacifier.


  Lily was awoken later in the evening by someone gently caressing her hair. She rolled over sleepily to see Lord Stockton – Papa - sitting on her small bed. His large masculine presence felt jarring in her tiny room.

  "This is the first time I am seeing your hair down," he said softly. "It's beautiful." He had been watching her sleep for some time. She looked so adorably innocent all curled up under the covers.

  "Sit up so Papa can take your nightgown off," he said quietly. "I have a surprise for you."

  Lily was nervous. While she had bared her bum and cunny to him several times now, he had yet to see her completely naked. Papa smiled warmly as he gently pulled her upright and began to unbutton her nightgown; with every button undone, more of her perfect, full breasts were revealed. Rand parted each side and pushed the fabric off her shoulders and down her arms. Lily blushed prettily as he took in the beautiful view of her hair down and loose, partially covering her breasts. She was a stirring mix of innocence and sex.

  He had come to a decision earlier that day. He was not going to let her go. He planned to set her up as his mistress. Unlike his peers who suffered jaded, greedy mistresses who demanded carriages and jewels, he knew he had something special with innocent, sweet Lily. Rand loved treating her like a little girl and wanted to take things further. He’d already set his plan in motion but he still needed to convince Lily and was determined not to take her virginity until she was truly his - on his terms.

  He reached out to give her nipple a hard pinch and watched as her eyes lit with both pain and desire.

  "Do you like that Lily?" His voice thick with sexual need. "Do you like when I make your nipples hurt?"

  "Yes,” she breathed, too overcome to be ashamed of her response to his touch.

  "Yes, what?"

  "Yes, Papa."

  He could feel his cock straining against his trousers; the need to thrust himself deep inside her body was great. Patience, Rand thought, knowing his plan would take at least a fortnight to complete. During that time he needed to train and stretch her bottom so he could bury his cock into her tight hidden passage until he could take her sweet cunn
y. Most gentlemen who preferred complete control over a woman, liked to work their way up to anal training, wanting to teach their little ones how to suck their cocks and perform other tasks first. Rand disagreed. Training Lily to willingly accept his large cock up her small ass would be the ultimate act of submission, even more so than giving him her virginity, although he wanted that too. If Lily accepted the pain and discomfort of having her bottom violated - all to please him - he knew she would be forever his.

  "Roll onto your tummy, little one," he commanded. Lily did as she was told. Rand pushed her nightgown down over her hips and then off, displaying her beautiful creamy skin. He ran his hand down her smooth back and over her buttocks, tracing the faint outlines of the red welts from Mrs. Oliver's birching with his finger and enjoying the soft mewing sound Lily made each time he came to a still sensitive one. Rand anticipated all the bare-handed spankings he would be giving her pert little bottom in the future.

  "Part your cheeks."

  Lily reached back and grabbed each globe and spread them apart, nervous but trusting him.

  "Papa is going to put another plug in your bottom."

  Lily let go of her cheeks and immediately rolled on her side, hugging her knees to her chest. She had not fully come to terms with her emotions from having the plug in her bottom earlier. Lily had felt a pulsing ache deep in her bottom all morning. It had reminded her of Papa but it had also hurt and was embarrassing. Lily blushed to think what the rest of the staff would think if they’d known what Lord Stockton had done.

  "I don't want anything up my bottom,” Lily whined. “It hurts!”

  "None of your whining," Rand sternly warned. “I am going to be putting my cock deep in your bottom soon and we need to prepare it so I don't harm you."

  Lily started to cry. "I don't want your cock up my bottom. It's wrong."

  "Don't you want to please me?" Rand asked stroking her cheek. Lily tearfully nodded, peaking at him through a cascade of soft, curls.

  "Seeing your cute little bottom hole stretched around this plug will please me,” he coaxed. "Did you not think of Papa the whole time this was up your bottom today?"

  Lily again nodded.

  "I liked knowing you were thinking of me all day, like I think of you."

  Lily liked the idea he thought of her as much she did him. Still...

  "But it will hurt,” Lily complained, still curled up.

  "Don't you trust that I know what is best for my little one? Don’t you trust that I know what you need?"

  Lily haltingly released her grip on her knees and began to uncurl.

  "Are you going to be Papa's special little girl and give me your bottom or am I leaving?" Rand asked, his voice sounding harsh in the quiet stillness of the small room. Lily did not want him to leave. She loved the attention and care he showed her and would do anything to please him.

  "I’ll…I’ll give you my bottom, Papa,” she said hesitantly.

  He motioned for her to once again lay down.

  "Since you were a naughty girl and questioned my authority, you first must be punished," he reprimanded as he grabbed her chin and forced her gaze up to his. "You must never question that I know what is best for you."

  "Yes, Papa,” she said weakly. She watched as he rose from the bed and crossed her room to the bureau. After a quick search he found her petticoat neatly folded in a drawer. The fabric was soft and worn from use, easily tearing in his hands as he ripped three strips from the bottom. Lily gave a small gasp at the damage to her only petticoat but did not dare complain. Her lower lip trembled as she watched him pick up a wooden hairbrush.

  "Oh, Papa .... please don't spank me with that!" Lily cried as she protectively tried to cover her bottom.

  "Hush," Rand admonished as he turned his attention back to her prone form on the bed. "You will take your punishment like a good girl." He forced her hands away from her bottom as he placed a knee on the bed, leaning over her.

  "Since we cannot have you waking the other servants, I will have to silence you." He grasped a section of her hair and pulled, forcing her head back and mouth open. Rand then pushed the strip of petticoat into her mouth, tying it in a bow behind her head. Patting her hair, he ignored Lily's muffled protests.

  "Place your hands on the bed rails," he ordered as he rose from the bed and moved to stand at the foot. "If I see you move them even once, I will tie you up and leave you that way for the rest of the night."

  Lily mournfully nodded her head, unable to speak. She dutifully placed her hands on the rails and lowered her head to the pillow, crossing her legs in a futile attempt to hide her vulnerability. He watched as her cute little toes clenched and unclenched nervously. Rand tested the weight of the heavy hairbrush in his hand, adjusting his grip on the handle. He laid a restraining hand on Lily's upper thigh and raised his arm.

  With her head buried in her pillow, Lily did not see the first smack coming before she felt it. The hairbrush made an awful cracking sound the moment it connected with the soft flesh of her bottom. No one heard her muffled screams as her tongue flicked obscenely over the fabric gag between her stretched lips. Rand continued to roast her bottom with the flat of the hairbrush till it was crimson and bruised. Lily was sobbing incoherently as she gripped the rails of the bed until the knuckles of her shaking hands were white. The unforgiving, hard wooden hairbrush made her cheeks throb and sting. When he was finished, Rand removed the gag, allowing her to breathe more easily. He lifted her onto his lap, knowing by Lily’s hiss of discomfort her bottom would suffer long for her disobedience.

  "Shhh....calm down, little one," Rand said, as he smoothed Lily's hair back and gently kissed the corners of her lips where the gag had left angry red marks. The heat radiating from her punished bottom radiated to his cock through his trousers. "Your punishment is over. Now you get to show Papa how obedient you can be."

  Rand rose and gently placed her on her stomach. He then grabbed Lily's hips and raised them, forcing her up on her knees with her shoulders and head pressed against the bedcovers. The movement brought another groan of pain from Lily as the swollen and red skin across her bottom stretched from the exposed position. She then felt him beside her once more and without a word of warning, he placed a fresh strip of petticoat across her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

  Leaning over her from behind, Rand wrapped a hand around Lily's throat and whispered into her ear, "You're mine. Submit to me and I will make you whole." He bit her earlobe then licked the small wound before releasing her.

  Lily knew in that moment, he was her salvation - that submitting to his will had strengthened, not weakened her. Before him she had no identity; she was just a faceless maid without even a true name. She became Lily through his eyes, his strength, his intensity.

  She could hear him moving about the room, opening a glass jar and rummaging through a wooden box.

  "Lily, I want you to reach back and open your cheeks,” he instructed.

  Lily reached back, very gingerly grasping her burning cheeks to pull them apart. She knew what he wanted would be painful, but she would endure, for him.

  Seeing her supplicated before him, her reddened cheeks grasped in her own small hands with her tiny puckered hole exposed and quivering as she shook with resigned sobs, Rand felt a primal need to protect and master. He had to restrain himself from plunging his cock deep into her unprepared bottom that very moment. He wanted her complete submission, to feel her strain to accept his cock - to take the pain, to offer it to him, to submit. He knew that waiting would only increase both of their pleasure.

  Rand pulled his cock from his trousers and grasped the thick shaft with his right hand. He placed his left hand on Lily's lower back with his thumb just grazing the edge of her puckered hole. He pressed on that soft skin at the top of her cleft, watching as her rosebud stretched slightly open. He moved his hand over his shaft in rough, hard strokes.

  "Lily, baby, I want you to stay just as you are while Papa admires your sweet, little bottom." H
e lengthened his strokes, palming the head of his cock and squeezing hard before working his fist down the length to his balls. He watched Lily shift her hips and whimper as she struggled to hold her heated cheeks open for him. He increased the rhythm of his strokes until he felt his balls tighten with the building pressure of his release. With a roar, he came against the cleft of her sweet ass, splashing his cum against her open back entrance and lower back. Lily started at the strange sensation of hot, liquid hitting her body. She turned her head over her shoulder in his direction, seeing nothing through the blindfold.


  "Shhh ... baby girl. Don't speak. Just feel."

  Rand grasped the plug, it was slightly larger than the one this morning. He swept the tapered end through his warm cum on her lower back. Lily jolted when he placed the tip over her exposed bottom hole, swirling it around a few times before applying pressure. She instinctively tried to clench her back passage closed, earning her a stinging slap to her left cheek.

  "Open your bottom. Bear down,” he growled.

  Desperate to please him, Lily did as she was told. The plug forced its way past her sphincter; as her muscles cramped around the unrelenting object, it felt like it was tearing the delicate skin of her sensitive ring.

  "It's too big. It's too big....please....Papa...please!" She was crying, erratically breathing in her pain and distress. He stroked his warm hand over her bottom cheek, comforting her.

  "It is not too big. Keep bearing down. Feel it as it pushes in deep." The deep, reassuring tone of his voice offered as much comfort as his hand. "Watching your little bottom stretch to swallow the plug pleases me." It pleased him more knowing he was pushing his seed deep into her body, a part of him inside of her.

  "How much more, Papa?" Lily asked in a small voice.

  "Another inch or so, baby."


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