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Playboy in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 2)

Page 3

by Alex Wolf

“Just call me Brodie. I’ll be in touch.”

  Great. Now I get to do some bullshit that’s going to take my time and effort. And why? Why am I helping this woman? I deserve a humanitarian award. I’m definitely not saying shit to my brother about it.

  “Business or pleasure?” Rod walks over to the bar and head nods for me to join him.

  “I wish it was pleasure.” I accept a rocks glass of whiskey.

  It’s the middle of the day and the girls on the stage aren’t anything to write home about.

  I look around the club and have to say Rod has done well for himself. For a strip club, the place is pretty classy. High-end bar and a full house. Mainly middle-aged lonely bastards but they spend money.

  I quirk an eyebrow up at him. “One of your former employees stopped by my office this morning. Said you fired her for being pregnant.”

  “I’m running a business not a charity. Men come here for a fantasy. If they want to see their pregnant girlfriend, they can stay home.” He grins.

  “Said your girlfriend stole her costumes.”

  “Fine, I’ll get her shit back and find something for her to do if she wants. She’s still hot, but I can’t let her dance. She can take the stage once she pops the kid out—if she keeps her, umm, form. She was my headliner. But the weight started coming on, and I lost a few customers. It’s the nature of the business. Surprised you didn’t recognize her.”


  “She’s that piece of ass you were chasing at your brother’s party. I’d still fuck her, but the customers want big tits and a tight ass. Not a baby bump in their face. Well, ninety-nine percent of them anyway.”

  My stomach twists into knots, remembering her face when I asked her about the bachelor party and the father of her child.

  “So, is the bitch gonna sue me?”

  My jaw ticks. Part of me rages when he says he’d still fuck her. I have no claim on her, but I have a sinking feeling that baby in her belly could be mine. I knew she looked fucking familiar. Fucking Pike and all the goddamn drugs at his party.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I told her I’d talk to you. I’m going to level with you. She could sue and probably win with a halfway decent asshole for an attorney. You don’t want a bunch of feminists going after you in the media. It could turn into a real shit show, fast. My sister-in-law would eat you alive in the courtroom on this. My advice, pay her a month’s salary and return the clothes or buy them from her. Maybe even give her some kind of work to keep her busy.”

  Rod rubs his chin and downs the rest of his drink. “I’ll cut her a check. You can deliver it to her. Just make sure she signs that she won’t come after me.”

  “Done.” I let out a sigh of relief. One problem down. “You happen to know how far along she is?”

  “Why?” He chuckles.

  I shrug. “Just curious.”

  “I don’t know, man, maybe four or five months.”

  I nod as I try to do the math in my head.

  Rod writes a check, and I have another drink contemplating my next move.

  Did she know who I was when she came into my office? Is that why she was being so weird?

  My stomach churns as I take the check, tucking it in my inner jacket pocket.

  Stopping off at the drugstore, I buy some antacids. My chest is tight. Feels like I’m having a goddamn heart attack.

  Cold sweat drips down my back as I make my way back to my office.

  My brother calls out to me from across the hall.

  “You okay? Don’t look so hot.”

  “Actually, you got a minute?”

  “The fuck did you do now?” He smirks.

  “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Impossible. Close the door.”

  I do as he says and collapse on the couch.

  “Who is she?”


  “The look on your face says one thing. You had a bout with kryptonite pussy.”

  I glare over at him and flip him the bird. “Don’t use my own shit on me.”

  He smiles his pecker off.

  I shake my head and stare up at the ceiling. “I think I knocked her up.”

  Weston goes into a coughing fit. I expected him to be pissed, but it looks like he’s laughing.


  He finally stops and tries to maintain his composure. “So, who’s the lucky lady to birth the next Hunter heir?”

  I groan, not wanting to answer, but I need his advice. “Remember that stripper from your party.”

  He’s shaking, and his face is beet red, trying to hold back the laughter.

  I start to get up. “Fuck this.”

  “Sit down. Don’t be a bitch. You’d be doing the exact same thing to me right now. I only get one shot at this. Gotta make it count.”

  “Like I don’t have enough fucking problems right now.” I drop down on the couch and hold my face between my palms.

  “So, it’s that hot piece of ass you couldn’t remember fucking? The one who turned down your offer to see her again? Who was actually meant to entertain me, and you snaked your way in?”

  “I see what you did there.”

  “Thanks. I was pretty proud of it.”

  I explain to him about her coming in, and that I think maybe she was drugged that night too. We were drinking out of the same bottle.


  I kick my feet up on his expensive ass pillows Brooke got him.

  “My advice. Invite her to dinner to deliver the check and talk to her. She may be just as freaked as you are. Chances are the kid isn’t even yours. But if it is, you need to man the fuck up and do the right thing. We aren’t bitches in this family. And we take care of our own. If that’s your kid, then it’s my niece or nephew and a future heir to this company.”

  I know he’s right but saying and doing are two different things.


  Dinner? Umm—” Cupping my growing belly, I feel conflicted. I’m a hundred percent certain he’s the father of my child. I hadn’t been with anyone else. His statement about trying to find the girl from the party makes me wonder if he recognized me too.

  I’ve been contemplating what to say to him since I saw him in his office. The minute I laid eyes on him something in me just knew. It was his eyes that gave him away. The night we shared, though blurry, still made an impression. My body ached for days after we were together. An ache that said he owned my body that night. And in a way I guess he still does. I’m carrying his child.

  “Miss King. You still there?”

  I blink my eyes, breaking from my thoughts. “Sorry. Dinner. Sure.” I can only utter one-word sentences like an idiot.

  “You like steak?”

  My belly growls at the thought of a big juicy steak. “Steak? Yeah. Sounds great.”

  “Perfect. Can you meet me there or do I need to send a car for you?”

  “I can drive. Just text me where and the time.”

  “Great. See you soon.”

  “Yeah.” The line goes dead, and I feel ready to vomit. I thought I was over the whole morning sickness crap.

  Oh god! What am I going to wear? I’m fat. Well, I’m pregnant but I feel like a whale.

  Going over to my closet, I yell for Jenny.

  Her head pokes around my bedroom doorway. “What’s up?”

  “I need you to help me find something to wear that doesn’t make me look like Violet when she turns into a blueberry in Willy Wonka.”

  Jenny rolls her eyes. “You aren’t big. You just have a baby in your belly.” She grins and puts her hands on my stomach. “Ain’t that right, peanut?”

  “If this baby comes out thinking its name is peanut, you’re paying for his therapy.”

  Her brows quirk up. “Did you find out the sex?”

  I shake my head. “No, I just—I feel like it will be a boy. I want a boy. Girls are drama.”

  Jenny laughs and rifles through my clothes. “You could probably make some badass maternity clothe
s. You have the talent and the skills.”

  “There’s an idea. Maybe I can sell them to cover my half of the rent.” I frown, and Jenny grabs my hands.

  “Things will turn around. You’ll find another job. If worst comes to worst, I’ll ask my dad for a loan.”

  “Not gonna happen. You’ve already done too much.”

  “You’re my best friend. It’s what friends do. We look out for each other.”

  “I’m not your responsibility. I got myself into this situation. It’s just no one wants to hire a pregnant stripper. Doesn’t exactly look great on a resume.”

  “Everything’s gonna be fine. Don’t stress. It’s not good for the baby. And wear this. Red looks great on you.” She smiles and pulls a red tunic off a hanger with black leggings. “What’s the occasion anyway? Who are you meeting with that has you worried about what you’re going to wear?”

  I should probably tell her about Brodie Hunter, but I don’t want to say anything until I’m sure.

  “The lawyer I went to see about suing Rod for wrongful termination.”

  “Is this a date?” Her brows wiggle.

  I shove at her playfully, moving her out the door so I can change. “No. It’s about my case.”

  “Right.” She draws out the syllable. “That’s why you have that dreamy look in your eyes.”


  “April has a crush.” She singsongs her words like a twelve year old as she goes back down the hall.

  April doesn’t have a crush. April has a big fucking dilemma.

  How the hell am I going to tell this guy, “hey by the way you don’t remember me, but we fucked, and your baby is growing inside me”? That’s not going to send him running for the hills.

  I finish getting ready and decide to just get the shit over with.

  The text he sent said Hidalgos’ at seven. I’ve never eaten there but I’ve heard it’s amazing. I hope I’m not underdressed. With my expanding waistline I don’t have as many clothes these days. I had to use my savings to pay for my prenatal appointments.

  Checking my makeup in the visor mirror, I make sure I look presentable. Running my fingers through my long blonde hair, I smile at my reflection and give myself a mental pep talk.

  I’m a rock star.

  I can do this.


  I don’t want to go in there, but a tiny flutter in my stomach reminds me that this isn’t about me. I have a life growing inside me who is depending on me to make the right choices.

  I feel like I don’t belong the moment I enter the restaurant. I’m definitely underdressed. I don’t fit in. The hostess makes it apparent as she sneers at me when I approach her podium.

  “Hi, umm, Hunter party of two.” I hold up two fingers like a dummy.

  “This way, please. He’s waiting at the bar until your table is ready.”

  I follow her, feeling eyes on me and my stomach as I make my way through the crowded bar.

  Brodie immediately stands when he sees me walking over.

  All the air sucks from my lungs with each of his steps toward me.

  “You came.”

  I bob my head up and down, unsure of what to say.

  “Something to drink?”

  “That’d be great.”

  His hand moves to the small of my back. It feels too intimate for this to be strictly business. The gesture should make me nervous, but in a way, it soothes me—his touch. His hand fits perfectly, inches above my ass.

  “Are the stools okay?”

  Brodie’s going out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable. He’s sweet. Gentle.

  The bartender eyes my stomach and gives me a questioning look.

  “Water with lemon, please.”

  The man shoots me a bashful smile, probably hoping he hasn’t screwed himself out of a tip.

  “I spoke with Rod. He has an offer. If you agree to the amount, I’ll have you sign a document and hand over the check.”

  “Okay.” Sipping my water, I wait for him to elaborate.

  “I have a check for ten thousand at my office. If you’d like we can go there after dinner.”

  “I can’t help but feel like there’s a catch.”

  “There are a few minor details, but we can discuss those later. Right now, I want to get to know you.”

  Before I can muster a response, the hostess is back to inform us our table is ready.


  I can’t keep my eyes off April. She’s beautiful. Maybe it’s the fact that she might be carrying my kid, but she has this light about her. She fucking glows. I’m not the only one who sees how gorgeous she is. All the men, and some women, in the restaurant stare at her, envious. They think we’re a couple, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We’re two strangers who fucked. For now.

  There’s more to the deal I’m writing up for her, but the terms aren’t Rod’s. They’re mine. If she’s having my baby we have a lot to discuss and work out. This is a delicate situation. I hope the arrangement I seek will be agreeable for her.

  The black pants she’s got on are hugging her ass and it has my mind straight in the gutter imagining being behind her. An image of the party flashes through my mind. My fist in her hair. My mouth on hers as I took her from behind. Fuck, she is the one.

  Our table is in a more secluded corner in the back. I wanted privacy but also wanted her to feel at ease by being out in public with me in case she’s nervous.

  Why hasn’t she sought me out about the baby?

  I don’t know anything about her but that’s the point of this dinner. I asked her here tonight to get to know her on a more personal level.

  My head is ten kinds of fucked up right now.

  Once we’re seated and have placed our orders, silence stretches between us. Neither of us seems to know where to start.

  “Do you know the sex of the baby yet?”

  “No, but soon. I think I’m having a boy. The doctor hasn’t confirmed it. It’s just a hunch.”

  A few months ago, the thought of a son would have scared me shitless, but right now, looking at this woman before me, the idea is strangely exciting.

  I’m still nervous about the idea of being responsible for another person. Fuck, I have a lot of freedom right now, only worrying about myself. But then, Weston settled down and got married. He’ll be having children soon, and I want our kids to grow up together and be close in age.

  The timing may not be perfect, but I feel like maybe it’s happening for a reason. I don’t know what that reason is yet, but I’m going to enjoy getting to know April whether she wants me in the picture or not.

  She needs me even if she’s too proud to admit it. I’ve spent the past few days poring over it all, trying to remember that night. The only thing clear to me is that I blew inside of her without a condom. I’ve done dumber things, but not many.

  The waiter comes out with the first course, and we eat in a comfortable silence until she asks how I know Rod. I explain that we went to college together and she laughs when I tell her I think he’s a dick.

  Fashion and jewelry design are her passion. The bracelet on her left arm is one of her creations.

  “Seem to have quite a talent. I don’t know shit about jewelry, but it looks nice.”

  “That’s what I was saving for. I wanted to open my own boutique, but life happened, and I needed money to cover my medical bills.”

  Guilt pangs in my chest that she’s been doing this alone.

  Our meal ends, and we still haven’t tackled the elephant in the room.

  “Are you ready to get out of here? I can drive us to my office and bring you back to your car after. We can discuss the details there, so you can see it all in fine print.”

  “You don’t have to go to so much trouble. I can meet you there.”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  I pay the bill and escort her to her car, trying to resist the urge to kiss her. It seems crazy and wild but she’s the sexiest pr
egnant woman I’ve ever seen. Something keeps pulling me to her. I’m definitely attracted to her the same way I was that night. I want to know all there is to know about her. Where’s she from? Does she have siblings? Is she single?

  “See you in a few. Drive safe.”

  A quick wave of her hand and she starts her car up as I close the door for her. I watch her pull out then get into my own ride and head back to the office.

  It’s after hours and the place is empty, just as I’d hoped. I’m sure what I’m about to propose may very well piss her off.

  The idea I have is a crazy one, but I’ve thought on it, and it’s what I want.

  I unlock the door and quickly reset the security system once April walks in.

  Neither of us say anything as we ride in the elevator to my office but the tension between us could be cut with a knife and our eyes lock briefly. My lips curve into a smirk knowing I have an effect on her.


  When we step into the elevator, his scent envelopes me, and a wave of images nearly knocks me off my feet. His eyes lock on mine, and it’s like opening up a locked chest. Memories of the night we spent together hit me hard. The desire, the passion—feeling him inside me. I’d never felt more wanted. More Alive.

  Standing inches apart, I’m so tempted to lean into him and let nature take its course. Some things you can’t fight. Like fate. You can’t fight fate. Fate will always find a way.

  His intense gaze pierces me. It shoots straight to my heart and down to my pussy. He looks like he feels it too. This magnetism drawing us closer.

  He steps forward and I meet him, taking a step of my own. This is crazy. Insane even, but I can’t deny the attraction that exists between us.

  His fingers brush across my cheek. “I know you don’t know me, but something’s happening here.”

  Closing the gap between us, I part my lips in anticipation.

  Quickly, his tongue darts out and runs over his lips.

  Kiss me, I shout in my head.

  Right when his lips hover over mine, the elevator dings open, breaking the spell.

  He clears his throat, and I close my eyes briefly. When I open them, a man is waiting for us to exit the elevator.


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