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The Pope

Page 27

by Anthony McCarten

“too easily … timidity”: Ibid., p. 210.

  “There is an … generations”: Collins, God’s New Man, p. 68.

  “because of our esteem … Church”: Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Letter, Apostolica Sollicitudo, September 15, 1965 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).

  “The theory of … pope’s”: Allen, Cardinal Ratzinger, p. 57.

  “asserted … teach authoritatively”: Ibid., p. 63.

  “the biggest problem … dioceses”: Ibid., pp. 43, 45.

  “It is truly ironic … children”: Nicholas P. Cafardi, Before Dallas: The U.S. Bishops’ Response to Clergy Sexual Abuse of Children (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2008), p. 63.

  “a strong tendency … evil”: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, October 1, 1986 (Rome: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican Press Office), Heng Sure, “Pope Benedict XVI’s Buddhist Encounter,” Dharma Forest (blog),


  “up until now … than he: Walsh, ed., From John Paul II to Benedict XVI, p. 102.

  “Five days after … into the background”: Gibson, The Rule of Benedict, p. 217.

  “there the architecture … pope”: Quote in Sandro Magister, “The ‘Reform of the Reform’ Has Already Begun,” Chiesa, L’Espresso (Italy), April 28, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI quoted as saying to the master of ceremonies.

  “pray for me … capacity”: Pope Benedict XVI, Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, April 24, 2005.

  “advertisement … millennium ago”: Collins, God’s New Man, p. 198; Gibson, The Rule of Benedict, p. 218.

  “SANTA POPE … LOOK: “‘Santa Pope’ Woos Vatican Crowds,” BBC News, December 22, 2005,; Jonathan Petre, “Pope Delights Crowds with Santa Look,” Telegraph (UK), December 22, 2005,

  “real program … the Lord”: Pope Benedict XVI, Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI, April 24, 2005 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana),

  “dictatorship of relativism”: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Mass, Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, April 18, 2005.

  “the truth … of persons”: Chris Gowans, “Moral Relativism,” in Edward N. Zalta, ed., The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Summer 2018 ed.,

  “the dissolution … human rights: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Speech to the LUMSA Faculty of Jurisprudence, Rome, November 10, 1999,

  “The majority … factors”: Ibid.

  “every aspect … crisis”: Gibson, The Rule of Benedict, p. 257.

  “subtle seductions … properly”: Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger to Gabriele Kuby, March 7, 2003,; Gibson, The Rule of Benedict, p. 257.

  “as gaffe-prone … to another”: Nick Squires, “Pope Benedict XVI Resigns: A Papacy Marred by Crises and Controversies,” Telegraph (UK), February 11, 2013.

  “grave sins … culture’”: “Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with Regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in View of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders,” November 4, 2005 (Congregation for Catholic Education, Rome),

  “I would like … peoples”: Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience.

  “structures of faith contained in the Bible”: Lecture of the Holy Father, Faith, Reason and the University: Memories and Reflections, Alua Magna of the University of Regensburg, September 12, 2006 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana),

  “the essential relationship between faith”: Pope Benedict XVI, Meeting with the Representatives of Science, University of Regensburg, September 12, 2006 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).

  “It would have … pontificate”: Paul Badde, Benedict Up Close: The Inside Story of Eight Dramatic Years, trans. Michael J. Miller (Inondale, Alabama: EWTN Publishing, 2017), p. 62.

  “sincerely regrets … his intentions”: Official Statement by Holy See Press Office, September 16, 2006.

  “unhappiness … twenty years”: Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots, pp. 9–10.

  “mission of dialogue … Church: Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Turkey, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, November 28–December 1, 2006.

  “remarkable flowering … mutual trust”: Ibid.

  “the genocide … Nazi ideology”: Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI at the viewing of a film on the life of Pope John Paul II, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, May 19, 2005.

  “What earlier … harmful”: Letter of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Bishops on the Occasion of the Publication of the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Data Summorum Pontificum on the Use of the Roman Liturgy Prior to the Reform of 1970, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, July 7, 2007,

  “We are extremely … wrong time”: Jason Burke, “Pope’s Move on Latin Mass ‘a Blow to Jews,’” Guardian (UK), July 8, 2017.

  “hugely against six … chambers”: Richard Williamson interviewed in 2008 on Uppdrag Granskning, SVT (Sweden), January 21, 2009.

  “The Vatican … an individual”: Statement by Father Federico Lombardi, head of the Vatican Press Office, January 24, 2009, published by Philip Willan; “Pope Readmits Holocaust-Denying Priest to the Church,” Independent (UK), January 25, 2009,

  “the biggest … modern times”: Olivia Balch, John Hooper, and Riazat Butt, “Vatican Crisis over Bishop Who Denies the Holocaust,” Guardian (UK), February 7, 2009,

  “welcoming an open … anti-Semitism”: Shira Medding, “Pope Outrages Jews over Holocaust Denier,” CNN, January 26, 2009,

  “If a decision … been sufficient”: Statement by Angela Merkel, February 3, 2009,

  “I have been told … unity?”: Letter of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the Bishops of the Catholic Church Concerning the Remission of the Excommunication of the Four Bishops Consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, March 10, 2009.

  “Summary … its objectives”: U.S. Embassy to the Vatican, The Holy See: A Failure to Communicate, WikiLeaks cable: 09VATICAN28_a, dated February 20, 2009, 16:00,

  The report went on … bad news”: Ibid.

  “deeply disturbed … a domestic level: Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the Catholics of Ireland, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, March 19, 2010

  “personal and political axes”: John Allen Jr., “Puccini Meets Watergate in ‘Vatileaks’ Scandal,” National Catholic Reporter, February 27, 2012,

  “One of the … harm”: Ibid.


  “Dear Brothers … it is”: Pope Benedict XVI, Declarito, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, February 10, 2013,

  “The cardinals … and sadness”: John Hooper, “Pope Benedict XVI Announces Resignation—As It Happened,” Guardian (UK), February 11, 2013,

  “The pope took us by surprise”: John Hooper, Pope’s Resignation—Eyewitness Account, Guardian (UK), February 11, 2013,

  “you cannot come down from the cross”: Philip Pullella, “Pope’s Sudden Resignation Sends Shockwaves Through Church,” Reuters, February 11, 2013,

  “When the danger is … do it”: Benedict XVI, Light of the World, p. 29.

  “Actually I had expected … years”: Ibid., p. 3.

  “at a girls’ school”: Leaked memo published by New York Times, March 25, 2010,

  “medical-psychotherapeutic … ways”: Ibid.

  “The risk of … local bishop”: Interview with Dr. Werner Huth, “What the Pope Knew,” Panorama, BBC, September 13, 2010.

  “he issued … unchallenged: New York Times, March 25, 2010,

  “I deeply regret … by it”: Nicholas Kulish and Rachel Donadio, “Abuse Scandal in Germany Edges Closer to Pope,” New York Times, March 12, 2010,

  “nonsense … protect the pope”: Ibid.

  “evident that in … have failed”: “Vatican Sees Campaign Against the Pope,” New York Times, March 13, 2010,

  “asked” in no … line”: Conny Newman, “Was Munich’s Vicar General Forced to Serve as Ratzinger’s Scapegoat?,” Der Spiegel (Germany), April 19, 2010,

  “the real reason … decades: Benedict XVI, Light of the World, pp. 27–28.

  “brute animals,” to … Holy Office: “Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation,” From the Supreme and Holy Congregation of the Holy Office (Vatican Press Office, 1962),

  “blueprint for deception and concealment”: Anthony Barnett, “Vatican Told Bishops to Cover Up Sex Abuse,” Observer (UK), August 16, 2003; “Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation,” obtained by the Observer,

  “At first Rome tried to … into it”: Paul Collins, God’s New Man, pp. 93–94.

  “the worst … tribunal”: The Norms of the Motu Proprio, official publication by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Vatican Press Office, 2010).

  “advises clerics … years”: Jeffrey Ferro, Sexual Misconduct and the Clergy (New York: Facts on File, 2005), p. 107.

  It also … any details: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, “Letter Explains New Norms for Church Handling of Certain Grave Offenses,” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Church, Vatican Press Office, May 18, 2001.

  “There’s no policy … moved”: Father Tom Doyle, in “Sex Crimes and the Vatican,” Panorama, BBC, October 1, 2006.

  UNEASY LIES THE HEAD THAT WEARS A CROWN: William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2, act III, scene 1.

  “an eruption … Church”: Jerome Taylor, “Italy Hails ‘an Outbreak of Modernity in the Church’ as Pope Benedict XVI Announces He Will Resign Because of Ill Health,” Independent (UK), February 11, 2013,

  “The theologian … papacy”: Marco Ventura, professor of law and religion at Siena University, Italy, quoted in “See You Later,” Economist, February 16, 2013,

  “simply a pilgrim … earth”: Greeting of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the faithful of the diocese of Albano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, February 28, 2013.


  “carry this idea … hands”: Rachel Donadio and Elisabetta Povoledo, “Successor to Benedict Will Lead a Church at a Crossroads,” New York Times, February 11, 2013,

  A man with … performance: John L. Allen Jr., “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope,” National Catholic Reporter, March 11, 2013,

  “whispering … generates”: Andrea Tornielli quoted in ibid.

  “two cardinals … religious sisters”: John L. Allen Jr., “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope,” National Catholic Reporter, February 25, 2013,

  “easily the most … cardinals”: Allen, “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope” National Catholic Reporter, March 11, 2013,

  “such an obvious … apartments”: John L. Allen Jr., “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope,” National Catholic Reporter, March 2, 2013,

  “the notion of … hemisphere”: John L. Allen Jr., “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope,” National Catholic Reporter, February 19, 2013,

  “Conservatism’s Cape crusader”: Peter Popham, “Cardinal Peter Turkson: Conservatism’s Cape Crusader,” Independent (UK), February 15, 2013,

  “if it’s the will … pope”: Lizzy Davies, “Catholic Church Ready for Non-European Pope, says Ghanaian Cardinal,” Guardian (UK), February 13, 2013,

  “African traditional … tendency”: Samuel Burke, “Meet the Man Who Could Be the First Black Pope,” CNN, February 12, 2013,

  Great Asian … Curia: John L. Allen Jr., “Papabile of the Day: The Men Who Could Be Pope,” National Catholic Reporter, February 22, 2013,

  “Prepare yourself, dear friend”: Elizabetta Piqué, Francis: Life and Revolution: A Biography of Jorge Bergoglio (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2013), p. 23.

  “after many … Holy See”: Matthew Fisher, “Canada’s Marc Ouellet Came Close to Becoming Pope, Media Reports Say,” Global News (Canada), March 15, 2013,

  “seemed very … happening”: Associated Press, “So What Really Happened Inside the Papal Conclave that Selected Pope Francis? Here’s a Cardinal’s-Eye View,” New York Daily News, March 14, 2013,

  “he felt a deep … day”: Antonio Spadaro, S.J., “A Big Heart Open to God: An Interview with Pope Francis,” Jesuit Review, September 30, 2013,

  After the sixth … house”: Associated Press, “So What Really Happened Inside the Papal Conclave?”

  “Don’t forget the poor”: Cindy Wooden, “Pope Francis Explains Why He Chose St. Francis of Assisi’s Name,” Catholic News Service, March 17, 2013,

  “Do you accept … Assisi”: Ivereigh, The Great Reformer, p. 363.


  “not follow the … disappeared”: Telegram from American ambassador to Argentina Robert Hill to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, “Ambassador’s Conversation with Admiral Massera,” March 16, 1976, U.S. Department of State Argentina Declassification Project (1975–1984), August 20, 2002 (Digital National Security Archives Accession Number NSAEBB185),

  “probably the best … history”: Telegram from Ambassador Robert Hill, “Vileda’s Moderate Line Prevails,” March 30, 1976, U.S. Department of State Argentina Declassification Project (1975–1984), August 20, 2002 (Digital National Security Archives Accession Number NSAEBB185),

  “chance they [the junta] have”: Quotes taken from U.S. Department of State Argentina Declassification Project (1975–1984), August 20, 2002 (Digital National Security Archive Accession number NSAEBB185),

  For example … council: Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 79.

  “the total capacity … 5,000”: Ibid., p. 17.

  “Heil Hitler”: Daniel Feierstein, “Political Violence in Argentina and Its Genocidal Characteristics,” Journal of Genocide Research 8, no. 2 (June 2006): 151.

  “They put on … us”: Uki Goni, “Pope Francis and the Missing Marxist,” Guardian (UK), December 11, 2013,

  “encourage the Vatican … law”: Department of State confidential cable from U.S. Embassy, Buenos Aires, “The Tactic of Disappearance,” September 26, 1980 (National Security Archives, Washington, D.C.),


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