Book Read Free

Now and Forevermore

Page 8

by Minx Charmer

  Summer flung herself into his arms and mumbled against his shirt “Mr. Neely, I need your help. Malcolm is dying and I don’t know why. Is there any ancient medicinal book that you have, anything that can help me please? I am so desperate that now I’m at wits end.”

  The older man patted her back gently as he raised her face to his own “There, there girl. Calm yourself. All will be well. You will see.”

  His calm tone helped to steady her nerves somewhat, but she still felt jitterbugs dancing around in her stomach. “I want to be calm but I can’t. Tell me what you have here for fever, headache, fatigue, fainting, shortness of breath and —“

  “Not another word Summer. Leave it to me. I have just the thing for you. Look here”

  ‘Here’ referred to a large leather-bound book on the third shelf, with a silver lock in the outline of a heart. Mr. Neely pointed to the cover and told her to read as much of the contents as she could. Summer raised her hands in despair “I don’t have the time to read all of that. I have to get back to Malcolm.”

  He wouldn’t take no for an answer “Nonsense child. You can be here for thirty minutes at least. It is early morning and it will not take away from the young man’s illness. Now read.”

  With a firm push, he sat her down next to the table and placed the volume in her lap. With a heavy sigh she opened the first page and scanned through the information. As she suspected a large list of classification of flowers and trees, along with their medicinal properties dominated the first few pages. Then a blend of herbal recipes that would cure certain diseases and other information about the plants made up the second half of the book. But soon things took an interesting turn. When the first picture of a mirror presented itself, Summer gaped in confusion. She thought the book dealt with plants and herbal remedies. When she asked Mr. Neely what it meant, he replied “Read and then you will see. When you don’t understand then you can ask me.”

  A glimmer of a smile lit her face and she returned to the book. Mirrors appeared on the pages in all shapes and sizes, some small and some big. And when the picture of the mirror that brought Malcolm to her world appeared, Summer caught her breath. It couldn’t be! She read the description in an undertone…

  The Spectrum mirror, whose origins are unknown, is a gateway between two worlds. He who holds the mirror in his possession can travel from one time to another, but should the mirror be broken on either side, the traveler may become ill and fully trapped in a world not their own.”

  Summer held her breath, fear for Malcolm’s life clawing its way into her heart. She continued further down the page… “The mirror must be repaired and the traveler returned to their world within a fortnight. Failure to heed this warning will bring dire consequences.”

  Summer leapt to her feet. She had to act but how long did a fortnight last? Before she could ask Mr. Neely quipped “Two weeks my dear, and since Malcolm is already ill, I guess you don’t have a lot of that time left.”

  Summer counted her fingers in nervous anticipation. “Only two weeks? No I don’t have much time left. He’s been sick for over seven days now. But what am I supposed to do for heaven’s sakes?”

  Mr. Neely sighed and pointed to the pages of the book “Did you the read the rest?”

  Summer groaned. Pay attention girl. What is wrong with you? The writing continued: “To save the life of the one that is loved, the spectrum mirror must be repaired and the traveler returned within the time stated beforehand.”

  It finished off with a line that simply stated: True Love can mend all ills.

  Summer ran over to Mr. Neely, thrust the book into his hands and said “Does this mean that I have to go back to his world and fix the mirror?”

  “It would seem that way.”

  “But how is that possible? A broken mirror cannot be repaired. Even I know that.”

  Mr. Neely shrugged and pointed above him “How is the world hanging on nothing in the sky?”

  Summer shook her head “I’ll debate philosophy another day, but I guess I have to do something. I have to believe that this entire scheme will work, and I have to get back to Malcolm and tell him. Hopefully he can hold on until I get back. Although I don’t even know where back is much less how I will get back from there. And did I say that right or didn’t that make any sense? I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out later.”

  With a quick glance, she spotted the mirror against the back door. “Don’t do anything to it Mr. Neely. That one cannot get broken. I’ll return as quickly as I can. Thanks a lot!”


  Summer grabbed a backpack and stuffed as many things as she could for both Malcolm and herself. She pulled all of his items out of the bungalow, and moved them over to her cave, and she cleaned the entire area to ensure that nothing of Malcolm’s or hers would be left behind at Huntington Manor.

  Just before she left, a curious Edith showed up with a morose Charles tagging behind her. Both of them watched her movements back and forth, but Edith asked “Where are you going Summer?”

  After the disastrous night of the party, Summer avoided both of them like the plague, and now they wanted to see her. In reality she didn’t feel that angry at them. She accepted that they hadn’t learned any better and their mother never tried to teach them. “Thank you for your concern Edith. I am off to save the life of the man I love. Where are you going? That’s a nice pantsuit you’re wearing.”

  With a shrug Edith turned to Charles “We aren’t going anywhere just lounging about.”

  Summer laughed suddenly carefree. “It seems that it is the only thing you know how to do. Anyway, I do wish you both the best. With your mother and my father you’ll certainly need every ounce of it.”

  Charles coughed as a flush stole over his face, and Edith glared at her response. “But Summer, you aren’t leaving us right?”

  Stunned at the turn of the conversation Summer stepped back and looked at them closely. They actually seemed worried that she would leave. “Do you mean to tell me that you want me to stay?”

  Edith tried to brush off her words with a dismissive drawl “Go or stay. That’s your business.”

  Summer crossed her arms and watched her cousins shift around with a hint of embarrassment. Would wonders never cease? “All right, I will go. So long.”

  With a firm tug, she swung the backpack on her shoulders and walked towards the gate. Edith and Charles kept up the pace, biting their lips with anxious care. “But Summer, where are you going? What’s your plan? You’ve always been here. Who’s going to clean like you, and mop the floors? What about the silverware? Charles pants? You know no one irons his creases like you do. Stop Summer. Why are you doing this? Don’t you care about us?”

  Summer stopped midstride and swung around. With precise tones she replied in the driest voice she could muster “I care about you as much as you have cared about me. Goodbye.”

  With a happy spring to her step she walked away and did not look back.


  The nurse’s words spilled over in excitement when Summer arrived at the hospital. “Oh ma’am he woke up and asked for you. He’s been doing that for hours. I think he’s scared that you weren’t coming back. And he’s so handsome now. Tell me, where did you get that one and does he have a brother with him? Please tell me, my mama is driving me up the wall, can’t get away from her and I need a man. You know any good men? You seem like a good girl and I…”

  Summer held up her hand with a grimace “I can’t help you with that. Just take me to him please.”

  With an apologetic smile, the nurse she pulled Summer behind her “Sorry ma’am, you know my mouth runs away with me sometimes. The doctor’s always says I talk too much, but he don’t know nothing, you know what I mean? See here he is and look, his eyes are all shiny because you are here.”

  Malcolm’s eyes were the only bright feature in his pale, drawn face. Summer sat down on the bed beside him, and her heart ached to see how frail he had become. It amazed her how m
uch he had aged in just a day. With her fingers intertwined in his own, she tried to reassure him “I am going to fix this Malcolm. Mr. Neely thinks that I can go back to your world and somehow repair the damage to the mirror, even though it’s broken. I don’t know how that is possible, but I have to try.”

  His voice broke as he struggle to speak “But you know… nothing about my… world Summer will…how will you…”

  Summer put her hands on his lips to stem his halting speech “Don’t worry about that right now. I have one night to read up on as much regency life as I can. There is only one thing I want to know. Where do you think I will end up?”

  “I was…library at Sedgwick’s, perhaps you will…you will appear there. I do not…but find Peter Langford at Wessex Hall. You must get…you cannot do…Peter will help. Get him.” When he lay back with a sigh his energy fully spent, Summer stroked his brow.

  “It’s all right, I remember what you told me about Peter and I remember some of your stories too. I will convince him don’t worry about that. Now rest, the nurse will take care of you while I am gone. Don’t tire yourself out please.”

  “Yes, I will stay… here. Come back, come back… to me Summer. Don’t…” with a deep breath he rushed out “Don’t stay there and leave me just when I’ve found you.”

  With a lump in her throat she tried to put his mind at ease “It will be all right. I’m leaving at first light. Sleep now. I’ll be right here next to you.”

  With a nod, he closed his eyes and fell into a fitful slumber.

  Summer sighed in relief and released her fingers from Malcolm’s grip. Then she went in search for the doctor, as her mind spun scenarios of all the things that could go wrong. But no, she couldn’t think like that. She had to think positive and positive said that the man she loved would be fine. Nothing else would be acceptable to her.


  Mr. Neely appeared ready but Summer couldn’t string two words together. Fear had her in its grip and she hoped to keep it intact, long enough to do whatever it takes. She only wished the weak sensation in her legs would go away.

  Mr. Neely pushed her along and pointed to the gilded mirror in the corner “There it is Summer, I even cleaned it for you and I wish you a speedy journey. Now I’m off to go to the stores to buy something. You just do whatever you need to do.”

  Summer gasped in dismay “You’re leaving me alone? Please don’t. I’m scared enough as it is.”

  He ignored her fears as he threw his jacket over his shoulder “Nonsense child. You’ll be fine. See you when you get back.” And with that left a frightened Summer behind.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the reflective surface and saw a pale face with trembling lips stare back at her. Her frightened mouse like appearance did not inspire comfort, but hopefully she would get a bit more courage on the way. At least she looked the part. She found a servant’s costume very similar to the Regency period and it fit well. As a spur of the moment style, it would have to do. The shoes were quite impossible to find, but she settled for ballerina slippers and hoped that no one would look at her feet. Now pretty mirror do your trick or whatever you call it.

  When nothing happened for a few minutes, she sagged in despair. Why did she imagine it could work?

  A faint glimmer in the background checked her disbelief and left her enthralled. Small at first then with greater intensity, it illuminated the entire surface until ripples of light chased across the surface. Summer fought the desire to run away and stepped closer. With slow movements she placed her hand upon the surface of the mirror and found it cold to the touch. With a shiver that reached all the way to her toes, she bit her lip and took the plunge. The indescribable sensation shook her being until darkness enveloped her in a blanket of emptiness.

  Wessex Hall

  Peter Langford’s residence


  Peter raised his wine glass and threw it against the wall with all force he could muster. The tinkling sound of shards falling to the floor did not register nor did the anxious cry of his servant.

  “My lord, my lord are you well?”

  “Yes Danvers, I am fine. There is nothing wrong with me.”

  “Has my lord cut himself? Should I fetch the physician?”

  “No, don’t do that. I repeat that there is nothing wrong with me. I just need to do something, and I would prefer to be alone. That is all.”

  Danvers glanced at his master with a sympathetic gaze and excused himself “Yes my lord, I do understand. May my lord find peace.”

  Peace? Peter grimaced in distaste. What peace could he find when Malcolm did not appear? So much time had gone by with countless bow street runners hired to comb the countryside, annoy the neighbors and their guests with their pestering inquiries, and still no news. They even searched the Thames just in case Malcolm had lost his senses and decided to end it all. That search proved fruitless and nothing was found.

  The estate at Thornbrook would soon be in disarray. Malcolm’s servants remained fearful not knowing what would happen next. Peter did his best to reassure them that he would not leave them to the poorhouse, but in reality he could not maintain two estates. Both would fall to rack and ruin with that plan. With frustration eating at his heart, he gazed out of the high arched windows to the dark clouds beyond the horizon. The wind swirled with mournful sounds, and the leaves of the trees blew in the air as heavy drops of rain fell to the earth. Miserable weather. And yet, Peter felt just as sad as the dark outdoors. Malcolm my friend, where are you?


  Summer struggled to recover from the walk through the mirror and it took a few minutes for her to feel normal again. She wondered faintly if Malcolm felt that way, the first time they met. No wonder he fell over in a dead faint. Her breathing came in erratic puffs and her hands trembled as shadows danced before her eyes. She blinked against the spotted images fighting to adjust to the light in the room. It took a moment for her to focus, and she struggled against the cramps that threatened to rip her stomach in two.

  Not a very nice experience when she considered the whole time travel thing, but the deed was done. At least she hoped so. She had no idea if her attempt had been successful. Suppose she had returned to the Stone Age or the land that time forgot? Any of those scenarios would be a disaster not easily fixed, so she had to figure out where she landed and soon.

  With a sweeping glance, she looked around. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light with enough of a glare coming from a high window to make out the surroundings. Stone Age? Apparently not. As far as she could tell it seemed more like a closet or attic than anything else. A broken chandelier stood off to the corner with bits and pieces strewn upon the floor, chipped oil paintings stacked up against the wall, and a trunk half opened with clothing spilled out. And the mirror, or Malcolm’s mirror as she thought of it, appeared to be the only other addition to the room. Tears sprung to her eyes when she saw the problem. The mirror had cracked on the four edges. No wonder Malcolm fell sick in her world. Wiping away the tears with the back of her hand, Summer stuck to the task. Find mirror. Check. And then find Peter who would help. In progress.

  First things first. She had to get out of the closet, attic, room or whatever. The exit appeared to be a few feet away, and she turned the lock as softly as she could. It creaked under her gentle touch, but the door swung open without further sounds. Mentally rehearsing her lines in case she met someone, she tip toed into the hallway, gazing briefly at the regal paintings and stripped wallpaper along the way. The face on most of the portraits oozed pride and self confidence which told her that perhaps this was Sedgwick or his immediate family.

  She continued towards the end of the hall, and when she came to the winding staircase that led to the lower level she whistled softly. Her amazement at the intricate décor remained short lived when a door closed nearby and the sound of footsteps echoed on the floor. Someone approached. Hide now. Slipping into the darkened shadows of the wall, Summer held her brea
th and watched a beautiful blonde girl pass by. Her graceful walk led her past the shadows and over to the stairs.

  Barely able to contain the excitement of her first encounter, Summer kept as quiet as she could, but as usual the fates played against her. Unable to hold back a gigantic burp which released the cramps in her stomach, she let it rip before she could help herself. The blonde woman stopped on the third step and stood quietly with her hand on the railing. Then she turned and peered into the shadows where Summer tried to melt into the walls.

  “Hello and who are you?”

  Her soft and cultured voice held a tinge of amusement, but Summer drowned in the heat of shame. Just great. All the way from the 1900’s to act just like a pig. Priceless. “Do excuse me my Lady. My name is Summer and I am the new maid.”


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