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Now and Forevermore

Page 9

by Minx Charmer

  “Perhaps if you came forward, we can find where you need to be.”

  Summer hesitated and then shrugged. It’s about time she saw if the disguise worked. She might not do a good job of being a time travel detective, so she might as well be a decent maid. Heavens knew she had enough experience. With a contrite gaze she came forward, and curtsied as Malcolm had shown her.

  “I do not believe we have ever met before. Where are you from?”

  Far, far away. Much further than you could imagine. “I am here from the colonies visiting my family and I was hired, I mean requested by your father to work here. I only started one week ago.” Good Summer. Not bad at all. Hopefully the blonde would buy it.

  “And your name is?”

  “My name is Summer Mansfield”

  At the blonde’s lifted eyebrow, Summer reddened and added with a rush “My lady.” With bated breath, she waited for the blonde to call her out. When the girl did no more than glance at her feet, Summer gave an inaudible sigh of relief just a moment before she cringed. She had forgotten the ballerina slippers. However odd it appeared, the blonde made no comment on the matter. She requested something else instead.

  “I will have tea in the pink room. Kindly serve it the way I like it. If you are unsure of what that means, you may ask Mrs. Jotham and she will tell you what to do. You are dismissed.”

  Summer curtsied again and wondered how she would find the kitchen. The appearance of another maid gave such a welcome relief that she leaned back against the wall with the stress of the whole ordeal. Thankfully the blonde resumed her walk down the stairs and disappeared behind a white door, trimmed in pink flowers.

  Summer followed the maid and found herself in a kitchen surrounded by servants, chattering away about the affairs of the day as they cooked up a storm. When they saw the strange face, they came to a standstill with their eyes full of fear. With a friendly smile she tried to put them at ease “It’s ok ladies, I’m not here to hurt you. Just need a little direction, that’s all. Now I know that maids knew everything that goes on in their master’s home and I need some information. Do anyone of you know a Peter Langford? Lord Peter Langford to be precise? Wessex Hall?”

  When they did not respond, Summer repeated herself as slowly as she could, taking care to keep her tone even and soft. One of the maids, a pretty brunette came forward with a puzzled look “Why do you search for him?”

  Because my love is dying in the 1900’s and I need Peter to help me bring him back. “I need to give him an important message from the Marquis of Thornbrook.” The words had the desired effect. If the staff looked afraid before, now they were horrified. The swell of wailing that began grew until it resembled a crescendo. A few of them fainted and the men wiped their brows muttering inane words about speaking of the dead, those who roam the moors and all sorts of nonsense.

  Summer rolled her eyes and waited patiently for the drama to finish. It didn’t take long. “Look guys, I can’t be here all day and I need to find Peter, I mean Lord Langford. Tell you what. If you help me to find him, I promise you that I shall find Mal, I mean the Marquis and return him to you safe and sound.”

  Doubtful of her true intentions, two maids rushed Summer outdoors and over the stables. They pushed her inside and called the stable boy to come out and help them. A freckled face, lanky youth appeared and gazed at Summer as though she had two heads. Obviously the disguise did not work as well as she previously thought. The boy spoke to the maid with the large girth and round face. “What are ya’ doing now Bessie? Who is this person with ya’?”

  Bessie had no time for nonsensical questions “Listen to me Tom Farraday. I want you to take this woman and leave her at Wessex Hall. You remember Lord Langford’s place near the river, right?” At Peter’s curious nod, Bessie continued “Please do not stop for anything or anyone. Just take her there, leave her and return right away. You know his lordship will turn you out on your ear if he he finds you gone. Go now and return quickly I tell you.”


  The carriage ride to Wessex Hall turned into an experience of equestrian beauty, as the horses ate up the ground in quick strides eager to arrive at their destination. The well traveled road followed green shrubs and tall trees which gave way to the open moors. Flowers dotted the landscape under blue skies and big white clouds rolled by in lazy abandon.

  Summer’s bit the edges of her nails and tucked her hair repeatedly behind her nape, with an anxious glance from time to time at the driver. The servant cap on her hair twisted to the side, but she only had one thought in mind: Peter had to help. There would be no other way to pull this off alone.

  When they arrived at Wessex Hall, Summer saw a sprawling estate, flanked with tall trees and adorned with sculpted gardens and elegant walkways. With a hearty thanks to Tom Farraday for his help, she walked up to the front door. Beads of sweat peppered her brow despite the chill in the air, but she clamped down on the sudden rush of nerves. With a firm hold, she raised the iron gong and let it fall against the hardened surface. A moment later the massive door opened and a somber butler appeared. His long face took in her appearance and he sniffed audibly, planting his nose somewhere above her head. “Can I help you miss?”

  Summer’s legs weakened under his disapproving glare, but she held her ground. “I am here to see Peter, I mean Lord Langford please.”

  The butler pointed to the side of the house “The servant’s entrance is around the back not the front.” When he moved to close the door, Summer stuck her foot inside and pushed her way in. He stepped back in horror with a sputtered gasp and placed his hand on his forehead.

  Summer grimaced in distaste. This era breathed too much drama. “Look, I know you are having a…wait a minute I know the word… apoplectic fit or something like that, but I don’t have time for this now. I want to you see your lordship and I want to see him know.”

  When he didn’t respond except to fan himself with frantic haste, Summer crossed her arms. Two can play at this game. “Fine, if you don’t get him, I am going to strip right here, right now.”

  His frown indicated her words were not getting through, so she took of her servants cap first and let it fall to the floor. Next she put her fingers through her hair and let her curls cascade around her shoulders. Next she undid the top bow that held the front of her dress together and loosen the ties. When she attempted to pull up the lower half of the skirt so she could pull the entire dress over the top of her head, the butler bellowed for Peter and vanished down the hallway. Finally some action.

  Summer held her sides as the laughter poured out. She had no doubt the butler would need a good shrink after the whole ordeal. Or didn’t shrinks exist yet? With a few moments to spare she examined her surroundings. The richly pattered wallpaper contrasted nicely with the stone surface. A Rosewood table stood against the wall and a green vase with abundant flowers decorated the surface. Beyond she could see a winding staircase in cream trimmed with gold and she moved closer to get a better look. The sound of running feet followed by a man dressed in an elegant tails, and six servants behind him with wide open eyes, stopped her in her tracks. This would be good.

  “You there, how dare you burst in here in such a hoydenish manner? Speak up, who are you?”

  That must be Peter. Well fortune never favored the fainthearted “My name is Summer Mansfield and I am here because your friend Malcolm, Marquis of Thornbrook is ill and will not live much longer.”

  Two maids fainted and crumbled to the floor. The butler cried out and looked to his master for assistance, and the others huddled together with fearful whispers. The thunderous frown on Peter’s face deepened as he glared at Summer. “How dare you say such a thing? And explain how you know of this affair? Malcolm is the most honorable gentleman I know and he would have nothing to do with a hoyden like you.”

  Summer forgot her fears and stamped her feet as her eyes lit up “Hey, I don’t what hoyden means, but I don’t think it’s flattering. Besides aren’t you a gen
tleman? Doesn’t that mean you have a head on your shoulders? I suggest you use it and listen to what I have to say, because my time is limited. And for heaven’s sake, can you get rid of the drama behind you? These maids are worse than a daytime soap opera.”

  Peter’s frown increased and he blinked in rapid succession “Your words are strange to me. What does all of this mean?”

  “Well if you and I can speak privately, I will tell you.”

  With an expression that presented a clear struggle to understand, he nodded and instructed the servants to depart. Then he motioned for Summer to follow him.

  The cozy room he led her to, had papers strewn about with notes and circles. She could see Peter had been worried. A fireplace in the background spread warmth to the surroundings, and Peter pointed to one of the two chairs in the room. Summer sat down, and watched him with wary eyes.

  “Do not look at me in such a manner for I shall not harm you. Just tell me what you know about Malcolm. My eyes have not slept for many a nights without word of my friend.”

  Summer breathed an audible sigh of relief. “I’m so glad to hear that. He told me that you would be the one to help.”

  Peter shook his head “I will not agree to anything unless you can accurately say where Malcolm has gone. I will not be a candidate for bedlam with this whole ordeal.”

  Summer’s brow knitted as she thought deeply “What is bedlam?”

  Peter groaned “This is worse than visiting the apothecary.”

  Summer floundered in translation “And what’s that?”

  “Please explain to me why you are here. We can discuss these words later.”

  Summer nodded. Stick to the subject girl. Malcolm’s life depended on it. With a deep sigh and a strong voice, she told Peter a story that knocked his world on its head.


  For the second time in one day, Summer found herself in another carriage, but this time Peter sat beside her. It had taken hours to convince him that she told the truth, but finally he came around. With grudging disbelief, he conceded that there were things she said that only Malcolm would know. Once he believed that she told the truth and that Malcom faced real danger, Peter acted swiftly. “We must return to Sedgwick’s, and get the mirror out of his possession. Thankfully his avarice nature will lend expediently to this task, however you cannot meet him in such attire. An earl is to be respected, especially in his home. I shall have my maids attend to your needs and they will arrange your dress.”

  And arrange her dress he did. Summer fingered the pink satin gown that covered her slim curves with tender fingers. She had never worn anything so fine in all of her life and she felt like princess in a fairytale. The maids bathed her skin with scented oils, and curled her hair on top of her head with deft fingers. Tendrils fell softly upon her nape and diamonds adorned her neck and sparkled against her ears. And the ballerina shoes had been cast aside in favor of delicate slippers with pink ribbon bows and jeweled studs. Even the lace gloves were adorned in jeweled studs fit for a queen. She only hoped she looked regal enough to impress the Earl, and Peter’s warning stayed fresh in her mind.

  “You must not gaze at him directly. There is no way we want him to be privy to our plans. Just take whatever is offered and nibble away in a genteel manner. I shall deal with the speech. Once we have the mirror we will leave immediately and see how we can repair the damage that is done.”


  Sedgwick’s eyes roved over Summer’s regal bearing for the hundredth time. The eyes that followed her every move bothered her, but she did not shrink back in fear. Let him look all he wanted to. They only needed the mirror which seemed to be the one object Sedgwick didn’t want to part with. “The mirror has been broken Langford. It is of no use to you now. Why do you feel you must bargain for it?”

  Peter’s struck up a light and conversational tone in response “It is something of value to me. You know that Malcolm would like the design and I am sure I will like to keep some remembrance of him.”

  Sedgwick flicked an imaginary spec from his shoulder “Sentimental claptrap and you should know better. It is not my doing that he vanished in my library. I am certain that he escaped with some chit from a faraway land no doubt. When I told you all that I found the mirror, I did not imagine you would return to ask me for it. It is of no value since it has been broken.”

  Peter took a sip of tea and crossed his legs in a nonchalant way. Summer admired his composure and wished she felt the same confidence. “Then you will have no problem to part with it. It is something of Malcolm’s that I can remember. Name your price.”

  Sedgwick’s reply bordered on disbelief “Price? Well now, what an interesting turn this has become.”

  When the door opened and the blonde entered Summer stiffened in horror. The blonde on the stairs. Following Peter’s example, she rose and curtsied as she had been taught. The blonde introduced as Danielle, asked they spoke about. Her father filled her in with a contemptible sneer. “Langford wants to buy a broken mirror because he is fit for bedlam that’s why. The fellow does not need to be breathing God’s good air.”

  Danielle poured her own tea and nibbled slowly at the edge of a biscuit. Her eyes glanced over Summer but she did not appear to recognize her, and Summer breathed a soft sigh of relief. “Father the mirror is old, ugly and unworthy of our fine estate. Give it to Peter so he can remember a fool that refused the hand of your daughter. Then we will be rid of the vestige of what could have been, but will never be.”

  Sedgwick looked at Danielle with something akin to admiration, and Summer watched them both discreetly. Whatever undercurrents were in the air, she wanted no part of it. She only wanted the mirror. When Sedgwick got up, Summer and Peter rose with him.

  “It seems my child has become a woman before my eyes. Take the thing and cast it into the fire if you chose. I don’t want to ever see it again. Now I bid you farewell, I have business matters to attend to. Danielle will see you out.”

  When he left the room, the negative energy went along with him and Summer sighed visibly relieved.

  “So you have changed but not that much.”

  Danielle’s words made her jump and Summer chided herself for her reaction. The blonde girl smiled with knowing eyes.

  “Yes, I recognize you, and I knew you were not a maid, but I am curious to know who you are.”

  “Summer is my name and I came here from the future to find Peter. He will help me to get Malcolm back home.”

  To Danielle’s credit she did not flinch or appeared disturbed with Summer’s explanation. Instead she rose like a swan and told them to follow her. They took the winding staircase up to the second floor and then on to the attic. The mirror remained in the same place that Summer had found it before. Peter examined it and shook his head “It is broken through and there is no way to repair this.”

  Danielle smiled softly and touched the glass surface “You only need cut around the edges and make it smaller. Then it will be whole again.”

  Summer whooped for joy and threw her arms around Danielle “My goodness what a great plan. Why didn’t I think of that? Are there any glass cutters around here, anyone who can help us?”

  “Of course there is and Peter knows. Do tell Malcolm for me that I am sorry it did not work out between us, but I am certain that you are the woman he needs in his life. If you crossed time to save him, nothing will ever keep you apart.”

  With tears in her eyes, Summer held Danielle’s hands in her own “That sounds great, but why aren’t you freaking out about this? Why aren’t you scared?”

  Danielle smiled and squeezed her hand “Because I met an old woman in this house and she told me tales that were impossible to believe. And yet here you are, and now I believe that all things can be true. Now please return and send Malcolm home.”


  Peter tracked down a glass cutter which turned into an ordeal, and they did as Danielle suggested. The mirror’s broken edges were cut away an
d a new frame molded to fit the new size. Then they set up the new mirror in Peter’s private lodging and Summer spent a whole day waiting for it to work. When nothing happened on the second day she got frantic, but Peter begged her to be patient.

  “I do not believe that you would have traveled to this world, only to be defeated so quickly. Surely it will work. Just give it time.”

  Summer could not accept that reasoning “I don’t have much time. A fortnight will soon end and I can’t leave him there or we will both be stranded.”

  Peter did not agree “I insist that it will work. Just know in your heart that it will be so.”

  Summer felt it in her heart, but she wanted to see some movement. When two more days passed by she sank into despair and the tears began. She cried for hours on end and refused to be consoled. When Peter could take the sound of her tears no longer, he put her in the gardens and told her to observe nature and allow it to soothe her.


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