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Caught by His Vampire Mate [Vamp Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 14

by Dakota Dawn

  “You’re mine.” Tristan placed his hand under Conlin’s hips and started shallow thrusting into his body. The giant hit a good spot, causing Conlin to moan and forget about how sore he was. Every time the plump head of the vamp’s erection rubbed that wonderful spot in his ass, he was transported to nirvana. On and on it went. All of his focus was directed to the broad dick fucking him so perfectly.

  His own cock throbbed and started leaking. Tristan jabbed into the spot harder, and then he struck hard and fast.

  Conlin screamed, and his body convulsed as Tristan drank from him. His balls tightened, and when the vamp growled possessively, his load shot from his cock. He passed out with his legs still locked around Tristan as the vamp fucked him wildly.

  Tristan woke him two more times and demanded he come. The last time he woke to find his arms and legs free. Tristan’s cock was still buried deep inside him. He was so tired this time he just lay there and let the vamp force another orgasm from his limp body. Their skin was glued together with their seed. He was too tired to even care. Tristan’s beast had made its point. Conlin belonged to him. The last thing he remembered was Tristan purring into his ear.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Conlin swatted at the hand that brushed the hair from his eyes. “Go away.”

  “No. It’s time to get up. We need you alive for the meeting we’re going to have in an hour,” Tristan said in a cheery tone.

  “I’m too sore to go. Someone’s beast dominated me for hours on end,” he answered into his pillow.

  A slap to his ass had him sitting up and moaning when his muscles protested. Keeping his eyes closed, he asked, “Do I have to go?”

  A chuckle and kiss to his forehead was all the answer he got until he opened one eye.

  “Your scar is barely visible and should be gone in a few days. Being with me has its perks,” the vamp said with a grin that should never cross a person’s face this early in the day.

  “For me to go to a meeting this early I’ll need to see some more perks,” he grouched. His jaw dropped when Tristan misted from the room and misted back with a tray that had a bowl of marshmallow cereal, a jug of milk, and the box of cereal so he could refill his bowl. Aw. He looked into Tristan’s eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for my mate.”

  After practically inhaling the first bowl, Conlin asked, “Anything?”

  “Anything that doesn’t have to do with us separating,” Tristan replied smugly.

  He put his spoon down and once again looked into Tristan’s beautiful eyes. For a brief moment he was glad those eyes weren’t flashing red. He couldn’t handle the intensity of the beast right now.

  “Could you try to get along with Ghost? It would mean a lot to me. He’s part of my family.” He held his breath as he waited for the vamp’s answer.

  “I will. He used to be a threat to us. Now he’s not. You understand that our bond is real and now know you belong to me. I can feel the difference in you,” Tristan said in a confident voice.

  Tristan was right. He had changed. The vamp had saved them once again. The love growing in his heart for the vamp couldn’t fully bloom if they weren’t together. For better or worse, he was in. It didn’t hurt that he was thoroughly dick whipped as well.

  “Thank you, Tristan. You’re right. I’ll always be by your side.” Needing more cereal in order to go to this meeting, he picked up his spoon and dove in.

  Three bowls later, he asked, “What’s the meeting about?”

  “You and Darrin.”


  “I want to get to the bottom of why you all thought you should leave. I want all of your opinions. Ghost’s as well,” Tristan filled him in.

  He felt his heart turn into one of those globes that floats up and down in a lava lamp. It was melty and ready to be shaped by love.

  “I think I love you,” he whispered.

  Tristan removed the tray and hugged him tightly. “I love you, too. When you were gone I thought I’d die.” He paused for a moment and then admitted, “Just until I caught you again, of course. I had to bring you back. The sight of you gives me life.”

  The man had a way with words. Those intense eyes were a bonus. They reflected his words.

  “I’m glad you came for us,” Conlin said softly.

  Tristan looked at the clock and then back at Conlin. “I’ll make you some coffee while you get dressed.”

  “I need to shower first.”


  The roughness of the vamp’s voice made him look into Tristan’s eyes. The flash of red had him raising a brow. “Oh, you’re back. Why can’t I take a shower?”

  A smile crossed the vamp’s handsome face, and his eyes flashed red again. “Because I want everyone at the meeting to fully understand that you belong to me.”

  “Hello. I think they get that already. I’m taking a—”

  Tristan grabbed Conlin’s arm and his nostrils flared. “No, you’re not.”

  “How can you be nice one minute and then overbearing the next?” Anger was heating his blood. There was no way he was going to the meeting with their release all over his torso, groin, and thighs.

  “I’m a vampire. You can’t expect me to act like a human,” Tristan answered with a snarl.

  “Really? Well, guess what? I’m a human, and this human doesn’t go to a meeting smelling like sex. Get over it.” He tugged his arm free of Tristan’s grasp and headed for the bathroom.

  Tristan misted in front of him and growled.

  “Chain your beast,” he ordered the vamp.

  Another growl emitted from Tristan.

  “If you want some more of this”—Conlin waved his hand down his body—“then you better get out of my way.”

  “You wouldn’t deny me.” It was a statement.

  “Try me.” Conlin narrowed his eyes. “Your sex drive is higher than mine. Do you want to chance it?” He loved what Tristan did to him in bed and anywhere else, but he knew the animal in his vamp needed the sex more than he did. That had been proven last night. He didn’t like trying to control Tristan. It was much better to be controlled by the gorgeous man, but in this case, he had to win. He stank.

  Tristan stared Conlin down and then grinned. “You standing your ground while your emotions roil is cute. You win. Not because you threatened me. We both know I can make your delicious body respond to me.”

  Heat rapidly rose from his chest to his cheeks. The man was right, he loved Tristan’s touch. He also loved to be clean.

  Tristan pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head. “I’m sorry for pushing you.” The vamp took a deep breath and whispered, “I’m glad you love me controlling you sexually.”

  He stiffened for a second in surprise. “Your senses are growing stronger. That sucks for me,” Conlin said into Tristan’s chest. Being one hundred percent human put him at a disadvantage.

  “The bond is getting stronger each day, and yes, I can feel every emotion that runs through you. Even your strong need to take a shower. Now I even get some words that you think. Give me time and I’ll start thinking about your needs a little more than my own,” Tristan said softly.

  “I appreciate that,” he answered. He pressed his lips to Tristan’s chest, lightly kissing the wonderful man.

  “I can give in on the little things. Don’t ever expect me to give in when it involves your safety. I just won’t be able to do it. You mean too much to me,” Tristan said.

  There wasn’t one drop of anger left in him. He squeezed Tristan’s waist and kissed the vamp’s chest again. “I like you when you’re nice and caring.” Conlin remembered the sound of Tristan’s angry roar and the battle around him as Tristan and his men killed for them. They were admirable men. Tristan was almost perfect.

  “Almost perfect, huh?”

  He groaned and buried his face in the vamp’s chest. “I don’t like you being able to do that,” Conlin admitted.

  Tristan’s arms tightened around him. “Be happy about
it. My ability will help me be able to fulfill all of your needs. Including your need to be clean at the meeting.” Tristan kissed him and then released him and gently pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. “Go. I’ll make your coffee and get ready myself. We have to leave shortly,” Tristan said.

  From that moment on the time flew by. In a whirlwind they cleaned up and each drank their morning brews. His helped a little. Staying awake most of the day left him tired and ready to get this over with.

  They had just misted into the great room. He glanced behind him and saw the large windows he loved so much. Turning back to the huge room, he was a little shaken by the amount of people in the room.

  As he fretted, Tristan took his hand. Caleb misted in with Darrin and Ghost.

  Darrin grabbed him up and squeezed him tightly. Ghost floated around them looking anxious. Once he was released, he looked up into his little brother’s face. The cut on his left cheek was healing. It still had stitches holding it together. From the looks of the cut, the black stitches would be removable in a couple of days. His heart hurt at the sight of such a long, jagged cut.

  “Stop looking so sad. I’ll be all right, just not so good looking,” Darrin said self-mockingly.

  “You’re still handsome. Now you can be ruggedly so,” he replied.

  Darrin snorted and grinned and then grimaced when his stitched cheek rebelled at the movement.

  Ghost patted Darrin on the shoulder. “Since you heal faster as a vampire at least you’ll be better real soon.”

  “Luke said that when I’ve been eating properly for at least six months I’ll start to heal twice as fast and should be able to mist,” Darrin replied with glittering eyes.

  Pride for Tristan and his family shot through his heart. They had brought on the excitement that danced in his brother’s eyes. They were heroes.

  Darrin reached out and touched Conlin’s forehead. “That’s amazing. You barely have a thin white line here. Just yesterday blood was pouring from this spot.”

  “Tristan and Milly are powerful.”

  “No kidding.” Darrin looked at Tristan. “Thanks for healing my brother.”

  Nodding, Tristan acknowledged Darrin’s words.

  Drake and two other men entered the room from a side door. Tristan’s massive little brother greeted several of the people in the room. The other two huge vamps with him also greeted quite a few people.

  When the men reached them, Tristan said, “These two men work security around here with Drake. You’ll see them a lot.” He pointed to the light-brown haired giant with dark-brown eyes. “Conlin this is Jose Acuna. Jose, Conlin, my mate, and his brother, Darrin, and their friend Ghost.”

  They all took turns shaking Jose’s hand. Conlin was glad the man didn’t crack any bones in his hand.

  “Guys, this is Taylor Estes. He’s also around a lot, you can trust both of them,” Tristan said.

  The auburn-haired man smiled, and his blue eyes twinkled with humor. Deep dimples created stunning grooves along each side of his mouth.

  Conlin couldn’t help but smile back at the friendly man as he shook the huge man’s hand. Once again the grip was firm without being crushing. After Taylor shook Darrin’s hand, he fist-bumped Ghost’s fist. The spirit had been surprised at first and then went along with the bump.

  He instantly felt comfortable around Drake’s men.

  “You may not remember them. They were there when we saved you and Darrin,” Tristan said.

  “Yep. We’ll kick ass for Tristan’s mate any day of the week, and his family, of course,” Taylor affirmed.

  “I remember you two. Thanks,” Darrin said.

  “No prob,” Jose responded.

  Tristan cleared his throat. “We called this meeting for two reasons. The first one is to find out why my mate and his family felt a need to leave. I want to hear from all three of you,” the vamp stated as he looked them all over.

  Conlin noticed that they all fidgeted like small children busted doing something wrong. Tristan’s long finger pointed at him. “You first, Conlin.”

  He really didn’t want to do this. Tristan raised a brow and gave him an I’m-waiting look. “Well, the people are a little distant here. We didn’t think they liked us.”

  A low murmur went through the crowd.

  Tristan pointed at Darrin.

  His brother paled, making his new scar stand out even more. “I feared for Conlin’s life. Since most of the people aren’t friendly, I was afraid he could be attacked.”

  Tristan’s nostrils flared and the muscle in his cheek twitched. He pointed at Ghost.

  “We felt unwelcome, and I had the feeling something bad was coming. Something that Conlin couldn’t defend himself from.”

  Drake stepped forward. “Ghost is right. Something evil is afoot. We don’t know who is behind it yet. Everyone needs to be more alert. Keep your phones charged and on you. The attack on Conlin and Darrin happened on this property. From what we are hearing, a lot of people have been killed over the last sixty-five to seventy years. Whatever is sending out the humans to kill is now in our territory. Let me or Taylor or Jose know if you encounter any humans or other beings that are chanting must kill. They will not stop until they are dead. Be prepared to defend yourself to the death. If you haven’t been training in a while, get a partner and start tonight. Your life may depend upon it.”

  The people nodded and murmured to each other for a moment.

  Tristan held up his hand, and the crowd quieted. “As soon as we know more about who is behind the killings, we’ll inform every one. Now we have to get back to the reason why these three felt like we are an unfriendly group.”

  When no one spoke, Jose said, “I don’t know what’s going on since I haven’t been here.” He looked at all the people in the room and then turned to the three of them. “They are usually good people. A bit quiet, but good.”

  “They have been extremely distant and one of them doesn’t like Conlin at all,” Ghost accused the group.

  Tristan growled and looked around the room.

  Conlin felt his stomach roll and wished he was anywhere, except here. The tension in the room was getting thicker by the second.

  Joaquin stepped forward.

  Tristan growled long and low. Drake put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. Tristan calmed, and Conlin guessed Drake must have sent his brother a silent message.

  “I’m sorry, Conlin. I didn’t want you to feel unwelcome. It’s just that your scent is a painful reminder of Claud.” The last was nothing more than a whisper.

  Pain for the vamp filled his chest.

  Joaquin’s eyes took on a distant sorrowful look, as if he were reliving the past. “Claud was my lover and soul mate. Little things about you remind me of him. I wish he were still alive. He would have liked all three of you.”

  “What happened to him?” Ghost asked when the sad vamp stopped to collect himself.

  “He was killed by the vampires that turned me. I killed one of them. I’ll catch up with the other two someday.” A small smile ghosted Joaquin’s lips for a split second. “As we both lay bleeding and left to die, he said if I lived I needed to search for another of my soul mates. He always believed we all have several soul mates.”

  Joaquin stopped for a moment. You could have heard a pin drop anywhere in the room. The vamp took a breath and released it slowly. “It’s been two hundred years.” He shrugged. “I’m still alone. When I saw Conlin and caught his scent, I just lost it. I’m sorry. I’ll get myself under control. Maybe I can learn that from Darrin.” A few chuckles sounded from around the room.

  “I forgive you, Joaquin. I have a question for you,” Conlin said.

  “Go ahead. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  “If you believe in soul mates why did you believe I wouldn’t be around long enough to teach?” Conlin asked the question that had been bothering him for days.

  The vamp’s cheeks turned pink. “To me you looked more like a ho
use pet than a worker. Much like my Claud. A part of me wanted Conlin to be a house boy. They can be a lot of fun and they make wonderful partners. Claud was the best. He was always there for me. You’re so cute and small I didn’t think you’d be good at much more than sexual loving and mental support for Tristan. I’m sorry about that. You’ve proven yourself to be a fine worker.”

  A startling amount of relief slammed into Conlin. Joaquin hadn’t doubted the mating bond, just his ability to work. Each passing moment, evidence was building in favor of the bond being real and the pain he and Tristan had felt made it tangible as well. Tristan stepped closer to him and wrapped his arms around Conlin. The vamp’s touch was just what he needed.

  Joaquin looked at Darrin. “While I’m coming clean, I might as well confess that I believe some of your recipe ideas sound very promising.” He put his hand to his heart and looked at Tristan and Conlin. “I’m so sorry for being jealous of you two.”

  “As long as you’re nice to Conlin from here on out, all will be forgiven. If not you’ll have to leave,” Tristan stated firmly.

  “Thank you, boss,” Joaquin responded.

  A vampire in the back of the room stood. “I wasn’t as nice as I could have been because I didn’t want to make Tristan mad. I’m not used to being around newly mated couples and didn’t know what to do.”

  Several others agreed with the man. None of them knew if it was safe to hang out with Conlin.

  When the people stopped discussing the newness of the situation, Tristan said, “We are all walking through unknown territory. It’s okay to talk and hang out with Conlin. Just don’t get too flirty. That may push me too far.”

  “I’d like to get to know Darrin a lot better,” Neil spoke up from the back of the room.

  The air lightened as several people laughed.

  Taylor clapped Darrin on the shoulder. “Do you like sports?”


  “Good, I’ll kick your ass on the basketball court later. If you’re game for it?” Taylor merrily said.

  “Sure. I didn’t know there was one here,” Darrin replied.


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