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Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One

Page 12

by Kimberly Readnour

  Just when I think the dial tone will switch to voicemail, a sleepy “Hello” greets me.

  “I know it’s late, but I need advice.”

  “Are you okay?” Staci asks in a stronger tone.

  “Yeah, of course. I just need‌…‌I don’t know. He asked me”‌—‌the bathroom door swings open, automatically drawing my attention. A girl enters, her long, dark hair swaying behind her petite body. I glance back down and lower my voice‌—‌“to go back to his place.”

  “Awe, that’s good. Be prepared for some hana’ma’i.”

  “Will you stop?” I laugh. “But seriously, you think he’ll follow through this time?”

  There’s no way Staci knows the answer, and I don’t want to discuss my sex life in front of a total stranger. But I need Staci’s encouragement before I walk back out to join him.

  “Yes. Show him a few moves; he’ll realize you’re ready.”

  “Uh…” My gaze sweeps to the stranger next to me, who stands about a foot lower than me. She’s tiny. Her chin rises, and her stare locks onto mine. Her face is drawn tight, and if I’m not mistaken, she’s pissed. At me. “Staci, I-I have to go. Thanks.”

  I end the call before Staci responds.

  “Do you like hanging with my boyfriend?” the girl asks.

  My stomach drops to my feet. Boyfriend? No, that can’t be right. Kai’s single, isn’t he?

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My boyfriend, Kai.”

  “He‌…‌he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Is that what he told you?” She huffs. “Typical. Just go out there and ask him who he went home with last night.”

  The sting of betrayal squeezes my chest while the smirk on her face snuffs my last breath. I turn to exit, my heart hammering so loudly whatever words she’s saying falls on deaf ears. I’m numb as I make my way to the table. I don’t know what to think or say. What can I say? It’s not like we’re an item. I leave in two weeks, for chrissakes. But a girlfriend?


  I will never be the other woman. Anger boils inside, overcoming my numbness. My heels click on the hardwood floor to our booth. Kai glances up at me with a grin that immediately falls when he takes in my expression.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I’m trying not to care. Or cry, but dammit, those tears well in the corners of my eyes and spill anyway, sliding down the side of my face.

  “Take me back home,” I try to say with force, but it comes out choppy and full of emotion. The wrong emotion. I want anger, not desperation.

  He immediately stands. “Sure, but I don’t understand” His body tenses as the girl from the bathroom comes into view. “Bethany.”

  She peers directly at Kai and shakes her head as if she’s disappointed. I won’t stand around and watch their reunion. I spin and march toward the exit. If Kai wants to stay and hash it out with this girl, have at it. I’m going home.

  Halfway to the door, the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believin’ belt through the air. I murmur, “Go figure.” I barely hear my name, but I don’t stop. I just want out of here.

  “Kayla, wait.” Kai catches up to me and grabs hold of my arm. “Let me explain.”

  “There’s nothing to explain, Kai.” I pick up my pace with Kai matching step by step, still holding my arm. I reach the entrance and push the wooden door open. The ocean air blows across my face, a reminder that I’ll be away from him permanently soon enough. But that knowledge doesn’t bring comfort as I expect.

  “Please listen.” He tugs my arm, and I jerk out of his grasp. Backing up into the loose gravel, I stumble. This misstep only fuels my fire, and I raise my chin to glare at him.

  “Is she your girlfriend?”

  Kai rears his head as if slapped. “No. Not hardly.”

  His quick denial surprises me‌—‌along with the bit of hope that swells inside. No, I distinctly remember her saying he was her boyfriend. Maybe she’s a crazy stalker. She doesn’t look crazy, though. She looks like a frickin’ Polynesian goddess.

  “Did you go home with her last night?” Is she the reason you failed to call, I want to add.

  His eyes close, and his defeated expression snuffs out the last bit of hope. It’s all the answer I need.

  I take off toward the blue Cruze parked in the middle of the parking lot. My heels wobble in the crushed rock, but I keep pressing forward. “Take me home, Kai.”

  Kai remains quiet the entire walk to the car. He reaches for the passenger door and opens it for me. I try not to look at him, but my gaze sweeps up, connecting with his. My insides stir. Stupid damn butterflies. He’s all wrong for me. Don’t you winged insects know anything?

  The intensity of his stare as he watches me slide into the passenger seat is unnerving. He still stirs emotions in me, even after everything that happened. There’s clearly something wrong with me. Staci’s wrong, I am broken.

  Kai shuts my door, still not saying a word. He rounds the front of the car and hops into the driver’s seat. He starts the car, but before placing the gearshift in drive, he turns to me.

  “Nothing happened between us last night.”

  My mouth opens to speak, but he raises his hand to stop me.

  “I did follow her home last night and yes, it was with the intentions of sleeping with her.”

  I grimace from the stabbing sensations that went straight to my heart.

  “I’m so sorry, because the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  “We’re not an item,” I mumble. “You can sleep with whoever you want.”

  His eyes darken, and his gaze sears into mine. “Listen to me. I realized last night who I wanted to be with and it damn sure wasn’t Bethany. Which is why I left before anything happened.”

  I work my jaw back and forth, wanting to believe him. He has no reason to lie, but I still search his eyes for any signs of deceit. All I find is sincerity and regret. Dammit.

  “She told me you were her boyfriend.”

  “I don’t know why she said that. I admit, we’ve fooled around occasionally, but she isn’t my girlfriend. Nor will she ever be.”

  “You have to have feelings for her. Otherwise, you wouldn’t sleep with her.”

  Kai runs his fingers through his hair and rests his hand on the back of his neck. “Look, I won’t lie. I care about Bethany. She is a good person‌…‌mostly. But I don’t love her. And last night made me realize I don’t want to spend time with someone I don’t have those types of feelings for.”

  My stomach churns at his words. Did Kai admit to feeling something for me? I turn away. This conversation is too much. “Just take me home.”

  He sighs but throws the car into gear.

  The car cruises along the dark, curvy road in silence. I stare out the window, replaying his words through my mind, “I don’t want to spend time with someone I don’t have those types of feelings for.” Maybe I should still be mad. Maybe I should still be upset. But all I feel right now is relief. Relief that Kai feels something for me because Lord knows I feel something for him. I gnaw the inside of my cheek as the black images whip by in a blur. I’m not sure where we go from here.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The pain in the back of my throat deepens the closer I get to Kayla’s condo. God, I wish I could erase the last twenty-four hours. I’ve made some poor choices before, but last night? Yeah, the dumbass award goes to me.

  And the farther I drive, the more Kayla’s silence drives me crazy. She hasn’t said a word since leaving the bar. She just stares into the damn darkness. What the hell is going through her mind?

  My gaze wanders to her silky-smooth legs. The glow from the dashboard ignites the charge her scantily covered thighs have been firing all night. And my cock agrees with the display, springing to life. Settle down, buddy, can’t you tell she’s pissed at me?

  I grip the steering wheel in frustration and force my gaze back on the road. I’ve fucked up so badly. Idiot. Idiot. Id
iot. And to prove how much of an idiot I am, I even invited her back to my place. What the hell was I thinking? If Bethany hadn’t thwarted our plans, I’m not too sure I would’ve had enough restraint to stop. Not with that damn sexy dress and those mile-long legs. My gaze wanders back to her thighs and my dick twitches in protest. Sorry, buddy, we’re not taking her virginity.

  “Eyes on the road, buddy.”

  I double blink. For a moment, I think she’s speaking to my dick. My stare cuts to hers. Her challenging expression dares me to speak. I eye the road and half grin. “Sorry, babe, but you shouldn’t be so damn sexy.”

  I sneak another peek at Kayla. The corners of her mouth twitch and her face darkens. I can only imagine the blush sweeping across her cheeks. Ah, you’re not going to stay mad at me for long.

  There’s one spot available in the parking lot of her condo. I proceed forward and place the car in park. The distance is short to her door, but I’m not letting Kayla out of sight until I know she’s safe inside.

  I rush to open her car door and help her out, lacing our fingers together. The tension my body carries releases unexpectedly from the lack of her protest. The awkwardness between us lessens somewhat, but Kayla’s still quiet.

  We reach the top of the stairs, and I turn to Kayla before she reaches for the door handle. I release her fingers and place my hand under her chin, gently lifting to peer into those innocent violet-blue eyes. My chest clenches at the hurt I see reflecting back. But there’s also conflict as if she wants to believe me.

  I’ve never claimed to have a way with words, but I need to confess. And it needs to be said correctly. Kayla deserves to know my true feelings. My heart beats wildly against my chest as I open my mouth to speak.

  “Please, believe me. When I realized I didn’t want to be with Bethany‌—‌that I only want to be with someone I have feelings for‌—‌you were that someone I wanted to be with. You’re the only girl I ever felt anything for.” My fingers trace along the curve of her neck to her shoulders. The slight tremble that follows gives me hope. “I don’t care if our time is limited. I only care for you. I’m begging you to give me another chance. I—”

  “Kai,” Kayla interrupts, shaking her head. “Shut up and kiss me already.”

  Her command is all I need. I join my lips to hers, and she welcomes them unequivocally. I pour everything I have into that kiss as an entire evening’s worth of sexual tension returns en masse. The kiss ends with both of us panting in need.

  “Hey,” I say. “Meke Kalikimaka.”

  Kayla’s forehead creases.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Her face breaks into a smile. “Merry Christmas.”

  Walking to my car, I’m pumped. I may not have Kayla’s full trust, yet, but she still wants me. Evidenced by that kiss. And I plan on continuing that kiss as soon as I make plans with her.

  I hardly remember the drive home. Not when the image of her body pressed against mine, emitting tiny moans, keeps replaying through my mind. Damn, that girl’s going to be the death of me.

  Or Bethany will.

  Since she’s standing in my driveway. What the fuck?

  I pull in and throw the gearshift in park. With the slam of the car door, I stalk over to her.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Bethany flinches and a twinge of guilt seeps in. But she has no right to be here. I told her last night our casual hook-ups were a thing of the past.

  “I-I thought you’d need company. You know, after the tourist dumped you.”

  “I told you last night our arrangement was off,” I say through gritted teeth. “And why the hell would you sabotage my date?”

  “Date? Do you even hear yourself? She’s a tourist. She’ll be gone, and you’ll never see her again. Ever!”

  I clench my jaw shut and open and close my fists. I don’t condone hitting a woman. My dad taught me a long time ago that women will drive a man to the brink of insanity, but I should never raise a fist to them. The longer I stare at Bethany, I’m finding it rather difficult to restrain.

  “Go home, Beth.” I step toward my porch but stumble backward. I yank my shirt out of Bethany’s grasp.

  “I’m not done, asshole.”

  I turn to her wild eyes and suck in a breath. This drama is why I don’t bring chicks back to my house.

  “You‌…‌you.” Bethany burst into tears. Not watery eyes that spill over, like Kayla’s earlier, but huge droplets.


  I’m conflicted between wanting to console her and standing my ground. I may not love her, but I still care about her. I just don’t want her to get the wrong impression.

  “Hey, don’t cry.” I hold her in my arms. My conscience takes over, but it feels wrong, awkward. Bethany wraps her arms around me, and I’m already regretting this move as she sobs against my chest, her body wracking with convulsive blubbers. “I’m sorry if our arrangement meant more to you than I intended. You know I care about you, but I don’t love you. It’s not fair to keep this charade going.”

  Her shaking eases, and she sniffs a few times before backing away. Her head is tilted down as if she refuses to look at me, and the familiar pang of guilt returns. But Beth has to know the truth. I don’t love her. Never had.

  Bethany nods and turns to her car. “Don’t look me up when your flavor-of-the-week leaves. We’re through.”

  I say nothing as Bethany gets in her car and backs out of the driveway. I try not to let her words affect me, but it proves impossible. The seed of doubt is planted. Kayla will leave, and I have no idea what to do. But we have a little less than two weeks left, and I plan on making the most of it. Starting after Christmas.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Did Santa bring you a thick, juicy dick for Christmas?”

  I laugh, and then bite my lip as I stare at Staci’s good morning text. I’m sure she’ll be more disappointed than how I feel. It’s not like I’m in a hurry to have sex. I can wait. With a little less than two weeks to go, I’m not worried. Besides, the sexual tension between Kai and me last night proves he won’t last much longer.

  But how do I explain his ex-lover showing up without making Kai seem like an ass? Because he really isn’t. Well, not completely. Kai can actually be sweet. I mean‌…‌what can I expect him to do? Put his life on hold for the remaining two weeks I’m here? That’s all we have left, a little less than two weeks. And I’m okay with all that, which is what I worked out during the drive home last night when Kai gave me space to think. He may have been ogling my thighs during that time, but his pervertedness didn’t faze me. I was more impressed that Kai sensed my need to analyze the situation.

  Me: “No, still a gentleman. Explain later.”

  I toss my phone on the nightstand. That should settle her down for a while.


  Or not. I glance at her message and laugh.

  Staci: Wtf! Give me more than that!!!!!

  Me: Later. I have to get ready. Merry Christmas!!

  That will get her riled. I switch my phone off and stare out the jalousie windows. Mom’s probably wondering why I’m still in bed, considering it’s eleven o’clock.

  I run my hand through my hair and cringe. I can hardly pull my fingers through the tangles. Serves me right for going to bed with wet hair. But considering I was still in a Kai-induced fantasy, I didn’t care at the time. I care now, though.

  Reluctantly getting out of bed, I grab the faded black Purdue T-shirt that’s a tad too snug and jean shorts. No way would I be caught wearing this in public, but the thin, worn cotton is comfy. I bought this shirt my freshman year and wore it proudly many times before it got reduced to comfort clothing.

  I bounce down the stairs and surprise Mom. She looks up from her book and smiles at me.

  “Merry Christmas, sleepyhead. Did you have a good evening?”

  “Merry Christmas. And yeah, it was interesting.”

  Mom’s face grows solemn. “Wh
y don’t you get something to eat? I need to discuss a couple of things with you.”


  Crap. Has she figured out that I want to have sex with Kai? Turning back to the kitchen, I grab a bowl of cereal. It’s almost late enough to eat lunch, but I want something fast. Cereal’s fast. Lordy, I hope it’s not about Kai and me. I’d die.

  I race through breakfast, barely tasting it. Mom stays seated on the couch, her face buried in her book. Must be good, she hasn’t moved. Quickly downing the orange juice, I rise and rinse my glass and bowl.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say, heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

  Walking over to Mom, I sit beside her. Mom places her book on the coffee table and sighs. She wrings her hands over and over, and I can’t take the suspense any longer.

  “What has you so worked up?”

  Mom lets out another sigh and stares into her lap. “I don’t know how to say this, and I really wanted to wait until tomorrow, but…” Her voice is strangled as she drops her head into her palms; her fingers weaved into her bangs.

  I wrap my arms around my stomach, clutching my sides, as my stomach rolls. Whatever is bothering her has nothing to do with my dating situation. This runs much deeper than that. I can barely swallow when Mom sits up and turns toward me.

  “I have late-stage lymphoma with metastasis to my lungs.”

  There’s noise. A buzzing in my head. Mom’s speaking, but the buzzing isn’t allowing me to hear any words. I stare into Mom’s pale-stricken face, not seeing anything.


  I don’t respond.

  “Kayla,” Mom says a little louder.

  Still nothing.


  I blink a few times and see concern cross Mom’s eyes. Dazed, confused, and completely thrown off guard, a few moments pass before my training kicks in, overriding the numbness.

  “What about chemo?” I blurt out.

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Tears well in her eyes, and I turn, not wanting to hear the answer. My own eyes close as I pinch the bridge of my nose. “There isn’t anything the doctors can do. We caught it too late.”


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