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I'll Take Forever Kobo

Page 15

by Barbara McMahon

  She moved against his touch, arching to his fingers, moving against his mouth, offering her breast more fully, wanting more from him.


  'Say it, Jenny,' he demanded, drawing back a little, his fingers still trailing fire along her softness. 'Say you want me as much as I want you.’

  'I do, Kyle. I want you!' She was on fire for him, her whole being caught up in his touch, in his caresses and the fiery kisses he gave.

  He kissed her swiftly and sat up, drawing his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. In two swift moves he withdrew his boots and lay back down, drawing Jenny against the hardness of his bare warm chest, his hands roaming over her as he drew her dress from her.

  She fumbled with his jeans, anxious to remove them, to let body touch body, to meet unrestricted and unencumbered.

  'Easy, baby,' he soothed her. 'We've got all the time we want.' He helped her unfasten his jeans, raising himself to take them off.

  Shyly, Jenny ran her hands over him, pausing a moment when making contact with his scar, moving on as the heat built again within her.

  He eased off her panties and rolled her on to her back. As he took one nipple gently between his teeth, his hand again moved to find her softness, to gently spread her legs. Jenny gave a soft moan as the touch of his fingers against her drove all thought from her mind. She could only feel Kyle, long for him. Love him.

  Jenny arched to meet him when he covered her, arched again to receive him deep within her body. He moved his hand to cover her hips, to move her to the rhythm he wanted, to the tempo that was building up between them.

  Slowly the fire burned, raging hotter and hotter until Jenny thought she was lost in the conflagration.

  Suddenly wave after wave of molten pleasure spread through her body, each hotter and higher than the previous one until one final shattering wave broke, leaving her drained, breathless, complete, deliciously satisfied, satiated.

  Their feverish movement slowed as the last wave burned itself out, leaving warmth and peace behind.

  Jenny's breathing was erratic, fast. She could feel Kyle's against her neck. Holding him close, she rested her cheek against his, lassitude spreading rapidly as she enjoyed the weight of the man on her, the feel of him against her legs, her breasts, beneath her hands. She imprinted each sensation on her brain, to remember always.

  Kyle raised his head, sought and found her mouth. He kissed her, kissed her again, rubbed his lips across her.

  'You're good, Jenny, you're so good,' he said softly, moving to kiss her cheeks, her jaw, back to her mouth.

  She smiled slowly, deliciously. She was floating and never wanted to come to earth. She loved him, loved Kyle Martin with all of her being, yet he'd never even said he liked her. Fat, hot, slow tears welled up in her eyes, and spilled over. She'd have her one night, but was it worth it?

  Kyle drew back. 'What's the matter?' One finger brushed her eye, wiped away a tear. 'Did I hurt you? Jenny, I didn't mean to. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, sweetheart.'

  She looked up at him, his silhouette swimming in the tears.

  'No, I'm fine,' she whispered. It was too late to turn back. Too late to undo what they'd done. She loved him so much that she ached with it. His face was shadowed, she could only just make it out the shadow in the silvery moonlight, but she smiled just knowing he was there. For whatever time they had, she'd cherish it. There was no other choice.

  He rolled over on his back, bringing her to lie against his chest. Jenny rested her cheek against his shoulder, felt the rough scar tissue. Turning her head slightly she kissed the spot, then rested her cheek against it once more.

  'Does it hurt?' she murmured.

  'No, you kissed it and made it better,' his voice rumbled in her ear, amusement evident in his tone.

  He drew the sheet over them as the cool night air chilled their overheated bodies. As he held her in the circle of his arms, Jenny felt his mouth on her hair once or twice as she slowly drifted on the lassitude left from their lovemaking. Just before she dropped off, she remembered.

  'Are you really twenty-eight?' she asked sleepily.

  'No, I'm almost thirty-five. A decade older than you, baby.'

  'Mm.' She snuggled closer, taking in the scent of his cologne, the male smell that was specially Kyle. Giving into the lassitude, she slept.

  Kyle woke her in the night to make love. It was better than before and Jenny thought she had gone to heaven. Just before dawn he kissed her and told her he had to go.

  It was late when Jenny awoke to the day, bright sunlight flooding the room. She stretched languorously in the bed, putting her arms where Kyle had slept, dreamily reliving the previous night. His touch exhilarated, inflamed. The delightful pleasure he had brought her was wondrous. She wished he had not gone to his stakeout, but had stayed with her and made love to her all day.

  She rolled on to her back, eyes wide, staring at the ceiling. As she became fully awake, sanity and common sense returned. It should not happen again.

  But could she see resist? It had been wonderful, would always be wonderful with Kyle. But dare she let it happen again? She’d get used to him being with her, to glorious nights together. Which would make it that much more difficult when he left.

  She sat up, confused. What was she to do? Maybe she should suggest he leave, not be part of the temptation she was unable to refuse. But could she do that, deliberately send him from her life? He'd be gone soon enough. Too soon. She loved him so much, wanted to be with him as much as she could. How could she deliberately shorten their time together?

  The day dragged by. Jenny caught herself daydreaming about last night, about a future which would hold only her and Kyle, one with no problems, no conflict, just the two of them. Each time she realized what she was doing, she would plunge furiously into work, only to find her mind drifting again, daydreaming again.

  What she needed to decide was how to handle their next encounter. Should she play it cool? Or be angry? Looking again at the clock, she wished the day would go faster so he'd be back home. The hours were slipping away. She wanted to capture them, hold them wring as much time with him as she could.

  When Kyle had not returned by dinner, Jenny knew he was still on the stakeout, probably eating sandwiches and Cokes. Was he thinking of her?

  As the evening wore on, however, she fretted with impatience, waiting for his return, longing to see him. Anxiously she listened for the growl of the motorcycle, watched for a sign from Shasta that someone was coming. But the evening stayed quiet, the dog lay peaceably nearby.

  It was after eleven before Jenny gave up and climbed the stairs to bed. She lay awake long into the night, still listening for the motorcycle. In vain. Kyle had not returned by the time she finally went to sleep shortly before dawn.

  Jenny checked Kyle's room first thing when she awoke the next morning, but he hadn't returned. The bed was still tumbled from her hasty departure the day before, the table askew. The picture lay face down near the bed, its glass shattered. Had she jarred the table in her haste to leave yesterday and knocked it off? She picked it up and placed it on the table, picking up the broken glass. She gazed down at the happy girl in the photo. What could she tell Jenny about Kyle?

  On the off chance that history repeated itself, Jenny closed the door and went to call her mother.

  The last time he had not come in, he had stayed there. There was no car with a faulty fuel gauge this time, he had his motorcycle. Still, she'd try, maybe something had happened.

  'Hi, mom, we had a nice time at dinner.' That was truer than her mother would ever know!

  'I'm glad, honey. We really like Kyle. Let's do it again soon. Are you coming into town today?'

  'Yes, I've some of the accounts for Joe and need to pick up some more folders.'

  'Want to stop by for lunch? You dad's gone down to Sacramento and I'm lonesome.'

  'No, I'd better not. I've lots to do. Maybe tomorrow?' She hung up slowly, disappointment seeping into her
. He had not stayed there. Where was he?

  She dare not see her mother today, for she would know instantly that something was wrong and question Jenny to find out what it was. Jenny wasn't ready to confide in her mother.

  Where was he? Was he all right? Was Kyle at the stakeout, bored and restless with the vigil? Was he thinking of her at all? Wishing he could be with her as much as she was wishing he was with her? She loved him so, was it possible he could grow to love her?

  What if he’d left?

  Jenny's heart plunged with the thought, and she grew cold all over. Was that why he'd slept with her, because he was leaving? He had said he would do so before he left. Was that all that night had meant to him?

  Jenny paced the hall, indecision, uncertainty and worry coursing through her. Her mind was in turmoil, her thoughts tumbled.

  What if he'd been injured again? For a moment Jenny stopped short. How was she to know what was happening at the field? Drug growers were dangerous and when cornered would fight.

  The vision of cowboy fights, guns blazing, dust puffing up filled her mind. What if he’d been shot? What if no one knew all of them on the stakeout had been killed. The growers would get away and no one would know.

  'Well, this is ridiculous!' she said to Shasta. 'Wondering won't get me answers. Come on, boy, we'll go find out.'

  Grabbing her purse and keys, she hurried to the car. As she pulled out of the drive, she reflected on the fact Kyle would probably be angry if she arrived and all was well–worried about alerting the growers, scaring them off. Well, she'd be careful, make sure no one was around when she went on the dirt road.

  It was only minutes later that Jenny slowed for the turn, slowed, then sped up and passed it as she saw a black sedan turn in ahead of her.

  Her heart beating faster, Jenny tried to see who was in the car. She didn't recognize anyone. She licked suddenly dry lips. Perhaps they were the drug growers. Oh, Kyle, be safe, she prayed. Fear of ruining the whole deal after so many weeks of planning caused her to turn around and return home.

  She went through the rest of the morning doing what needed to be done, glad she had some work to do to occupy her mind, trying not to think of what might be happening. Waiting was so hard!

  In the early afternoon Jenny drove into town to exchange her completed work for new assignments, returning straight home. As she drove the car into the garage her mind dully noted that the motorcycle still wasn’t there.

  Jenny went inside, dumping her work in the den, walking aimlessly around. There must be something she could do, some way to find out what was happening. Just sitting around was intolerable!

  Brownley! She'd try Stuart Brownley, he should know if something were happening. He'd be able to advise her on what to do.

  It only took a minute to find his number and place the call. She tapped her fingers on the table as it rang at the other end.

  'Stuart Brownley, please,' she said when the phone was answered.

  'He's out of the office for the day. Can anyone else help you?' The girl sounded young and friendly.

  'Do you know where he is?' Jenny hadn't counted on his not being available. Did he know what was going on? Was he here in Palmer?

  'No, I don't. I expect him back tomorrow. Can I have him call?'

  'No, thanks.' If she didn't hear from Kyle before then, she would call back.

  Slowly Jenny hung up the phone. She was growing sick with worry. Was he safe? Where was he?

  She sank slowly to the chair, her eyes unseeing. Fear clutched her as she thought of the dangers Kyle faced daily. How did he do it? It was too much to bear. Why didn't he get a nice, safe, secure job, like being an accountant? A job that wouldn’t expose him to danger. One with regular hours and safety.

  Would he ever change, ever look for a safer occupation?

  Hugging her arms tightly against her chest, Jenny tried to ease the fear that lodged there. Please God, let him be safe.

  She took a deep breath. She couldn't continue like this, it was driving her crazy. She started for the stairs. She'd go up and make his bed. No reason to leave it all messed up. Maybe tidy his room, then take Shasta for a walk. Not, however, to the marijuana field, but in the opposite direction. Kyle was okay, she had to hold on to that thought. He was a professional, he knew the odds and would make sure them came out in his favor.

  Opening his door Jenny was shocked to see Kyle sitting on the edge of his bed, his chest bare, his legs in jeans, feet bare, bent over the broken picture, holding it gently in his hands, a look of sadness on his face.

  'Oh!' Jenny cried seeing him unexpectedly. He was safe! Thank God. The relief was almost overwhelming, her knees felt weak, her head light. He was safe and totally unaware of the anxiety and worry she had gone through. And so he’d remain. She would never let him know how afraid she'd been for him. There was nothing to bind him to her, only her to him forever by the love she felt.

  'Jenny?' He looked up at her.

  She slammed the door and turned down the hall. She was glad he was safe, oh, so glad, but knew she'd give herself away if she stayed another minute. She'd be all right in a few moments, she could get her emotions under control and face him. But not just yet. Her heart sang with relief at his safety, her mind sought a hiding place until she could get her emotions under control.

  'Jenny!' Kyle caught her on the top step, his hand gently grasping her arm. 'What's wrong with you?' He drew her back into the hall, turned her to face him, a hand on each of her arms. 'What's the matter?'

  Tears welling, the ache in her heart almost intolerable, she stared dumbly at him, shaking her head.

  'Nothing!' She held her breath, but the tears spilled over, trailed down her cheeks. Dumbly she tried to stop, but couldn't.

  'Come on, Jenny, sweetheart,' Kyle wiped one tear from her cheek. 'This is not nothing. What's the matter?'

  The softness in his voice, the warm concern in his eyes were her undoing. It was as if the dam broke as the torrent of words spilled forth.

  'I was so worried about you—you didn't come and weren't at Mom's and Brownley wasn't in and—and I saw the black car—and was afraid of guns.' She took a shaky breath before she spoke again. 'I hate your job, the danger you're in—hate that you expose yourself to risks every time you go out the door—how can you stand it? I hate the whole damn mess!' She collapsed against him, tears flowing, racking sobs shaking her whole body.

  His arms came up to her back as he gently rocked her. 'Hey, I’m okay. No one got shot. I’m okay.'

  She felt the warm skin of his chest against her cheek, he was clad only in his jeans. The feel of his hard chest against her skin was soothing. She gulped back a sob, able to hear the steady thud of his heart.

  'Oh, Kyle, I was so scared!' Tears flowed again. She loved him so much! How could she ever bear to be parted?

  4I can see that, baby, but I don't know why. I don't want you to be scared or unhappy. I'm all right, and the job's over. We got them.'

  She rested her head against his chest, relishing the feel of his skin against her, the beat of his heart sounding in her ear. She closed her eyes, wishing this moment could go on forever. Wishing she never had to think, never had to face him again, just stay in the warm circle of his arms, float away into eternity. Her hands moved against his back, feeling the muscles ripple as he moved, clutching him as if she’d never let go.

  'Hey, Jenny, sweet, you can't keep crying. You've got to tell me what's wrong.'

  She shook her head, another sob shaking her body.

  Kyle reached down and picked her up. She kept her eyes tightly shut. She didn't want to see him.

  'My sweet love, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong, now can I? There must be something in that tirade you just gave,' he asked reasonably. He carried her down the stairs and to the living room. Sitting on the sofa, her in his lap, he kissed her.

  'What did you say?' Jenny sat up, eyes wide as she stared into his soft brown ones as the actual words penetrated her foggy min
d. 'What did you call me?'

  'My sweet love.'


  Jenny shook her head. Had she heard right?

  'I love you, Jenny Warwick,' said Kyle, looking at her.

  'I love you, too,' she answered promptly, a broad smile lighting her face, a singing gladness filling her heart. Kyle loved her! Then reality hit. Did he really? Did it change anything? It had to.

  He drew her up against him again. She rested her cheek against the strong wall of his chest, trailing her fingers down his skin.

  'I've loved you for ages, you know,' he murmured softly, lowering his mouth to hers.

  'No, I didn't know,' she said, intrigued. 'Since when?'

  'Well, let me see.' He cocked his head to one side and gave her his lazy, crooked smile. 'I felt the first stirring that winter night. You were so polite to a housebreaker! I found that quite endearing. Then, once I'd chosen to use you as cover, everything you did bound me closer to you.'

  'Oh, Kyle, I never knew.'

  'My darling Jenny, I know that. Your obtuseness has alternated in causing me great amusement and great frustration.'

  'But why didn't you tell me?'

  He shifted positions a little, resting his chin on her hair, his voice pensive.

  'First I wanted this behind us. I wanted to finish the assignment so I could concentrate on just us. Then, there was some danger and I wanted you safe from that. And you do have the most expressive face I’ve ever seen. Never play poker.'

  'I thought you were after Naomi,' she said.

  He chuckled. 'I did wonder once or twice if that was a spark of jealousy I detected. I, on the other hand, didn't know where George fit in.'

  'He's just a friend. I told you.'

  'I know that now.'

  Jenny lifted her face, eyes shining. 'I think you might have told me before.'


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