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I'll Take Forever Kobo

Page 16

by Barbara McMahon

  'I wasn't sure how you felt about it. I didn't want to put us in an awkward position before I could be sure of you, of us,' he said.

  'You must have suspected once or twice. Surely you don't think I sleep with an assortment of men all the time.'

  'I was hoping not, but how was I to know? Anyway, it wouldn't have mattered. I want you whatever might have happened in the past.'

  His lips closed over hers, warm and exciting. The longing rose in Jenny as his touch caused her emotions to rise. Slowly he moved against her mouth, tasting the sweetness and delight that was his for the taking. Jenny reveled in his lovemaking, aching for more.

  She traced his back muscles with her fingertips, then with her nails, drawing them up to the strong column of his neck, feeling the damp curls of his hair. Of course, he'd said he'd just taken a shower. She ran her fingertips lightly down his back to the top of his jeans, back again, delighting in the feel of his warm skin, his hard muscles, the soft moan coming from his lips.

  Kyle kissed her cheek, her throat.

  'Much more of that, sweetheart, and I won't be responsible for my actions,' he growled in her ear.

  Jenny gave him an enchanting smile and said, 'I hope not. What did you have in mind?'

  'If you come with me, I'll just show you.'

  Kyle led her to his room, his fingers threaded through hers. He paused by the side of the bed and drew her into his strong hold again.

  'Do you think I'll ever have enough of you?' he asked against her ear, moving back to her mouth.

  She shook her head. 'I sure hope not.' Then she moved to meet his kiss.

  Kyle fumbled with the buttons of her shirt, spreading the material, helping her to remove the restraining cloth. She pushed against him with her breasts and knocked him back against the bed, following him down, on top now. Wiggling against him, she deliberately teased him, dropping light kisses, drawing back as he tried to deepen them, rubbing against his chest until he put a stop to it all by rolling over on top of her and pinning her beneath his weight on the mattress.

  She giggled up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief, softening to love as she caught the love in his.

  They took their time, playing, loving, teasing. Their passion was not diminished, but heightened by the fun, the pleasure. It was as if they wanted to see how close they could come each time with the teasing before they went over the brink into the ecstasy they knew awaited.

  Kyle turned her on her stomach, his hands cupping each firm breast as his mouth slowly kissed, tasted, trailed down each inch of her back, across her shoulders, down her backbone, in the hollows near her waist. Jenny closed her eyes with the sensations he caused, as deep within her the burning began and spread. The touch of his lips against her satiny skin inciting her, she moved against him, quicker and quicker as the tempo within built.

  Kyle moved slowly, as if he wanted to touch every bit of her with his mouth, his lips, his tongue.

  'I want you,' she whispered, rolling over to face him, reaching up to cup his face in loving hands, to draw him to her. She could not contain the flame within her, wanting him to fan it to the white-hot intensity only Kyle could bring.

  'How much do you want me?' he asked, eyes drugged with passion.

  'So much I ache,' she answered back, smiling up at him, the love evident in her eyes.

  'Not enough.'

  'So much I could die from it.' She reached up to pull him down to her, to rise up and meet him as he thrust against her. Jenny was lost again in the conflagration he built in her, floating on the ecstasy he brought; the glorious peaks of each sensuous wave which broke over her again and again.

  She was panting when she lay back, the languor beginning to spread through her. She tightened her arms around his neck, fervently kissing him. Not wanting anything to come between them, not even a breath of air.

  'I love you, Kyle,' she said simply.

  'I love you, Jenny. Marry me soon.'

  She smiled sleepily. 'Is that a question, or a command?' she said, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, trailing her lips against his hot skin.

  'Depends,' he growled in her ear, nuzzling her neck. 'If you say yes, it's a question. If there's any doubt, then it's a command.'

  'I say yes.'


  'Just now,' she teased.

  'Brat! When will we get married?'

  'Whenever you want.' She let her fingers move gently against his back.


  'That soon?'

  'Did you have a big wedding with Johnny?'

  She nodded.

  'Then you don't need one now. No point in waiting, is there?'

  'None.' Jenny was silent for a long moment, then she turned her head to see him. 'You don't mind?' she asked.


  'Me being married before. That you're not the first.'

  He took her left hand, gently twisting her wedding ring. 'I'll get you another tomorrow. I want you to wear mine.'

  'Yes. I want yours. I love you, though I loved Johnny. I'm sorry he died. But I can't remember too much of our love now. It's over and gone. But you make me feel so alive, our love is so alive. I only love you. Don’t worry you have a ghost to compete with. You’re all I see.'

  'As long as I'm your last love, I don't mind,' he said with another kiss.

  'And Naomi?' She just had to ask.

  He kissed her again and moved to his side, propped up on his elbow, his legs entwined with hers.

  'Still on that? I told you before she was work only. I figured she was a lead to who was distributing the pot here in Palmer, or maybe in San Francisco. I told you I never confuse work with pleasure. And you, my darling, were definitely pleasure, the whole way.'

  'And where were you last night?' she asked suspiciously.

  Kyle laughed, giving her a quick hug. Jenny felt the jolt down to her toes.

  'Arresting drug growers left and right. We cracked the case! It's all over now bar the shouting.'

  'You didn't tell me! Who was it? What happened?' She watched as his face took on the hard lines he had worn before, then looked pleased.

  'It wasn't your friend George Carlisle, if that's what you're worried about.'

  'Well, I wasn't worried, exactly, but I'm glad. I've always thought George was nice and his brother and I are friends. I’d hate to have George be in jail.'

  'Nate was one and Bart. The head guy was a man in Strawberry, Mark Harris. Do you know him?'

  Jenny shook her head. 'What happened?'

  'We were on the stake-out, and sure enough, just as we'd thought, they came to turn on the water. It was Nate and Bart. We got some good pictures, waited until they were turning off the valve, then arrested them. We've a whole sequence of pictures. Bart was scared and spilled the beans. He told us about Mark Harris. We had the sheriff’s office alerted, so when we called for help, they picked up Harris and brought him in.

  'I spent the rest of today plowing up the crop and destroying it. I was up most of last night questioning Nate and Bart then supervised the destruction this morning.'

  'When you didn't come back last night, I was worried. I even started to go to the field, but I saw a black car on that road so I decided not to go on.'

  'It was probably one of the Sheriff's unmarked cars.'

  'I didn't know you were here until I came to make your bed. Your motorcycle isn't in the garage.'

  'My bike's still up at the site. We used the Sheriff's car. I'll have to go pick it up later. Naomi gave us some good information about Nate. He's a distributor, just branching out as a grower. I guess he figured to get a bigger percentage. He had an ideal location for distribution, too. Sooner or later everyone goes to the garage. Anyone stopping there doesn't arouse curiosity.'

  'It's hard to believe people I know could be involved in something like this. I'm glad it's over, she said, giving thanks he was safe.

  Jenny lay quietly on the bed, closing her eyes, savoring the feel of his hand, warm and heavy on her
stomach. His long legs were intertwined with hers and his breath was soft as it fanned her face.

  'Are you going to sleep?' he asked, amused.

  'No!' She kept her eyes shut. 'I'm just enjoying lying here with you, having you hold me like this.'

  'We can do this a lot when we're married,' he said, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  'Will your family be pleased? I think my mom and dad will be. They like you, though I think they'll be surprised to find you're not Edith's son, after all.'

  'My folks will be happy for us. You'll like them, I think, and they'll love you. We'll go down to San Diego in a few days so everyone can meet.'

  'And your sister?' Jenny looked up at him.

  Kyle's face closed a little, as if he were looking a long way off, or a long way back. 'She's dead, Jenny. She was a happy carefree person, until the end. She got hooked on hard drugs, through marijuana. I don't think Dad's recovered yet and it's over ten years ago.'

  'How awful for you all.' Jenny opened her eyes to look at Kyle. ‘I’m so sorry.’

  'That's what got me into this racket. All the heartache started from smoking pot. You would’ve liked her, she was such fun. That's her picture. I always carry it with me, to remind me why I'm doing all this.'

  The blonde girl in the picture was his sister! With a feeling of relief and happiness, Jenny reached up to cup his face, pull it down for a soft kiss. 'I love you. What you’re doing is good. You’re keeping other sisters from the same path.'

  He smiled down at her. 'I like to think so. But this assignment was different. You're the best thing that came out of any assignment. I'm glad there was a blizzard last winter.'

  'And that you were assigned here this summer.'

  'Actually–I asked especially for this gig. Even when I got shot, I made Stuart promise not to give this case to anyone else. I knew when we met last winter that I wanted to see more of you, Jenny. And you,' he laughed softly, 'were such a sweetheart to agree to help. I could have stayed in Strawberry, just as Jason and Mac did. But you were so trusting when we asked for help. I loved it.'

  Jenny looked indignant. 'You mean it was all just for your own personal reasons? I wasn't really needed to help with the case?'

  'No, I don't mean that at all. We usually don't have the co-operation we got this time. It really helped.' He smiled again at her self-satisfied look.

  'Now what?' she asked, trailing her hand along his back.

  'I've got a few days off coming, before my next assignment.'

  'What is it?' she asked suspiciously, a small shiver of fear running along her spine.

  'I'm giving in to Stuart’s constant pressure to switch to the office work. Not so much field work. Too many nights away from home.'

  Jenny felt happiness like a warm glow spread through her. She'd be spared the worry and fear for his safety each time he left home. She smiled up at him, happiness and love expressed in her look.

  'In Sacramento?'

  He nodded. ‘Are you going to mind moving?’

  She shook her head. 'Wherever you are, is where I want to be. Still close enough to see my folks whenever I want. We can keep this place as a weekend cabin. It’s paid for.’

  ‘And part of Johnny,’ Kyle said with understanding.

  She smiled and nodded. ‘He’d be glad we’re going to use it. It's a wonderful plan. And did I mention I liked your comment about the days-off?'

  'Enough time to start a honeymoon, always supposing we get married soon.'

  'I thought we were.'

  'Only if we can get up to let people know and make plans and right now I never want to leave the bed.'

  He leaned over Jenny, drawing her into his arms and covering her mouth with his. ‘I love you so much, pretty lady. I can’t wait until we are married and starting our lives together.’

  Jenny returned his kiss, feeling loved, cherished and safe. She would always be with Kyle.

  About the Author

  Barbara McMahon is an award-winning, best selling author of more than eighty novels. Known for warm family type stories, she enjoys capturing the first stage of a relationship and showing how despite obstacles thrown in their way, a man and a woman can find true love and lasting happiness.

  Her books have been translated into 32 different languages and have sold more than 16 million copies in the United States and more than 50 foreign countries.

  For more than twenty-five years she has made her home in Northern California, the last seventeen in the rural county of Amador—in the heart of the Mother Lode, California's gold rush country.

  Electronic books now available from Kobo:

  Bluebells on the Hill

  Cowboy's Bride

  Crazy About A Cowboy

  One Stubborn Cowboy

  Never Doubt A Cowboy

  The Bachelor's Baby Promise

  Visit Barbara at:

  On Facebook at Author Barbara McMahon

  On Twitter at AuthorBMcMahon

  Continue reading for an excerpt from The Bachelor's Baby Promise.

  Excerpt: The Bachelor's Baby Promise


  There was no doubt about it—he'd left the hospital too early.

  Jared Montgomery wedged the wooden crutches into the corner of the stair riser, took a breath and lunged up another step. The impact when he landed rocked through his entire battered and aching body. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he paused a moment to gather his reserves. Dogged determination kept him going.

  Eyeing the remaining stairs, he counted fourteen. Slowly repositioning his crutches, he took a breath and lurched up one more step. His broken ankle throbbed, his good leg burned with the unaccustomed double duty, every bone in his body ached, especially his ribs. Not broken, just bruised. He couldn’t tell the difference.

  Another step gained.

  The door at the left of the small landing opened and an inquisitive face surrounded by fluffy white hair peeped out. Mrs. Eugenia Giraux. She'd been his neighbor for the eight years he'd rented his apartment. He couldn't remember speaking with her more than a dozen times in those eight years.

  "Oh, dear," she said, taking a good look at Jared. He tried to smile, but it hurt too much. At least the swelling around his eye had diminished. He could clearly see her look of shock.

  "Mrs. Giraux," he said. She set great store with manners. He was too tired tonight to care but old habits died hard.

  "Oh dear," she repeated, darting across the landing and rapping quickly on the other door. His door.

  Jared made another stair. He hadn't come five thousand miles to be stopped by another dozen steps. He'd make it to the top or die trying.

  Bad comparison, he thought grimly as he gathered his strength for another step. He’d barely escaped death ten days ago. No tempting it now. He hoped he could make it. The thought of just sinking down on the stairs and not moving for ten hours was tempting.

  The second door—his door—opened and a tall blonde woman stepped out, peering down at him in startled surprise.

  Glad for any excuse to stop for a moment, his gaze took in the two of them at the top of the stairs. Mrs. Giraux wore an old fashioned silk dress, her expression concerned. The other woman caught his attention and momentarily distracted him from the remaining stairs.

  Tall and shapely with shorts that should be declared indecent, she had long tanned legs that made him forget every ache and pain. Sparks of interest shimmered in the air. Every nerve ending tingled with unexpected tension. Pricks of excitement and vague yearnings danced across his skin. Banged up and in pain, he still could appreciate a beautiful woman. And wonder what she was doing coming from his apartment. He’d never seen her before.

  Ah, probably the nanny his sister had hired to watch the baby. For a moment he hoped that’s who she was. He couldn’t imagine himself doing much more than making it to his bed and the oblivion of sleep. More’s the pity.

  Swallowing hard, Jared knew he couldn't blame the pain med
ication for his reaction to this beautiful woman—he hadn't taken any since starting out yesterday morning. Despite the lack of meds, his brain still felt like mush. He needed sleep, he craved it.

  "Mr. Montgomery’s here," Mrs. Giraux announced needlessly.

  Great, just what he needed, two women to watch his every move as he struggled up the steep stairs. It was bad enough to take so long with the cab driver behind him. He didn't need an expanded audience.

  "Jared Montgomery?" the blonde asked.

  "Who else in their right mind would try to climb these stairs in this condition?" he snapped, clenching his teeth once again against the pain that wracked his body.

  As soon as he reached the apartment, as soon as he turned over the baby to the woman his sister had hired to care for her, he'd pop a couple of the pain pills the doctor had prescribed and find oblivion in sleep.

  His headache was growing worse, a lingering result of the concussion. And probably exacerbated by the jarring of his lunging up the stairs. His ribs now felt like a fiery band encircling his body and breathing became more difficult. Each impact when he forced himself up another step sent shafts of pain everywhere.

  "Are you the nanny?" he asked using the question as an excuse to hold off on a moment on taking another step.

  She tilted her head observing him and Jared felt his interest notch up another click. It wasn't enough that the outside temperature hovered in the high eighties, his own skin seemed to ignite from within. A fever? He drew in another ragged breath.

  Feeling suddenly as gauche as a teenager, he stared up at her, unable to look away—imagining her silky hair tangled in his hands, her tempting lips rosy from his kiss. Maybe that concussion had been more serious that he thought!

  "I'm the temporary nanny." Glancing at the fading bruises on his face, at the plaster that covered his foot and leg to his knee, she looked worried. “Looks like you need a nurse.”

  "I don’t need anyone. You’re here for the baby," he said impatiently, gesturing behind him.

  For the first time, the woman looked beyond him and noticed the cab driver standing at the foot of the stairs. The bundle he carried awkwardly was an infant in a baby carrier—the sole reason for her presence in New Orleans.


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