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Alien in the House

Page 54

by Gini Koch

  “Thanks, Raj.” This way, Nathalie wouldn’t be at risk from my barfing on her and we wouldn’t be at risk of anyone wandering our Embassy unattended. Tito and Nurse Carter were missing out on the excursion, whatever it was. Figured I’d find out soon if they’d be relieved or disappointed later.

  Jeff had Chuckie keep Jamie for the gate transfer. Assumed this was because he knew he’d have to carry me. Which he did. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll find out.” Jeff held me a little tighter and I buried my face in his neck. Always the nicest part of a gate transfer.

  This one was a few seconds, so I knew we were traveling some distance. Felt us stop and, once my stomach settled, opened my eyes. “This place looks familiar.”

  “It should.” Jeff put me down. “Let’s go, everyone, we’re on a schedule.”

  “What’s going on?” Chuckie asked.

  “I have no idea. Jeff won’t tell me. If Jamie’s too heavy I can take her.”

  Chuckie shot me the “oh, please” look. “I think I can manage one little girl.” He looked around. “We’re in the Mandalay Bay.”

  “You’re sure?” Looked around again. “I guess we are. The question is why?”

  We walked into a room that had a lot of chairs set up in neat rows with a wide aisle between them. Elvis was in there. Well, someone dressed like him. As we got closer, realized it was Gower. Looking somewhat embarrassed. What was going on suddenly dawned on me and I started to laugh.

  Jeff heard me and grinned. “Let’s get this show on the road.” He took Jamie from Chuckie now. “Hope you like the costume. It was the best we could find on short notice.”

  Chuckie gaped. “Ah, is what I think happening actually happening?”

  “Yeah, it is.” He looked at Raj. “You’ll be able to do it more quietly.”

  Raj laughed. “Would everyone who is unaware of what’s going on and why we’re here please find a seat and sit down?” His voice carried to all parts of the room, without the walls shaking. Everyone moved as requested. Troubadours really had a lot more going for them than Christopher had led me to believe.

  Erika and Stanley Gower were here. They sat with Chuckie’s parents. Jeff kissed Jamie and got her to wake up. Pierre gave her a little pink basket with rose petals in it.

  Jeff and Reader each took an arm and led Chuckie up to where Gower was standing. Pierre motioned to me, and I followed him and Jamie to find Michael, Abigail, and Naomi. “You sure you want me here?”

  Naomi grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure. Are we doing what I think we’re doing?”

  “Yeah, we are. You’re getting married by your brother, who is also an Elvis Impersonator. At least for this hour. It’s a convenient thing that we were all dressed up for Jamie’s party.”

  Music started. “Blue Christmas” by Johnny Mathis. Pierre coached Jamie down the aisle. I followed after her, then Abigail.

  “We’re breaking with traditions,” Gower said. “Because the only traditions that truly matter are that we love one another, fight for one another, protect one another, and cherish our time together.”

  “Hear, hear,” Tim called from the audience. The song changed to “It’s Now Or Never” by the king himself.

  “We’re missing a few people we’d like to have with us,” Gower went on. “But circumstances ensure that there are always a few people missing at any wedding. What shouldn’t be at a wedding, however, are governments and political agendas. All there should be is love between two people and the people who love them.”

  The room applauded. Clearly all those in attendance agreed.

  “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis came on now, as Michael walked Naomi down the aisle. Saw Amy and Caroline start to cry.

  “Who gives this woman to marry this man?” Gower asked.

  “We all do,” Michael replied. He kissed his sister’s cheek, then joined Caroline and his parents.

  Chuckie took Naomi’s hand and brought her up to Gower. “I just want to tell you both that there are only a few people I’d dress up as Elvis for.” This earned a good laugh, which meant that those of us tearing up got to have the fun of laughing through our tears.

  “This ceremony can be quite long. It can also be sped up. I think you two have had a much longer engagement than either of you wanted. So let’s see if we can make the wedding go a little faster. Do you, Charles Martin Reynolds, take this woman to be your wife, in sickness, health, good times, bad times, richer, poorer, until death alone parts you?”

  Chuckie cleared his throat. “I do.”

  “Do you, Naomi Marie Gower, take this man to be your husband, in sickness, health, good times, bad times, richer, poorer, until death alone parts you?”

  Naomi smiled. “I do.”

  “The rings, please?” Gower asked. Jeff stepped forward and gave them to him. Gower handed one to each of them. Chuckie slid the ring onto Naomi’s finger. His hand shook a little. I started to really have to blink a lot to stop from crying. Naomi slid the ring on his finger, and her hand didn’t shake at all.

  “These rings are symbols of your love and your union—unbroken, never-ending, precious, never-tarnishing, enduring, and beautiful. And with the rings willingly given and happily received, as Sovereign Pontifex, I pronounce you married. What has been joined will never be broken, in this world or the next.” Gower paused for a moment, then grinned. “Now, kiss your bride, and make it good.”

  Chuckie grinned and pulled Naomi to him as “Viva Las Vegas” from Elvis came on. He dipped her, and kissed her, while the crowd cheered.

  Once they’d straightened up, Gower put his hands up, and everyone quieted. “Let me be the first to present Mister and Missus Charles and Naomi Reynolds.”

  More cheers, as they walked down the aisle. They reached the end and turned around. “Where to now?” Chuckie asked.

  Jeff grinned. “Back home. The Embassy should be all set up for your reception by now.”

  Chuckie shrugged and picked Naomi up. “Guess I’ll carry you through the gate versus over the threshold.” He kissed her as they stepped through.

  The rest of us followed them. Jeff picked Jamie up. “Can you make it through without me carrying you?”

  Took Jamie from him. “Nope. You get to carry both of us.”

  He laughed and picked us up. “That will never be a problem. Holding my family in my arms is the best part of my life.”

  The transfer wasn’t nearly as bad as normal, possibly because I kissed Jeff through the entire experience.


  THE RECEPTION WENT more slowly than the wedding had, but it was fun and comfortable, and Chuckie looked incredibly happy and more relaxed than I’d seen him in at least a year. Naomi looked like her old self, only with more confidence and a happy glow I’d never seen before.

  The joy of seeing them both so happy and right together made all the horror from the past few days move into “the past.” I still wanted to find and stop all the evil bad guy plans, but that’s what tomorrow was for. Today was, as Nathalie had requested, happy.

  Kyle and I were back in charge of the music, so “Beyond Beautiful” by Aerosmith was playing. Most of the guests were dancing, Jamie included. Cliff was her current partner and she was having a blast. Had a feeling she was going to expect a wedding and reception as her birthday cap-off every year.

  Vance and Gadoire had joined us. Gadoire had a clean bill of health, and was confirmed as human. Reader was dancing with Nathalie, and she seemed okay. Not deliriously happy, but better than she’d been. She was tough, and we’d help her. She and Jeff could be the bonded newbies in the House and have each other’s backs. It was more than a lot of people got.

  Senators McMillan and Armstrong and their wives had joined us as well. They were sitting with Lillian Culver while she made phone calls. Abner was going to pull through, and our medical team and a team from Dulce were watching him. Tito was still with him, but Nurse Carter was up and dancing with White.

  The music swi
tched to “You and Me” by Lifehouse. Jeff and I took a break from the dance floor and sat down, me in his lap. “Think they liked it?” he asked me.

  “I think you just proved to Chuckie, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’re really his good, true friend, which is the best present he could ever get. Yes, he loved it and Naomi needed it. You’re really the biggest romantic softie in the world, you know that, right?”

  “As long as you like that, I’m good with it.”

  “I don’t like it, Jeff. I love it, and everything else about you.”

  He hugged me. “Good to know.” He was about to kiss me when the music stopped.

  “Attention, please,” Raj said. The room stopped and turned toward his voice. Made a mental note to ensure Raj always used his power for good. “We have an important announcement.”

  The guests moved to the sides of the room. Michael was standing next to Raj. He looked incredibly nervous. “The road to Chuck and Naomi’s wedding was really long, and for a while I wasn’t sure this day would ever come. The events of the past few days have pointed out to me that nothing in life is certain, including tomorrow.”

  He cleared his throat. “So, I’ve asked permission of the man who’s very much like a father to you,” he said as he walked over to Caroline and took her hand. Caroline looked like she didn’t know whether this was a joke or not. “Senator McMillan told me that a real man is bold and takes chances for the important things.”

  Michael went down on one knee. Caroline’s expression changed to shock. He pulled a ring box out of his pocket. “Caroline Chase, I’d like to know if you’d be willing to make an honest man out of me and marry me.”

  “Yes,” Caroline managed, right before she burst into tears. Michael stood up and kissed her, among cheers and congratulations. “Everybody Loves a Happy Ending” by Tears for Fears came on our Embassy Airwaves.

  Jeff sighed happily. “Nice to see them both settle down.”

  “Did you know this was coming?”

  “Amazingly, yes, because neither one of them is sporting an emotional blocker or overlay. Had to tell Michael to hold off until the reception—he was revved up and ready to propose at Jamie’s party.”

  “This was better.”

  Jeff hugged me. “I agree. This is the best, though.” Then he kissed me. And, as with so many things, he was right.

  Coming in December 2013:

  the eighth novel in the Alien series

  from Gini Koch


  Read on for a sneak preview

  “AMBASSADOR, would you please tell the Committee your full name?”

  “Katherine Sarah Katt Martini.”

  “Do you know the whereabouts of one Herbert Gaultier?”

  “No.” My bet was Hell, but the Committee probably didn’t want to hear that.

  “Do you know if he’s alive or dead?”

  I hesitated. I was under oath. “I think he’s dead.”

  “Do you?” The senator in charge of the hearing leaned forward. “Is that because you killed him?”

  “No. I didn’t kill him.” Christopher White had killed him. But he’d had to.

  “What about Leventhal Reid?”

  “Nope, didn’t kill him, either.” My husband, Jeff, had killed Reid. To save my life.

  “LaRue Demorte Gaultier—did you kill her?”

  “No. Esteban Cantu killed her.” Accidentally, of course, but that one wasn’t on me. “Then he was arrested. And I didn’t kill him, either.” Other bad guys had killed him, before we could get information from him.

  “John Cooper?”

  “Nope, didn’t do him in, either.” Charles Reynolds had killed Cooper. Again, in self-defense, defending me and himself.

  “Ronaldo Al Dejahl, who killed him?”

  “Um, everybody and nobody. Because my bet is that he’s still alive. But lots of us have tried to kill him, and you should be grateful.” James Reader had used the first guy we thought was Ronaldo for a body shield, Jeff had beaten up the real one, but he’d escaped, and my bet was he’d survived the beat down he’d gotten during Operation Destruction, too, and was out there somewhere, waiting to strike.

  The Committee didn’t seem impressed. I didn’t look around, but the room was huge and it seemed filled to capacity with a blur of official looking people in politically fashion-forward suits, all of whom were giving me the Frowny Face of Displeasure.

  “The entire former American Centaurion Diplomatic Corps?” the senator in charge went on. “What about them? And Howard Taft? Antony Marling and Madeline Cartwright? Ronald Yates? And Beverly, that woman who had the most boring speaking voice in the world. Did you kill all of them and many others, including Gregory from Alpha Four, and Uma from Alpha Six, and the Mephistopheles in-control superbeing?”

  Now, these were not so easy to not lie under oath about.

  “Yes, sort of, well, yes, really in the case of Beverly and a bunch of the others. I didn’t do Gregory in, though.” Tito Hernandez had done that. “I took out Moira from Beta Twelve, though.” Jeff had handled her mate, Kyrellis. Just barely, but he’d managed it. “They were all evil and trying to destroy everyone good and the Earth. By the way, how did you know Beverly was Miz Monotone?”

  The Committee looked at me derisively. “We’re in your dream,” the senator in charge said. “And we agree that whoever thought it was a good idea for you to be in such a public position was an idiot.”

  “Can we sentence her yet?” one of the other Committee members asked. “Or at least ruin her husband’s budding political career?” The rest of the Committee nodded eagerly. They were all over the idea of disgracing Representative Martini.

  “Can I wake up now?”

  “Do you want to?” the senator in charge asked.

  “Am I hanging out with a Congressional Grand Jury when I wake up?”

  “Not as far as any of us know. Today. Tomorrow? Who knows?”

  “That’s the story of my life. By the way, as far as dream men go, none of you are what I’d like to have the next time I have a horrible nightmare.”

  “Who would you prefer?” the senator in charge asked.

  “Billy Zane would be a good option, he doesn’t get nearly enough work. Hugh Jackman. Chris Evans, really, anyone who starred in The Avengers would be acceptable. Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Nathan Fillion, pick a hot leading man of choice.”

  “Sorry. You already live with the best looking people on Earth. You’re stuck with us. See you next time, Ambassador.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  The senator in charge nodded. “Tomorrow night will come soon enough.”

  “As near as I can tell, only if I keep on killing bad guys.”

  • • •

  My eyes opened and I looked around. I wasn’t in a big room with a lot of important people looking at me while I incriminated myself and everyone else I knew. I was lying in bed.

  I’d had a version of this dream pretty much every night since Jeff had become the Appointed Representative for New Mexico’s 2nd District, starting right after Operation Sherlock had concluded.

  Sure, people being murdered left and right and my somehow becoming the “adopted niece” of the two best assassins in the business could give anyone nightmares. But those situations never came up in my dreams. No, I got the nightly reminder of what I was really stressed over—my husband was now in a very public position and we had a hell of a lot of skeletons in our big walk-in closet.

  Rolled over. Sure enough, Jeff was in bed next to me. Mr. Clock said it was five in the morning. Heaved a sigh of relief and snuggled next to Jeff.

  He made the low growl that sounded like a purr in his sleep and pulled me closer to him. Buried my face in between his awesome pecs, rubbed against the hair on his chest, and let his double heartbeats lull me back to sleep. Thankfully, this time, dreamless.

  The smooth sounds of Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” woke me up. Jeff wasn’t in bed with me. Not so unusual—he
usually heard the alarm before I did.

  Got up and trotted into the bathroom. No Jeff. Checked in the closet. No Jeff. Went to the nursery. No Jeff and no Jamie. No animals, either from Earth or Alpha Four, were in evidence, either. Wondered if I was, in fact, having another nightmare. Decided to check. “Com on!”

  “Yes, Ambassador?” The voice wasn’t Walter’s. And Walter always called me Chief, because I was now the sole Chief of Mission. But the voice was familiar.

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s William, Chief.” Walter’s older brother.

  “What is one of our top Imageers doing handling Embassy Security? Or, to put it another way, what’s the point of this weird dream?”

  “Ahhh, you’re not asleep, at least as far as I know, Ambassador.”

  “Well, if you were in my dream you’d say that.”

  “Are you feeling alright, Ambassador? Do I need to have Doctor Hernandez or Nurse Carter go up and check you out?”

  Contemplated if I felt awake as the music changed to The Pretender’s version of “I Got You Babe.” One more song and I could confirm if this was the music mix Jeff had made for our anniversary or not. He’d put a lot of thought into it and I’d been using it as our wakeup music for the past two months.

  “If I’m really awake, where are Jeff and Jamie?”

  “Representative Martini took your daughter to daycare already, Ambassador. He asked me to tell you that she’d woken up early and he didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Why not?”

  “He said you’ve been sleeping poorly.”

  True enough. “Okay, so why are you here instead of Walter?”

  “Walter’s at a Security training session at Dulce.”

  “Why is he at the Science Center for training?”

  “Because there’s a big dust storm around Home Base and the training session needs to be held both indoors and outdoors.”

  “Gotcha. And you’re here because . . . ?”

  “Because someone needed to cover Embassy Security, and it was decided that I was the most trustworthy option.”


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