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Playboy in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 2)

Page 4

by Alex Wolf

  “What are you doing here so late?”

  The man’s eyes widen, and an evil grin spreads across his face. “And who’s this?” His eyes move to my stomach and back to his friend as his smile widens.

  “Client. Contract to go over.”

  “I see. Well, got what I came for.” He holds up a briefcase and we step around him.

  He steps into the elevator. “See ya tomorrow, big guy.” He winks.

  “Fucking Weston and his big mouth.” Brodie mutters the words to himself.


  Squinting, he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Nothing.”

  I follow him down the hall sensing a change in him. His shoulders hunch forward and he rolls his neck, rubbing it, as though he’s now tense.

  The moment that transpired between us is long gone.

  “Have a seat.” He extends his hand toward an intimate seating area to the side that overlooks the city.

  “Quite a view.” I remain standing, enjoying the picturesque nighttime Dallas skyline.

  Instead of taking his seat, he walks over and stands next to me.

  “It’s nice.” His jaw ticks as he speaks.

  “I bet you feel on top of the world. Up here looking down…” I press my palms on the glass and look below at the city lights wondering what to say next.

  “We both know we have something else to discuss.”

  I gulp and my breath hitches. He knows, or at least suspects.

  “Yeah. You wanna start, or should I?”

  He sighs. “Let’s sit.”

  “Okay.” I follow him back to the chairs.

  He takes one and I take the other.

  Brodie turns to me, our knees touching as he takes my hands. Electricity sparks between us and his eyes shine, telling me he feels it too. We share an undeniable attraction.

  He stares at me long and hard. “Is it mine?”

  Tears burn in the corners of my eyes and I don’t know why. It’s a simple question with an easy answer. Hormones. It has to be the pregnancy hormones making me so weepy. Emotions are a bitch, and everything about this amplifies times a thousand.

  I suck in a breath and close my eyes trying to fight the tears. “Yeah.” I whisper the word. “It’s yours. I know you don’t know me or if I am telling the truth. But I wouldn’t lie about this.”

  “I believe you. I think someone put drugs in the bottle we shared. Everything’s a blur.”

  I wipe my eyes. “Makes sense. A lot about that night was a fog until I walked into your office a few days ago.”

  “Is that why you hadn’t told me?”

  “It’s a little embarrassing not remembering who you slept with. Can’t exactly go door to door.”

  Tenderly, he tilts my chin up, forcing me to meet the seriousness of his gaze. “You aren’t in this alone. Not anymore. That’s what I want to talk to you about. Rod wrote you a shit check, he’s a dick, but I want to make you an offer.”

  “What?” I ask, confused by his words. “An offer. For what?”

  “I’ve thought long and hard about what I’d say to you. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way. I know you probably weren’t planning on getting pregnant by a random stranger at a party.”

  “It was some antibiotics I’d taken. They counteracted against my birth control. Lucky us.” I laugh bitterly and wipe my eyes. I love the baby growing inside me, but I wasn’t prepared for this. I wasn’t prepared to care for Brodie in a way I’m not sure I understand, but hearing him say he wants to be a part of this journey with me—it means a lot.

  Growing up in foster care I always felt alone. Like I didn’t have anyone else in the world who gave a damn about me. I was just another kid in the system being shuffled from home to home. Jenny and I only met because I’d posted an ad looking for a roommate when my loser boyfriend at the time cut and run, sticking me with all the bills.

  She wanted to get out from under her daddy’s thumb. She wanted freedom from her family. She comes from a very religious upbringing. If they knew I was a stripper, they’d cut her off or force her to move back home.

  “What’s done is done. Here we are. You said you were low on money. I want you to know that I’ll step up and do what’s right. If you marry me, I can get you and the baby on my insurance. It’d be a marriage on paper. I’m not asking out of love, but convenience. I want you to live with me. I’ll take care of you and the baby. I’ll even look into setting you up with your boutique store.”

  My smile falters. I wasn’t expecting those words to come from him. I don’t know what I thought he’d say, but he wants to set me up just like a sugar daddy would. I frown as I stare up at his piercing eyes. “You can’t buy me.”

  “Look, I don’t mean for it to come off cold like that. Like I’m buying you. But that baby is part of me. I want to be in my child’s life. You said yourself you aren’t in a financial situation that leaves you with a lot of options. Let me take that burden away. Marry me and move into my apartment. You’ll have a great life. Who knows, somewhere along the way we might actually like each other. I’d like to be your friend.”

  I get where he’s coming from but shake my head at the same time. I guess there’s still a part of me wishing for a fairytale. For a man who loves me without a doubt. “It sounds great and everything. But what happens if you meet someone else? Someone you want to marry and have a real family with?”

  “You’re not even going to consider this? I’m offering you everything.”

  “But not your heart. I want to marry someone for love not money.”

  “Okay. So don’t marry me. Just move in with me. I want us to do this together. I don’t want to miss out on anything. I want us to have a partnership. Agree to move in with me and I’ll invest in your business.”

  “What if I’m terrible at what I do. Why would you risk it?”

  “Everyone deserves someone who believes in them. You don’t have anyone in your corner. Let me be that for you. Do it for our baby. You know our child deserves the best life we can give him or her.”

  Indecision weighs on me. It’s all too much at once. “I have a roommate who depends on me. I can’t just up and leave her.”

  “You don’t have to decide right now. Take a few days or a week.” He takes my hands in his. “I’m making you a great offer. I have the means to support you and the baby. I take care of what’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours.” I shake my head. Yet, at the same time I war with myself. I can’t pass this up. I have to put my own shit aside and do what’s right for the baby. He or she is all that matters. That’s what happens when you’re going to be a parent. I look up at his pleading eyes. “Where do I sign?”


  Everything is happening fast. My brother thinks I’m crazy. So do Jaxson and Maxwell. Maybe I am but they didn’t knock up a stripper. It’s easy to coach from the sidelines.

  I gave April a week to get her affairs sorted. Today is the day. Move in day.

  I’ve been in court all afternoon and been unable to supervise what’s happening at my place. I’ve never lived with a woman other than my mother, so I have no fucking clue what I’m getting myself into, but I meant what I said. I will take care of April. I have to. It’s the one constant in my life that I know to be true.

  Jaxson has been riding my ass because I didn’t ask for a paternity test. I don’t know how I know but I feel it in my gut that this baby is mine.

  I should be terrified but the idea of having a sexy woman like April waiting for me at home with my kid on her hip at the end of the day excites me. I can’t help how I feel. I never in a million years thought I’d want something like that, but now that it’s happening—I can’t deny the allure.

  It’s like I just aged ten years in a matter of days.

  The first thing I did when she signed the agreement was set her up with a doctor that Maxwell represents. He’s the best gyno-whatever in Dallas. And I only want the best for the mother of my child. They’ll have nothing less

  Weston and Brooke are coming over for dinner to help ease some of the awkward tension between April and me. They need to get to know her too. She’s going to be in my life for the next eighteen years at least. I didn’t ask her to move in with me lightly. I know I’m taking a chance that we won’t be compatible, but I’m hoping we can be friends and raise this child in a happy and loving home. April doesn’t know it, but I had a detective I know look into her. It was one of the first things I did after the shock of her being pregnant wore off.

  I don’t do anything without all the facts. That’s how you get fucked. It’s a life lesson I learned early.

  She grew up in foster care and was lost between the cracks of the system. Her father died in prison. He was incarcerated on drug-related charges. Her mother was a teen mom and unable to care for her. She still lives here in Dallas. I don’t know if April has contact with her, but it doesn’t appear that she does.

  When I open the door, she’s settled on the couch reading a pregnancy book. The sight makes me smile because I had them delivered this morning and I wasn’t sure how the gesture would be received. Truth be told, I ordered them for me. I want to know everything there is to know about being a dad. I refuse to be a shitbag father. I don’t do anything halfway. Don’t give a fuck if I have to dress up like Iron Man or have tea parties. It’ll happen. My kid will always smile.

  April’s blonde hair is in a braid that lays to the right side of her shoulder and I have the desire to undo it and run my fingers through the silky strands.

  She’s gorgeous and I’d be a liar if I said I don’t find her attractive. I know we’re compatible between the sheets, but personality wise I don’t know. She’s pretty damn stubborn. Doesn’t seem to like being told what to do. I don’t much like explaining myself about anything.

  We’ll just have to get to know each other and see where things lead.

  “Hey.” A big yawn escapes her throat as she closes the book and smiles over the back of the couch at me.

  “Settling in okay?” I set my briefcase down and loosen my tie.

  “I am. But seriously, you shouldn’t go to so much trouble for me. I can cook my own meals.” Her eyes shift in the direction of the kitchen where Klaire, my housekeeper and personal chef currently makes dinner.

  “My brother and his wife are coming down for dinner.” I take off my jacket.


  “They live a floor above us. Jaxson, the guy from the office the other night is two floors below us and Maxwell has a floor as well. We own the building together.”

  “You own the building?”

  “Yeah.” I grin. “I told you, I can take care of you.” Going over to the couch, I kneel next to her and place my hands on the bump. “How’s daddy’s princess today?”

  April smacks my hand. “It’s a boy.”

  “Well we’ll know for sure next week, won’t we? I got you an appointment with Doctor Reynolds.”

  “I have a doctor already.”

  “My guy is better.”

  She rolls her eyes, and I have a sudden urge to bend her over my knee and spank that ass of hers.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower. You need anything? Room okay?”

  “I’m fine. Klaire has asked me a thousand times if I need anything.”

  “It’s her job to make sure you’re okay when I’m not here.”

  She sighs. “I’m just not used to all this—the housekeeper, luxury apartment. A private driver. It—it’s not me.”

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  She grumbles something under her breath. It’s like a sexy purr and makes my cock hard as fuck.

  I stalk off to the shower to tend to the growing issue in my pants. If I get my way, April will be taking care of it…sooner rather than later.


  How’d you two crazy kids meet?” Brooke glances at me.

  Brodie coughs and glares at his brother Weston. He’s definitely the more athletic of the two brothers, but Brodie is more handsome.

  “At a party. I took one look at him and I was smitten.” It isn’t a complete lie.

  “I’m surprised Brodie hasn’t brought you around before now.”

  “I like to keep her to myself.” He shoots me a smile, and his brother shakes his head. He obviously knows how we met. It’s nice that he’s letting us have our little fake story. Not that I really care if Brooke knows the truth, but it’s nice that she doesn’t stare at me like some whore stripper looking for a handout.

  “Is anyone planning a baby shower?”

  Her question catches me off guard. Jenny is really my only friend and I had to leave her with the apartment, even though she told me not to worry about it. Michael agreed to move in with her. I don’t know if she’s really the type to throw a baby shower, though.

  “Not that I know of. I can ask my friend Jenny. I honestly don’t think I need one at the rate Brodie is moving. He’ll have his or her wardrobe bought up until they graduate.”

  Weston laughs, and Brodie narrows his eyes on me.

  “Don’t give him shit.” She turns to Brodie. “I think it’s sweet that you want your baby to have the best of everything.” Brooke stares at her husband. “I’m sure you’ll be the same way when we start our family.”

  His face pales and Brodie grins at him.

  “Yeah, brother. When you gonna get started on a family? Better get busy. I want our kids to grow up together.”

  “We haven’t discussed it, but I’d like to have my wife to myself for a few more years.” Weston brings her hand to his mouth and kisses her knuckles. The man obviously adores his wife.

  “Want to enjoy your freedom.” Brodie mutters his response and chuckles at the same time.

  A knock sounds at the door and Weston gives Brodie a devilish grin.

  Brodie excuses himself and opens the door to two dudes. One of which I saw at the office. Jaxson, I believe.

  “Aren’t you going to invite us in so we can congratulate you and the lady we all know nothing about?” They both walk past Brodie.

  Weston grins his ass off.

  Brodie comes to stand behind my chair, placing a comforting hand on either of my shoulders.

  “Maxwell, Jaxson, meet April. There, you’ve met. Now get out.”

  “Ouch.” Maxwell ignores him and holds a hand out to me.

  “Isn’t she the client you had with you at the office last week?” Jaxson grabs a beer from the refrigerator like he owns the place and walks back over.

  What am I getting myself into?

  “Hey, I remember you. Weren’t you at—” Before he can say more, Weston smacks him in the gut.

  Brooke tosses her napkin down on the table. “Okay, what’s going on?” She gives Weston a side eye that says he’ll be in trouble if he doesn’t tell the truth. As far as I’m aware, he did nothing wrong, but then again, I don’t remember a whole lot about that night other than I conceived a child.

  “April’s an exotic dancer. I hired her for Weston but when I saw her I took her for myself. One thing led to another and now here we are. Happy now, assholes? You all have the full story.”

  I want to crawl into a room somewhere and die.

  Brooke looks across at me and then back at them. “Why was that a secret? You think I’d be mad that there were strippers at a bachelor party? Jesus.”

  Weston shrugs and Maxwell and Jaxson look embarrassed. I think they all like to give each other shit, but this time maybe they went too far.

  “Well this was fun, but I’m calling it a night.” Brooke leans over the table and stares at me.

  She looks kind of evil and I don’t think I want on her bad side.

  “Don’t take any shit from these boys.” She glares back at all of them. “We’ll do lunch soon. I’m throwing you the best baby shower Dallas has ever seen. It was nice to meet you.” She stands up and points a finger at the rest of them. “Do whatever you want at the office, but stop being dicks or I’ll chop them off. Understood

  “Yes, ma’am,” they all say in unison.

  “What I thought.” She stalks out of the room with Weston following behind.

  I try to hide my smile, but it’s impossible. I like her.

  Lying in a bed across the hall from Brodie’s room, I feel a bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

  Maybe it won’t be so bad after all. Brooke seemed awesome. She didn’t seem to judge me at all. That’s the thing. None of them really seemed to judge me, other than the guys giving each other shit, which is normal for guys I guess. I wonder if Brodie is embarrassed by it. He seemed hesitant to tell Brooke. Maybe he thought I’d be uncomfortable with her knowing?

  I’m so out of my element. I grew up in bad neighborhoods, and now I’m in a penthouse apartment that probably cost more than I could make in five lifetimes.

  I don’t want to mooch off Brodie and hope he meant it when he said he wants to invest in my business and be partners.

  Brodie is complex and confusing. One minute he talks about wanting to be my friend, and the next he looks at me as though he wants to devour me.

  Attraction and chemistry is there. I can see it in his eyes when we talk. He stares at my lips. Most men go straight to my tits or my ass but not him. I’m still coming to terms with the fact that I agreed to this insane arrangement.

  Am I supposed to live with him for the next eighteen years? Or eventually, once the baby comes and I’m back on my feet, will he let our child and me move into a home of my choosing? I don’t want to spend my life chained to a man who won’t love me. Sure, being taken care of sounds nice but I’ve only been here for a few days and I’m already lonely even though he’s across the hall.

  Jenny drove me crazy at times, but I miss her. I’m so used to sharing my day with her.

  Picking my cell phone up from the nightstand, I snap a picture of my new bedroom.

  April: Can you believe this room?

  Jenny: No wonder you moved out! Did you decorate or was it already like that?

  April: Brodie asked me my favorite stuff a few days ago and today it was like this. I’m seriously crushing on him. I don’t know what to do. He says he wants to get to know me and be my friend, but when he looks at me I swear he wants more.


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